Silent all night.

  Early the next morning, Kim took someone to find Pepper Potts and talked about undertaking all the projects in the residential area for free.You must know that according to the original plan, it will cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars to complete the entire project. This includes the largest and most luxurious theaters in the country and even the world that Su Yue wants. Not counting the equipment, just the infrastructure is astronomical.

  Pepper Potts was surprised that someone was willing to undertake all the projects for free. There must be other reasons, so she called Su Yue.

  When the phone rang, Su Yue had just come out from Room 1102, Audley Nathan's house, to meet Stephanie Malik, and the deal with Obadiah had already been negotiated.

Chapter 0233 Spokesperson Mrs M!

  "Wilson Fisk is the underground boss of Hell's Kitchen. He wants to rely on me. Taking over the current project for free is just one of the stepping stones for him to worship the pier. You know, Carson Middle School? That is the highlight of his preparation. You Tell Annabeth that the current project will be handed over to Wilson Fix, and she will only be responsible for ensuring that the project is carried out as planned and the final acceptance."

  "When you're free, just think about Carson Middle School."

  After Su Yue answered Pepper Potts' call, he looked at Stephanie Malik.As expected, she exchanged the steel battle suit for Obadiah's shares in Stark Industries. Although Obadiah is not smart, he should be very aware of his situation.

  There are not many choices left to him!

  Obadiah's shares in Stark Industries are not too many, but they are definitely not many. In terms of stock price, especially the original shares, just the wreckage of a steel battle suit is definitely not enough, so on the bright side, it is natural To spend money to buy the shares in Obadiah's hands, the price can only be said to be no higher than the market price.

  Of course, the real amount must be far lower than the apparent purchase price.

  The original stock of Stark Industries can be said to have no market price, and money may not be able to buy it.The wreckage of the steel battle suit is a stepping stone. Without this thing, Obadiah would not sell his shares.

  Su Yue is not bad for this amount of money to buy shares. After all, Obadiah is not stupid, and will not put all his hopes on the wreckage of the steel battle suit.Therefore, he must also plan that if he fails to deal with Tony Stark, he still has a sum of money to hide, and even fantasizes about making a comeback.

  "The equity is in my name now, when will I transfer it to you?" Stephanie Malik asked.

  Su Yue shook his head: "If it's in my name, Tony Stark and some people who don't want to see my power grow will definitely find trouble. Besides, what I really want is not the equity of Stark Industries, What I want is the financial gain that Stark Industries brings to me and the arms division."

  "It won't be long before Tony Stark announces the closure of the arms department and no more arms sales, and I want to take over those employees in the arms department."

  "You plan to set up your own arms company?" Stephanie Malik asked in surprise.

  Su Yue shook his head and said, "No, I liked Hammer Technology, so I need you to buy as much shares of Hammer Technology as possible. When the time is right, Hammer Technology is still Hammer Technology, but it is actually a dimension. Technology."

  "What about the shares of Stark Industries? If the arms division is closed, the stock price will definitely plummet?" Stephanie asked.

  Su Yue smiled and said, "Do you think I'll do a loss-making business?"

  Stephanie Malik knew that Su Yue could predict the future, and naturally she was not worried about losing money or losing money. She first responded to the acquisition of Hanmer Technology shares, and then said: "For Stark Industries, I will be the spokesperson. ?"


  Although Stephanie Malik is very suitable to be the spokesperson of Su Yue in Stark Industries, her ability is absolutely no problem, but her identity is not...

  Although she comes from the Malik family, as long as you investigate her relationship with him, she is no different from acting as a spokesperson.

  This spokesperson must have a face, and has nothing to do with himself directly, and also needs to be capable and good at arms matters.

  If it was before, Su Yue might have asked Stephanie to be the spokesperson.But now, he has a better candidate.

  He called a name lightly, and then he heard a bang, and a figure appeared in front of Su Yue and Stephanie Malik.

  As soon as this figure appeared, Stephanie couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis.

  This woman is amazing.

  She is taller than herself, has a better body than herself, is fat where she should be fat, and thin where she should be thin. Although Stephanie is not the kind of woman who is particularly chasing after her body, she has to say that this woman's body is what she occasionally looks forward to. kind of.Moreover, she is not only outstanding in her figure, but also in her facial features and facial features, especially her temperament... It gives people the feeling of a rose with thorns, and even knowing the danger, she can't help but want the feeling of a moth to a flame.

  "She is?" Stephanie Malik looked at Su Yue.

  "You can call her Mrs. M. She used to be in the arms business." Su Yue patted Mrs. M's shoulder and said to Stephanie with a smile: "She just came to Dimension Street not long ago, and not many people know her. I I need you to help her prepare a new identity, preferably a more mysterious one, and then transfer the shares of Stark Industries to her."

