"If you want to absorb cosmic energy, if you don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, take the initiative." Su Yue muttered to himself about the transcendental energy that didn't respond at all in his body, and then used what he wanted. Ability.

At that moment, Su Yue felt that the transcendent energy in his body instantly became dim and weak, and then the cosmic energy in front of him rushed towards him as quickly as the sea water in a tsunami.

At the same time, Su Yue was like the rapidly rotating seaport in the tsunami. When the cosmic energy was pulled to the front, a vortex was instantly formed around Su Yue's body, and it was quickly sucked into his body layer by layer.

The shining cosmic energy surrounds Su Yue, and Su Yue in the center of the whirlpool is illuminated by the golden-red light like a god. Time seems to have become meaningless at this moment, the powerful cosmic energy is being absorbed frantically, Su Yue endured the pain caused by the absorption process, and unknowingly entered a state like chaos, until all the cosmic energy was absorbed. After the absorption was exhausted, Su Yuecai instinctively snorted and grinned in pain and exhaustion.

He felt as if a long time had passed, but it didn't take long, chaotic and indescribable.


Looking at the space station that had lost its light not far away, Su Yue felt a violent twitch all over his body just as he wanted to teleport back. The sudden pain made him unable to stop shouting and gasping for breath.

Although the cosmic energy has been absorbed by the transcendent energy, the pain caused by the absorbable interval is not light, especially the continuous absorption of such a large and powerful energy universe... If there is no body of steel, Su Yue feels that he is afraid Already fainted.

The Fantastic Four were just hit by a small part of the cosmic energy and then fainted, but Su Yue was facing the cosmic energy directly, and every part was equivalent to hitting him. It is conceivable that it is definitely not that easy.

But there is a saying that if you suffer from hardships, you will be a superior person. A small amount of energy can make the Fantastic Four obtain extraordinary energy, and Su Yue, who has absorbed all the energy of the universe, will gain even more benefits.

To know that the Fantastic Four were hit by a small part of the cosmic energy, and the small part of the energy that hit them was not left in their bodies, but just passed through them, then the real leftover In their bodies, less cosmic energy is absorbed by them.

Taking numbers as an example, the overall cosmic energy is 100, the energy that hit the Fantastic Four is one, and the cosmic energy left in their bodies and absorbed by them, allowing them to obtain extraordinary energy may be only 0.01.

Just 0.01 gave them extraordinary abilities, so what about absorbing a hundred Su Yue?

Chapter 0307 Ability upgrade?


No ability whatsoever!

Although Su Yue absorbed all the cosmic energy, the cosmic energy had no chance to change his DNA and his body structure like the Fantastic Four and Victor did. As a result, Su Yue naturally had no chance to gain power.

Does Su Yue lack ability?

Definitely not lacking.

Not to mention that he has an ancient eye that can copy and learn other people's abilities, the systematic lottery alone can allow him to acquire any ability, so ability is not that important and urgent to him.

On the contrary, although he has no ability, these cosmic energies are absorbed by his own transcendent energy. After absorbing this cosmic energy, Su Yue can clearly perceive the existence of transcendent energy in his body and the value of energy. At the same time, he can feel that he can use the ability to achieve what he wants more easily and more easily.


Su Yue dodged and teleported back to the dark and silent space station, got Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Jonathan, and Victor together, put Susan aside, and then passed the communication equipment of the space station. Contact the ground to send someone to rescue.



An unconscious soft moan sounded from her throat, Susan slowly opened her somewhat blurred eyes, and the scenes before she fell into a coma emerged in her mind. "I... where am I?"


A familiar voice rang in her ears, Susan turned her head slightly and saw Su Yue standing by the window.

"Huh..." Susan let out a long breath. The moment she saw Su Yue, she felt at ease. She knew that no matter what happened, as long as Su Yue was still there, there was nothing to worry about.

"The cosmic storm entered the space station with Ben Grimm, you, Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, Jonathan and Victor were all in a coma under the impact of the cosmic storm, you should be the first woke up."

