As for Min Ji and Hae Young, not to mention, they haven't met any new friends since they came to this world, not to mention they are both from the peninsula.

On the one hand, it is a new friend, and on the other hand, it is the lord that they all pay attention to.

Chatting, drinking and drinking, the atmosphere became hotter and more relaxed.

Su Yue drank white wine leisurely, Zhao Hailun and the other three put on soju, staggered the glasses, clinking the glasses to say goodbye, and they all started to get drunk after a while. Obvious intoxication.

Zhao Hailun was sponsored and joined Dimension Street because of the experimental project. With a heavy burden on his heart, he felt both relaxed and joyful; Min Zhi and Haiying were relieved for the first time since they came to the new world from the zombie-occupied world. Total relaxation. Therefore, there is no need for Su Yue to persuade them to drink, and they will drink too much themselves.

Su Yue called someone to send Min Zhi and Hai Ying back to their residence to rest, and helped Zhao Hailun to the Dimension Building.

Although he didn't ask Zhao Hailun how the accommodation was arranged, is there any need to ask? Just send it to the Dimension Building and live there.

Dimension Building, Room 401.

After Su Yue sent Zhao Hailun in, he didn't come out until near noon the next day.


The light rain made the air fresh and cool. After coming out of the Dimension Building, Su Yue, who was full of energy, had a rare leisurely look around his territory in the rain. I have to say that the current Dimension Street has become a climate. Even if there is a drizzle, there are still many pedestrians on the street.

The place with the most people is the residential area. Some of the completed houses were sold out soon after the sale, and some people have already started to renovate and move in one after another.

After turning around and returning to the inn room, Su Yue didn't go to the attic, but turned on the TV downstairs to kill time. By the way, when Melinda May came back, she used the Regression Fruit to help her regain her youth. She knew there was a way out for Peggy.

As soon as the TV was turned on, Su Yue heard Tony Stark's name. When he looked up, the TV was playing the latest news about Tony Stark.

The background is the arena of a car race. Several overturned cars are slowly burning on the track. Tony Stark is wearing a steel battle suit and is fighting a man with an energy whip in both hands and wearing an external reactor.

Obviously, this guy holding the energy whip is whip lock, Ivan Vanke!

Ivan Vanke's father, Anton Vanke, was a partner of Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark. The two worked together on the reactor, but Anton Vanke wanted to use his research to make money. The result was Howard Stark. Stark was exiled and finally fell to his death.

His son Ivan Vanke has inherited his ingenuity and knowledge. With only a small amount of money and personal efforts, he has developed a reactor and an energy whip to seek revenge for Tony Stark, which triggered the Iron Man 2 plot.

Speaking of which, whip lock is also one of Iron Man's enemies in Marvel's comics, and there have been two generations.

The first generation is called Max Carotti, who is also a scientist. After graduating from college, he worked with a soprano family named March, and used his own machinery and weapon manufacturing technology to make the March family strong, but Iron Man With the March family as enemies, he had to come forward to deal with Iron Man.

As a result, the battle with Iron Man was tied. Although there was no victory, the March family was very happy and reused it. As a result, this guy swelled up and went directly to Justin Hammer. Although Su Yue was not very good I know Justin Hammer in the comics, but I don't think he is very good, so this guy is actually a little brother, and he doesn't have a big role in Iron Man's comics.

The second generation of Whiplash is Ivan Vanke. Because a man in an iron suit killed his father, Ivan Vanke put on armor to take revenge on Iron Man. It is worth mentioning that in the comics, his father is not Howard Stark's partner, but Tony Stark's partner.

In addition to these two generations, there are other whip locks, but they are all dragon sets without names and detailed information.

This news is not live, so Ivan Vanke should have been defeated by Tony Stark and imprisoned at this time. Well, he may even have been rescued by Justin Hammer. As for Tony Stark, he's probably more than ready to start partying.

Tony Stark refused to hand over the steel suit and threatened that no one would be able to make a steel suit or a reactor for at least 20 years. As a result, he was beaten in the face by Ivan Vanke. Those who want a steel suit will definitely not miss this opportunity, James Rhodes will also fight Tony Stark at this party, and eventually take a steel suit and become a war machine.

However... these things have nothing to do with him, so Su Yue was not prepared to pay attention to the follow-up situation, and changed the channel at will.


At the moment when Su Yue changed channels, a deafening roar came.

"This feels a little familiar... Why is it a bit like the opening of the Rainbow Bridge?" Su Yue was stunned and teleported directly from the inn to the landing of energy.

As soon as he appeared, he saw the totem of the wreckage after the Rainbow Bridge was opened. There was something in the middle of the totem that he didn't expect at all, a... hammer!

