Su Yue looked at Jonathan's indignant and eager look after he got up, and nodded approvingly: "Although your approach is a bit unwise, your starting point is worthy of praise, and your feelings towards your sister are also worthy of praise."

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't need your praise, I don't care who you are or how strong you are, you are not qualified!" Jonathan hummed.

Su Yue shook his head noncommittally and said, "From a logical point of view, it is indeed a bit too much for me to inexplicably summon your sister to Dimension Street to be under my control, but from a realistic point of view, the strong are respected, since I can do it, I have this. Qualification. You need to understand that reality is reality, reason is reason, and if you don’t have the strength to reason, you have to accept reality.”

"The reality now is that your sister has become an indispensable member of Dimension Street. No matter in terms of emotion or identity, it is impossible for her to leave Dimension Street and will always be under my control. However, I did not treat her harshly. , She works in the financial department at the core and the most powerful in Dimension Street. Just before returning, she is in charge of another dimension world, whether it is the improvement of personal ability, the embodiment of value, or her personal treatment, in Dimension Street The status is different from what you imagine or understand. The most important thing is that she is also my woman. You don't know me, but your sister is very clear that I will never treat my woman badly! "

"Don't refute in a hurry, you ignored the most crucial issue. That is, what does your sister think!" Su Yue said earnestly without giving Jonathan a chance to speak. "I can understand the relationship between you and your sister. You don't like your sister in charge of you, or the life or requirements she arranges for you. If you think about it, your sister may not think so. You all think so, and it is impossible for you to remove the identity of Dimension Street, but I still hope you will calm down and ask your sister how she feels, at will feel more comfortable in your own heart, and it will be easier to accept this fact."


Su Yue narrowed his eyes, and his tone suddenly became serious. "This is the first time and the last time. If there is another time, I will not spare you because of your sister's face. Believe me, although I may not kill you, my punishment will make you more painful than death. !"

Jonathan's face was dark and naturally resentful. As a young, arrogant and rebellious young man, he was naturally reluctant to admit to this threat easily. Young, who wants to lose face?

It's just that Susan didn't give him another chance to play tricks, and directly dragged Jonathan into the inner room.


The door closed gently, Su Yue shook his head and sat down on the sofa.

He knew what kind of character Jonathan was, the Human Torch. If his character wasn't hot, it wouldn't make sense. Whether this guy is in the Fantastic Four, or in the comics, he has such a small personality. Speaking of which, he has a lot of emotional experience, and then he was the first warrior in the Fantastic Four to die.

His character is very real!

Whether it is his rebelliousness and stubbornness, his feelings for his sister and his impulsive action just now, it all shows that he is a very real person.

So this time Su Yue didn't care, but if there was another time, he wouldn't mind taking care of Susan.

After half an hour, Susan and Jonathan came out.

Jonathan lowered his head and did not speak. Susan came to Su Yue and asked, "Boss, where did you go just now?"

"We went to Victor's company to have a chat with him, and we'll go straight to the sky after Reid's inspection results are done." Su Yue said.

Susan nodded: "I, I'll go to the front desk to help Jonathan open a room?"


After turning around, Susan warned Jonathan with her eyes, then opened the door and went out.

Only Su Yue and Jonathan were left in the room. Su Yue thought about things leisurely and contentedly, and Jonathan felt a little uncomfortable.

"What did you just say about going to space?" Jonathan asked in a low voice, as if he couldn't stand the quiet and awkward atmosphere.

"Your sister didn't tell you?" Su Yue asked back, seeing Jonathan shaking his head, and said casually, "This time I brought your sister back for two purposes, one of which is to make your sister follow what she should have. Trajectory gains the ability to become the Invisible Woman. This is due to an accident in space after which five people gain superpowers!"

"According to the original trajectory, you are among these five people!"

"Wait, the original trajectory? You mean you know the future?" Jonathan said in amazement.

Su Yue shrugged and said nothing.

Jonathan took a deep breath and asked curiously, "So I will also have superpowers in the future, what is it? What are my superpowers?"


