Maya Hansen nodded and asked again, "What about the duration of this effect? ​​Am I now permanently twelve years younger, or is there a time limit?"

"In terms of state, you are indeed twelve years younger forever. Simply put, no matter what happens to you, this will not change at all. But this state does have restrictions, but the restrictions have nothing to do with you, but with me!" Su Yue Pointing to himself. "If I fainted, the previously released state would be invalidated, and the person or substance that was regressed would return to its original state."

"But don't worry about this, there are very few situations that can make me faint, almost non-existent. Assuming that this happens, I'll do it again after I wake up, this ability is not One-time. Or... I guess if the ability of this fruit continues to be developed, it may be able to develop a permanent effect."

"Are you planning to develop this fruit ability?"

"I don't have this idea for now."

Su Yue shook his head, his main purpose for extracting this ability was to save Peggy, and his secondary purpose was to keep the people around him young forever, and the alternative was not to live or die, not to fight with the fruit ability like in the original book, So there is no need to waste time and energy to develop retrogressive fruit.

Chapter 0287 Expo meets Zhao Hailun

Maya Hansen, who had no idea about dressing at first, seemed to have regained her desire for beauty as a girl after regaining her youth. She returned to her room and turned out those youthful and beautiful clothes from the depths of the wardrobe, and changed into a new one. After dressing up, he left Dimension Street with Su Yue, Barbara and others.

I have to say that Maya Hansen is very surprising now.

Barbara Moores, Betty Ross and Gemma Simmons have never seen Maya Hansen dressed up like this, young and dynamic, fashionable and beautiful, and they are almost incompatible with the bigwigs of the scientific research center in their impressions . Especially when Maya Hansen was holding Su Yue's arm, the girlish feeling she inadvertently revealed made them feel like they had collapsed.

Su Yue knew what Maya Hansen was like when she was young, so she was calm.

But when they walked out, the old people in Dimension Street were surprised to see Maya Hansen who had become younger. They were very surprised that Maya Hansen had suddenly become so young, and she still went out with Su Yue.

You must know that Maya Hansen's usual life is quite regular, except that the scientific research center is home, and it is almost a two-point and one-line life.

Of course, although Maya Hansen was surprised when she came out to 'let the wind' The fruits of youth and the like.

When Su Yue came to the expo with four flowers from the scientific research center, it caused quite a stir. Su Yue's popularity and identity are no less than Tony Stark, and now he has four beauties by his side. This situation It's not surprising that it didn't cause a sensation, not to mention that Tony Stark lost himself in front of Su Yue at the opening ceremony, so both tourists and reporters picked up their mobile phones or cameras after seeing Su Yue and others. Photograph.

Kacha Kacha flashing lights came and went, illuminating the vicinity of Su Yue and others as bright as day.

As for those who participated in the exposition and exhibited their achievements, they were even more excited. Although the scientific research center on Dimension Street is not as famous as Juxiaxia and Animal Aquarium, its reputation and status in the circle are still quite good. Many people have recognized the beauties around Su Yue as people from the Dimension Street Scientific Research Center, especially the one holding Su Yue's arm... It looks a lot like Maya Hansen, the head of the scientific research center.

It's just that being young doesn't seem right, this is too young!

Su Yue has become accustomed to being sought after by others, and Maya Hansen doesn't care whether she is followed or photographed when she is excited because of her youthful recovery. Barbara Moores is a former agent, and Betty Ross has seen big scenes because of her father. The only one who may be a little cautious is Gemma Simmons. Fortunately, she is also from SHIELD Academy, although not much Experienced such a scene, but the mediation ability is very strong.

In this way, wherever Su Yue and the others go, there will be a bunch of people around.

Not to mention other things, anyway, the exposure rate of the booth that can make Su Yue stay or even ask a few words has increased a lot.

"There are so many people who can't follow closely to observe the products on display, let alone learn more about their information. Let's go separately, I'll go there to rest for a while, and you can go shopping by yourself." After shopping for a while, Su Yue Advise Maya Hansen to split up.

