I Have a City in a Different World

Chapter 1278 The war between transmigrators (1)!

"Welcome to the dream world, please go to the mission square to exchange materials!"

Hearing the cold female voice ringing in his ears, Li Yang, who had just regained consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes, and then opened his mouth in astonishment.

What appeared in front of him was a huge square, surrounded by mountains. On those peaks, there were towering giant trees and exotic flowers and plants, a proper otherworldly style.

The area of ​​the square is tens of hectares, but it is overcrowded right now. People with different skin colors are looking around, and from time to time, there will be passers-by who have just arrived out of thin air.

Looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, Li Yang couldn't help being a little lost, and he didn't come back to his senses until he was pushed by someone.

"Hey brother, what are you still stunned for, why don't you hurry up and exchange equipment!"

After an American League youth who bumped into Li Yang apologized, he spoke the Asian League language in a weird tone, and danced to remind Li Yang.

"Oh, thank you, I'll go right now!"

Li Yang nodded his thanks, then followed the holographic road signs in the sky and walked through the crowd to the Mission Square with difficulty.

The place was also overcrowded, except that the traversers who went out were carrying all kinds of equipment, among which were all kinds of firearms that Li Yang had been looking forward to for a long time.

With a warm heart, he rushed into the square with a faster speed.

As soon as he arrived at the area where the mission square was, Li Yang saw a strange metal building with defensive towers standing around it, and drones were constantly patrolling back and forth in the sky.

The astonishing cultivator of the Holy Dragon City was fully armed and looked at the crowd with indifferent eyes, his murderous aura was like real substance.

A glimmer of admiration and envy flashed in Li Yang's eyes. The main reason he entered the dream world was to hope that he could be as powerful as the cultivator Loucheng, and to conquer one strange world after another.

As for whether the war is related to killing and plundering, Li Yang never paid attention to it. He is not like some guys in the original world, while enjoying the benefits brought by Loucheng World, he protested the barbarity and inhumanity of Shenglong City.

If it is not my race, how can we talk about human nature? Besides, if it weren't for the existence of the Holy Dragon City, the original world would have been invaded by aliens and completely turned into ruins!

In Li Yang's view, the entire original world should be grateful to the Holy Dragon City, instead of taking a bite.

Just as Li Yang was drooling at the monks' equipment in Holy Dragon City,

A reminder sounded again in my mind: "Please establish a spiritual link with Mother God No. 1, obtain the materials you need, and improve your combat effectiveness as soon as possible!"

Hearing the prompt, Li Yang did not hesitate, and quickly communicated with Mother God No. 1.

Travelers in the original world have 500 points for free, enough to exchange for a simple set of equipment and supplies. If you want something better, you need to get it through battle!

Because he was a novice, Li Yang didn't have much choice, but he still used the fastest speed to exchange for an old-fashioned bolt-action rifle, a base of ammunition, and enough food purification cards to last a week.

After getting the exchanged equipment, Li Yang immediately found a quiet corner and refined the weapon according to the strategy he saw before crossing.

There are many traversers like him around, and everyone is racing against time to get into the battlefield as soon as possible.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yang stared at the old-fashioned rifle in his hand, and the spiritual power as fine as a gossamer kept infiltrating it...

Before he knew it, three days had passed, and Li Yang finally completed the preliminary tempering.

The rifle has been tempered to the black iron level, which belongs to the bottom of the equipment level, but it has become an out-and-out murder weapon.

In addition, Li Yang also tempered fifty bullets, a bayonet, and a military grenade.

After moving his stiff body for a while, Li Yang looked around and found that the team that tempered the weapons with him had already left, apparently accepting the mission and leaving the base camp.

This is the disadvantage of being single-handedly, without the help of peers, many things are very difficult to do.

Unlike other teams with organized backgrounds, Li Yang was lucky enough to get the qualification to enter the dream world this time because he had uploaded the physical test data to the talent pool of the Shenglong Group.

There are a lot of lucky people in a similar situation to him, but most of them have joined the major teams, and there are very few true lone rangers.

After sorting out the equipment a little, Li Yang followed the instructions to another location, because most of the tasks were distributed there.

On the venue that was specially cleared, several teams had already gathered, probably in the size of several hundred people.

Most traversers choose firearms as weapons, and only a small number of traversers use swords and armors. Most of these people are master combatants, or they are better at using cold weapons such as bows and arrows.

After seeing Li Yang looking around with a rifle on his back, someone took the initiative to say hello: "Brother, if you don't have a team, come with us. The task is to clear up the resistance forces of a piled up city, and the points are very rich!"

Li Yang, who had come to find the mission, would have refused. After expressing his agreement, he was taken to a team not far away.

After a little bit of discrimination, it can be seen that this team is composed of more than a dozen teams, and there are only two or three single-handed traversers like Li Yang.

After sitting together and chatting for a few words, it was boring to wait until the team leader came over to greet everyone to start action. Li Yang realized that the five surrounding teams had all received the same task.

They can move freely, and when encountering an enemy that cannot be confronted, they can also call for various support from the Holy Dragon City, but they will be deducted a certain amount of points.

Li Yang had looked at the map just now and found that the target was about 30 kilometers away from them. Because there was no vehicle, they had to walk there.

Before coming to the dream world, everyone already knew about the environment here, so no one complained about it.

Due to the transformation of the original will, the vegetation in the entire dream world is extremely dense, which not only provides cover for the dream breaker, but also brings great inconvenience to the movement of the traveler.

There is no need to say much about the process of marching. After a difficult journey, just when everyone felt that they were about to be unable to support it, the team leader finally ordered to stop moving forward.

Li Yang, who was immersed in walking, froze in his heart, and subconsciously began to observe the surroundings. Judging by the distance they walked, they should have approached the city of accumulation where the Dream Breakers were located.

Sure enough, as he guessed, the enemy's accumulation city was just ahead, and the leader of the army, who was a soldier, asked everyone to hide as much as possible, and try not to be discovered by the enemy too early.

Although they have never experienced a real war, most of them have only received simple military training, but the obedience of the traversers is very good. After hearing the request of the leader, they immediately advanced slowly with the help of the concealment of plants.

After seeing this scene, the leader of the soldier who was born in the army nodded secretly, and his worries were relieved a lot.

The reason why the Holy Dragon City did not mobilize the army of the original world to enter is because the mental strength of many warriors cannot reach the standard. Even if they enter the dream world, they cannot temper their weapons.

Tang Zhen was compelled to do so, and only then did the whole world select those who reached the standard of spiritual power, and had enough of the first batch of special "mercenaries". As for why he did not recruit hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Holy Dragon City to participate in the war, there was actually another reason.

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