I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 1277 Reinforcement of the original world!

Gengongcheng, in the forbidden area of ​​​​the former dream breaker.

Under the escort of many Loucheng monks, hundreds of Loucheng residents are constantly busy around a metal building. With the passage of time, this strange metal building is finally assembled.

The residents of Shenglong City have their own division of labor. As long as you look at the clothes of these people, you can know that they are all technicians in the building and do not participate in the battle at all on weekdays.

Although they look like scholars, it does not mean that they are powerless. If the enemy despised them, they will definitely die miserably!

The technical personnel of the Holy Dragon City are different from those in the original world. From the beginning of its establishment, Tang Zhen has been collecting elite personnel from all aspects, whether it is in runes or forging, as long as you have certain attainments, you may be swayed by income in it.

Many cultivators who thought they were very talented in cultivation only discovered that this line of work seemed more suitable for them after joining them, so they simply stopped participating in the battle, but immersed themselves in research and came up with a lot of strange things.

Even Ling Xuzi, a king-level cultivator, was unwilling to be lonely, and took part in it tirelessly.

The natives from the original world traversers and the building city world, plus the talents brought back from other worlds, finally formed the technical team of the Holy Dragon City today.

This time, the task of copying the mother goddess avatar was completed by their cooperation. After everyone's sleepless rush, they finally entered the final testing stage.

As the opening command was issued, the clone of the mother goddess with a height similar to the three-story building slowly started, and a huge beam of light rose into the sky, suddenly piercing the space barrier of the dream world, and connecting with the distant Holy Dragon City.

Although this beam of light will expose the position and is not conducive to hiding, it can complete the item transfer work in a very short time, and after the transformation of the power of the law, the items from the building world can be used in the dream world.

It sounds very simple, but without the power of the source of the dream world, everything will be impossible.

"Lord City Lord, Mother God No. 1 has been activated, do you want to test it?"

Ling Xuzi looked at the well-functioning equipment with a satisfied smile on his face, turned his head and asked Tang Zhen.

"Of course."

Tang Zhen laughed and walked into the mission hall of Mother Goddess No. 1, which was entirely made of metal, and chose the exchange function.

A holographic projection enveloped Tang Zhen,

It shows all his points and various items that can be exchanged, which looks clear at a glance.

If Tang Zhen has any questions, he can also ask them and get answers.

Unlike the Dream Breakers who cannot leave the dream world, the points of the monks in the holy dragon city can be exchanged with the points of the building city, so as to ensure that the points can still be used after the war is over.

Using his points to exchange for a firearm, Tang Zhen fiddled with it twice and then tempered it into a golden quality, and gave it to a cultivator of the Holy Dragon City beside him.

The test work went very smoothly and fully achieved the expected results, and the resentment of the monks in the Holy Dragon City about the equipment could finally be quelled.

However, due to the limitations of the dream world, any weapon needs to be tempered before it can be used, especially those complicated weapons, so it is impossible to use large-scale war weapons in a short period of time.

Most of the Dream Breakers use simple single-shot rifles. In fact, this is the reason, because their barren mental power cannot support the tempering of complex weapons, let alone ammunition consumption, which is a bottomless pit waiting for them.

Physical bullets that have not been tempered also have no killing effect, which is the biggest consumption!

The existing armed robots in Sacred Dragon City had once wasted Tang Zhen's time and energy, and he didn't want to repeat this kind of boring work.

With the end of the test, the Mother God No. 1 also officially began to operate. The monks in the Holy Dragon City who had been waiting for a long time immediately lined up to exchange, and then walked out with their favorite equipment with a happy face.

The next thing to do is to temper all these equipments, and then go to the battlefield to beat the gang of Dream Breakers to the point of crying.

An important job is completed, and the countdown to a second concurrent job begins.

After the Soul Teleportation Array of Holy Dragon City has been transformed, it can be teleported with the help of the "smuggling" channel opened by Dream Notes, sending souls from the original world into the Dream World.

Mother God No. 1 will open a special network to record the actions of the original world traversers throughout the process to ensure that they can get the points they deserve.

Compared with the overbearing will of the origin of the dream world, the residents of a certain parallel world were directly brought into the dream world, and they acted as cannon fodder to resist the cultivators of Loucheng, while Tang Zhen used a relatively mild method, choosing to use money to benefit. Hire the inhabitants of the original world to participate in the war.

Even if "death" will cause some trauma to the spirit, there are still countless people in the original world who are interested in it and can't wait to participate!


The original world, a large city.

A group of young people are gathering in a building, looking at the many teleportation capsules being upgraded with full attention, their faces are full of anticipation.

"Haha, after waiting for so long, we finally have a chance to go to the battlefield, I feel excited just thinking about it!"

A young man with short hair was flushed, obviously in a state of excitement.

"I can remind you that if you die in the dream world, you will suffer mental trauma, and you will not be able to re-enter after at least a month!"

When a woman sitting on the sofa heard the words, she curled her lips and reminded.

"Cut, it's not really dead, what's there to be afraid of!"

The short-haired youth heard the words, with a hint of disdain on his face, and said in a nonchalant tone.

"Because our guild has stayed in the Holy Dragon City and has a certain experience, we have the opportunity to obtain the qualification to enter the dream world first, so everyone must pay special attention to it.

According to the information I got, there are more than 10,000 civilian teams like ours in the world, and the total number exceeds 200,000. In addition, there are teams from the military, teams organized by major financial groups, and some loose players.

Everyone's purpose is basically the same, that is, to accumulate military merit points as much as possible, which can be used to exchange for precious materials in the building world. Of course, it is not excluded that some people will use it to exchange for cash. "

"So combat credits are very precious and must not be wasted easily. All transactions can only be carried out with my permission. Do you understand?"

The speaker was a short-haired woman with a delicate face and very capable words and deeds.

"Don't worry, Captain, when the time comes, everyone will listen to you and will never act indiscriminately!"

The short-haired youth seemed to be very afraid of this woman, so he said with a smile.

The same goes for the other members in the room, because regardless of their position or status, the short-haired woman is far beyond them, not to mention that they are employed by each other.

At this moment, the upgrade of the soul transport cabin has been completed, and everyone can't wait to jump into it immediately.

As the teleportation cabin slowly closed, everyone fell into a drowsiness, and seemed to enter a narrow and long passage in a trance.

When consciousness recovered, the traversers of the original world had already entered the world of dreams!

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