"I've already counted you." Su Yue said with a light smile. "My main purpose has been completed, and now it's your turn. Space station, cosmic energy, this is your turning point. By the way, cosmic energy... What if I absorb cosmic energy?"

Chapter 0304 Victor and Preparing for Space

If ordinary people absorb cosmic energy, there will be two results, one is that they can't bear the cosmic energy and die, and the other is that the body and DNA structure are changed by the cosmic energy and become an unknown existence.

Of these two outcomes, the probability of the former is 99.99999%...the latter is the remainder of that 99.99999%.

As for what would happen if Su Yue absorbed cosmic energy, Reed Richards didn't know.

In terms of energy quality, cosmic energy should not affect Su Yue. After all, the energy in Su Yue's body and his own characteristics are much higher than cosmic energy.

However, there is also another possibility, that Su Yue absorbed the cosmic energy and strengthened its own cosmic energy.

Reed Richards thought that Su Yue could give it a try. Su Yue also had this idea. If the situation changed, wouldn't he still have the bottom line of 'whatever you want'.

Leaving aside the matter of absorbing cosmic energy, Reed Richards was very curious about why Su Yue went to Victor's space station to count them in advance. Although he was very eager and grateful to have this opportunity, he always felt that Su Yue went to Victor's space station to count them in advance. Very mysterious, seems to know something that he doesn't know.

Having said that, Su Yue is indeed very mysterious.

So far, Reed Richards doesn't know Su Yue's identity and origin. He only knows that he is very rich and is Susan's boss. At the same time, he has unimaginable transcendent energy in his body, and he knows nothing about the rest.

Reed Richards opened his mouth and was about to ask, when there was a knock on the door, and Susan and Jonathan arrived.

They happened to be nearby when Su Yue called, and they came over after hanging up.

After the resolute Susan came in, she directly asked Reed Richards to get the relevant documents for the mortgage of the building. She was extremely capable and went to the bank with Jonathan and Reed Richards almost non-stop.

Su Yue promised that if Reed Richards could check the energy in her body, she would help her pay off the rest of the mortgage. Although this amount of money is a lot, Su Yue and Susan have already exchanged a lot of hard currency when they traveled to this time and space, so there is no shortage of money in this time and space.

Besides, Su Yue felt that the money was well worth it!

Not to mention that Reed Richards really found out the transcendence energy in his body, and just solved the doubt that he might be a transcendent who has been re-trained, the money Su Yue was willing to pay.

"We'll be going to Victor's space station as soon as tomorrow, Ben, this is a turning point in your fortunes, and it might be a good thing for Susan, Jonathan, and even Reed, but not necessarily for you. While there is still time, you can carefully consider whether you want to go with us tomorrow."

Su Yue looked at Ben Grim and reminded him earnestly that although the Fantastic Four might not be complete without the Stone Man, although he also hoped that Dimension Street would have more combat power, this is not a problem for Ben Grim. Not really friendly.

Not to mention, even if he finds a girlfriend who doesn't care about his appearance like in the movie, he can only enjoy spiritual love, and he can't do certain things.

After all, few people can withstand a stone!

Ben Grim was stunned: "I don't understand what you mean."

"Think about it." Su Yue didn't explain the inside story, looked at Ben Grime, shook his head, turned and left.

Not long after, Reed Richards came back excitedly alone.

"Ben, my biggest trouble has been resolved. Now this building belongs to me completely, and I don't have to worry about the mortgage anymore. By the way, Su Yue passed by later. When we separated, he said that he would be in Victor tomorrow. company to meet and prepare to board the space station.”

Reed Richards recklessly confided his joy and excitement to his friend, but found that his friend's situation seemed a little wrong. "What’s wrong with you?"

"Reed, tell me before Su Yue left..." Ben Grim repeated what Su Yue said before he left to Reed. He always felt that Su Yue would not remind himself for no reason, and let himself consider carefully.

This trip, nine times out of ten, something will happen.

Su Yue didn't know what Ben Graham and Reed Richards thought, and he didn't say much when he saw Ben Graham who came with Reed Richards at Victor's the next day. What, I have reminded myself, how to choose is Ben Grim's own business.

The group took the elevator to the top floor, Victor's office.

In the bright and spacious office, Victor's eyes swept over Susan and Jonathan who were beside Su Yue, and watched Reed Richards' mouth slightly raised. "I didn't expect us to meet under these circumstances, Reed, I have to say congratulations to you."

In this version, Victor is classmates with Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, and Susan. At the beginning of the film, Susan even appeared as Victor's secretary.

"Thank you." Reed Richards nodded slightly.

"Are you all ready?" Su Yue asked Victor.

Victor's expression immediately became serious, and he nodded lightly: "It's ready, you can leave at any time."

"Let's go then."


Air base.

Reed Richards and Ben Grimm checked the rocket they were about to take before heading to the rest area to prepare for a medical check-up before boarding the plane and taking off.