Chapter 0291 Thor's Hammer in Dimension Street

The huge energy remnants of the Rainbow Bridge exudes a slow heat wave, and a hammer stands firmly in the middle of the heat wave. It is a grey square hammer head with a short round handle wrapped in brown leather with a looped lanyard at the end of the handle.

Thor's Hammer! ! !

Su Yue raised his eyebrows, opened his eyes slightly to look at Thor's Hammer, and whispered in surprise: "How could this thing land on Dimension Street, shouldn't it land on Jane Fortes' side? What did Odin think? Yes, you threw the Thor's Hammer here, are you planning to send it to me?"

Naturally, Odin would not give the weapon such as Thor's Hammer to Su Yue, but he left it to his son Thor. It is obviously impossible that Thor's hammer will fall on Dimension Street because Odin's old eyes are dim and he threw it in the wrong place. Mostly because of Su Yue or Dimension Street, he changed his original idea, so Thor's hammer will fall on Dimension Street.

"Isn't this old Odin wanting me to test or train Thor? Or because he knew Loki's conspiracy, he deliberately placed Thor's hammer in a place where Loki dared not set foot or said that he did not dare to set foot there. A place where you can make wind and rain?" Although Su Yue didn't know why the plot deviates, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it falls on Dimension Street, so that he has to go to Jane Fortes.

"Ring, bell, bell, bell, bell..."

The phone rang suddenly, Su Yue took it out and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

It was Jane Fortes who called.

After picking up the phone, Su Yue heard Jane Fortes' hurried voice, and the smile on her face became even stronger.

"I see. There is a rainbow bridge on my side. It's a hammer. On your side, it should be a person. You go to him first, and notify me as soon as you find it." Su Yue and Jane Fortes explained a few words and hung up the phone.

Just now, Jane Fortes detected the energy response of the Rainbow Bridge. If there is no accident, it should be Thor, the **** of thunder, who has lost his power.

One person and one hammer landed in two places, or two places that were far apart. I have to say that Odin really had good intentions.

Thor knows very little about the situation of the earth. It is not easy for him to come to Dimension Street from such a distance without any help after losing his divine power. This process alone can change the almost nothing of Thor. , at least it can destroy his original arrogant character.

And Dimension Street is a very popular place on earth. Thor's hammer falls on Dimension Street, and no one can pick it up. This news or news should be spread all over the place soon, so it is right Earth doesn't know anything, and Thor, who doesn't know the whereabouts of Thor's Hammer at all, can also know the location of the hammer.

Don't say that Thor has lost his divine power, even if he still possesses divine power or even Thor's Hammer, he doesn't have the ability to mess around in Dimension Street, so when he finds Thor's Hammer, if he hasn't passed the test, he can only be honest Really trying to find a way to regain the recognition of the hammer, this test, he can't do it by tricks.

Su Yue came to Thor's Hammer, stretched out his hand, held the handle, and pulled it upward slightly, but the hammer didn't move at all. He smiled silently and continued to increase his strength, but Thor's Hammer seemed to grow on the ground, and Su Yue did not shake even if he increased his strength.

"Is this hammer that heavy?" Supergirl Kara's voice sounded beside her.

The opening of the Rainbow Bridge was so loud that Supergirl Kara would not be indifferent. When she heard the sound, she saw Su Yue pulling a hammer on the ground. Originally, she didn't take it seriously, but she couldn't help but be surprised when she saw that Su Yue had improved her strength a little bit, but the hammer didn't move at all.

"You'll know when you try it." Su Yue smiled and let go of Thor's Hammer and moved out of the way.

Supergirl Kara stood in front of the hammer, bent over and grabbed the hammer with one hand and lifted it up. Although she was mentally prepared, the motionless hammer still almost made her waist. Not believing in evil, she made a non-standard horse stance, holding the handle with both hands and continuing to exert force.


Thor's Hammer swayed slightly unknowingly.

Supergirl Kara didn't seem to notice the slightest shaking, but Su Yue saw it. He was a little surprised at the beginning, but he was relieved in a blink of an eye. Although there is a restriction left by Odin on Thor's Hammer, although he is not sure about the details of this restriction, as long as he is qualified, he can pick up Thor's Hammer.

In the movie, Fat Thor's left-handed Thor's Hammer fought against Thanos with his right-handed Tomahawk, but he was brutalized. As a result, the captain picked up Thor's Hammer and showed a highlight moment. In the comics, there are more people who can pick up Thor's Hammer. Black Widow, Storm, Little Naughty, Spider-Man, Hela, Horse-faced Thor, Vision, and Groot have all picked up Thor's Hammer. , not to mention the goddess of Thor who replaced Thor, Jane Fortes.

Su Yue remembers that Superman also picked up Thor's Hammer in the comics published by Marvel and DC, so it's not unbelievable that Supergirl Kara can pick it up. After all, Supergirl Kara is a real superhero, and her Virgin... No, It is his idea of ​​justice that is no less than that of the captain.

