"it is good."

Su Yue nodded slightly with satisfaction. Although the Rand Group is good, he is not very interested in it. Whether it is Mrs. Gao or Joey Meacham's father, if they want to use Dimension Street, they should pay a little price. , As for what the Rand Group will become after this incident, and what to do after Iron Fist Danny Rand returns, this is beyond the scope of Su Yue's consideration.

Of course, Su Yue will not watch the RAND Group fall like this. Not to mention whether this high-speed rail project will be affected, he will not let go of the RAND Group's aviation field, medical machinery and drugs. After all, these Dimension Street can be used!

The fat was delivered to the door by himself, even if he didn't take a few bites, he would be sorry for his information.

Chapter 0277 Dimension Street APP and artificial intelligence?

Su Yue got up and walked out of the box, waving his hand and calling the waiter nearby, ordered a few dishes and told him to take them to the inn's own attic, and then walked out of the chrysanthemum with a dazed Joey Meacham downstairs, walking while walking. Said: "It is actually very simple to confirm whether your father is still alive. Assuming that your father is still alive and has been secretly contacting your brother to control the company, then the most direct and convenient means is to contact your brother through a mobile phone or the Internet."

"I don't know where Mrs. Gao put your father under house arrest, but by contacting your father and your brother, there is a chance to find out where he is!"

After Su Yue walked to a relatively empty environment, he directly summoned the shock girl Daisy Johnson. Daisy Johnson's teleportation without warning shocked Joey Meacham. Fortunately, she also Hearing this rumor, he quickly regained his composure, but he was very surprised.

Because this is really unscientific and unbelievable!

Su Yue told Daisy Johnson about the situation. It was easy for Daisy. It was nothing more than writing a small program that could track addresses. The biggest difficulty was how to bypass the opponent's defense program, especially In the case of hiding the identity of a fraudster, this defense program will definitely not be simple, and there may even be someone staring at it all the time, and it is easy to overturn a car just by relying on an automatically running program. Once the car overturns, the other party is likely to change places immediately, and will be more cautious in the future, and it may not be so easy to find.

"You write the program now, come with me later." Su Yue said.

"it is good."

Daisy Johnson nodded and quickly wrote it on the tablet computer that was always in his hand. While operating, he reported on the mobile payment app like Su Yue. The development of the APP has been completed, it has been tested several times, and it is fully ready for use.

Su Yue downloaded an APP on his mobile phone. The name of the APP is called Dimension Street. After entering, the page is similar to that of a treasure. The function is relatively simple, that is, recharge and cash withdrawal, and then scan the code to pay. These are the opinions that Su Yue provided according to memory at the beginning of research and development, but he soon discovered several functions that Daisy Johnson added and perfected.

First of all, it contains all the commercial projects of Dimension Street, such as Juxia downstairs, Yile Ramen, garage, animal aquarium, electronics store and surrounding doll shops, etc. Even the high-speed rail and movie theaters that have not been put into use are there. After choosing a click, there is not only an introduction to the project, but also an advance reservation and payment.

For example, if you want to go downstairs to eat in the chrysanthemum, you can book the time and dishes in advance, and you can pay through the mobile phone to get a discount; for example, you can pre-purchase tickets for a certain day of the animal aquarium in advance, and you can go directly to the aquarium to pick up with the electronic receipt after purchase.

To put it simply, this is not just a payment software, it is more like a comprehensive software for Dimension Street, and it can even be regarded as a news software, because Su Yue discovered the news information section inside, and found some news information about high-speed rail and movie theaters. There are even pre-sale information for residential areas and more.

Daisy Johnson glanced at the screen on Su Yue's mobile phone and continued: "There are many ideas and functions that are not yet ripe, such as the movie seat selection function you told me about, as well as online shopping, express delivery, and even food delivery. , living expenses, etc., these cannot be launched for the time being.”

"Don't worry about this, just add it slowly later." Su Yue said with a smile. "You should really hire some people. You can get a team dedicated to APP."

Daisy Johnson nodded. "I heard Tony Stark has an artificial intelligence?"

"Don't think about this, do you think that with Tony Stark's character, he will easily hand over his artificial intelligence program? Even if it can, you dare to use it? I think with my toes, I know that he will 100% know. Leaving the back door, I don't want the secrets of Dimension Street to be unreserved to him. But... artificial intelligence, I can study it. "

We will not develop artificial intelligence, will we not summon a ready-made one?