The clothes are made by Victor with man-made fibers, like a second skin, which can adapt to the different needs of the human body. At the same time, this suit is also the uniform of the future Fantastic Four.

That's right, it's the blue tights.

This uniform can make the hot hot and the cold cold, because it has endured the impact of cosmic energy with them and can adapt to their abilities. To put it simply, Reed's expansion and contraction will not break the clothes, and the clothes will expand with them; Jonathan's flame will not ignite the clothes; Susan's invisibility can make clothes invisible together, unlike wearing ordinary clothes, people disappear , the clothes are still there.

As for Ben Grimm...

Well, in short, this uniform is still very good.

At least Su Yue, who was in the independent lounge, saw Susan put on her uniform, and her first reaction was to get her a coat to wear outside. Although the clothes wrapped her tightly, the tightness was not trivial.

"You didn't change your clothes?" Susan asked suspiciously, looking at Su Yue who was still wearing casual clothes.

Su Yue smiled and shook his head: "Although tights are standard for most superheroes, I also like to admire heroes who wear tights. Well, only for heroines, but if they wear them, it's fine, cosmic energy or radiation, etc. It doesn't affect me."

Chapter 0305 The cosmic storm that appeared early

Space, space station.

After a long flight, everyone docked with the space station without any risk and entered the space station.

Victor had asked the people at the space station to monitor the cosmic energy storm before, so when they arrived at the space station, the staff soon reported the relevant situation.

"Nine hours until the cosmic storm comes."

Nine hours is neither long nor short. For Reed Richards, who has just entered the space station and is not familiar with the situation here, the time is a little tight, so after settling down, he can't wait to understand the situation of the space station. .

"From here we can monitor the approach and observation test of the cosmic energy storm clouds." Victor came to Su Yue and introduced.

"is it safe?"

Ben Grimm asked in the back.

Reed Richards took it and comforted his friend: "Don't worry, the shield on the space station should protect us."

Su Yue laughed when he heard Reed Richards' words. If the protective cover of the space station is really safe, wouldn't it be for nothing?

Reed Richards didn't know what would happen in a while. After he learned about the situation of the space station, he was ready to let Ben Grimm leave the space station for the collection experiment.

Seeing Ben Grimm in a thick spacesuit preparing to set off, Victor asked Su Yue in a low voice, "Are you sure, everything is fine?"


Su Yue replied with a light smile, and said softly to Victor: "I even brought Susan and her younger brother together, do you think it is necessary for me to take such a big risk in order to deceive you? Besides, you There's nothing to deceive me."

Victor said in a low voice, "I'm just a little uneasy."

Su Yue looked at Victor and shook his head slightly: "You have seen my abilities with your own eyes, haven't you? Extraordinary abilities are not non-existent, you must be clear, I am not a cooperative relationship with you, I just borrowed your space station to let them have what they should have. It's only your ability. As for you... it's just a piggyback!"

"The reason why I tell you the truth is that I think your ability is not bad, and it may be useful to you in the future. Otherwise, you have seen my psychic ability, and you can't stop it."

"Okay... What do I need to do now?" Victor nodded silently for a moment, and asked in a low voice.

Su Yue still shook his head. "Your monitoring results are wrong. The cosmic storm will not arrive in a few hours, but in a few minutes. You just need to open the shield and quietly wait for the cosmic storm to come. "

"When the storm is over, you'll get what you want."

Su Yue patted Victor on the shoulder, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. When he went to Victor before, he planned to use mind control to directly control Victor to let them board the space station, but then he changed his mind.

Victor is, after all, the future Doctor Doom, and although his abilities in this kind of movie are not as tech-magical as in the comics, and his technological talents are also overshadowed by Reed Richards' light, he is still a man. Rare talent.

Even if you don't take him to Dimension Street for the time being, he will still have a great effect in this world. He can help him research many projects in this world that Dimension Street is inconvenient to study.

If nothing else, the space program is very suitable. After all, Dimension Street does not have such a large place to study this project. And Victor not only has his own company and space station, but his talents are also quite good, which is very suitable for the needs of the space program.

Besides, Su Yue has not forgotten who the BOSS in the second part is!

Silver Surfer, the errand boy who debuted first, not to mention the Silver Surfer. Whether it is in the comics or in the movie, he has a good performance. The most important thing is the final big BOSS Planet Devourer.

Planet Devourer is one of the five creation gods of the Marvel Universe. Although he is often picked up and beaten as a villain, he has suffered many defeats, but his strength is unquestionable!

As the only survivor of the big bang before the birth of the universe, the Planet Devourer is no small matter in terms of its own strength, strength, or the information he knows. Su Yue really wants to know if his transcendence energy can deal with the Planet Devourer. If even the Planet Devourer can deal with it, then his status as a transcendence is probably not running away.

Of course, maybe the Planet Devourer knows about the Transcendent.