"What the **** is this, and why is it so weird?" Supergirl Cara asked Su Yue suspiciously after releasing Thor's Hammer.

"Its real name is Mjolnir, and now it is called Thor's Hammer. It is the weapon of Thor, the **** of thunder in Norse mythology. Of course, the so-called Norse gods are actually Asgardians in the nine kingdoms. Sif is an Asgardian. There is a prohibition left by Odin, the father of the gods, on Thor's Hammer. Only those who are qualified can pick it up and gain a part of the power of Thor." Su Yue explained.

"Why is it here?" Supergirl Kara asked inexplicably.

Su Yue pouted: "In order to test his son, in order to make him a qualified king. But... Since you want me to help, you have to give me some hard work, right? No matter how bad it is, you have to say hello in advance. Throwing things over without saying hello... Is our relationship that good?"

Su Yue squinted his eyes and looked at Thor's Hammer. There is nothing to say about not getting the hammer's approval. He is very clear that he is not an absolute good person, but since Thor's Hammer has fallen on Dimension Street, he is the lord of Dimension Street. But if you can't pick it up, it's a bit too cheap, right?

A bold idea gradually came into his mind, maybe... Thor's hammer is not so difficult to get!

Chapter 0292 My hidden identity has a lot to do

There are only a handful of people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who can pick up Thor's Hammer. Let's not talk about Thor, the main lord, and the only ones left are the vision of the mind gem and the captain who is one of the benchmarks of the Avengers. With the addition of a female Thor, Jane Fortes, who may be born in 'Thor 4', it can be seen how difficult it is to get Thor's hammer.

With a flash of inspiration, Su Yue once again held the Thor's Hammer with one hand. After taking a deep breath, he kept reciting the words 'Pick up Thor's Hammer' like a repeater, and at the same time launched the 'Fulfill your wish'. 'This ability!

Although it's been less than a month since the last time he used 'Wishful to do' to draw the retrogressive fruit, Su Yue had a vague feeling that he could activate it successfully.

Staring intently at the Thor's Hammer in his hand, Su Yue let out a sigh of relief. The muscles of the arm holding the Thor's Hammer were tense, as if all the strength of his body was concentrated on this arm.

"Get up for me!"

Su Yue shouted in his heart, and then he felt the strength in his hand lighten, his arm straightened up, and Thor's Hammer also quickly rose with his arm, leaving the ground...

"Okay, it's successful!"

Looking at the Thor's Hammer that he picked up in his hand, Su Yue was instantly overjoyed, subconsciously waving his arms and waving the Thor's Hammer.

"It turned out to be really successful. The ban on Thor's Hammer seems to be invalid for me. This shows that my previous hunch was correct. Although the buffer time for things to come true has not yet come, it can be activated. Moreover, my heart The ability to make things happen seems to be of a very high level, and even the prohibition left by the father of the gods Odin seems to be unable to resist."

Su Yue waved Thor's Hammer with great interest, pondering the reason why he was able to succeed.

First of all, the location of Thor's Hammer is not in Dimension Street, which means that the ability of 'accomplish what you want' is not only used in the Dimension Street system, nor can it only be used in the system's lottery and summoning.

Secondly, the one-month buffer time has not yet come, and you can use it again outside the Dimension Street, which means that the time limit for the ability of 'whatever you want' is not fixed once a month, and it is very likely to be used in different environments. The restrictions or requirements are also different.

In addition, Su Yue felt that this ability could be upgraded. If it could be upgraded, it might reduce the buffering time.

In the end, Su Yue was almost certain that the ability to "achieve what you want" was definitely not given by the system, or had something to do with the system, it should be his own ability!

If it is really his own ability, then two important questions will be extended under careful consideration.

The first question is, why do you have such a god-like ability? Even the prohibition of Odin, the father of the gods, can't resist his ability. This shows how powerful this ability is. Before he passed through, he was just an ordinary orphan, and after he passed through, he was just a protagonist of the system flow. Why is there a hidden ability?

Do you have any hidden identity or hidden bloodline? Otherwise, why do things like time-travel, systems, and hidden abilities happen to me?

The second question, why can this ability be used once a month in Dimension Street, but not for a month outside Dimension Street? If the use of this ability is assumed to be energy consumption, does that mean that more energy is consumed in the Dimension Street, and more energy is consumed when acting on the system?

Although it may be because the system is more powerful, so it consumes more, but at the same time, does it also prove that one thing is that your ability is more powerful than the system? Otherwise why would it work?

If it is, the question goes back to the previous question, which is also the most central question.

who I am! ! !

