After all, he is not the only one who has this idea. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not an organization of his family. If he wants to secure his position, he will have to bear various pressures.

Instead, it is better to only bear the pressure of Su Yue, which is relatively better to deal with.

Most of the time, it's not that he has to take some 'suffocation' operation, but various factors make him have to do it!

The most important thing is that Nick Fury also has a hole card that can stabilize Su Yue, although this hole card can't be used easily, and... it may only be used once.

Chapter 0269 Misfortune and war hate

"I see." After listening to Maria Hill's words, Su Yue replied calmly, and hung up the communication with a cold expression.

He was not surprised by Nick Fury's operation, and even he could understand the reason why Nick Fury did it.

But understanding does not mean accepting.

Do you really think that there is nothing wrong with me? Do you really think you can use the help of the high-speed rail project to make me pinch my nose?

Nick Fury, Nick Fury, ants may be able to trip over elephants, but ants can't trip over mountains, and the gap in strength is too great. Playing these little tricks can only get you into trouble and make yourself humiliated!

Su Yue sneered and walked out of Dimension Street. As soon as he walked out of the range of Dimension Street, he saw a fighter jet roaring in the air. Behind the fighter jet, a huge and ugly figure was chasing after him.

Panic and chaotic screams came from the direction of disgust. Some people near Su Yue had noticed something abnormal, some panicked and avoided, some remained in the same place with their confidence in Su Yue, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this rare sight. picture of...


Hawkeye saw that Su Yue, who had appeared below, was a little relieved, and drove the fighter jet to prepare to pass the upper air conditioner on Dimension Street to adjust.

It is not an easy task to attract monsters. Although his driving skills are very good, there are still many dangers along the way.

Looking at the fighter jets flying overhead and the hatred rushing towards him, Su Yue raised his arms slightly and sneered: "Come back to me!"

In an instant, a bright green energy light suddenly appeared. The fighter above his head stopped instantly as if someone had grabbed it, and then turned over uncontrollably, spinning backwards and smashing towards the pounced hatred.

Hate the sound of bang bang bang's running footsteps becoming more and more clear, his eyes fixed on Su Yue, turning a deaf ear to the fighter jets that were out of control, and waved the fighter jets to the side as if chasing flies.


The fighter jet was smashed into a depression and directly hit a building next to it, followed by a deafening explosion and a sky-high fire.

"Agent Patton!!!"

S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury and others looked extremely ugly when they looked at the blackened screen.

They didn't expect that Agent Patton, who had successfully led the blame to Dimension Street to Su Yue, would be dragged back and smashed to hate when he was about to leave the battle...

No, maybe they thought of it, but they didn't want to admit it!

S.H.I.E.L.D. lost the live scene, but the battle on the scene did not stop because of this. The hatred of the bombing fighter did not stop at all, and when he came to Su Yue, he directly smashed it with a huge fist.

Raise your hand and make a fist.

Abomination and Su Yue's fists, one big and one small, collided heavily, and in an instant, the powerful impact roared recklessly, knocking the melon-eating crowd who were not afraid of death in the distance.


The ground beneath the two of them sank instantly.

Hate Wei Weiyi stagnates. He didn't expect that Su Yue would have the strength and defense to be evenly matched with his own, but this did not make him flinch, but made his fighting spirit even crazier.


The hated fist hit Su Yue like a storm, every punch is full of incomparable power, every punch seems to be able to explode the sky, the violent momentum is like a gust of wind and tsunami in the sea, as if the next Seconds can engulf the world.

In the violent storm, Su Yue, who was small in stature, did not show the slightest panic. Hate is an attack that has no technical content at all, so that he can easily deal with it without even having to turn it on. In terms of physical fitness, Su Yue is not inferior to Hate...

Beating and hitting, Su Yue's left hand suddenly waved left and right, shaking off the arms that Abomination was swung from, and then he stepped forward and rushed forward in front of Abomination.

He raised his head, clenched his fist, and the target's hated chin waved up.


A small fist hit Abomination's slightly angular chin, and there was a muffled loud noise. Abomination couldn't help but raised his neck and raised his head, and his hill-like body lifted off the ground and rose into the air.

At the same time, Su Yue backflipped in place, and kicked out again with his toes hooked on his hated chin.


This kick sent the hatred straight into the sky.