Su Yue couldn't stay in this world all the time until the planet devourers appeared, and he couldn't easily give up or abandon this world, so it was necessary to leave his own power in this world, after all, this is a very precious resource.

In addition, Su Yue also has a bold idea. He wants to try to see if he can make a contactor that can cross the universe. If he can, he can connect the dimensional worlds together without needing to smear his eyes after leaving. , can't contact each other, even if there is any emergency, they can receive the news at the first time.

As for how to make a cross-universe contactor, Su Yue has two ideas.

One is to let Reed Richards do research. After all, this guy's head is too smart. There are many black technologies researched in the comics, and the exploration of the multiverse is far beyond others, so give him a certain amount of time and Support may lead to successful research.

The second is to directly use transcendence energy to achieve what you want. If you are truly transcendent, it shouldn't be a big problem to 'set' a cross-universe contactor.

"Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di..."

The device suddenly sounded a harsh alarm sound, and Reed Richards, who was observing Ben Grimm outside, suddenly changed his expression, hurriedly looked at the display of the device, and then shouted loudly. "No, miscalculation, the cosmic storm will arrive in minutes, not hours."

"Open the protective cover." Victor was slightly stunned when he heard Reed Richards' voice, glanced at Su Yue, and raised the order.

"Ben is still outside."

"Then bring him back."

Reed Richards took a deep breath, turned and ran towards the connection port, using his earphones to notify Ben Grimm outside. "Ben, you must come in right away."

"I'm not half done yet, top student." Ben Grimm replied jokingly, and instinctively turned to look in the direction of the space station.

Seeing this, Ben Grimm was dumbfounded.

A mass of golden-red energy is rapidly moving in the direction of the space station, and its powerful energy light seems to brighten the dim space...

Chapter 0306 Absorbing Cosmic Energy

Boom! boom! boom!

The golden-red cosmic storm energy roared, and quickly slammed into the tail of the space station. A violent shaking sensation followed, shaking the people in the space station upside down, trembling with fear.

"Brothers, I can't go back." Ben Grim looked at the cosmic storm, calculated the distance between himself and the space station, and finally came to a desperate conclusion.

"Ben, jump over, this is the only way!" Jonathan, who was guarding the entrance and exit, shouted loudly.

The energy of the cosmic storm flooded recklessly, and Ben Grim leaped in space and jumped to the open entrance.

Behind him, the golden-red energy ran around like thunder, chasing after him.


Just when Ben Grimm was only a step away from the entrance and exit, the energy of the cosmic storm caught up with him. At that moment, the golden-red energy slammed into him, and the powerful force that followed immediately slammed him into the entrance and exit.

Then, the cosmic energy storm surged.

Reed Richards, who was the first to bear the brunt, was hit by cosmic energy in an instant, and then the cosmic energy had wrapped the entire space station, and the energy entering the space station was pushed all the way. , the restless Victor, and the attack of Su Yue not far from Victor, shrouded...

Everyone who was hit by cosmic energy fell into a coma in an instant, and Su Yue was the only one who remained awake in the huge space station.

"What a powerful cosmic energy, what a strong cosmic energy."

Su Yue felt its power the moment it was hit by cosmic energy. In theory, his body of steel was already top-notch in terms of defense, but when this cosmic energy rushed over like a wave, Su Yue felt the power of the cosmic energy. Yue still felt a strong sense of pain, and then he felt an extremely powerful and domineering energy filling his body, as if he was ready to change his body structure?

It is difficult to say whether it is the cosmic energy that is actively changing its body structure, or that the human instinct of 'survival of the fittest' is actively changing when it encounters this devastating cosmic energy in order to adapt to its impact and survive.

"Huh? How did the change in cosmic energy stop? Wait, no, it's not right, why did the cosmic energy suddenly decrease so quickly." Su Yue originally endured the pain and wondered if he would gain any extras like the Fantastic Four. 's super power, but suddenly found that the cosmic energy was rapidly decreasing, as if... as if it was quickly drawn away or evaporated and disappeared.

"I haven't used 'whatever I want'? Why is this happening, no... It's not gone, it's... I was absorbed? No, to be precise, it seems to be absorbed by the transcendent energy in my body, I seem to be able to vaguely sense the existence of transcendent energy..." In a trance, Su Yue felt something in his heart, figured out why the cosmic energy disappeared, and at the same time vaguely sensed the transcendent energy in his body.

Is it because the transcendent energy is absorbing the cosmic energy, or is it perceived because the transcendent energy becomes stronger after absorbing the cosmic energy?

Su Yue didn't know.

But he knows that no matter which one is, it means that cosmic energy is not harmful to him, and it can even be said to have great benefits.

Su Yue turned his head and saw that the cosmic energy that was about to leave the space station had already whizzed away, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"Want to slip away? That won't work."

Looking at the direction of the cosmic energy, Su Yue teleported directly, and came to the front of the cosmic energy.

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