Maya Hansen also knows that the current situation is really inconvenient. Although she really wants to continue to be with Su Yue now, as the boss of the scientific research center, it is really difficult to leave things to others right now.

Maya Hansen left with the others, Su Yue turned and walked to a resting bench not far away and sat down.

Seeing that Su Yue seemed to be resting, most of the reporters and tourists stopped following and taking pictures. Only a few persistent reporters or tourists who had just heard the news would quietly take a few pictures in the distance. No one came to disturb.

Although this expo in the movie has attracted a lot of geniuses from all over the world, there is no relevant introduction. Although there must be geniuses among those who want to attend the expo, there should be no characters related to the plot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so Su Yue’s The mind is not on the exposition, but pondering on what to do with the skills of 'achievement' next month.

Summoning Skynet?

Or summon the silly girl in the magic phone?

Thinking about it, Su Yue felt as if someone was sitting beside him. He turned his head and glanced at him casually. It was a little Asian girl.

He nodded kindly to say hello, then turned his head to continue thinking about Skynet or the silly girl, but when he turned around, the appearance of this little Asian girl did not disappear in his mind, but became more and more The clarity, vaguely overlapped with the memory of another person.

Su Yue turned to look at the girl beside him again. At this time, the girl was also looking at him, and felt his slightly surprised eyes. The girl slightly shyly lifted the ends of her hair, and took a deep breath nervously and lowered her voice. A voice greeted. "Su, hello Mr. Su Yue, my name is Zhao Hailun, and I am a scientist in the field of technology and medical care."

Zhao Helen!

It's really her!

Although she is much younger than in the movie now, and her temperament is also a lot greener, her facial features have not changed much. The person that came to Su Yue's mind just now is the one who will be in "Avengers 2" in the future. On the stage, Dr. Zhao Hailun, who developed a regeneration cradle, helped Ultron create a body, and indirectly led to the birth of Vision.

Su Yue really didn't expect to meet Zhao Helen at the expo. Remember in the movie that it seems that Zhao Helen and Tony Stark have a good relationship, so she would come to visit when Tony Stark held the expo? The current Zhao Helen is still very young, and the regenerative cradle technology should not be researched yet, or it is not yet mature, so it is very likely that Zhao Helen is not familiar with Tony Stark at present.

Looking at Zhao Hailun, who was obviously nervous, Su Yue said with a half-smile, "I thought you just happened to rest here, but now it seems that you have other goals. Let's talk about it, you want to get something from me by approaching me. ?"

Zhao Hailun's face turned red instantly when Su Yue saw through her thoughts, she lowered her head and fluttered her hair helplessly. Seeing that Su Yue didn't seem to be unhappy, she summoned up the courage and said, "I, I have a scientific research idea, If successful, it will definitely be epoch-making, and I...I hope to get a sponsorship."

Chapter 0288 Investing in Zhao Hailun and the sensation brought by the restoration of youth

"You got the wrong guy."

Looking at Zhao Hailun, who was looking forward and nervous, Su Yue shook his head gently: "Pepper Potts is responsible for any business activities related to Dimension Street. Since you came to me for sponsorship, you should know that Pepe Who is Per Poots? If it is a research project sponsorship, you can first ask Maya Hansen from the research center, and if she approves your project, the research center may directly sponsor it.”

"I don't know anything about these scientific research projects. If you have confidence in yourself, I can arrange for you to meet Maya Hansen, and you can persuade her. Another point I want to explain in advance is that since it is a commercial sponsorship, it must be It pays off, I don't know what's going on in your circle, but if Maya Hansen is sponsored in the name of the research center, the money will come from the research center, know."

After Su Yue finished speaking, Zhao Hailun nodded in a panic. Although he didn't get a direct answer from Su Yue, his introduction was enough.

Zhao Hailun believes in her own projects and her abilities.

