I have a cos system

Chapter 246 Four hundred kilograms were lost, and twenty tons were claimed


After Qiao Ji went home and went to bed, a series of things began to explode like thunder and spread.

The warehouse of Aramco's largest special materials processing center, which is also the largest special materials processing center in the world, was stolen. According to people familiar with the matter, more than 20 tons of various materials were stolen, including ores and processed finished materials;

The top-secret information on Ami’s supernatural warrior project was stolen and published online, and now basically anyone can see it;

The disappearance of the Philadelphia Police Chief is a trivial piece of news compared to other news.

The Philadelphia prison was invaded, and the high-risk criminals with special powers who had just been imprisoned in the dangerous area were all executed. The warden of the prefecture-level superhumans was killed, and many prison guards were injured;

26 fighter jets from Davis Air Force Base appeared inexplicably all over the world. People around the world watched enthusiastically and were photographed everywhere. Military fans are in luck. Where do you usually get so many high-definition close-up photos?

One after another, they were all major events that shocked the world and quickly became headlines around the world.

He didn't leave a name, but now his name is everywhere.

Everyone who knows the news is convinced that it was him, the Black Emperor Jack Cooper, who did it.

After all, he had just become enemies with the United States, and was called an anti-humanity element and a traitor by the United States in the news media, and he was wanted globally.

Look how quickly revenge comes.

However, people who eat melons don't really care about stolen superpower materials, airplanes, or released top-secret information. They only care about whether they have enough melons to eat.

Obviously, today's melon is good.

When he got up the next morning, Qiao Ji heard BT say: "Pilot, the damage you caused has caused heavy losses to the other party. Their stock price has dropped sharply. The chain reaction caused by the invasion of the military base and the shortage of supernatural materials may be Continuous fermentation.”

"They deserve it."

Qiao Ji didn't care how much they paid, or even just asked them to pay some money, which was already considered his kindness.

Although these people may value money more than life.

But when I think about it this way, it feels even better.

"BT, have you found any clues?" Although he didn't hold out much hope, Qiao Ji still asked casually.

"We haven't found it yet, Pilot. The message you sent to Charlie Walker has been disclosed on the Internet. I judge that this will make Charlie Walker pay more attention to hiding his whereabouts and increase the difficulty for us to find him."

Qiao Ji told the prison guard that he planned Charlie Walker's life. The other party would definitely hide after knowing about it.

In this way, the difficulty of finding him has indeed increased.

But it doesn't matter, just killing one more earth-level superpower, how can it make them feel pain?

"BT, this is called repairing the plank road in secret. They thought my target was Charlie Walker, but in fact, I was more concerned about their Holy City plan and destroying their Holy City plan than killing 10 earth-level powers like Charlie Walker. It makes them suffer even more.”

Earth-level superpowers are powerful and respected to ordinary people, but they are still something a big country can afford to lose.

But the Holy City Project represents the resources of a spiritual realm. The enhanced strength and increased resources brought about by developing a spiritual realm are not comparable to the lives of a few earth-level superpowers.

Therefore, Qiao Ji did not let Jin Laobiao read the warden's memory, but directly killed him, just to make them think that the Holy City plan was not leaked and that the Black Emperor Jack Cooper was just seeking revenge because he was splashed with dirty water. Thus continuing the Holy City Project.

The more they invest, the more they will lose.

"Understood, your plan has better destructive effect. I have reworked the mission plan." BT's learning ability is still very strong. With him, he can help Qiao Ji save a lot of tedious work.

After exercising and becoming familiar with his abilities, Qiao Ji came to the hangar to check his gains.

In the material library, each of Ami's small planes were turned into pictures, which could be refreshed at any time whenever Qiao Ji needed them.

Not only firearms, but also aircraft can be refreshed infinitely. It seems that the training ground is really outrageous. It is a super logistics base.

"BT, can these fighter jets be flown?"

Qiao Ji can learn, but he will definitely not be able to learn it in a short while.

If the plane crashes, he will be fine. He is just afraid that something will happen to the people below.

"Yes, but it needs some modifications and a satellite system. I can control it remotely."

"Would it be better to get some human-sized robots for you to use as clones? Transformers' Fire seems to be quite expensive. T800 and T1000 are pretty good, and Tony Stark's suit will do...forget it, it's not too expensive. Great necessity.”

The firepower of conventional fighters is of little use to Qiao Ji, and so-called beyond-visual-range strikes are no match for his clairvoyance and teleportation.

But as a collection, it's still very good.

If BT were to remotely control the aircraft, he felt that it would be better to use a drone. That would be more suitable for BT, but not this one.

As for the drone, I don’t know if it can be powered by electric propulsion and installed with Titan battery as power... Forget it, I am not an aviation major anymore, let’s talk about it.

Qiao Ji finished his exercise and went out to wash up.

At the breakfast table, Qiao Yao, Lin Xingying and the others talked about the big events that happened yesterday. Even Lin Mengfu saw the news when she got up in the morning, and the news went crazy among several classmates.

The power of one person to challenge the majesty of a country is really awe-inspiring for middle school boys and girls.

In the newly added class group, Yu Luoluo was frantically typing out some information he found through the wall, trying to find out the whole story.

For a gossip junkie like him, it was a blast.

Yu Luoluo: "Qiao Ji, take a look at the information I collected."

Yu Luoluo: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]...

Yu Luoluo: "Qiao Ji, I will be the Black Emperor's biggest fan from now on. You did a great job."

Qiao Ji:......

Even Qiao Yao talked about this incident at the dinner table. It seems that the influence of this incident was very large and spread widely. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, this Black Emperor is powerful enough. He looted 20 tons of various materials from the United States. , it is estimated that this time it will be a big blow to them, we have a chance."

They are shipping a large amount of secret mercury here, but after hearing this news, the price will definitely increase sharply. If I don't kill you, I won't be able to regret the efforts of the Black Emperor yesterday.

After hearing this, Qiao Ji said casually: "Don't read the gossip, there is no way there is as much as 20 tons."

He snatched it with his own hands. How could he not know how many there were?

It's obviously only a few hundred kilograms.

"The official news is that it is 20 tons. Of course, not all of them are purified superpower materials, and there are also ores. You see." Qiao Yao handed over the phone.

Qiao Ji:?

He was dubious, then looked at the phone screen.

Good guy, it’s true!

I just robbed three to four hundred kilograms of superpower materials that I had deposited. You claimed so much loss?

Why do I need so much unrefined ore? It's all on me?

I can't make money faster than you can even if I rob once, you bastards!

I'm here to settle your accounts and fill in the holes, right?

The reason why the Monkey King can still be brothers with the gods after causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace is because he resisted the five-hundred-year sentence and helped settle their bad debts, right?

Qiao Ji was a little sickened by the news.

These morons actually seize the opportunity to embezzle even this kind of thing. Why don't you go ahead and pinch them?

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