Su Yue sat down beside Susan, held her hand gently and said with a smile: "The result is as planned, congratulations, the cosmic storm has changed your DNA, giving you the ability to control light waves. The ability to be invisible to yourself and others.”

"What about the others?" Susan asked.

"It should be the same." Su Yue explained. "This kind of change is not instantaneous. After you wake up, the change will gradually take effect, and then your respective abilities will begin to show. If you suddenly find that your hand is invisible, don't panic, calm down and try to control it. This change. Although your ability is to control light waves to achieve the effect of invisibility, as long as you practice diligently and develop your abilities properly, you can also create invisible force fields and energy shields, and even create forces inside the human body or objects field and make it explode."

"Also, you can also use the invisible force field to manipulate objects to achieve effects similar to mind power. At the same time, you can also fly fast, jump, and generate shock waves from the invisible force field for long-distance attacks."

Listening to Su Yue talking about her abilities, Susan has a sense of absurdity that she already knows the exact answer before taking the test.

Um, this feels very bad.

Susan slowly got up and sat up, looked at Su Yue and asked curiously, "How about you? Has the cosmic energy storm affected you?"

Su Yue chuckled and said: "The extra effect is not there, but the benefits I get are much more than all of you put together, I have absorbed all the cosmic energy, which greatly increased the amount of energy in my body. Transcendent energy has also enhanced my perception and control of transcendent energy. Simply put, my ability to do what I want has become stronger, and the interval between use is shorter.”

During the period from returning from the space station to Susan's awakening, Su Yue has been studying the transcendental energy in his body. If the ability to do what he wants with his mind was fixed and passive, now he can use this ability as he wants, and this The upper limit of ability has become higher.

In the past, his ability to use his mind to achieve things could only be 'embodied' or 'modified' part of the settings, such as wanting ten times the dimensional point coupons, for example, modifying the settings to create something like ten times the dimensional point rolls . But now, Su Yue feels that he can "modify" other people's settings, such as modifying someone's identity, so that the whole world or reality can instantly recognize and accept someone's modified identity.

To put it simply, this ability has been upgraded.

For example, after returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Su Yue set Susan's identity as a person from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, rather than being summoned from other dimension worlds, then the identity he set for Susan would become Reality.

Assuming that Susan has a complete past in the setting, then if Susan's friend is set in this past, he will have the memory of being a friend with Susan, and his cognition will also regard Susan as a friend.

In other words, Susan has a past in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and this past is real!

Although the content is fictionalized by Su Yue, it can be said that the ability of the transcendence will come true, and the modified settings will become real even if they are fictional!

If Su Yue sets his identity as the richest man in the world, then he will become the richest man in the world. His wealth is real, his identity is real, and everyone's memory and cognition of him will be real.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a light knock on the door, Su Yue and Susan turned to look at the door, and saw Victor staggering in in his hospital clothes.

After closing the door, Victor said hello, asked Susan a few questions about her condition, and then looked at Su Yue and asked nervously, "I just read my physical examination report, everything is normal, So... become... successful?"

"Change doesn't happen overnight. Soon you will be able to find abnormalities in your body, and then you will find out that your DNA structure has changed and your abilities have begun to show." Su Yue said casually.

Victor breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Well, then this change won't have any effect on me, will it?"


Victor groaned in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "What will be the impact?"

"Your body will gradually become metal, and you will have a strong defense ability. At the same time, you will have the ability to control electricity and electric current. You can attack with one hand and defend with one hand. Your ability is quite good. You are the only one in this group who has two People of this ability. Besides, although your body will become metal, the change in overall outline is not large, and it will not affect your life much compared to Ben Grimm.”

0308 Dr. Destruction Frightened Silly

In this version of the Fantastic Four, the ability of Doctor Destruction Victor is metal physique and the control of electricity and electricity, while in the new version, Doctor Destruction has the ability to attack and teleport.

However, no matter which version the ability is far inferior to the Victor in the comics.