Su Yue looked up at the hatred that was still rising in the air and frowned slightly. Although hatred was a little evil, a little swollen, and a little easy to lose his mind, this guy's strength is indeed not weak, although not as good as Hulk, but in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Not many have beaten him.

This is a pretty good and controllable hitman!

The teleport was activated, Su Yue appeared above the hatred, and punched the ugly face that was getting closer and closer.


The hatred flew down instantly like a cannonball, and smashed into the pit created by the two people's battle just now.


At the moment when the hatred fell, the ground and surrounding buildings shook violently a few times, as if there was an earthquake.

Su Yue dodged and teleported to Abomination, directly stepping on the dizzy Abomination, and his telepathy ability was activated.

"Want to die or live?"

Su Yue's voice appeared directly in the hatred's mind.

Angry hatred roared: "You can't kill me, I... I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..."

"Don't you know how Hulk was cowardly? Learn about the ability of the fruit of surgery? Don't think I can't cut you because of your rough skin and thick flesh. Believe it or not, I'll let your heart talk to you?" Su Yue squinted and sneered. road. "If you have a little strength, you will expand to the point where you don't know the south, east, and northwest. If S.H.I.E.L.D. can't deal with you, it can only mean that S.H.I.E.L.D. is weak, not that you are strong!"

"I..." The hatred was still roaring.

"Shut up!"

Su Yue stepped back on the hateful words and said with a sneer: "You only have two choices now: one, I will kill you now. Two, I will send you to SHIELD, and you should guess what to do. Get it? No matter what happens after the fact, I will send it to a place where you can live freely."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to listen to me."

Will hatred yield?


But not now, although he was beaten badly by Su Yue just now, he naturally wouldn't give in because of this degree of swelling.

Looking at the hated and angry eyes and the gesture of trying to break free, Su Yue's hand turned in the air, and the power of the surgical fruit was instantly released.


The Room space was released, directly wrapping Su Yue and Abomination in it, and then the Flaming Spear appeared in Su Yue's hand, and quickly stabbed at Abomination's heart!

Chapter 0270 Send hate to SHIELD?



The fire-point gun was withdrawn and disappeared. Su Yue hooked his fingers lightly, and a cube with a heart floated onto his hand.

There are many ways to let haters know what they are afraid of. You can hammer him with physical strength, you can use your psychic abilities to restore him to a human form, you can use shock waves to avoid his body defenses and directly shatter his organs and kill him. You can also try to use Jia Ying's ability to absorb life force to absorb the life of hatred... In summary, several methods can solve hatred, but they are far less neat and effective than the fruit of surgery.

Seeing the abhorrence that became weak because of the loss of his heart, Su Yue didn't bother to teach him what a person who knows the times was Junjie, so he just grabbed his hand and teleported.

Target: S.H.I.E.L.D., Trident Tower.

Not long after Su Yue appeared with disgust, a group of fully-armed agents hurried out, which made him smile.

He suddenly found that every time he came here, it was a scene of great action and preparation, and every time he appeared, he was almost always confronted by a large number of fully-armed agents.

Although Su Yue didn't come to the SHIELD headquarters very often, and he didn't come with any opposing thoughts, why did SHIELD react like this, you don't have any points in your heart?

Not to mention, the top floor of the Trident Building has just been rebuilt not long ago...

"Su Yue..."

In the atmosphere of waiting, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and a group of others quickly ran out of the building.

The life and death of Agent Patton is uncertain, and the hatred that made them helpless was so easily solved by Su Yue and brought here. To be honest... Nick Fury was a little panicked. Because he really didn't know what Su Yue would do, or to be more precise, he couldn't stop what Su Yue wanted to do.

So he had to calm down Su Yue before he 'gets angry', otherwise the impact that Su Yue could cause would be incomparable to ten hatreds.

"Su Yue, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Can you talk about it first? I promise you will be satisfied." Nick Fury said hurriedly.


Mistake the hammer!

If there is no Maria Hill, Nick Fury's excuse may still be a joke, but Maria Hill has already tipped off, so what kind of misunderstanding is this?

Of course, basically no one believed the so-called excuse of misunderstanding, which was equivalent to an opening remark or a statement. To put it simply, Nick Fury knows that you, Su Yue, are here to ask for guilt, and I admit that it is my fault, but don't get angry first, and make conditions first. In short, I will make you satisfied before leaving.

"There is indeed a misunderstanding."

