It took almost an hour before and after, Reed Richards made a very detailed inspection of Su Yue inside and out, and finally came to a conclusion...

Su Yue is not human.

No, it should be said that Su Yue is definitely not an ordinary person.

Leaving aside the energy that can make things come true, his steel-like body alone is already different from ordinary people. Just drawing blood, Reed Richards spent more than half an hour, trying all kinds of methods... …

Chapter 0299 ​​Beautiful women are around rich people

Standing in front of Su Yue, Susan thoughtfully helped him put on his shirt, bowing his head and tying the buttons. Su Yue tilted his head slightly and asked Reed Richards, who was sitting in front of the computer intently on checking the data, for the result.

"How is it, did you find out anything?"

"Very strange..." Reed Richards said inexplicably, frowning, staring at the data on the monitor. "Judging from the results of routine examinations, your body functions are all normal, and those who are healthy can't be healthy any more. However, as I have seen with my own eyes, your physical strength or density is obviously higher than that of normal people. From the data of the examination results But there is no manifestation, or the manifestation is not obvious. This is not common sense!"

Su Yue said lightly: "If common sense is the only answer, do you scientists still need to exist?"

Reed Richards paused, nodded and said, "You're right, give me some time, I'm sure I'll figure it out."

"This is not what I asked you to check." Su Yue reminded.

Reed Richards nodded: "I understand, don't worry, I tested your energy just now, the data is still being analyzed, it will take some time."

Su Yue hummed, and ordered Susan to buy some food. After all, it would take some time for Reed Richards' test results to come out. Su Yue didn't plan to leave for the time being until the results came out.

Reed Richards has a tendency to be a techie, and at this point he's fully committed to his work. After Susan came out, Su Yue and Ben Grimm chatted casually.

Ben Grimm didn't deviate from his original life trajectory. After graduating from college, he became a pilot in the Marine Corps, and then was sent to the NASA to become an astronaut. He has a beautiful girlfriend with blond hair. It sounds like everything All are good.

Unfortunately, after becoming the Fantastic Four, he is the only one whose appearance has changed greatly. Whether it is Mr. Fantastic's expansion, the flame of the Human Torch or the Invisibility of the Invisible Woman, he can change the mode independently and has little impact on his appearance and life. , only Ben Grimm became irreversible Thing.

The job is gone, the girlfriend is scared away, and life can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Although in the end he accepted his new life, became a popular superhero with the others, and found a new girlfriend, uh, although this new girlfriend is blind, but everything is different.

If Su Yue were to choose, he would rather not have this ability than live this kind of life, so it is no wonder that he has been working hard to eliminate his ability.

Half an hour later, Susan came back with a few people dressed as waiters.

"Let's put it here." Susan pointed to the free table and instructed the waiters. Soon, the insulated takeaway boxes were opened one after another, and the table was filled with exquisite dishes.

"Thank you, you can go." Susan gave each of them a big tip, turned to Su Yue and said, "Boss, it's alright."

Su Yue nodded and walked over, Susan helped him pull up the chair, and after Su Yue sat down, she took out the napkin to help him tidy up, and finally bent down to help him pour the wine, and then helped him sit down.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Su Yue asked Ben Grimm and Reed Richards.

"Damn rich man." Ben Grim muttered in a low voice and walked over quickly.

Whether it is such a luxurious take-out service, exquisite dishes, or the service of a beautiful woman like Susan, all of them show the rich and local tyrant temperament of Su Yue.

The most important thing is that all this is not Su Yue's request, but Susan's own decision, but both Su Yue and Susan seem to be used to this situation, which means that it is not deliberately pretending to be in front of them, but is the norm.

How do you say that? The beauties are all around the rich, um, Ben Grimm has some pantothenic acid, he decided to turn his envy into an appetite, and after sitting down, he began to feast.

Ben Grimm has no opinion on Su Yue, just envy and complain about the rich. In particular, the party involved was the campus goddess he knew, which made him even more envious and jealous.

"Let's eat first." Reed Richards looked up with envy in his eyes, but now he was more concerned about Su Yue's test results.

"Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di..."

The computer suddenly sounded a prompting sound, and Reed Richards sat down and focused on the monitor in an instant.

Su Yue put down the wine glass in his hand, got up and went to the computer, followed by Susan.

"Is there a result?"


"what's the result?"

"Everything turned out to be normal, and no conventional and common energy reactions were found."