Aside from the fact that Victor gained transcendent energy to become a **** in the later period, just before, Victor was also a super villain who needed the Avengers to fight together.

Although he has no superpowers, he is a genius in physics, proficient in robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapon technology, biochemistry and time travel and other high-tech technologies, and he has read various ancient magic books and became a self-taught magician.

His armor has similar abilities to Iron Man's armor, equivalent to a magically enhanced version of Iron Man.

"Metal..." Victor murmured, and quickly smiled relievedly.

Compared with acquiring extraordinary abilities, the mere changes in the body are not a big deal, so what if you become a metal man? As long as he has enough strength and enough money, not only will his life not have any discomfort, but it will become better. Moreover, the defensive power of the metal body allows him to ignore most conventional killing attacks, which means that few people in the world will be his opponents.

Apart from……

Victor looked at Su Yue.

He doesn't care much about the four people who have the same ability as him. Susan is from Su Yue and Jonathan is Susan's younger brother. The two of them should not affect him. And Reed Richards? Victor has always looked down on him, and Ben Grimm, Reed Richards' valet, has never looked down on him.

Only the mysterious appearance of Su Yue, Victor couldn't find any of his origins, let alone how strong his strength was. He only knew that he had at least two abilities of teleportation and mind control. ...Maybe he will gain more powerful abilities.

"Su Yue, who are you, and what is your purpose?" Victor took a deep look at Su Yue and asked, "Then what should I do next?"

do what?

Su Yue looked at Victor blankly and pondered for a moment. "Do you want to know your future?"

"My... future?" Victor was stunned, his eyes like torches bowing his head slightly: "Although I know that my future may have changed the moment you appeared, I still want to know about me if I can. s future."

smart people!

Su Yue smiled and directly projected the plot of the Fantastic Four into Victor's mind by mental projection.

Several people encountered a cosmic storm on the space station, and after returning to Earth, they were rescued and revived, and their abilities gradually recovered. Victor's stock fell due to the failure of the space station plan, and shareholders were dissatisfied. After awakening his ability, he became Doctor Doom, and even tried to absorb the abilities of the Fantastic Four.

In the final battle, Victor lost.

"I was actually defeated by them?" Victor was a little angry and a little unacceptable. But on second thought, he realized that he was too arrogant and swollen.

It wasn't the Fantastic Four who defeated him, it was himself.

"Huh, what else?"

Victor thought it should end with his 'death', but he didn't expect the mental projection to continue. He had lost his life and turned into a statue, but was reawakened by some unknown energy, and then... disasters began to occur all over the world.

An alien on a skateboard appears.

Silver Surfer!

Scenes of plots appeared in Victor's mind like a movie, and finally he saw the Planet Devourer, and saw that powerful and despairing scene. If it weren't for the death of Silver Surfer and Planet Devourer, this world would be...

Cold sweat flowed down Victor's forehead and wet his back. He took a few deep breaths and asked Su Yue with a trembling voice: "This, is this all true? That Will the Devourer of Planets come again?"

Su Yue said calmly, "Why do you think I'm looking for you?"

Victor opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "But... But what can I do with an existence that is as strong as a god?"

Originally, Victor was complacent because he had obtained two extraordinary abilities, and felt that he had left ordinary people far behind, but now that he knew the Planet Devourer, his mentality wilted before he had time to inflate.

"You can inform me that he is here."

"Notify you?" Victor was stunned for a while. He remembered that the vision of the Planet Devourer in the projection just now was quite amazing, like the end of the world. In this case, it can be discovered at the first time even in all parts of the world. ? unless……

"You are usually not on Earth?" Victor asked.

"Yes, and no."

Su Yue shook his head and said, "I'm not in this earth, or in other words, I'm not in this dimensional universe, and I won't always observe the situation in this universe, so I need you to inform me when the Planet Devourer comes."

"Not in this universe, that's not possible? Wait...is it a parallel universe? A multiverse? This idea turns out to be true? Yes, it makes sense if he is from a parallel universe. Why can't we find him Why does he have extraordinary power." The more Victor thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was lucky enough.