"Your body can produce flames that can reach thousands of degrees, you can fly, shoot flames, and are immune to flames. But your fire is a natural fire, it cannot burn without oxygen, and it will be extinguished if it encounters a lot of water. You There is a code name called Human Torch! If you only talk about the appearance and coolness of your abilities, you should be the coolest of the five!"

"The Human Torch? Cool! I like this name." Jonathan smiled proudly. "So, will you take me with you?"

"Call brother-in-law to listen?" Su Yue joked casually.



Su Yue looked slightly dumbfounded when he looked at Jonathan who did not hesitate to shout out, you are too... unprincipled, right? You were yelling at yourself just now, but now you call your brother-in-law so smooth?

Chapter 0302 You are the universe!

Jonathan was really angry about what happened to his sister at first, but after being kicked by Su Yue to force him to calm down, he heard his sister's words, and his anger naturally dissipated. After calming down, Jonathan knew that his sister really liked Su Yue, and also knew that Su Yue was very good to her sister, so she was no longer hostile to Su Yue mentally, and there was no pressure from this brother-in-law's call.

After all, Su Yue was her sister's first boyfriend, and she should also be the last.

With the hostility gone and the relationship cleared up, Jonathan's attention naturally shifted to other places.

For example...superpowers!

For example... a parallel world!

For example... Dimension Street!

When Susan helped Jonathan open the room and came back, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised. She found that her brother was talking very much with Su Yue, and even a little to please Su Yue.

"Sister, brother-in-law said that it's time to take me to space, and then I can also gain superpowers and become the Human Torch!" Jonathan got up and came to Susan, and asked impatiently, "When will Reed get it done? ? Do I need to prepare anything?"

Susan handed the room card to Jonathan. "Go back to your room and rest, I'll call you if something happens."

"Oh, okay." Jonathan took it and responded, turning around and winking at Susan and Su Yue. "Then don't disturb the rest of my sister and brother-in-law. Call me if you have anything."

After speaking, Jonathan opened the door and went out.

Susan shook her head helplessly, came to Su Yue's side and asked curiously, "What did you guys talk about just now? Why did Jonathan's attitude change so quickly, and his brother-in-law's name was so smooth."

"We talked about Dimension Street and super powers. He said it so smoothly because he knew that you liked me, and I was also good to you. After clarifying his identity, his attitude would naturally be different." Su Yue smiled. He stretched out his hand and took Susan over. "It will take at least two or three days for Reed. These days you can go home with Jonathan or go out for a walk. If you have anything you want to take away, everything you want to buy will be sorted out, and we will return from space. It's time to go back."

"it is good."

"By the way, I will bring Jonathan with me when I go back. As for Reed and Ben..." Su Yue thought about it and said, "I can bring Ben with me, but Reed, I will call him after I go back. to Dimension Street."

Susan nodded: "It should be true, no matter what the results of Reed's examination are, what he knows is very important. If you take him to Dimension Street, you must have certain containment measures to prevent him from revealing information about you. "

Su Yue hummed, he was not worried that Reed would reveal his energy check in the Marvel world, so what if the news was known? Can it stop itself or take away its energy? Besides, as long as he erased his memory with a memory eraser or left him in the world of the Fantastic Four, it wouldn't affect him at all.

There are two main reasons why you want to add a layer of restriction to Reed by summoning. First, Reed is very smart. He can greatly improve the technological level of Dimension Street, and it is also convenient for him to find him at any time to detect the energy situation. Second, the core of the Fantastic Four is Reed. Susan will not say it for the time being. Jonathan, who is going to bring back, does not know Reed now, but Ben is Reed's friend. As long as he controls Reed, it is equivalent to controlling Ben .

Su Yue also thought about whether to take Victor Doom away. After all, he is the future Doctor of Destruction. Whether in this world or in the comics, his IQ is not inferior to Reed. In the comics, he is almost the same as Thanos. Is a level of villain BOSS.

