"Okay, something happened." Maria Hill was not surprised by Su Yue's answer, after all, the way the two of them got along was actually pretty fixed.

"Ross restarted the Hulk's experiment, and he had an excellent soldier Bronsky who was injected with the super soldier serum they studied and injected again, and successfully replicated the Hulk's experiment using the Hulk blood collected before. .only……"

"It's just that the experiment was successful, but he didn't become the second Hulk, right?" Su Yue replied disapprovingly, "The super soldier serum's characteristic is to amplify good and evil, and Bronski is not a kind and righteous person. And the way he became the Hulk is not right. So at most he becomes a monster similar to the Hulk, a monster who can communicate but has a violent and crazy thinking, but it is not the Hulk!"


Su Yue sneered and continued: "Let me guess, after the experiment is successful, he will not be under Ross' control, right? Ross should be injured!"


"Then Bronsky, the hatred should have gotten out of control, right? Many people swell after gaining powerful abilities, especially the hatred with abnormal thinking. Is the purpose of your call to ask me to help solve the hatred, or do you want to Remind me that hatred might come to trouble me?"

"All! And I want to know some information about hatred." Maria Hill said.

"Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to the information of Abomination. This guy is very inflated, but he won't be able to jump around for long. It's like Captain and Red Skull, Hulk and Abomination, one positive and one negative, in the end..."

"Justice triumphs over evil?"

"No, it's all about the face in the end!" Su Yue chuckled lightly, "Yeah is justice, whoever looks ugly will lose!"

The Red Skull was ugly compared to the captain, so he lost.

Abomination is ugly compared to the Hulk, so he will lose too!

Beauty is justice, justice is victory, it's that simple!

Chapter 0267 The birth of hatred, Hulk attack?

Beauty is justice? This sentence sounds absurd at first, but the same thing does have different effects when done by people with high appearance and low appearance. This has been verified many times in life.

Of course, this result may be applied to Hulk and Abomination, but the process will definitely not really compete for appearance. Maria Hill understood that Su Yue was joking, but the result was definitely not a joke.

This hatred is definitely not Hulk's opponent.

"I heard that you started the high-speed rail project, how is it going?" Maria Hill asked suddenly.

Su Yue said noncommittally, "It's the same as what I thought."

"I see." Maria Hill said and hung up the phone.

You knew already?

What do you know?

Su Yue put away the phone and muttered, but didn't think much about it.

SHIELD, Director's Office.

Maria Hill pushed open the door and entered, glanced at Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce, and said bluntly, "I don't approve of letting Hulk deal with hatred."

Nick Fury looked at Maria Hill and said quietly, "Do you disagree, or does Su Yue disagree?"

Maria Hill turned a deaf ear, as if she hadn't heard Nick Fury's words, and continued on her own: "At present we don't know how the strength of Abomination compares to Hulk, assuming the two are equal in strength, Abomination still remains. The Hulk has no personal will. Once the Hulk is released to deal with the abomination, it is unknown whether he can defeat the abomination, but the impact of the two of them fighting alone and the subsequent losses cannot be controlled."

"I propose that we can ask Dimension Street for help!"

"Hate... Dimension Street..." Nick Fury muttered softly, he found that Maria Hill had changed, and was no longer an assistant that he had trained himself, but an enemy. No, to say that the enemy may have gone too far can only be said to have parted ways.

The current Maria Hill is the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., not her own assistant.

It was my own hands... that caused all this!

Thinking of these Nick Fury's more and more "hate" Su Yue, if it weren't for Su Yue, whether it is himself, Maria Hill, or S.H.I.E.L.D., it will not be what it is now. Although he has cooperated with Su Yue many times, the "honeymoon period" is over, and Nick Fury has only one idea now, that is to try his best to get rid of his dependence on Su Yue and Dimension Street.

Emotionally, Nick Fury still admires Su Yue. Whether he created the current Dimension Street or poached Maria Hill, Nick Fury admires it very much. And from the point of view of ordinary people, what Su Yue has done and the Dimension Street created should actually be appreciated and supported.

However, some things have nothing to do with personal feelings.

Where do you sit and eat!

"Deputy Director Hill, this is our S.H.I.E.L.D. business, not Dimension Street's business. If it can't be done, I will consider seeking help from Dimension Street." Nick Fury said in a businesslike manner.

When Maria Hill heard the title of Deputy Director Hill, her expression changed slightly, but she quickly returned to normal and did not continue to insist.