"Is that so..." Su Yue's expression was a little disappointed, he was quite sure that he had a special energy in him. But now it seems that the level of this energy is really too high, so high that even a genius like Reed Richards can't detect it.

"If that's the case, then..."

"and many more!"

Reed Richards suddenly pointed at some data on the monitor. "There is something wrong here. The data response of this energy is higher than the normal value. Although it is not much higher, it far exceeds the normal deviation value."

"No, no, no, there must be something I didn't find, or the inspection data failed to find. I need more precise inspection equipment."

Reed Richards suddenly picked up the pen and paper next to him excitedly and began to write, and said while writing, "These are the accessories I need, as far as I know, even the most advanced instruments may not be able to. Check out this energy, I need to modify it myself."

"Are you sure you can check it with these?" Su Yue asked.

Reed Richards said firmly: "I am sure, I have just analyzed and calculated, as long as the equipment can meet the standards I need, I can definitely check this energy. As long as this energy is checked, give me some With time, I can analyze the nature and source of this energy, so as to get detailed data so that you can control this energy purposefully.”

"it is good."

Su Yue knew that Reed Richards was not the kind of person who would aimlessly. Since he was so sure, it meant that he was sure.

The feeling of loss was swept away, Su Yue nodded to Susan.

Susan took out a bank card from her bag and put it on the table in front of Reed Richards.

"The money is here, you can buy what you need, I don't ask, I just want the final result!" Su Yue said.

"it is good."

Reed Richards hesitated for a moment, then picked up the bank card and nodded solemnly.

"We still have something to do. Let's go first and come back to you in a few days." It will definitely take some time to buy equipment and reassemble. Su Yue plans to take Susan to see his brother first. After all, he still believes in Reed Richards' assurance. Yes, this means that the purpose of this visit is already half-successful, and you can make some preparations for other things in advance.

Chapter 0300 Siblings meet

Dynamic music sounded on the empty road, the music sounded from far to near, a convertible car and a locomotive were almost close to each other, driving side by side quickly from a distance.

The beautiful woman in the convertible and the man riding the motorcycle leaned halfway, stretched their necks and showed their love.

That is to say, this place is relatively remote, and there are no cars on the road. Otherwise, they are guaranteed to overturn with this kind of gameplay.

Boom! boom! boom!

The locomotive slammed the accelerator vigorously and quickly overtook the convertible, followed by a few acceleration moments and rushed out.


The harsh braking sound rang out, the tires marked a long black mark on the ground, and the smell of burning spread out with the heat generated by the tires.

Bending down and getting out of the car, Jonathan's eyes widened, looking at two people, a man and a woman standing not far away in disbelief.

To be precise, it was the woman among them.

"Sister? Really... it's really you!"

Jonathan carefully identified the person, and after confirming that he was not mistaken, he immediately ran to Susan excitedly.

Looking at her brother whom she hadn't seen for a long time, Susan couldn't help but laughed excitedly. But when Jonathan approached, the smile on Susan's face disappeared, replaced by a rude reprimand. "How many times have I told you, don't be so frizzy at ordinary times, be calm! Do you think that I'm not here, no one will care about you? What if there is an accident with the behavior just now?"

Jonathan: "..."

"Sister! You've been missing for so long for no reason. Do you know how sad and sad I am? It's hard to meet you, and you disciplined me as soon as you met?" Jonathan looked at Susan resentfully, really wanting to ask me if it was true your own brother.

"I'm here for your own good." Susan said earnestly.

Jonathan curled his lips in disapproval: "Okay, I know, really, haven't I lived well in the past few years when you were gone. By the way, sister, where have you been before? Why don't you even say hello? Missing, I thought something happened to you. Also, who is this guy? Your boyfriend?"

"This is my boss, Su Yue." Susan introduced.

Su Yue said with a smile: "Hello, Jonathan, your sister often mentions you."

Does Susan bring up Jonathan often?

of course not.

Susan and Su Yue didn't spend much time together, let alone the chance to chat about her brother.

Su Yue said polite words, and Susan naturally wouldn't break the stage.

"I shouldn't have said anything nice about me." Jonathan pouted and said. "Sister, where have you been all these years, where did this boss come from, and what kind of work are you doing now? Also, why did you leave without saying hello, and there's been no news for all these years?"

"I left quite abruptly back then, the place I went or the work I did was complicated, and I couldn't get in touch with you..." Susan explained to Jonathan.