In the comics, Dr. Doom in college developed a time machine, and in the 2015 period of Secret War, he gained power beyond part of the Protoss and became the god-monarch Doom, splicing together different fragments of the universe in the infinite universe to form a battle. In the world of Dou, Doom is God.

He can easily defeat the Black Panther with the Infinity Gloves, instantly kill Cyclops with part of the power of the phoenix, and tear apart Thanos.

When the power beyond the Protoss was taken away, Mr. Fantastic Reed reshaped the world, which was later a new and different universe.

In general, Doctor Doom is regarded as the top villain BOSS in terms of strength, record, and major events in the comics. Even if the movie version of Doctor Doom can't reach the level in the comics, it is worth recruiting. 's subordinates.

"Reed...Victor...It seems that it will take another ten-fold time to scroll. I hope Reed can figure out what the energy in me is, and can find a way to enhance this energy and shorten the heart." The cooldown time for everything to come true." Su Yue muttered secretly, he had a vague feeling.

The answer seems to be getting closer and closer.

Silent all night.

The next day Susan and Jonathan left the hotel to go home, and then went for a walk around, sorting out the things to bring back. Su Yue didn't go with them, and there was nothing left or right, so he went to Reed Richards' side to get acquainted with them first, and when he installed the equipment, he could check it as soon as possible.

After three days like this, Reed Richards finally installed and remodeled the equipment.


Reed Richards took a deep breath and nodded towards Su Yue in a simple closed device, then lowered his head and focused on the real-time data fed back on the monitor.

The more he looked, the deeper his frown became.

"This... this is impossible, this energy shouldn't appear here." Reed Richards muttered in disbelief, restarting the device to check again.

The results that can be checked are the same as last time!

There is no problem with the equipment, and the results of the inspection are also fine, which means... the results are correct.

Although he felt that this should not be the result.

Reed turned off the equipment, indicating that Su Yue could come out.

"How's the test result?" Su Yue took the clothes from Ben Grimm and asked Reed while wearing it.

"The result came out, it's very... It's incredible. Do you know? The energy hidden in your body is countless times stronger than the currently known cosmic energy. The reason why I say it is countless times is because I can't calculate how much stronger it is. This is an energy beyond cognition, a powerful energy capable of subverting or even destroying the universe."

"I have studied cosmic energy before, and if you hadn't come to me, I might be working on this project now. But at best my research can prove that this cosmic energy can change human DNA, allow humans to evolve, and can be used in The medical industry. However, the cosmic energy I study is compared with yours... how do I put it, the cosmic energy is the energy of the birth of the universe, and you... are the universe!"

Chapter 0303 I am the transcendence of whitewashing and retraining?

Who said that tech nerds don't know the world and won't tout them? Listen, listen, listen to what Reid has to say?

You are the universe!

It makes people feel full of force and elated when they hear it.

tsk tsk...

Although there is some suspicion of being embarrassed, I like it!

"go on."

Su Yue raised his chin slightly and motioned for Reed to continue to blow, no, he continued to speak.

Reid didn't know that Su Yue, who was blowing his rainbow fart, was very satisfied. He just gave an example according to his own thoughts. "Although I can't test the detailed data and analysis of this transcendental energy, if my hypothesis is true, you are the universe, then this transcognition cosmic energy will continue to be generated in you. , and this energy has the ability to change reality.”

"That's the main reason why you can do whatever you want."

"The amount of energy determines the strength of the ability to change reality. You should not be able to sense and control this current...I think about it, it's better to call it transcendent energy for the time being. So I suggest you wait until the transcendence in your body. When there is so much energy that you can feel it yourself, you can take this opportunity to become familiar with the transcendent energy and control it.”

"I personally think that the generation of transcendental energy must be very slow, and the energy consumed every time you want to achieve something is too small to measure. If you accumulate enough transcendental energy, I think you may have a thought, just It will make the whole universe collapse and disappear."


Su Yue's expression was stunned, and he murmured the name Reed temporarily called for this energy.

"Changing reality... Beyond energy... Uh, why do I have a sense of unreal absurdity? The name beyond energy should just be a random thing Reed came up with, it's impossible... It can't be so coincidentally true, right?"

