Obviously, this is Su Yue's handwriting!

The building is not strong?


But even if it is not strong, it will collapse directly. How can it be turned into powder and ashes like it is now? Not to mention that this process starts from the top and spreads down layer by layer. Such a regular process is obviously man-made, obviously... Su Yue did it...

Nick Fury was very angry. He had already negotiated the terms, but you still come here? He really wanted to find Su Yue and question him face to face, but he also knew very well that such questioning was useless at all!

In this matter, Su Yue didn't intend to be reasonable at all, but he could be unreasonable, but Nick Fury didn't dare to be unreasonable with him. Are you reasoning with him? Okay, when the building collapsed, Su Yue had already left, and he didn't show up at all. There was absolutely no evidence to prove that he did it. Although there was a 'reminder' when he left, this reminder can't be regarded as evidence at all, it can only be regarded as a suspect?

But what's the use of being suspicious? Su Yue doesn't admit it, how dare you come? Besides, even if he admits it, he can't help him!

So whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, Nick Fury has nothing to do!

"There is bad news..." Maria Hill hung up the news from her subordinates with a strange expression, and turned to Nick Fury. "Just as the building collapsed, Abomination... ran away..."


Nick Fury really couldn't control his emotions. He destroyed the Trident Building after ripping off the rhetoric, and then released the hatred who had been arrested and handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D. in name. This was a face-to-face slap!

Although Nick Fury has guessed that they must have a deal since Su Yue appeared with hatred, even if hatred cooperates and is arrested, Nick Fury doesn't think that he can really imprison hatred, but... you can't be late. God?

You made it clear to everyone that you did the whole thing!

Is this too arrogant?

Su Yue, Su Yue, please be yourself!

Chapter 0274 Presale with Joey Meacham

Dimension Street, the attic of Dimension Inn.

After Su Yue came back with Tan Qi and Abomination, Tan Qi left the attic to go to Pepper Potts to report the progress of the high-speed rail plan, while Su Yue brought Abomination through the gate of the dimension and came to the White Queen's side. I talked to the White Queen and others, and at the same time introduced each other, and then handed the hated heart to the White Queen for safekeeping, and I returned to the Marvel Universe with the materials and manpower they collected during this time.

As for how the White Queen arranges to hate him, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the White Queen's method and the heart of hatred are enough to make him obedient. The world is now doomsday, and zombies are rampant, which is very suitable for hatred.

Anyway, he has thick skin and thick flesh, so don't worry even if he rushes directly into the pile of zombies. Those zombies want to bite him and infect him? Hehe... I'm afraid he won't be able to open his mouth, he won't be able to bite the body defense of the abomination, and naturally he can't infect the abomination and turn him into a zombie abomination?

The zombie virus in that world is not so strong, and it is impossible to infect superheroes or supervillains like a parallel zombie world of Marvel.

Thanks to the blessing of hatred, the most difficult problem of the high-speed rail project has been solved. As Pepper Potts, on behalf of Dimension Street, successively signed the land for the high-speed rail line from S.H.I.E.L.D., the construction project has been completely started. In order to speed up the high-speed rail project, construction of the entire line started almost simultaneously.

Jinpian started from Buklin District and Annabeth started from Dimension Street. The two directions went hand in hand and finally converged into one line.

In this way, the manpower aspect is somewhat dwarfed. The residential area itself needs a large number of manpower and cannot be easily removed, so Jin and recruited new manpower in the Buklin area, but Annabeth was in some trouble. Originally she The workers who were responsible for the construction of Dimension Street were in charge of the residential area at this time, and there was no extra manpower for her to control, so she found a solution with Pepper Potts.

There are two solutions.

One is to recruit and train personnel by yourself, but the speed of the high-speed rail project will inevitably be affected, and the investment may be larger, but the advantage is that once the personnel are trained, it will be much easier to build other lines in the future.

The other is to contract out the project. As long as Annabeth is responsible for the overall supervision, the speed of the project will be much faster, and at the same time, it will be relatively easy.

Pepper Potts prefers the first one. After all, this project is not a one-shot deal. From all aspects, it is more cost-effective to train people by yourself. However, the faster the completion of the same high-speed rail project, the greater the benefits. Only by showing successful examples, can the follow-up be put into construction and put into use sooner.

In the end, Pepper Potts decided to carry out a two-track approach. On the one hand, she handed over the people that Su Yue brought back to Annabeth, and let her take them to familiarize themselves with the project throughout the process, and use them as the backbone and backbone to train them. Prepare for external bidding.

Although the current financial situation of Dimension Street shows that there is still a big gap, there is still a way to solve the problem of money.

Not to mention, the Dimension Street residential area alone can get a lot of money back. According to Su Yue's idea, the residential area is ready to be sold to the outside world, that is to say, whether it is a residence or a storefront, it can be pre-sold in advance.