"It seems that I'm still hiding an identity that I don't even know, and this identity definitely has a lot of background..." Su Yue stopped his analysis with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, and looked aside, surprised that he could pick up Thor The Hammer's supergirl, Kara, smiled and deliberately handed Thor's Hammer over.

Supergirl Kara didn't think much about it, she reached out and caught Thor's Hammer.


The moment Su Yue let go, Supergirl Kara felt the Thor's Hammer in her hand falling suddenly. Although she was caught off guard, she tried to stop it instantly, but her power seemed to have no effect on Thor's Hammer.

Thor's Hammer crashed to the ground, and Supergirl Kara also knelt on the ground because of it.

"Are you stupid? Let go if you can't pick it up." Su Yue joked, bent down and stretched out his hand, and easily picked up Thor's Hammer.

Supergirl Kara got up and looked at Su Yue resentfully, since she knew I couldn't hold it, why did she hand it to me? You just wanted to see me embarrassed.

"You go back first, and by the way, ask someone to repair the ground here." Su Yue didn't plan to return to Dimension Street after satisfying his bad taste.

Now that you know that the energy consumption of 'what you want to achieve' is different in Dimension Street and outside Dimension Street, then you should study Thor's Hammer outside first, and also study his abilities.

After all, although he has picked up Thor's Hammer now, he doesn't feel the power of Thor, and it seems that Thor's Hammer does not have the ability to automatically lock. Throwing it out not only has no power of thunder, but also does not fly back by itself. Basically, it is a Ordinary hammer.

If it can only be used for physical attacks, the power and force of Thor's Hammer will drop too much, and even if you can pick it up, it's nothing to show off.

In reality, the expansion rate of the dimension street area is much faster than the increase in the dimension street area in the system, that is to say, the dimension street space of the system cannot completely cover the real dimension street, so from a realistic point of view, or from other people's In terms of perspective, the landing of Thor's Hammer is actually also in Dimension Street. Only Su Yue himself knows the boundary between the real Dimension Street and the real Dimension Street in the system.

Uh, Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, also knows, because the Rainbow Bridge can't appear in the real Dimension Street at all.

"This is what caused the confusion just now, from Asgard's Rainbow Bridge?" A slightly hoarse, magnetic female voice sounded beside her.

Hearing this voice, Su Yue turned his head with a smile and said, "Nick Fury asked you to come?"

Natasha nodded lightly: "Yeah, he asked me to ask what's going on, I just happened to take a break. You injured the training agent in the bureau before, that is the Anthony Master agent. , so I've been doing his original job recently, fighting as an agent in the education bureau."

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense, it's not me."

"People who hurt SHIELD agents are hated, but I didn't do it." Su Yue seriously denied it and explained it earnestly.

Chapter 0293 It turns out that he is a master imitator!

Natasha didn't respond to Su Yue's triple denial, and she didn't come to investigate the matter. Moreover, although the fact is indeed like Su Yue said that it is the hand that hates moving, but how did the hatred appear in your heart of SHIELD? Not to mention the final collapse of the Trident Building at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

And Abomination took the opportunity to escape. S.H.I.E.L.D. has yet to find any clues about Abomination. Do you dare to say that this has nothing to do with you?

If it weren't for the fact that Nick Fury wanted to lead the way, and then Su Yue took out the legend's news for a deal, do you really think that without evidence, S.H.I.E.L.D. could only suffer from a dumb loss? ?

Of course, Natasha thinks it would be better for S.H.I.E.L.D. to take this dumb loss. After all, Su Yue is not a character with a broad mind and can be manipulated at will. If S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't want to suffer? The final result may be that the losses are getting bigger and bigger, and the more you eat...

"What's the name of the injured agent you said just now?" Su Yue suddenly asked.

Natasha joked a little unexpectedly: "You usually don't pay much attention to the agents in S.H.I.E.L.D., especially the male agents. You don't seem to be the type to feel guilty or self-blame, why did you suddenly tell me just now? The special agent was interested, and he even took the initiative to ask for his name?"

"His name is Anthony Masters, he has great fighting skills and is very good at imitating other people's fighting moves, so most of the time and tasks are in the distance teaching new agents fighting skills. If caught in the game Those with strong fighting skills will also let him observe, learn to imitate their abilities, and then pass them on to other agents."

"His imitation is very interesting. Not only can he learn to imitate quickly, but he can also achieve almost the same effect as the opponent. If the opponent does not hate this non-human monster, few people can beat him in combat. I I've tried it before and it failed."

Although Natasha felt that it was unusual for Su Yue to pay attention to Anthony Masters, she still said something about Anthony Masters. Anyway, if she didn't say it, it was not difficult for Su Yue to know the news.

Su Yue would ask Anthony Masters' name originally because it sounded familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but when Natasha finished talking about Anthony Masters' abilities, Su Yue had already determined who this guy was. .

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