I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 189: 1 principle

Zhang Heng smiled and didn't tangled on this issue.

Five minutes later, people who had patrol missions tonight also came downstairs. The entire patrol had a total of twelve people, which were generally divided into two groups of operations, one responsible for law and order during the day and one responsible for night patrol. In this way, both groups can get rest.

However, the patrol team of twelve is already insignificant for such a large area, not to mention that it has to be divided into two, which is not even as many as the group of black-tailed snakes.

And these people are old, young and young. Except for the captain who has injured his leg on the battlefield, other people don't even have much serious combat experience.

In fact, the people who will be assigned to this area originally mean that they have been abandoned, either because they made a mistake or offended some big people. In addition, they do not rule out some unlucky people who have no way to go. Was sent here to the top.

Once you get here, it's hard to want to go again.

In fact, Aris and others did not work hard. After all, no one wants to stay in this place full of criminals and chaos. Even if they don't think about themselves, they will think about their families. But for some well-known reasons, all of them Efforts have all proved futile.

Aris is a more responsible captain. When he first came here, he also wanted to change the environment here. He wrote no number of letters to senior executives to reflect the problem here. I hope that additional staff can be allocated to fund, but these letters In the end, the sea sinks.

He also tried to start from his side and do what he could to influence the people around him a little bit and bring order back to this neighborhood.

However, it is like a huge quagmire. No matter who stands in it, it is extremely difficult to move forward. In the end, it will only get deeper and deeper, until it is swallowed by it. Aris does not know how long he can hold on. This place is almost hopeless in his eyes.

"Your situation doesn't look good." Zhang Heng said. He saw that Aris took out his armor and dressed neatly before the patrol. This armor was worn by him when he went to the battlefield before, and he accompanied him later. At the patrol, the maintenance was good.

However, his five men are not so lucky. Some people have rusted their armor, or they are missing something. Others simply don't have armor.

"Because we are the last one in each evaluation, the funds given to us are very small, barely enough to make ends meet, and we have to find our own way in terms of weapons and armor." Aris said, "Do you have armor?"

"I don't need that kind of thing." Zhang Hengdao.

"Trust me, if you have it, you'd better wear it, because you will use it." Aris insisted, "I know you are very good, although I have not been able to see you in the arena, but I guess you must pack your opponents with a lot of bags, you can even play two of them, but this is different from the opponents you encountered during the gladiator performance. The gladiator will pay attention to honor and will not give way The audience is shameful, but the people here are different. The battle is probably not face-to-face. It can happen at any time, anywhere. Maybe someone around you will suddenly pull out the knife. You do n’t know who he is. Why assassinate you. "

"Thank you, but I can handle assassinations without armor." Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

He had been learning and familiarizing with the assassin's fighting methods during this time, and if he could be stunned, Nadadatis taught him for so long.

Aris did not persuade him after seeing this. After all, the two met for the first time. Aris only reminded Zhang Heng in the relationship of his colleagues. The latter would not force him if he did not do as he asked, but the Oriental was in him. His eyes have been labeled as arrogant, but fortunately, Alize has no hope for Zhang Heng.

Although there are rumors that Her Majesty attaches great importance to this Oriental, but being assigned here can already explain a lot of things. Out of kindness, Aris reminded him again, "Did you offend someone recently?"

"Let's do it." Zhang Heng smiled again, but he didn't seem to want to be entangled in this issue, and quickly shifted the topic, "You mentioned the evaluation before, can you talk about the specific rules of evaluation?"

This part can belong to the information that he has not been able to inquire about before, and it is also only the patrol team members can grasp the information.

"Of course, this is also something you should know." Aris nodded. "As you can see, each of our patrols has its own area of ​​responsibility. Every two months, people will be sent for statistical inspections. It depends on the crime situation in various regions, how many cases, including several homicides, how many thefts, whether it has increased or decreased, how about the crackdown rate. In addition, they will randomly select residents in the area to inquire about their satisfaction with law and order. degree."

Aris said after a pause here, then said, "We are in a special area. I believe you saw it when you came here. There are a lot of Jews here, and some guys from the eastern provinces, and Migrants from Egypt or Mauritania and other sneaky guys who know where they came from are very complicated. So many people from different places come together in a small place between them. There are conflicts almost every day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is not surprising. "Zhang Hengdao.

"Either this robbed that, or the one who hit this, often even conflicts broke out among themselves, and in order not to be bullied, many people chose to hold a group, and eventually a lot of armed groups were spawned. There are dozens of people, hundreds more, and many of them simply embarked on the road of crime after mastering enough force. Even the little gangsters and gangsters on the road have groups and backers. Sometimes you I did n’t know what trouble it was to arrest someone ... the patrol team could n’t help it. After all, we were just a bitch, leading a group of marginalized people in disguise. We could n’t even get enough salary. ”

Aris had previously worried about the deterioration of the public security situation here, tossing and turning around, but after so many years of living he was a little numb. In his opinion, no one can solve the problem in this place unless the army directly Drive in and kill everyone, otherwise, this place will always be a paradise for thieves, villains and murderers.

"Fortunately, we are a patrol, and there is no oil and water. Generally, the criminal forces here will not be eyeing us, but if you want to live here long enough, you must remember one principle, that is, do not worry about nothing. "Aris warned.

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