After Pepper Potts asked Su Yue, he started to implement it vigorously. First, the high-speed rail project was tendered to the outside world, and then the planning and design drawings of the residential area were taken out to pre-sell the interior of Dimension Street. This pre-sale was aimed at both directions.

The people Su Yue summoned from other dimensions, as well as those who work in Dimension Street.

The former came sooner or later. Because there is no official identity, there is no need to think about bank loans. Except for the hands like Yile Ramen, Liu Angxing, and Mikaela from the garage, who have their own business. It is possible that other people have little money, and they either live in their own store or have a bedroom or a room in the Dimension Building, so there is not a strong demand for buying a house.

Therefore, the main direction of this pre-sale is still for those who work in Dimension Street!

There are many people working in Dimension Street, and there are also many people who want to obtain the right to live in Dimension Street. When the residential area started construction, many people were watching. Now that the news of the pre-sale came out, almost all people have People with ideas started to act.


The sun is warm, the climate is pleasant, and the lively noise is faintly heard from a distance. The open windows sometimes have a cool morning breeze blowing in, and the blown curtains sway slightly.

Glancing at May Parker who was still sleeping, Su Yue lightly dressed and came out of the attic.

After washing up, he came downstairs to greet Jessica Jones at the front desk. Su Yue walked out of the inn and went to Ju to go downstairs to have breakfast, and brought some back to May Parker by the way. It's rare for May Parker to rest today, and ask Peter Parker to be taken care of by someone, just in time to 'get back together' and talk about the house by the way.

When May Parker came over yesterday, she said that she wanted to buy a house in a residential area. Although she has a room in the Dimension Building, she has hardly lived in it. She usually lives in the dormitory building with Peter Parker, but... It's too convenient, so as soon as the news of the pre-sale came out, May Parker planned to sell the house she was renting and buy a new house on Dimension Street.

It doesn't matter if Peter Parker is still young, but when he gets older, let's not say whether he needs his own private space, but she needs it too, so sell the original house and buy a new house on Dimension Street. Very necessary.

Not to mention these factors, the house in Dimension Street alone is definitely worth buying.

If you have the opportunity to not buy it, it is like not picking up money on the ground!


A tall woman in a long brown trench coat stood in front of Su Yue and stopped her.

Su Yue looked up and down. He was very beautiful and had a good figure, but he didn't have any impression of him. He thought that he was not a character related to the plot in the Marvel world, so he just replied and was ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, can you give me a few minutes? I'm Joey from RAND Group, Joey Meacham." Joey Meacham didn't expect Su Yue to have no intention of stopping his conversation , slightly stunned, stopped Su Yue again and hurriedly introduced himself.

Joey Meacham?

The name Su Yue didn't make much of an impression, but the RAND Group was enough to make him stop and delay for a few minutes.

Although the Rand Group is not as famous as the Stark Group, it also has a superhero spokesperson, but this spokesperson is much inferior to Tony Stark in terms of popularity and strength. His name is Danny Rand, from Kunlun Yes - Iron Fist!

0275 Tekken and the Rand Group

Iron Fist can only be regarded as a third-line character in the comics. They all follow the X-Men and the Avengers. They belong to the auxiliary role. They have different performances in many versions. For example, he has followed Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. ...

The status of Iron Fist in the film and television is not high. It belongs to the street superheroes. Following Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, they formed the Defenders League. The main opponent is the Hand.

Iron Fist does not refer to a person, but an identity.

Iron Fist has been strong and weak in all dynasties. It can be traced back to 1 million years ago. A woman named Fan Fei was a martial artist in Kunlun Cui Lian Tang. However, after defeating Shou Lao, he became the first person to gain the power of an iron fist.

In addition, the strongest and most famous should be Wu Fengjie, she has integrated the power of the phoenix and became the host of the new generation of phoenix! How strong is the Phoenix Force? It doesn't need to go into detail!

The current Iron Fist, which is also the mainstream Iron Fist of Marvel, is also the Iron Fist mentioned above. His father is the founder of the Rand Group. When Danny Rand was nine years old, he and his parents He suffered an air crash on a plane, and was adopted by Kunlun after his parents died. After years of training, he finally gained the power of an iron fist and became an iron fist.

After returning from Kunlun, he found that his father's group had been controlled by his father's partner Harold Meacham, but he was nominally dead, his son Ward Meacham and daughter Joey Meacham Tom manages the RAND Group together.

Of course, if the story is just like this, there will be no twists and turns. In fact, Harold Meacham did not die, but cooperated with the Hand Society to cheat to death, and was placed under house arrest by the Hand Society. Mrs. Gao of the Hand Society used the Rand Group to do some illegal activities.

His son, Ward Meacham, knew he was cheating, but his daughter, Joy Meacham, didn't.