Besides, she also has a certain understanding of Maya Hansen. In some aspects, the Extremis virus actually overlaps with the regeneration project she wants to study. If she can get sponsorship or even conduct experiments in the scientific research center of Dimension Street, she believes in herself. The project will definitely be successful, but she doesn't care so much about the distribution of benefits after success.

Su Yue asked Zhao Hailun for the contact information, and agreed to let her meet Maya Hansen after the time was arranged.

Zhao Hailun's goal was achieved. She is not that kind of sociable character, so she got up and left after chatting for a while.

After Zhao Hailun left, the corner of Su Yue's mouth raised slightly.

Sponsoring or investing in Zhao Hailun's projects can be said to be a sure-fire way to make money. If you change places, Su Yue may take the initiative to approach Zhao Hailun for investment. After all, the movie has proved that Zhao Hailun's regeneration cradle project is very successful, and the effect of 3D printing-like regeneration of wounds is very significant. Whether it is Dimension Street itself or opening to the outside world, there are great benefits.

Not to mention, Dimension Street has its own hospital.

The reason why she didn't agree immediately and asked her to go to Maya Hansen was mainly to negotiate better conditions, and at the same time, she didn't want to give the impression that as long as she was looking for herself, as long as she was a beautiful woman, she could easily succeed.

Su Yuedao didn't mind the tricks of these sugar-coated cannonballs, he just didn't want others to follow suit in the future to find him. Professional matters are left to professionals to handle. Since Maya Hansen is in charge of the scientific research center, don't affect her status and voice in the scientific research center because of such trivial matters.

After all, Dimension Street is no longer the small workshop it used to be, and the places that should be regulated must be regulated.

More than an hour later, Maya Hansen and others came back.

Seeing their appearance, they didn't seem to gain much. After a few simple questions, they left the expo and returned to Dimension Street together.

Barbara and others went back to their respective homes, while Su Yue and Maya Hansen returned to her residence.

The main purpose of going to her side was to talk about Zhao Hailun, um... whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Su Yue received several calls one after another, Natasha, Maria Hill, Stephanie Malik, and Mrs. M, etc., without exception, all of them were asking about Maya Hansen's recovery. youthful things. After all, Maya Hansen is one of the important figures in Dimension Street. She has undergone such a big change. How could those who are always concerned about Dimension Street not know the news?

In fact, Su Yue received relatively few calls. After all, only people who were close to him would call him.

Pepper Potts is different. As the external person in charge of Dimension Street, she is equivalent to the CEO of Dimension Street, and she receives an endless stream of calls, even her assistants Tan Qi and Karen Page. been asked about this.

Moreover, this momentum is even more sensational than the previous news of the fruit of the operation!

Although they all belong to the category that cannot be explained by science, the fruit of the operation basically belongs to missing arms, broken legs or damaged internal organs. Only cancer or something can be used, which is equivalent to saving lives. But rejuvenation is different. Let’s not talk about whether this kind of rejuvenation can restore vitality and physical function. Just the fact of rejuvenation is enough to make people crazy.

After all, this is different from the life-saving of the fruit of surgery. This is what everyone needs?

It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman, regardless of your status, if you can be eighteen, who wouldn't? Su Yue never imagined that the regressive fruit ability obtained by chance would cause such a big response. Although this kind of response only occurred in the upper circles, the effect was extremely obvious. In the following period of time, the number of people who came to Dimension Street increased significantly. , and are the kind of powerful or famous people.

In this regard, Su Yue or Dimension Street did not give any response. Gradually, the situation stabilized. Although it did not mean that they gave up and gave up, they were not as crazy as they were at the beginning.

During this period, the news that Tony Stark participated in the hearing and returned with a big victory has also come out, and even the entire hearing was broadcast live.

Whether it was Tony Stark's arrogant disdain at the hearing, the organizer's obvious inclination, or the humiliating behavior of the Hammer Group, they all became the focus of the news after the live broadcast. Su Yue also watched the content of the live broadcast, which was almost the same as in the movie. The only difference was that Tony Stark was involved with himself.