She is only the deputy director. No matter in terms of position or power, she cannot forcibly reject Nick Fury's proposal.

But from the bottom of her heart, Maria Hill doesn't agree with Nick Fury's approach. If things can't be done, it's okay to dispatch the Hulk. Even if there are some collateral losses, they can only accept it. But it is obvious that there are easier and better solutions but they are not used. This should not be the way of SHIELD.

Isn't the existence and purpose of S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect the world from special circumstances? Maria Hill suddenly felt that the current Nick Fury was no longer the Nick Fury he knew and admired...


Over the city, a fighter jet is circling.

Below, a tall and ugly brown monster was wreaking havoc on the street, and the surrounding pedestrians had already run away in a hurry.

"Are you ready?" Hawkeye, who piloted the fighter jet, asked Bruce Banner, who was a little naive behind him.

Bruce Banner: "I said I'm not ready, can you make substitutions?"

Hawkeye gave a slight pause: "I'm afraid not."

Bruce Banner pouted and said nothing.

Hawkeye continued: "If possible, after the big guy comes out, try to take the big guy below to leave the city as much as possible."

"I try my best."

Bruce Banner has learned how to control his transformation during his time at S.H.I.E.L.D., and he hasn't transformed for a long time.

He wasn't sure what would happen after the transformation, but he was pretty sure the Hulk wouldn't listen to him, so he didn't bother to explain what Hawkeye or Nick Fury asked for.

Anyway, you let it come out. It doesn't matter what happens to me after it comes out. I am also a victim...

Bruce Banner walked to the hatch that had been opened, took a deep breath, glanced at the roaring hatred below, and jumped out.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Bruce Banner fell straight from the sky, and then he heard a loud bang, and he smashed directly into the street a little farther from the Abomination.

"Bruce Banner... No... Hulk... You finally showed up..." Abomination had already noticed when the fighter showed up, but he didn't bother to pay attention. But after Abomination recognized Bruce Banner when he jumped off, he finally got a little excited.

I hate what I want to find, and there are only two people I want to defeat.

One is Hulk, he wants to prove that he is better and stronger than Hulk!

One is Su Yue, because at present the strongest known is Su Yue. Although Su Yue has not taken many shots, but he can make those strong subordinates loyal and bow their heads, and his strength will definitely not be weak.

Besides, he has been despised a lot in Dimension Street before, so whether it is Hulk or Su Yue, anyone can come!

Now that the Hulk is here, Hate feels that he can finally fight once, and when he defeats the Hulk, he will go to Dimension Street!

Thinking of this, Hatred could no longer contain the mad fighting spirit in his heart, and charged directly towards the transformed Bruce Banner.

boom! boom! boom!

His running left sunken footprints on the ground.


The Hulk, who was finally released, roared excitedly, and his roar seemed to turn into a sound wave that instantly blew away several cars around him.

Seeing the hatred running fast, Hulk waved his provocative hands suddenly, and slapped him wide open.

"Hulk - Slash!"


The powerful impact generated by this slap immediately lifted the ground in front of it, and slammed into the hatred with an invincible surging force.

Chapter 0268 The operation of suffocation and the Hulk ran away


Abomination raised his arms to resist the powerful impact, and the huge and ugly body stopped because of this.

Hulk's shock that could easily overturn the ground did not break through the hatred's defense, but he stopped and swayed slightly.

"Hulk...is that all you have? I can't wait to step on you and let everyone know that I am the strongest!" Crazy, with a loud roar, he jumped straight towards the Hulk.


The sound is loud, and the dust is flying.

The abomination that fell to the ground was motionless as if he had been immobilized, and looked forward sluggishly, with an expression as if he had seen something incredible.

Not only hatred, but the Hawkeyes on the fighter jets and the people watching the scene through the screen in S.H.I.E.L.D. at this moment are all sluggish...

"I... I read that right? Hao... Hulk... ran... ran?" Nick Fury subconsciously wiped his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Just now, Hulk, looking invincible in the world, stopped the hatred, and when the hatred jumped to make a difference, Hulk made a move that made everyone watching the battle shattered.

It, turned around and ran!

It turned around and ran!

You are the Hulk, you want to smash everything you see, a saboteur who is not afraid of anyone, how can you run away? Why are you running?

Shouldn't your character be to smash what you see? Shouldn't you smash it to death when you see the same hatred that provokes you?