  "You want her to be the spokesperson?"

  "That's right." Su Yue nodded and said, "Even if someone knows that it was you and Lorna Dane who negotiated the deal with Obadiah, you can shirk it from her. Of course, in private, you two are together. responsible for this."

  "it is good."

  Stephanie Malik, although somewhat disappointed, did not refute it.And she also understood what Su Yue meant by this arrangement. First of all, her identity is really not suitable to be placed on the bright side, and secondly, it is not only convenient for development, but also mutual supervision.

  She didn't know where this Mrs. M came from, but she felt that Su Yue would not completely believe this Mrs. M, just like Su Yue would not completely believe her.

  "Go back to rest first, I'll explain to her, and then I'll let her find you." Su Yue said to Stephanie.

  Stephanie nodded and turned back to the Dimension Building, while Su Yue grabbed Mrs. M and teleported directly to Room 504 in the Dimension Building, which was an empty room with no owner.

Chapter 0234 The Mysterious Lady M Travels With The Lord

  The next day, Mrs. M disappeared from Dimension Street. Except for Su Hao, Stephanie, Claire, and Mary Jane and Jing Salar who were summoned at the same time, no one knew about Mrs. M's relationship with Su Yue and Dimension Street, even if she It's okay if someone saw her in Dimension Street before leaving.

  After all, Dimension Street is an open public place. Appearing in Dimension Street does not mean that it has something to do with Dimension Street.

  Although Mrs. M left Dimension Street and became a new mysterious force, Su Yue was not worried that she would have any undue thoughts because of it.First of all, although Mrs. M is shrewd and capable, she is still within the range of ordinary people. Even if she wants to betray Su Yue, she does not have the ability.Secondly, Stephanie will stare at her. In addition to Stephanie and the ghost girl Ava, she is becoming more and more low-key now. It is easy to forget that there is such a number one person in Dimension Street, but she does a lot of things. She is responsible for staring at people who are basically related to Su Yue and not in Dimension Street!

  Want to betray?

  The first thing to worry about is not Su Yue, but the ghost girl who can't be guarded.Of course, so far the ghost girl has not had the chance to show her talents.

  Audrey Nathan and Tracy, who were often outside, have returned to Dimension Street. As for Hope, who went to school outside, Natasha, the Black Widow of S.H.I.E.L.D., Deputy Director Maria Hill, and... many years ago There was that one time, and then there was hardly any meeting with astronomer Jane Fortes.

  Hope, Natasha, and Maria Hill can all be relatively at ease. The ghost girl is still staring at Jane Fortes, and now there is another Mrs. M.

  Of course, in addition to monitoring, it also means protection. After all, it is not in Dimension Street, and it is beyond the reach of the whip. If there is no one around to follow, if it encounters danger, it may not be time to rescue.

  Not long after Mrs. M left, she took over Obadiah's shares in Stark Industries. The change in shareholding was a big deal. The shareholders of Stark Industries, except Tony Stark, naturally wanted to know that they could take over Obadiah. Who is the person who owned Ya Equity, and what is the origin.

  Not only them, but also different organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military are paying attention.

  It is a pity that Mrs. M's identity is too mysterious. Although she has also appeared, it is difficult to investigate her true identity.Stephanie's use of the Malik family's power and the identity of Daisy Johnson, a master hacker, was not easy to find out for Mrs. M.

  It's not that no one suspects that Mrs. M is related to Su Yue, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has speculation in this regard.Unfortunately, there is no evidence.Moreover, their main suspicion is not Su Yue. After all, Stark Industries is not so attractive to Su Yue. They even suspect that Mrs. M is the one who stole the wreckage of the battle suit from S.H.I.E.L.D. Sold to Obadiah, and got a stake in Stark Industries from Obadiah.

  It's a pity...they also have no evidence.

  Obadiah, who can only secretly investigate and monitor Mrs. M and work overtime to crack the wreckage of the battle suit, wants to make a stronger battle suit.

  As for Tony Stark?

  He stayed at home and didn't go out, and he didn't even show up for such a big event as shareholder replacement. Most of them were quite critical of it, and a small number of people knew what he was doing.

  He's making an upgraded steel suit.

  He wants to prove to Su Yue that technology is stronger than his superpowers, he wants to double the humiliation that Su Yue brought him back, and he wants to...get those photos back from Su Yue!

  What is Su Yue doing?

  He first went to the world of the black-robed pickets to deliver a batch of goods back, and then he actually left Dimension Street for a vacation.At least, that's what it says to the outside world.

  At present, for several projects in Dimension Street, the project of the residential area has gold and is in charge. The framework is still under study, and the raw materials of the three boulders are also under analysis. There is no need for Suyue at all.