The main purpose or point of view of the hearing was to believe that Tony Stark had created a weapon that endangered security, that is, the steel battle suit, which he must hand over to the organizer. It’s just that this view ended because of the defective steel suits developed by the Hammer Group, but in this process, Tony Stark used Dimension Street as an example, thinking that the power possessed by Dimension Street is the existence that may really endanger safety, If the problem of Dimension Street is not solved, he will never turn in the steel suit.

After watching the live broadcast, Su Yuedao didn't have a violent reaction, as if the Dimension Street that Tony Stark said had nothing to do with him. However, he then sent a few photos of Daisy Johnson, and then these photos spread all over the Internet in a very short time.

Then, Tony Stark is even more red!

Chapter 0289 Zhao Hailun enters Dimension Street and the hammer is coming

"Tony Stark kidnapped the Passion."

"Shocked!!! Iron Man Tony Stark has experienced such a thing..."

"The story that Tony Stark and the battery had to tell..."

"How long can Iron Man live?"

Tony Stark looked as black as coal when he saw the news about himself that went viral on the Internet, and the triumph and joy of returning from the hearing was instantly swept away.

"I knew it!!! I knew this **** would post these photos. Jarvis, delete it immediately..." Tony Stark gritted his teeth and wanted Jarvis to delete these black history photos, but when His eyes saw the green and extremely unpleasant thing he had just finished drinking, and his mood instantly dropped.

"Forget it, Jarvis, don't delete it."

"Okay, sir."

The situation of palladium poisoning is getting more and more serious. If there is no new element to replace the palladium element, if he continues to wear the reactor, he may...

Tony Stark shook his head gently, walked silently to the floor-to-ceiling mirror to the side and lifted off his T-shirt. The reactor on his body and the absence of the heart were a bit scary at first glance, especially the absence of the heart, which made him see It's like a monster that can live without a heart.

Although his heart fell into Su Yue's hands, it made him a little uncomfortable, but at the same time, he also knew that now was the best chance for him to recover. Taking out the remaining shrapnel while the heart is not operating on himself, he can get rid of the reactor and get rid of the crisis of palladium poisoning.

It sounds easy, but for Tony Stark, who hardly trusts anyone, it is not an easy decision to hand over his health and safety to a strange doctor. And the only one who can guarantee his operation is 100% successful is Su Yue...

Make him lower his face to Su Yue?

This decision is even more difficult!

Tony Stark put down his clothes and decided not to think about it for the time being. In a few days, there will be another racing competition in Europe. Among them, there is a team he sponsored. He is ready to have fun and participate in the race in person instead of the driver. Bar……

It seems that Tony Stark's behavior is a little decadent, and he feels a little self-sacrificing, in fact... er, it is true. Ever since he discovered that he was poisoned by palladium, he has been researching new elements that can replace palladium, but even if he is as smart as him and as talented as him, he has not made any progress. The feeling of getting closer and closer is a great horror, and it is extremely rare for Tony Stark to not collapse...

As the most popular celebrity at present, the photo of Tony Stark when he was kidnapped has indeed caused a great sensation and heat after it appeared on the Internet. However, the two parties didn't take it seriously. Tony Stark doesn't care about these things now, and Su Yue, the initiator of the photo, just glanced at the news and stopped paying attention.

Su Yue didn't expect these photos to do anything to Tony Stark at all, but just took revenge for Tony Stark's mention of Dimension Street at the hearing. In fact, not to mention the news of Tony Stark's photos, he didn't even pay much attention to Tony Stark, because there was not much interest in this plot, or to maintain the plot as usual. You can get the maximum benefit, so there is no need to pay attention to it at all.

Besides, instead of focusing on Tony Stark, it is better to focus on another plot that happened in the same time period.

A story about a hammer and Thor.

Yes, that's right, Thor's Hammer is coming soon, as is Thor, who was demoted to the mortal world.