There are not many artificial intelligences like Jarvis, but they are not absent. For example, Skynet in Terminator, such as the Red Queen in Resident Evil, the effect is not worse than Jarvis. As for the artificial intelligence of Machina like Ultron, for example, the silly girl in the magic mobile phone, its function is much more biased than Jarvis, no matter how powerful Jarvis is, even if Jarvis later becomes Vision, it also has no time-space shuttle function!

Daisy Johnson certainly doesn't think that Su Yue has the ability to research artificial intelligence, but she knows that Su Yue's research must refer to summoning from another time and space, which is absolutely reliable in terms of safety at least, so she points He nodded and said nothing more.

Joy Meacham, who was on the side, was surprised. Whether it was the Dimension Street app or talking about artificial intelligence, she was surprised. How to say, there is an inexplicable feeling that Su Yue seems to be omnipotent? Think about it carefully... So far, I don't seem to have heard of anything Su Yue wanted to do that he couldn't do.

"It's done, we can set off at any time." Daisy Johnson put down the tablet and said to Su Yue.

Su Yue nodded, holding Daisy Johnson in one hand and Joey Meacham in the other, and teleported and disappeared.

The next moment, the three appeared in a spacious and bright office.

"This is……"

"You...Joey...what's going on?"

Before Joey Meacham could recognize where it was, he heard the voice of his brother Ward Meacham.

This is the RAND Group, Ward Meacham's office!

Joey Meacham didn't expect Su Yue to come directly to Ward Meacham's office so suddenly, what should I do now? how to explain? What if Ward Meacham didn't agree, and what if it was revealed all at once?

Joy Meacham is unprepared right now.


Just when Joey Meacham hesitated and didn't know how to answer his brother's question, Su Yue waved to Ward Meacham and took a light drink.

In an instant, Ward Meacham, who was originally surprised and amazed, became quiet, then without saying a word, he took out his mobile phone and put it on the desk, silently walked to the side and gave up his seat.

"You, what did you do to my brother?" Joy Meacham asked hurriedly, surprised and worried.

Su Yue said lightly: "Just control his thinking and let him calm down and don't make trouble. Don't worry, there will be no harm or sequelae. By the way, you can talk to Daisy before he finds out your father's location. Chat, if nothing else, the matter of whether your father is still alive will definitely be confirmed."

Chapter 0278 Rand Group or Joy Meacham?

Daisy Johnson connected her tablet to Ward Meacham's computer and mobile phone and began to install a location program to find suspicious information and its source location. At this time, Joey Meacham already believed Su Yue's statement that her father was not dead, but she cautiously asked her brother for some provable information before asking about her father.

Su Yue turned around and looked at the layout of the office. As the official head of the RAND Group, Ward Meacham's office is a little simple, and it doesn't fit his identity. However, although he has certain abilities, he is only a 'puppet at the helm' after all, so he probably doesn't have the heart to dress up his office.

"found it."

Daisy Johnson stopped her dancing fingers slightly at the corner of her mouth and looked up at Su Yue.

Su Yue came over and glanced at the location, and then looked at Joey Meacham, who had stopped asking and looked in a trance.

"It turned out to be true, why...why did you hide it from me, why...why did you do it..." Joy Meacham couldn't accept this fact, and the pain of his father's death from cancer was still vivid in his mind. Now he tells him that it's all fake.

Father is not dead at all, he has been secretly controlling the company, secretly controlling everything...

"You have a lot of time to be in a daze after we leave, so let's get back to the point now. I heard when you asked just now. The person who asked you to cooperate with Dimension Street should be your father, and his location is now known. , what are your plans?" Su Yue interrupted Joey Meacham who was in a trance and asked.

"I, I don't know..." Joy Meacham shook her head blankly. From an emotional point of view, she really wanted to find her father and ask him aloud why he was hiding it from herself, but from a rational point of view, she felt that she couldn't do this. Yes, because her father is under house arrest, if she asks her about her suspended animation, who knows what Madam Gao will do?

Whether it's against himself, against the RAND Corporation, against his father... This is something that Joey Meacham doesn't want to see, so it's best to stay put until you're fully prepared, don't know what to do, and then think about it. The way to save his father slowly.

"Since you haven't thought about it, let's talk about it after you think about it." Su Yue came to Joey Meacham, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and smiled: "If you need help, you can always Come to me and I will help you."

"Thank you!" Joy Meacham said gratefully.

Su Yue smiled and said nothing.

Daisy Johnson, who was beside him, put away his tablet, and looked at Joy Meacham's grateful expression and couldn't help but curl his lips slightly. Joey Meacham still has too little contact with the Lord Lord, and understands too little, but anyone who knows Su Yue knows that he is not a bad person. Maybe he may do something to help others on a whim. However, this situation is absolutely rare. In most cases, the premise of helping others is that he can get benefits!