In addition, they and Iron Fist Danny Rand are also childhood sweethearts.

Take back your identity and company, join hands!

This series of events made Danny Rand a superhero, met the defenders and other people, and also had his own mortal enemy!

The reason why Su Yue didn't recognize Joey Meacham as a passer-by in the Marvel world is also very simple. First of all, in Tekken's TV series, she belongs to the second female lead, and she does not have many roles, far less than the female lead Longzhi. Female Colleen Wing has a lot of scenes. Secondly, although Joey Meacham has an outstanding figure, he lacks some qualities that can be remembered at a glance.

According to the timeline, the Iron Fist Danny Rand should still be in Kunlun at this time, and the Rand Group is still under the control of Mrs. Gao secretly, and the surface is calm and there is no abnormality. So why did Joey Meacham suddenly come to him?

"Let's talk in another place?" Joy Meacham looked at herself after seeing Su Yue stop. Not only was she slightly puzzled, but she was not flustered or uncomfortable.

"I'm about to go downstairs to have breakfast." Su Yue smiled.

"The delicacy of Chrysanthemum Downstairs is a must. I have always wanted to try it, but unfortunately I have never had the chance. I hope I can take advantage of you this time and have a good taste of the deliciousness of Chrysanthemum Downstairs." Joey Meacham said with a smile .

Su Yue nodded and took her to Ju downstairs to her exclusive private room. In addition to the ones he usually eats, he also asked Joey Meacham to order a few dishes.

Not long after, something came up.

Joey Meacham, who was going to eat and chat with Su Yue, changed his expression immediately after taking a bite. Although she had heard a lot of rumors about Chrysanthemum going downstairs, to be honest, she actually disagreed, no matter how good it was. Where can the food be amazing?

But now she found that she was wrong, a big mistake, a ridiculous mistake!

This is the delicacy of the world!

Joey Mitcham originally wanted to take the opportunity of eating to get closer to Su Yue and talk about the purpose of this visit, but he was directly attracted by the food in front of him. He completely forgot or did not care to chat with Su Yue at all. . Joey Meacham eats fast, but it's not the kind of gobbling that makes people feel very gaffe, which also fully shows her family education.

After half an hour, the food on the table was swept away. Joey Meacham wiped his mouth and smiled awkwardly at Su Yue. "The food that Chrysanthemum went downstairs was really delicious, it made you laugh."

Su Yue smiled and shook his head: "Let's talk about business, I don't think the person in charge of the RAND Group came to me for breakfast, right?"

Joey Meacham tidied up his clothes a little and said with a serious look: "I heard that the high-speed rail project on Dimension Street is looking for a contractor, and the RAND Group intends to undertake this project. Of course, I came to you not for hope. To save costs for the Rand Group, the price proposed by Dimension Street is as much as it is, and it doesn’t even matter if we don’t make money. The RAND Group just hopes to compete with other rivals and can directly win this project. I think... Other People should not give such a low price, after all, they still have to make money."

Su Yue shook his head: "I don't think so, let alone not making money, even if it loses money, I think some people are willing to undertake this project. This is the first large-scale project of Dimension Street. It is only the partner of Dimension Street. Fame is enough to make many people give up their interests in the project, isn't it? After all, after gaining fame, I can't make money from me, but I can make it back from other places. No one is a philanthropist, and who would do things that don't benefit? Really? If there is no benefit and no money, I don't believe you will be sitting here now!"

Su Yue looked at Joey Meacham with a smile. "Basically, Pepper Potts is responsible for the large and small affairs of Dimension Street, and this time the project is even more so. You don't look for her, but you come to me directly. Do you think I don't know much about the inside story as a shopkeeper? ? Have a better chance of persuading me?"

What can Joey Meacham say? Do you admit that you think so? I just think that the lord Su Yue may not understand some things in business, so he is easy to fool? Now who doesn't know how capable and how difficult Pepper Potts of Dimension Street is?

Instead of talking to Pepper Potts, it's better to talk to Suyue, the hands-off shopkeeper.

After all, the opposite **** attracts, so even if you don't need any outrageous means, you can still have certain preferential treatment and advantages!

"To be honest, this project can be given to anyone, anyway, we will send people to supervise, as long as it can meet our requirements. However, the RAND Group has to answer a few questions for me to get this opportunity. First of all, why should I take this opportunity? Opportunity to you? Second, are you representing the RAND Group, or are you personally?"

Chapter 0276 Your father is not dead and the Rand Group targeted by Su Yue

Joy Meacham took a deep breath, she knew that this was the key to whether the RAND Group could win the project, and after thinking for a moment, she slowly said: "The strength and reputation of the RAND Group are obvious to all. , we have been committed to the purpose of diversified development, whether it is in the field of aviation, medical machinery, agricultural products, or drugs, we have been involved and achieved remarkable results. Therefore, we can guarantee that if we win this high-speed rail project, we will do our best to achieve your goals. Standards, not the best, but better!"