Su Yue specially helped Jane Fortes to set up a laboratory in order to receive news as soon as possible. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. will also pay attention to the Thor's Hammer, especially the energy response of the Rainbow Bridge when Thor's Hammer fell. , S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely get the news as soon as possible and send someone there. After all, the current S.H.I.E.L.D. is different from the movie.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. in the movie didn't know about Asgard, so they didn't pay attention to the rainbow bridge energy response when Quake appeared, until the anomaly of Quake had spread in a small area Phil Coulson Just set off to go. But now S.H.I.E.L.D. knows a lot about Asgard's intelligence. Once the energy response of the Rainbow Bridge appears, S.H.I.E.L.D. will rush to the scene as soon as possible, so Su Yue must dare to get Thor's Hammer in front of S.H.I.E.L.D. In this way, you can take the initiative and gain benefits.

Having said that, Su Yue didn't plan to wait and see now. He just called Jane Fortes and reminded her to pay attention to the energy changes that may occur in the future. Just move it over.

Chrysanthemum went downstairs, the Lord's private box.

Zhao Hailun, who had just signed a contract with Maya Hansen and had officially joined the scientific research center, got up excitedly and raised her glass, bowed slightly and thanked Su Yue: "Mr. Su Yue, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I promise you, My cradle regeneration project will be a success, and I will never betray the trust and support you and Miss Maya Hansen have placed in me!"

After speaking, Zhao Hailun was going to drink all the liquor in the cup. As for the toast, he definitely couldn't drink one sip or half of it.

"Cough cough cough..."

As soon as the wine entered her throat, Zhao Hailun's expression suddenly changed, she turned sharply to face the corner and sprayed the wine directly, followed by a violent cough.

"Cough...cough...No, I'm sorry, I didn't expect this wine to be so choking...Yes, I'm sorry..." Zhao Hailun apologized to Su Yue in a panic while coughing.

Su Yue shook his head with a weird expression. He didn't have any bad intentions about drinking baijiu, but he just thought that since he was drinking in a Chinese restaurant, he must drink more style baijiu. Never thought that Zhao Hailun was going to toast when she came up, and she even prepared a mouthful of stuffiness...

"It's okay, just sit down and eat something to slow down. Baijiu is much more choking than beer and those foreign wines. If you haven't drunk Baijiu before, you can change to other wines. I don't care." Su Zhao Hailun, who was wiping the corners of her mouth, shook her head and refused, smiling and proposing, "There are still a few people from your country in Dimension Street, if you don't mind, call over to get to know each other, and we will meet you in the future. Working in Dimension Street is all my people, you can also help each other, and you can get together to chat or something when you are free."

"Okay, okay." Zhao Hailun is from the Peninsular, and most of the time he is actually in the U.S., and there really isn't any friends on the peninsula.

Besides, Su Yue said that she was her own, and Zhao Hailun would not refuse to introduce it to her.

Chapter 0290 Eating and Whiplash Appeared

There are indeed quite a few people from the peninsula on Dimension Street, aside from Shan and Jin Zhenxi on the White Queen's side, there are just a lot of people brought back from that dimensional world.

There are dozens of high-speed rail engineers, drivers, flight attendants, and some selected workers, etc. There are always dozens of people. This is still in the absence of dimensional immigration. If you bring the survivors from the White Queen, Dimension Street I'm afraid it's not enough...

Sun and Kim Jin-hee weren't there. No matter their status, work or age, they were not suitable for this occasion, so Su Yue called the two flight attendants, Min Zhi and Hae Young.

After this period of familiarity, the two of them have adapted to the environment of the new world and the situation of Dimension Street. Although they were suddenly summoned, it was a bit unexpected, but they quickly regained their composure. After Su Yue introduced them to each other, the people in the box. The atmosphere gradually became lively.

Although Zhao Hailun is a doctor of science, she is still young and has no significant research results. Besides, she is not that kind of aloof personality, and Min Zhi and Haiying were introduced by Su Yue. They are only high-speed train attendants, and Zhao Hailun has no contempt for them.

Besides, who doesn't know that the most important project in Dimension Street is the high-speed rail project?

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