Although Daisy Johnson doesn't know much about Joey Meacham and the Rand Group, and he hasn't guessed what the Lord has seen, he can let the Lord bring himself to meddle in business and pay a lot of money. Da Lan's willingness to help is enough to prove that there must be a reason for the Lord's heart in this matter.

Maybe the RAND Group, maybe this Joey Meacham?

Su Yue used the ability of telepathy to delete Ward Meacham's memory just now, let him return to his original position, and then took Daisy Johnson and Joey Meacham back to Dimension Street. After returning, Daisy Johnson went back to his room to continue his original work, while Su Yue summoned Tan Qi and asked Tan Qi to take Joey Meacham to Pepper Potts to sign the contract.

One code is one code, since Su Yue helped Joey Meacham to confirm that her father was still alive, then the cost of this project must be borne by her or the Rand Group, and Dimension Street will not pay penny. Joey Meacham did not shirk the unequal contract that will lose the lawsuit. Although the company may lose a lot of money, she believes that her brother will agree. Even if the brother disagrees, she is secretly planning The father of all this would agree.

Besides, Joey Meacham is not a naive young lady who doesn't know anything. She understands the principle of equivalent exchange. Since Su Yue let herself know that her father is not dead, she should pay a certain price. What's more, she has not yet thought about the next development, how to rescue her father from Mrs. Gao is also a problem, so it is even more impossible to refuse the conditions that have been negotiated with Su Yue at this time...

After signing the contract and adjusting the state, Joey Meacham left Dimension Street and returned to the Rand Group to report to his brother. Of course, in addition to the report, I also talked about my father by the way. No matter what my father did, saving him from Madam Gao was the most important thing.

For this unequal contract, both Joey Meacham's brother Ward Meacham and Pepper Potts were surprised. Although Pepper Potts did not show any strangeness when signing, but after Joey Meacham left, Pepper Potts came to Su Yue for the first time to inquire about the situation.

After knowing the detailed inside story, Pepper Potts really admires Su Yue. Although intelligence cannot be measured by value, Su Yue can always use these seemingly inconspicuous intelligence to seize opportunities to obtain the greatest benefit. Not to mention the high-speed railway line in Queens, how much money will be saved for the high-speed railway line project that is currently under construction?

It can be said that the real investment is more than half less than what Pepper Potts planned at the beginning, especially after the RAND Group undertakes it for free, the financial situation of Dimension Street has been greatly eased.

The RAND Group, represented by Joey Meacham, moved very quickly. In less than a week, the engineering team was arranged to settle in Dimension Street and start construction in full swing. As a result, the number of people stranded on Dimension Street itself, the construction of residential areas, the construction of high-speed rail platforms, etc., have led to a large increase in the number of people. Even if the Dimension Point volume has been opened ten times, the upper limit of 5,000 people has been exceeded. , which greatly increases the dimensional points that Su Yue gets every day, but also makes it impossible for Su Yue to summon artificial intelligence. After all, the skill of 'whatever you want' can only be used once a month, either for precise summoning or for using to draw ten times the dimensional point volume.

Chapter 0279 The ultimate purpose of mobile payment

The construction of Dimension Street is in full swing. The environment is cluttered and the sound is noisy. In the huge open space, dozens of construction machinery are working intensively, the roar of excavators and bulldozers is deafening, and heavy trucks shuttle back and forth, setting off billowing smoke.

Even so, there is still an endless stream of people entering Dimension Street.

Although the environment is a little worse, both the residential area and the platform are all for their convenience, and the Dimension Street can become better, so people are still very supportive, and they did not stop going to Dimension Street because of this. Moreover, Dimension Street has launched a new activity. A mobile APP payment software called Dimension Street is launched. Paying through this software that almost integrates Dimension Street can get great discounts, although the tip level of Dimension Street itself is already high. It's cheap, but who wouldn't want to save more money?

And the reservation function in the software is very convenient, which makes many people who come to Dimension Street very convenient. The biggest highlight is the payment by scanning the code, which not only saves the time to pay the bill, but also looks very cool, especially for some For young people, it is indeed a very trendy and cool thing to pay by scanning with a mobile phone. For this reason, many people specially brought their friends to Dimension Street, just to put on one, and they were surprised to see that the mobile phone was swept away. The shock of being able to pay is beyond words.

With so many convenient advantages, the Dimension Street APP is instantly in school, and the company has become a topic of discussion, and even many journalists have begun to report. Therefore, more and more users download, register and recharge, and mobile phones can be seen almost everywhere in Dimension Street. The person who scans the code to pay.