Jonathan's impression of Su Yue was the same as what he knew. He was young and active, unruly, and did his own way. The most important thing was a wave. For example, the woman in the convertible just now was probably picked up by him on the road.

But then again, Jonathan does have the capital of waves.

He has a very handsome face, a strong body, and a bit of a bad personality, which is indeed very attractive to the opposite sex. If he was in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I'm afraid he would fly up, after all... this guy has a face that is very similar to Captain America Steve Rogers.

"This is not a place to reminisce, let's meet in the city first."

"Okay, where's your car?" Jonathan looked around and didn't find any cars or locomotives.

Susan looked at Su Yue, Su Yue smiled and put her hand on Susan's shoulder, then grabbed Jonathan with the other hand. Just as Jonathan was about to ask what he was doing, he suddenly felt a whirlwind. The next moment, he suddenly widened his eyes and looked around in disbelief. this a hotel room?


Why did I come here in the blink of an eye? Is it a hallucination or...

Jonathan suddenly turned to look at Su Yue. "my car……"

"Go back and ask your sister to take you to buy a new one." Su Yue said lightly, then turned to Susan and said, "You brothers and sisters, talk slowly, I'll go out."

"Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No, have a good chat with your brother, it's okay to tell him something."

Su Yue smiled and teleported away again.

Watching the big living man disappear in front of his eyes, Jonathan finally left his motorcycle behind. Anyway, Su Yue just said that he can buy a new one. So what he is more curious about now is who is Su Yue? Why can teleportation, and what exactly does my sister do?

Siblings reunite after a long absence. Naturally, they have a lot to say. In particular, Jonathan has many questions that need to be answered one by one.

With Su Yue's permission, Susan was relieved to tell herself one by one about what happened after she was inexplicably summoned to Dimension Street, parallel worlds, various superpowers, Dimension Street, and the Lord of Dimension Street, etc. A series of things can be said, especially Su Yue, the lord of Dimension Street, that is, her boss, Susan said the most.

On the one hand, she wanted to tell her younger brother that she was a lord, a member of Dimension Street, and permanent. On the other hand, she also wanted her younger brother to know the power and dignity of the lord, so as not to provoke the lord with his fiery temper. If possible, Susan hopes that Lord Lord will allow her brother to go to Dimension Street.

"Did you hear what I said? Although the lord has a good temper and is very kind, it doesn't change the fact that he is actually my master and the master of Dimension Street. You have to be more polite and respectful. ." Susan looked serious and reminded her brother in a serious tone.

Jonathan pursed his lips and said nothing.

Susan was very helpless towards her brother who had always been disobedient, and she was even more sure of the idea of ​​bringing him back to Dimension Street together.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Su Yue came back.

"Boss." As soon as Susan said hello, she suddenly saw her brother rush out like a tiger.

"Fake, what qualifications do you have to be my sister's master!" Jonathan scolded and punched Su Yue directly in the face.

He didn't listen to how amazing Dimension Street was, how powerful Su Yue was, and how well his sister lived and worked in Dimension Street. As a younger brother, he only had one thought, and that was to teach this guy who changed and controlled his sister's life a lesson.


A loud bang sounded, and Jonathan flew out like a cannonball, hitting the wall heavily.

Su Yue calmly retracted her legs, looked at Susan who was stunned, and said, "What's the matter with your brother?"

Chapter 0301 Torch and brother-in-law?

What's up with Jonathan?

Of course, she wanted to vent her anger on her sister's behalf.

He didn't listen to the mystery, novelty, and power of Dimension Street. He didn't pay attention to Susan's emotion and wonder when she said it. For Jonathan, who has a hot and rebellious personality, any superpowers or parallel worlds are far inferior. His elder sister was more important, so when he heard that Su Yue was the owner of his elder sister, he immediately shut down his thinking ability, and only had the idea of ​​venting his anger for his elder sister.

Although Susan didn't feel wronged, and she was even a little fortunate that she could be summoned to Dimension Street, her brother's performance and reaction still made her very happy, even though his actions were frustrating!

"Boss, my brother he..." Susan didn't go to help her brother up, she believed that Su Yue would definitely not be ruthless, so she just glanced at her brother who was struggling to get up, and explained to Su Yue.

In fact, even if she didn't explain it, Su Yue also realized that Jonathan was crazy at this time.

"well done."

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