Su Yue did not get angry like Nick Fury thought, but said apologetically, "I'm small-minded and have a strong sense of territory, so when this guy ran to my territory, I couldn't help but shoot. Yes. But after thinking about it, it's not right... This kind of thing should be handed over to you S.H.I.E.L.D. after all, I'm just an ordinary good citizen, so in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding between us, I will take him Brought it."

Nick Fury's eyes widened instantly. Su Yue's abnormality made him a little hairy, and the bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

"Cough... Since there was almost a misunderstanding, why don't we find a place to talk? No matter what, I will try my best to clear up the misunderstanding. After all, we have known each other for so many years, fought side by side, and have the same 'friend', isn't it?"

Love card!

Nick Fury is playing the favor card again, this time with Carol Danvers.

Su Yue frowned and was a little displeased. To be honest, he knew Nick Fury too well. Would you say that he is an evil villain? That's a bit of a joke. Although this guy is not a good person, he is not bad for that.

How to say, this guy is a person who will do anything to achieve his goals, my friend? Favor? As long as he thinks it's worth it, he can trade it, he is a cold-blooded guy in his bones.

But I also have to admit that without such a character, he can't do so much in the movie at all. So whether it's because of his understanding of him or because of Carol Danvers, Su Yue didn't show mercy to him, but he didn't act ruthlessly.

But you've always played the favor card and didn't maintain relationships, and now you're talking about Carol Danvers, isn't it a bit slapped in the face?

Su Yue sneered and threw the hatred that had gradually recovered from the weak state to the ground, which immediately made the surrounding agents nervous. "I have nothing to talk about with you. If you want to talk about it... just talk to him. After all, this is your S.H.I.E.L.D.

Having said that, after taking a look at the hatred, the teleport disappeared.


The disappearance of Su Yue immediately made Nick Fury furious. He dared to cheat Su Yue and naturally had a certain understanding of Su Yue. If Su Yue comes up, I'm here to make trouble. If I don't agree to my conditions, I will kill you. Nick Fury is not panic at all.

Talk about conditions!

But now his situation is different. Whether it's because Su Yue is so angry that he doesn't want to talk about conditions, or he has to give in in order to make the situation worse, the trouble right now is... big.

Leaving aside the rest, we must first find a solution to the hatred.

Although Hulk ran away, he was not without contributions in S.H.I.E.L.D. for so long. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has not yet been able to truly solve the Hulk, it is not really helpless, although some methods are not very effective. Well, it's not even a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause.

Nick Fury immediately issued the highest-level order, followed by crackling gunshots, smoke bombs, tranquilizers, electric shocks and other means appeared one by one in an instant, and several fighters dared to come to support, and their firepower was completely sufficient. It's been a little battle.

Although Hatred lost his heart, his state had recovered at this time. Originally, he was angry that he was defeated by Su Yue, but as a result, the brain attack of SHIELD completely angered him. Of course, he would not admit that he had made the choice Su Yue gave.

Who told S.H.I.E.L.D. to act first? I'm fighting back rationally!

Chapter 0271 Destruction and Softening

"Da da da - da da da -" The bullets hit Abomination frantically as if they didn't need money. Although it didn't break Abomination's super strong body defense, it also affected his actions a little.

The electric shock device was sizzling with blue light, and the current kept numbing the nerves of hatred. Circles of specially-made protective nets were drawn around him, trying to narrow the scope of the hatred. The agents cooperated tacitly, and they had just restricted the activities of the abomination, and soon they were replaced by the agents wearing what looked like a gas mask and sprayed a special calming gas on the abomination.

The roaring and struggling hatred shook his head slightly, as if trying to keep himself awake.


A shield suddenly struck from a distance and directly hit the hated head. The hated head was slightly tilted back, and the shield flew out with a shock.


A middle-aged man in a combat uniform suddenly jumped out to catch the shield, followed by a neat and tidy movement, swiftly and agilely rushing towards the hatred and launching an attack.

Abomination fought back angrily, but the shield-wielding middle-aged man was very agile. It could be seen that his combat experience and fighting ability were very rich. Although the two were quite different in size, he actually restrained Abomination!

Abomination is very angry!

Although he is also weak and small, he can accept Su Yue defeating him to some extent. After all, Su Yue's strength lies in this. An enemy that Hulk can't deal with, he himself can't be defeated, even if he is unwilling, he can accept it. But who is this bug in front of me?

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