I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 190: Earn from 1

The first rule that patrols must abide by is nosy, which may sound a bit ridiculous, but considering the terrible situation they face, it does not seem to be incomprehensible.

However, unfortunately, Aris didn't know that the Oriental was present outside the gate of the patrol to get things done. The reason why Zhang Heng hadn't started before was just to gather the intelligence of all parties and wait for the appropriate entry point to appear. Now that the information collection is almost complete, the entry point has been found, and the next step is to start.

Aris also had some headaches about what to do with the new Oriental who joined the patrol.

The above only said that Zhang Heng would help him to maintain law and order in this area together, but did not explain Zhang Heng's identity and position in detail. Generally speaking, in this case, Aris only needs to treat the other party as a newcomer, but Zhang Heng is still The people in the palace are rumored that Kang Maode valued him very much. The two met for the first time. Although Zhang Heng was polite, Aris also saw that the other party was not a person who liked to take orders.

"I don't know what your plan is to join the patrol. Are you responsible for night patrols with us, or do you want to maintain the daytime security with Deputy Captain Spirata?"

Aris didn't ask Zhang Heng about this question. Since the captain spoke first, Zhang Heng just said, "Actually, I want to borrow your team for one."

"Borrow my squad?" Aris hesitated, "Do you mean that you are coming to be the captain?"

Zhang Heng's request is undoubtedly very rude. If he had just returned from the army in the early years, Aris might immediately let the other party know who was the boss of the patrol team, but his temper was also lost in this pool of standing water in recent years. It's almost worn out. The position of the patrol leader is not so important to him. Anyone can sit, but it is a big responsibility to sit in this position. There are not only twelve people behind it, but also twelve families. , Aris can not easily surrender.

"No, you are the captain. You usually do what you do, as long as you are willing to listen to my command when it matters." Zhang Hengdao.

"What's the point?" Aris frowned.

"Later than today, I need you to accompany me to the tavern." Zhang Hengdao.

"Go to the pub, what are you doing?"

"Talking about a few business, don't you say that the funds given above are very small because of poor results," Zhang Henghuan looked around. "I noticed that many of your people do not have suitable armor. According to your statement This is very dangerous when patrolling. One of the reasons that cause your current predicament is not money. In this case, make money first. "

"How can I make money when I go to the tavern and be a waiter?" Someone couldn't help but interject.

"No, just stand still." Zhang Hengdao, "the rest can be left to me to handle."

"Can you make money just by standing still?" Another person expressed doubt, in fact, his words represented the voice of the vast majority of people.

The shortest group of them has been here for half a year, and I know how hard it is to make money in this ghost place. Even if you go to a plate, there is a lot of local influence, and it may be more than one. Zhang Hengxin vowed It means that as long as you stand to make money, it sounds like heaven and earth.

"It doesn't make sense for me to lie to you. It will soon be pierced. What about, would you like to go with me tonight?" Zhang Heng's eyes swept across the crowd.

Everyone heard the words and turned their attention to the leader of Aris. Obviously, compared to outsiders like Zhang Heng, they were still more willing to believe in the old leader of Aris.

Aris knows this group of people too well. Everyone has been poor for a long time, and his life has been very tight. When he heard of the opportunity to make money, he was really excited. Only out of respect did he let his captain take the idea. But even if he doesn't agree, it doesn't make much sense to use his prestige to force things down.

Because he can press once, can he press the second time, the third time? Zhang Heng does n’t have to do anything. As long as he asks once a day, there will always be people who ca n’t help it. This is a question of length of time. If you want to understand this, it is not difficult to understand the look on the other side Why it's so easy, doesn't seem to worry about him at all.

So Aris didn't obstruct it anymore, "OK, then we, you tonight, will be under your command."

"Coupled with the team of people patrolling during the day, let's go together, rest or something can wait to come back and make up." Zhang Hengdao.

With the money to make it together, Aris knew it. Since he didn't stop the first team, of course he wouldn't stop the second team either. He nodded, "Spilata should be back soon."

In fact, when Aris said this, the five people led by Spilata walked back from the outside street, one of them still holding the wood in his hand and waiting to repair the half. At the table, as a result, my colleagues around me talked about going to the pub to make money. Their reaction was similar to that of Aris and others when they heard the news before, and their faces were a little hard to believe.

However, being cheated is an extra trip, and everyone is still willing to join in.

So Zhang Heng finally put together the twelve people of the patrol team, and together he walked towards a tavern called Heishuiwan.

However, Zhang Heng didn't walk into Heishuiwan for the first time, but waited for a while, waiting for the money robber who met in the afternoon, and his three companions also ran from the alley ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Zhang Heng now knows that the boy named Sikeus is nicknamed Soap.

Zhang Heng didn't know why he had such a nickname, probably because he didn't keep his hand, and it was not easy to get caught when he grabbed the money, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter anyway.

Zhang Heng asked soap, "Are the iron shackles and his people inside now?"

Soap nodded, "Yes, on the last day of the week, thieves in three nearby streets will come to report with iron shackles, and at the same time hand in the big heads who have snatched money this week, more people will be rewarded, less Will be punished. "

Speaking of punishment on his face, there was a touch of fear again. "The seven people you killed before were led by black tail snakes, the left and right arms of iron shackles, and he had a very powerful thug called broken fingers. All thieves in three nearby streets will listen to them. "

"Ha, then it seems that he is the person I'm looking for." Zhang Heng patted Soap's shoulder and laughed, "Let's go, let's go in and see this iron shackle and his men, don't be afraid, You are ours from now on. No one dares to touch you. "

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