Why are you running? ? ?

Why are you running! ! !

Hulk's unpredictable action made everyone jump.

Nick Fury thought that the Hulk might defeat the Abomination, and that the Hulk might not be the opponent of the Abomination, but he never thought that the Hulk would run!

In everyone's conception, the Hulk can't run... Wait, the Hulk seems to... run? It seemed to run past when it faced Su Yue.

But that's not the point. Your opponent is hatred and not Su Yue. Why are you panicking, why are you running away?

Nick Fury couldn't figure it out. He didn't know why the Hulk ran, but he knew that his trouble was coming. Not to mention that he advocated for the Hulk to deal with the hatred, but now that the Hulk has run away, who will deal with the hatred? Who will stop the abomination from destroying the city?

In an instant, Nick Fury woke up from the shock of Hulk running away.

"Agent Patton, no matter what the cost, we must lure the abomination away. We can't let it stay here and continue to wreak havoc. Hulk... Hulk is gone, and the abomination will definitely be more angry and out of control." Nick Fury First Time gave orders to Hawkeye in the fighter.

Hawkeye glanced at the hatred that had already started to rage, and couldn't help grinning. He was also very angry now.


The fighter jet controlled by Hawkeye flew towards the abomination, firing frantically to attract the abomination's attention. Hulk suddenly ran away, and the hatred of losing his opponent was already burning with anger and had nowhere to vent. Hawkeye's action can be said to directly pull the hatred of hatred.

The hatred is drawn, who will you find to carry it?

Nick Fury was silent for a moment, then spit out three words. "Dimension Street."

"Are you crazy?"

Maria Hilton looked at Nick Fury excitedly. "Do you know the consequences of doing so?"

"The only one who can defeat hatred is Dimension Street. Didn't you suggest looking for Dimension Street to come forward? Now is the time." Nick Fury explained.

Maria Hill couldn't help sneering: "Looking for someone to help is not the same thing as looking for someone to take the blame. If you don't even say hello, you will lead your hatred to Dimension Street. If hatred hurts people in Dimension Street, it destroys Dimension Street. building, do you know what's going to happen?"

"Yes, the hatred will indeed be resolved, I think it's an easy solution. But after that, do you think he'll do it with Su Yue's character? He won't let it go without loss, and once there is a loss... hehe , who do you think can stop Su Yue?"

"The Hulk running away? Tony Stark in the steel suit, or those agents in the bureau? You're burning yourself out, and I don't agree with your order."

While talking, Maria Hill gave Hawkeye a new order, and Hawkeye knew the consequences of doing so, but he was a direct descendant of Nick Fury, and even if he was an ordinary agent, it was very difficult to follow the orders of the chief and deputy chiefs. Simple.

Nick Fury didn't speak, and Hawkeye could only continue to execute the order.

"You're really crazy!" Maria Hill glanced at Nick Fury in despair, got up and took out her mobile phone and hurriedly informed Su Yue to get ready.

Is Nick Fury crazy? of course not.

No matter from which angle he must do it, first of all, the only thing that can stop hatred is Dimension Street. He can still negotiate conditions with Dimension Street. How to talk with hatred? Secondly, he didn't intend to pit Dimension Street on purpose. After all, with the power of Dimension Street and the special circumstances that would convulse once malicious, it should ensure that hatred will not cause too much damage.

In the end, he was sure to dispel Su Yue's anger.

Regarding the recent actions of Su Yue and Dimension Street, Nick Fury is very clear that there are many problems in the high-speed rail plan that he or S.H.I.E.L.D. can solve. Within the scope, he is confident that he can solve this matter.

As for not asking Su Yue for help at first, Nick Fury has no regrets. S.H.I.E.L.D. can ask Su Yue to solve some problems that S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot solve in the form of compensation, but it cannot directly seek help. Its purpose is to determine the equal identity of Dimension Street and S.H.I.E.L.D. and to get rid of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s dependence on Dimension Street.

Some of Nick Fury's operations recently were actually for this purpose. He didn't want S.H.I.E.L.D. to become a subordinate agency of Dimension Street!

Simply put, if there is something that S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t solve, it can be solved by Dimension Street. It’s a big deal to make up for it afterwards, but it will never ask for help directly from the beginning, although the price of the former may be greater than that of the latter, and even to the A bad thing like Maria Hill said would get him into flames, but he had to do it.

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