"Transcendence energy... Transcendence... I shouldn't be so hung up, right?"

"But if you sit in the right seat, it seems to be somewhat similar. Although the transcendence does not have a signature ability, but it is almost omnipotent and omnipotent, it can kill countless abilities in seconds. The transcendence's ability is omnipotent, and it can achieve anyone's ability. Inner desire, can modify anyone's super power, and even can easily modify the settings."

Transcender modifies himself into a mutant, then his origin is mutant. If he modifies himself into an inhuman race, then he is an inhuman race, and he can even modify his origin setting to be both a mutant and an inhuman race.

It can be said that his ability is to do whatever he wants and to be incompetent.

Doing whatever you want and being incompetent, isn't this very similar to your own thoughts? After modifying the settings, Su Yue thought that he had also modified the existence of the ten-fold point roll in the system.

If you are a little bolder, Dimension Street... doesn't it look like the transcendental realm where transcenders are located?

The Transcendent Realm is a pocket universe with a lot of energy created by the Transcendent Protoss, which may be used as an incubation unit to incubate the Transcendent Protoss young. The role of Dimension Street seems to be in line with the setting beyond the realm.

Because Dimension Street is also an independent dimension, an independent pocket universe? And the role of Dimension Street seems to be to make the ordinary person gradually stronger? To provide absolute protection when he is weak?

The most important thing is that the transcendence can modify his own settings and origins. After constantly breaking the rules, even he himself may not know what his true identity is.

So let's make a bold assumption that the transcendence modified the settings, set himself as an ordinary person originating from the earth, set the transcendence spiritual realm into the form of the dimensional street system, and then traveled back and started again?

Uh, it's equivalent to washing the tuba and starting over?

"I'll give it a go, no, I can't make bold assumptions any more, I'll believe it myself if I continue to make assumptions..." Su Yue didn't dare to think about it any more, it was really this idea, this assumption, it was too absurd and bold.

Transcendence, before breaking the rules, that is, the original Transcendence is an omniscient and omnipotent existence, described as 'the strongest existence in the Marvel universe', even an existence comparable to OAA, or even surpassing it. However, one is tangible and the other is intangible. If we use the metaphor of the flood system, it can be regarded as Hongjun and Tiandao.

For another example, Transcender is equivalent to the author of Marvel.

Marvel is the strongest, the existence that surpasses everything.

Generally speaking, transcendence is the word transcendence, transcends time, space, and dimension, that is, you can transcend everything. If you say that you are the strongest, if the value is 100, the transcendence can set itself a little more than you...

You are as strong as you are, and the breeze blows the hills.

Transcendence is a setting, which can be called the official certification and the strongest hand-picked. So in the end, the author of Marvel can only let the transcender continue to break the standard, otherwise the plot will collapse.

Uh, even though it's very broken.

"Transcendence... Su Yue... Yue..." One coincidence is linked to another, and the combination of all the coincidences may not be a coincidence.

Su Yue really didn't dare to continue assuming that he was a transcendent. It was ridiculous. But... Transcendence, such absurd things as the system have happened, so the transcendence who actually cleaned up and retrained may not be unacceptable.

However, this is difficult to prove.

After all, the setting of Transcender's whitewashing and retraining directly modifies the entire Marvel. Unless it is OAA, no one should be able to easily identify their identity. Or, when the transcendental energy accumulates to a certain level, can he awaken the sealed memory?

Uh... If you think about it, even if you are truly a transcendent, you are still a trumpet who has been rehabilitated and re-trained, so let's look at the front first!

Su Yue took out his phone and broadcast it. "Susan, come over to Reed with Jonathan. The inspection results have come out. I promised him to help him pay off the mortgage on the building. I've done it first, and then I'm ready. It's time to go to Victor's space. stand."

Reed Richards immediately laughed excitedly when he heard about the mortgage, and nodded slightly to Ben Grimm, who was also happy next to him. When Su Yue put away the phone, he asked tentatively. "Victor's space station you mentioned just now, can you... can you add two more people?"

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