The Dimension Street APP or mobile payment can be successfully promoted and recognized so quickly due to many reasons. The core is the reputation of Dimension Street, or the reputation of Su Yue. If there is no foundation of trust, no one will safely deposit money in a newly developed software. Even if there is a certain amount of trust, most people recharge the amount each time is not high, just recharge after spending.

However, this is not the effect Su Yue wanted.

The effect he wants is not to launch the recharge card of Dimension Street, but to promote this project thoroughly. Once everyone is accustomed to mobile payment, Su Yue's status is not only the lord of Dimension Street, but also the top and most influential figure.

And this has nothing to do with Dimension Street and Su Yue's special ability!

To put it simply, he will become a character like Gideon Malik. Even if he is just an ordinary person, even if he has evidence of doing bad things, no one dares to arrest him easily, and he can only let it go. After all, this is a country of money, whoever has money is the uncle, and if you have money, you can do whatever you want...

If it can be successful, the influence of status can reduce the resistance to any future plans related to Dimension Street!

Su Yue and Pepper Potts discussed in detail that the biggest difficulty in promotion lies in the cooperation with banks. Banks do not mind having one more partner, it is nothing more than a recharge channel. But when the amount stored in the APP is getting higher and higher, they will definitely not sit idly by, which is equivalent to grabbing business.

Especially when there are so many banks, big and small, who would want to watch Dimension Street become bigger? So if you want to promote, you must have a deeper level of cooperation. In other words, at least you have to have a lot of money, so that they can see their own benefits and they will cooperate. Otherwise, let alone promotion, as long as one does not cooperate, the mobile phone The payment is a waste of seventy or eighty percent.

As for cooperation or coping methods, Su Yue already has the priority. The competition between them is also very big. With priority, customers who pay by mobile phone can choose their bank to handle business as much as possible. Secondly, the recharge amount in mobile payment is too large, which is also a resource that they must fight for, so Su Yue directly applied a certain treasure's plan and proposed a concept of Yu'e Bao. On the one hand, you can deepen cooperation with them and make money yourself, and on the other hand, it is also beneficial to users who use the software.

Of course, Su Yue only put forward a concept, and the specific details and implementation plan must be left to Pepper Potts' team to handle.

All in all, all in all.

With the project in full swing and the continuous improvement of mobile payment, time is like a gurgling stream, passing by in a blink of an eye, and before you know it, several months have passed. Nowadays, there has been a lot of stagnation in Dimension Street. The high-speed rail platform and the cinema are almost completed. Although the residential area is not over, it has reached the stage of completion. It is nothing more than some corners and corners.

"I heard that this place is already for sale?" Joey Meacham looked at the high-rise buildings that had already taken shape, turned his head and said to Su Yue. "It is said that you have in-depth cooperation with a certain bank, and the interest on loan to buy a house is much lower than that of other banks. This should be related to mobile payment, right? Whether it is to promote mobile payment or need bank connections, I am willing to help. ."

"Then you can ask me for help justifiably, right?" Su Yue seemed to see through her thoughts and continued with a smile, "You have never come to me since the beginning of the project, and you have been concentrating on the project. , and came to me now that the project was about to end, to be honest, it was a bit beyond my expectations.”

Joey Meacham: "You have to do what you have explained before you can consider other things. After all, there is no danger on my father's side for the time being. I have already contacted him, and the cooperation with Dimension Street is indeed his Meaning, there's actually no way to get around those people, but those people didn't stop it after they knew it. I think... those people should also want to take this opportunity to use Dimension Street."

"I'm not surprised at all." Su Yue pouted, and beckoned to the two people in the distance who were hesitating to speak.

One of the two was wearing the uniform of the sales office and the other was wearing casual clothes. It seemed that something was going on and they were looking for them, but seeing that they were chatting with Joey Meacham, they were hesitant to come over to disturb them.

"Lord Lord." The sales office staff hurriedly said hello after they came over.

These employees were recruited temporarily after the residential area was sold. Everyone's identities have been carefully investigated, but Su Yue is not familiar with them.

"What's the matter?" Su Yue asked, looking at the woman who followed the sales staff, and then... his eyes became a little subtle.

0280 Colleen Wen

Su Yue looked at Joey Meacham beside him, and at the woman brought by the sales staff, with a subtle smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Lord Lord, this lady wants to buy a house in a residential area to open a dojo. Because she wants to use the house for commercial purposes, we can't make up your mind, so we have to bring her to communicate with you in person." After briefly describing the situation, the staff took a step back, and then quietly looked at Su Yue nervously.