Joey Meacham paused for a while, looked at Su Yue, whose expression had not changed, and continued: "As for the second question, whether I represent the RAND Group or I personally makes no difference, because it doesn't matter whether I am or RAND Group, our purpose and purpose are the same!”

Su Yue smiled noncommittally, flicking his fingers on the table very rhythmically. "As far as you are concerned, there is no difference between you and the RAND Group, but for me, this issue is critical. Let me guess, this bid for the project shouldn't be your idea, right?"

Joey Meacham nodded: "Yes, it was my brother Ward Meacham's proposal, but I agree and support this proposal very much."

Su Yue continued to smile: "From the perspective of your RAND Group, it doesn't really matter whether you can win this project, it's just a dispensable project. But your brother should be more firm on this matter, right? Is his attitude to find a way to win this project no matter the cost? The reason for this... have you... thought about it?"

Joey Meacham's expression changed slightly. Although the Rand Group covers a wide range of fields, it does not include the fields of construction and development. In her opinion, the biggest advantage of winning this bid is to increase the number of Rand Group. The reputation of the German group has not many other benefits, but since my brother said it, there are also benefits, and Joey Meacham naturally goes all out to succeed. But... Su Yue's remarks made Joey Meacham feel that something was wrong.

"What... what's the reason?" Joey Meacham asked subconsciously.

Su Yue said: "If you want to know the reason, I will go back to my previous question. Are you representing yourself or the RAND Group?"


Joey Meacham had a hunch that there seemed to be a secret behind this incident that he didn't know.

"How many rumors have you heard about me?" Su Yue asked a seemingly unrelated question.

Although Joey Meacham didn't know the reason for his question, he still wanted to tell some rumors about Su Yue that he knew. Su Yue sometimes nodded, sometimes shook his head, and finally let out a chuckle when Joey Meacham finished speaking.

"It seems that you didn't pay much attention to me before, otherwise, with the strength of the Rand Group, you should be able to know the most important one of my many rumors. I, Su Yue, the lord of Dimension Street, I can predict the future!"

"Predict... predict the future?" Joy Meacham was dumbfounded. Her first reaction was that Su Yue was joking. How could anyone predict the future? But she looked at Su Yue's expression carefully, he wasn't joking, what he said was true!

Su Yue can really predict the future.

But what does Su Yue's ability to predict the future have to do with him? What does it have to do with the Rand Group? Wait... Joey Meacham's expression froze, did he know something about the Rand Group from the foreseeable future? No wonder... No wonder he kept asking himself whether he represented an individual or the RAND Group, no wonder he ignored him when he first saw him, and was willing to communicate with him after hearing that he was from the RAND Group!

"What do you know about the RAND Group?" Joy Meacham bowed in the direction of Su Yue with some excitement.

"a lot of!"

Su Yue raised his finger and chuckled, "First of all, your father is not dead..."

"Impossible, Mr. Su Yue, this joke is not funny!" Before Su Yue finished speaking, he was interrupted by Joey Meacham's cold voice.

Su Yue ignored it and continued: "Your father Harold was terminally ill many years ago. In desperation, he made a deal with Mrs. Gao of the Hand Society. After his death, he secretly controlled the Rand Group. The house arrest is somewhere. Don't rush to refute, there are still many things you don't know, I will explain to you slowly. First of all, Mrs. Gao of the Hand has an extraordinary power, which can indeed allow your father Harold to continue. Survive, your father is indeed alive, and your brother is one of the insiders! Secondly, Mrs. Gao has been using the RAND Group as a cover for some illegal things for so many years. "

"In this case, do you think that for an unimportant project, a project that does not have many benefits suddenly has a relationship with me and Dimension Street. What is the purpose?"

"I...I don't know..." Joy Meacham's heart was disturbed, is his father still alive? My brother also knows about Mrs. Gao. If someone else told her this, she would never believe it, but... the one who said these people was Su Yue, which made her wonder whether she should believe it or not.

"Two possibilities! One is that your father wants to have a relationship with Dimension Street, and wants to use me to help him deal with Mrs. Gao and get rid of the situation of being under house arrest by Mrs. Gao. The other is that Mrs. Gao wants to have a relationship with Dimension Street, Use Dimension Street to cover up and conduct her illegal business, after all, no one dares to check Dimension Street!"

"The... evidence?" Joy Meacham asked.

Su Yue laughed and kept silent, just looked at Joey Meacham with a half-smile.

At first, Joey Meacham didn't react, but she is one of the leaders of the RAND Group after all, so she doesn't have no emotional intelligence at all. "what do you want?"

"My information is not cheap. If I can help you confirm that your father is still alive, then the cost of this project..."

"Our RAND Group will undertake this project for free!"

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