I have a cos system

Chapter 247 Sharpening the knife to Ami


Yujing Headquarters Building.

Yang Chengrong is also learning about yesterday’s super breaking news.

Because the matter was not urgent, he was not notified overnight, but after he learned about it in the morning, he rushed to the headquarters building as soon as possible to collect more detailed information.

A young man who stayed up late had sorted out the content in as much detail as possible, and the expression on his face after watching it for a while was also very exciting.

Good guy, so much happened in one night, it’s enough to make a movie, just call it Jack the Robber, it’s bound to be a box office hit!

Li Chengrong listened to the discussion among his colleagues for a while, and then was called to a meeting by his leader.

The meeting was a special meeting for senior police officers to discuss the Black Emperor Jack Cooper. The Black Emperor has been in the limelight recently, so it was necessary to discuss it and nip it in the bud.

What's more, they have already dealt with the Black Emperor, and they are not friendly.

In the conference room.

"According to the latest intelligence, the target has the ability to teleport around the world. His footprints circled in a circle within three minutes."

The person presiding over the meeting used a laser pointer to draw a circle on the world map. His circle circled the map. This kind of maneuverability was terrifying.

"The purpose of the target is very clear, to collect evil souls. According to our current judgment, evil souls are the souls of evil people. The standard of judgment is in line with public opinion."

"The news we received before was that after collecting enough evil spirits, the target would disappear briefly and digest the proceeds, but due to the undead incident in Philadelphia, the target reappeared."

"We currently believe that the target was forced to appear. He is likely to live in Philadelphia after collecting enough evil spirits."

"Judging from his later revenge against Ami and the information we have, there should be another person behind the undead incident in Philadelphia, but we still don't know who it is."

While the people on the stage were telling the story, a police officer walked in from the door and attracted the attention of the people here.

Being watched by strong-armed factions such as Yang Chengrong and several earth-level superpowers, the visitor handed a confidential document to the top person in charge here.

This was first-hand undercover information. After reading it, his expression changed, and Yang Chengrong couldn't help but wonder what was written on it.

"Let me tell you something." He held up the confidential document in his hand, "According to the latest intelligence, the undead incident in Philadelphia this time was caused by the death priest from the faction in the Antiquity Society that pursues the power of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Directly executed by Yimai.”

What he said was direct execution, because there was someone else behind the scenes, and this was simply done by Ami herself.

Yang Chengrong and others were a little sensitive to the sudden appearance of another officiant's name. Death officiant?

In other words, the dirty water thrown at the Black Emperor Jack Cooper is still related to the people of the Antiquity Society?

Is it possible that this is still an internal conflict within the Antiquity Society?

"At present, Jack Cooper is killing these people to find clues about the Death Priest, the Philadelphia Police Chief, the prison warden, and the subordinates of the Death Priest in the prison."

"But why would he kill the warden of a Philadelphia prison?"

"This involves another secret that I cannot explain here."


Is there a bigger secret involved?

"But regarding this Black Emperor, we may have to change our policy and try not to have any conflicts with him."

This is a bit embarrassing to say. When will the country be afraid of individuals?

But the fact is that, except for Ami, other countries have quietly removed the wanted order for Black Emperor Jack Cooper.

The news didn’t report it, just pretend it didn’t happen.

The Ami family has a great cause, but losing dozens of fighter jets, so many superpower materials, and data on the superpower warrior plan that they have worked hard on for several years will make them vomit blood.

If they were stolen once, it wouldn't be vomiting blood, it would be amputation!

Also, this is obviously just a warning.

What's the point of stealing some of your superpower materials?

Qiao Ji didn't touch such a large superpower material processing center.

He has teleportation and invisibility. He can put some bombs in there and directly send the high-precision equipment from your superpower material processing center to the sky. Isn't it more fun than stealing some superpower materials from you?

With a bang, the foundation that had been gradually developed for decades was gone, which was no less than stabbing a knife in the heart.

Even if you can rebuild it, how many resources will it cost?

Not to mention that if it can explode once, it can explode a second time.

Blocking space teleportation requires azure alloy, but this type of space attribute material is not cheap. Generally, it can only be used to create smaller teleportation restricted areas, and there is no way to protect a facility with a huge area like a factory.

Unless they can dig up a super rich mine of space attribute materials with a daily output of more than one ton, but it is unrealistic.

And it is unrealistic to send people for protection.

Although there are many earth-level superpowers in every big country, can they be patrolled and scanned at all times?

Even if they could, how many places could seemingly thousands of earth-level superpowers be protected?

There are big difficulties.

Moreover, with the power of the Black Emperor, there are few earth-level superpowers, and it is really not enough to kill him. Now, the evaluation of Black Emperor Jack Cooper's combat power by various countries has reached the top of their respective systems.

Super strength, super defense, fire attack, lightning absorption, super long-distance teleportation...

There is absolutely nothing we can do about this man unless the whole world unites to kill him.

The meeting on the 12th floor of the Yujing headquarters building was suspended in the middle because there were more important things. Several earth-level superpowers left together after talking to have a more important meeting.

Wu Xinfeng took advantage of the information passed on during the plastic surgery to reveal a huge conspiracy:

Plan to capture the Holy City!

This information is of great importance and cannot be processed within the police station, so it must be reported immediately.

Ami wants to seize a spiritual realm and gain strength from it, which is not a good thing for China.

There is a saying on the Internet called:

I am afraid that my brother will have a hard time, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

That's probably the mentality.

Ami has the strength to resist the undead invasion and help share the pressure, that's all.

But you want to develop better, seize the spiritual realm, and search for resources...

Sorry, we obviously can't do this, not to mention that what you are robbing is the spiritual realm of other countries. This kind of justice must be upheld.

You don't even need to host it, just handing over a small note at the critical moment is enough to bankrupt their plan.

Unless Lao Mei can increase the money and pay enough for the hush money, this matter can still be discussed.

In addition, there is some important news in Wu Xinfeng's intelligence.

For example: The superpower materials that were robbed from Ami were about 400 kilograms, not as much as 20 tons of various materials, but they were all purified spiritual superpower materials.

Ami did not disclose this.

This news appeared at the high-level meeting of China, and everyone who participated in the meeting was shocked, and the luster of money appeared in their eyes.

Good guy, God assists!

We are currently discussing with Oude about arcane mercury, and our supply is quite sufficient.

But at this juncture, news came that the inventory of Ami’s spiritual properties materials had been greatly reduced. God helped me.

Ami, you don’t want your various projects to lack spiritual attribute materials that are the core raw materials for mental control, right?

You don’t want your warriors whose souls have entered the spiritual realm to be protected by props made of spiritual materials, right?

[Sharpening the knife to the pig and sheep.jpg]


(This is an additional update. In addition, I have worked on the one-click group joining, please see if it works.)

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