Not to mention the ability to acquire, knowing this kind of shocking information, if Su Yue directly controlled himself with his mind when they first met, then he would become a puppet who lost himself and knew nothing.

Also, what about predicting the future?

Is it because of different worlds that he knows the future of this world? Or is it because he has the ability to predict the future? So, it's just that he can predict my future, but even the future of a powerful **** like the Planet Devourer can easily predict the future. Does this mean that Su Yue, who seems to be no different from ordinary people, is actually strong? Stronger than Planet Eater?

What he saw was not a false projection, but he was shivering by the powerful shock of Planet Devourer, and when Su Yue talked about Planet Devourer, both his tone and expression were extremely flat, as if he didn't take Planet Devourer seriously at all. .

He was able to defeat the Planet Devourer, but he was too lazy to stay here and wait for the Planet Devourer to appear, so instead of controlling himself, he told himself the truth. The purpose... should be to make himself an alarm clock.

When a Planet Devourer appears, it will ring, alerting his alarm clock.

Thinking of this, Victor suddenly felt that he was too insignificant, so insignificant that in the eyes of a real powerhouse he could only be an...an alarm clock?

Chapter 0309 is very thoughtful?

Not long after Susan and Victor woke up, Jonathan, Reed Richards and Ben Grimm woke up successively. The last person to wake up was Ben Grimm. As soon as he woke up, he saw Jonathan announcing the bad news to himself with a sad face, only to find that it was just a prank.

The startled Ben Grim just breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to teach Jonathan a lesson, but saw Reed Richards walk in with a serious face. Ben Grimm's heart lifted up again.

"Reed, you... are you going to play a prank on me too?" Ben Grim asked in a trembling voice.

Reed Richards shook his head, but the expression on his face did not soften in the slightest. "Ben, I'm sorry."

Ben Grimm was stunned, he knew that Reed would not easily make such a joke to himself. Taking a deep breath, Ben Grim said solemnly, "Tell me what happened."

"I asked the doctor about your condition after I woke up, and the doctor said that you were all normal, but... Later I went to see Su Yue and got an extremely surprising news. He said that the cosmic storm energy stunned us and also Changed our body structure and gave us different extraordinary abilities." Reed Richards paused slightly when he said this.

"Super power? That's super power? There's nothing wrong with that, why are you apologizing to me?" Ben Grim asked inexplicably.

Reed Richards sighed and continued: "Everyone has different abilities, our bodies are currently in a period of transformation, and soon their respective abilities will begin to manifest. Ben, your ability is to have A body as hard as a rock, with strength and endurance far beyond ordinary people."

"This is not very good... a body as hard as a rock? Reed, you are just describing it, right? My body won't really turn into a rock, will it?" Ben Grim sat up instantly, his eyes Looking at Reed, I hope that Reed can tell himself that it is just a description, an example.

Unfortunately, what he saw was Reed's helpless nod.

"Fake! Fake! Fake! Why is this happening, what about you?" Ben Grim exclaimed excitedly.

Reed Richards said: "I can stretch my body, Susan can be invisible, Jonathan can create fire, and Victor has a metal body and controls electricity. Ben, don't worry, I can If he thinks of a solution, even if I can't do it, there will still be Su Yue, he will definitely have a solution."

Reed Richards' words made Ben Grimm calm down a little, although he felt a little unfair, why should other people's abilities have little effect on his body, while his own body turned into a rock? Although Victor also has a metal body, he is not familiar with Victor, so even if he is jealous, he cannot be jealous of him.

In a trance, Ben Grim remembered a conversation he had with Su Yue before. At that time, Su Yue reminded himself that this time was a turning point in their fate, which might be a good thing for others, but not necessarily for himself, so let himself consider whether or not to participate.

At that time, Ben Grimm didn't understand what Su Yue was referring to. Now that he thinks about it, Su Yue already knew what he would become. That's right, if Su Yue didn't know, Reed wouldn't know so much now.

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