Although she only led the way and explained the situation, the intensity of the competition was extremely exaggerated. She finally defeated other colleagues to have the opportunity to communicate with Su Yue at close range this time. For this reason, she deliberately dressed up a little. Its purpose...it's self-evident.

It's a pity that her preparations are useless. With Su Yue's current critical vision, let alone that she only has six or seven points, even if it is eight or nine points, if there is no special status bonus, Su Yue will not have any interest, so she It was a wink to show the blind man, Su Yue's eyes didn't stop on her at all, instead he looked at the woman who wanted to buy a house and set up a dojo with great interest.

"Hello, Mr. Su Yue, my name is Colleen Wen. Here's the thing, I..." After the woman named Colleen Wen introduced herself, just as she was about to explain the situation, Su Yue gently waved her hand to interrupt her.

"Whether you open a martial arts hall or a dojo, as long as you don't violate the rules of Dimension Street, handle the relationship between neighbors well, and no one complains to us, then it is your freedom to do what the house you bought is used for. You've decided, just go through the formalities." Su Yue nodded slightly to Colleen Wen and the sales office staff with a smile, and then left with Joey Meacham.

Colleen Wen sighed slightly when she saw Su Yue's leaving figure. This was the first time she had come into contact with a big man like Su Yue. She originally thought that a big man like this would be difficult to communicate with, but it was unexpected. He will be so approachable.

After sighing for a while, Colleen Wen quickly went back to go through the formalities with the people at the sales office. After all, a big man like Su Yue couldn't have much interaction with her. Instead of sighing, it is better to build her own dojo as soon as possible. get up.

The dojo in Dimension Street should be able to attract many students, right? As long as she can make money, she can help more people in need.

The appearance of Colleen Wing was just a small episode for Joy Meacham. She quickly brought the topic back and continued to talk about her father and Mrs. Gao.

To put it simply and bluntly, Joey Meacham came this time in the hope that Su Yue could help rescue his father and solve the future troubles of Mrs. Gao. During this time, she secretly learned a lot of things. Mrs. Gao's specialness and the strength of the hand union made her not confident that she could solve it by herself. The only person she knew who could solve this matter was Su Yue.

"It's easy for me to rescue your father and solve Mrs. Gao. The question is why should I help you? It may be a bit blunt and hurtful to say, but you are not my friend and have nothing to do with me, say It's a bit ugly, you don't have such a big face to please me."

Su Yue's words are indeed very straightforward, but with his current strength and status, he doesn't need to consider other people's feelings when he says anything. Facts are facts, nothing more than words embellished to describe them better. There is no need for hypocrisy at all.

Joey Meacham nodded as usual, she didn't expect to be able to ask Su Yue to help with white teeth, and the friendship was not up to much. "I see, so what do I need to do to get you to do this?"

"Go back and tell your father that if you want to regain freedom, hand over the aviation field of the RAND Group to Dimension Street."

Suyue has carefully analyzed several major fields that RAND Group is involved in, such as aviation, medical machinery, agricultural products and pharmaceuticals. Among them, the most valuable to Dimension Street is the aviation field. After all, I will definitely go out of the earth in the future and fly to Cosmic, early deployment is also what it should mean.

As for medical machinery, agricultural products, and drugs, let's not talk about whether Dimension Street can use them. Even if they are needed, there is no need to start from the RAND Group.

Joey Meacham's expression changed slightly, and he nodded immediately and said, "When I go back, I will find a way to convey your request to my father and give you an answer as soon as possible."

Su Yue nodded noncommittally. He was not in a hurry on Joey Mitcham's side. Anyway, Mrs. Gao, who was in the Hand Union, would not easily kill Joey Mitcham's father. It's not too difficult. Instead, it was Colleen Wen just now that made Su Yue a little more interested.

Colleen Wen is a half-race and the heroine of the Tekken TV series. She is good at using a samurai sword and is a street hero outside the third line in Marvel. In the TV series, she opened a dojo, taught vulnerable teenagers, and taught them the ability to protect themselves. She is a woman with a kind heart and a sense of justice.

It's just that she does bad things with good intentions. The real identity of her respected master and disciple is the Five Fingers of the Hand, which is one of the five founders. He used Colleen Wen and Colleen Wen's dojo to recruit and train orphans and runaway children as reserve soldiers of the Hand Union, until Tekken found the true identity of the blogger because of clues, and Colleen Wen knew about it. I have always been kept in the dark by my respected master, and indirectly helped Zhou to abuse him.

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