  So Su Yue is going to dig a hole for what is about to happen in the future, and by the way, create some opportunities for those who want to deal with him, lest they dare not take action because they stay in Dimension Street.

  Absorbing life force, the super defensive power like a steel body is enough to ensure his own safety. Even if there are traps, he can use teleportation to leave. At the same time, he has a sense of domineering and can predict the situation. The left hand of God, Gundaruwu, allows him to master any Weapons, with the eyes of the ancients, can learn the opponent's abilities.

  Not to mention the superpowers of learning such as psychic abilities, shock waves, and control of magnetic fields.

  In this case, the danger is almost nonexistent, so Su Yue is actually looking forward to someone jumping out and looking for trouble for him.It is possible to learn new abilities, and it is also possible to take advantage of it.

  As his strength and power become stronger and stronger, although there are more and more people who want to deal with him, fewer and fewer people actually take action, and it can even be said that there are almost no...

  This makes Su Yue very distressed!


  The roaring Bumblebee drifted at a large angle and stopped directly at the gate of a university.

  The appearance of such a bang instantly attracted the passing students near the school gate, men and women, in groups of three or two, stopped to look at it, and talked a lot.

  When the car door opened and Su Yue got down from the Hornet, the original discussion suddenly disappeared, as if the whole world had been pressed the mute button.

  One second, two seconds...

  After a few seconds, the silence was suddenly interrupted by a frantic noise.

  Su Yue!

  It turned out to be the lord of Dimension Street!

  "Oh my god, my god, why did the lord come here?"

  "Did he come to find someone?"

  "My God, the Lord is watching me."

  "Bichi, don't be stinky, the lord is clearly watching me..."

  Su Yue listened to the discussions around him and couldn't help smiling when he saw the excited or nervous look of the men and women. He glanced from side to side and waved to one of the three girls not far away.

  "My God, my God... the Lord is actually calling me?" The selected girl almost fainted out of excitement. She took a few deep breaths and ran towards Su Yue with some quick steps.

  Seeing her running, Su Yue felt as if his eyes were upside down, and it was hard to control himself.

Chapter 0235 Daisy Louise and Closed Doors

  She has such a mind at a young age, and it is difficult for people not to notice, perhaps this is the reason why so many people around her choose her.

  Of course, Su Yue would not admit it.

  Moreover, although she is fiercer than Annabeth, she is much inferior in other aspects. The tried-and-tested Su Yue will naturally not be attracted by such an advantage. She is chosen because she looks familiar.

  "Lord, hello my lord, I'm Daisy, Daisy Louise, I'm honored to serve you." Daisy Louise, who came to Su Yue, calmed down a little and restrained her excitement, so she Tsukuru spoke calmly.

  Daisy Louise, a character in "Thor 1", is a friend and assistant to Thor's girlfriend Jane Fortes.Of course, this is her identity in the movie. Now, looking at her slightly green face, you know that she should have just entered school not long ago.Also, Jane Fortes can't be Thor's girlfriend anymore.

  As early as a few years ago, Jane Fortes was met by Su Yue when she was visiting Dimension Street, and then something indescribable happened. Then, Jane Fortes left Dimension Street, and after a few years, the contact was not broken. , but they hardly ever met each other. Sometimes Su Yue knew some of Jane Fortes' recent situation from the ghost girl Ava.

  New Mexico, one of the four continents in the southwest of the United States, has charming scenery, including red rock cliffs, deserts, and cacti and other unique scenery that are difficult to see in other areas.

  In a few years, Thor's hammer will fall from the sky, somewhere in New Mexico.Soon after, Thor, who was demoted to the world and became a mortal, will appear. After several twists and turns, he regained the power of Thor's Hammer. At the same time, he will also thwart Loki's conspiracy, causing Loki to turn to Thanos and obtain the psychic scepter and Qi. Tari army, attack the earth.

  Su Yue will come here on the one hand to make some preparations for the follow-up Thor incident, on the other hand to see Jane Fortes.Although the two of them didn't take the encounter many years ago seriously, and they wouldn't have established a relationship and established a relationship because of this, but... they are different from others.

  Besides, even if they don't matter, it doesn't mean that Su Yue can accept that Jane Fortes has a relationship with Saul. If Saul's Tie Hanhan and Fat House rob their own people, Su Yue thinks that even hacking him to death will give up the idea. will not be accessible.

  The reason why Jane Fortes fell in love with Saul was that he bumped into him by chance at first, and then became curious about his identity and behavior. As the curiosity intensified, and after getting to know him deeply, he naturally developed feelings , what's more, Sol's transformation is quite cool, in this case, it's not too easy to pick up girls...

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