"I'm going to see Su Yue." Ben Grim rolled over to the ground.

"go together."

Reed Richards nodded, and accompanied Ben Grimm to Susan's ward with Jonathan next to him.

"You came just in time. I have something to tell you." Su Yue in the ward was not surprised to see Reed Richards and the three of them. He nodded slightly to Ben Grimm, indicating his business. I'll talk about it later, and then speak. "It's time to tell you about my identity. My name is Su Yue, and I am the lord of Dimension Street. Dimension Street is my dimensional space, a pocket universe, which can connect to any universe in the multiverse. Currently, Dimension Street Street is in a universe I've named 'Marvel' and I'm...ready to go back."

"Dimensional space? Pocket universe? Connecting the multiverse... Marvel parallel universe..." Reed Richards' eyes widened in disbelief. As a scientist, he knew the theory of parallel universes very well. This theory actually exists.

Beyond energy? !

Reed Richards thought of the transcendent energy in Su Yue's body. The mysterious energy comparable to the universe itself is indeed not something ordinary people can have, but if Su Yue comes from the multiverse and has his own pocket universe, then say Got it.

"The purpose of my coming to this universe is very simple. First, to study the energy in my body. You have already helped me to complete this purpose. Second, to give Susan the superpower that she should have obtained. Both of these purposes have been achieved, so I I'll take Susan and Jonathan back to Dimension Street." Su Yue paused and looked at Reed Richards and Ben Grimm. "How about you? Do you want to join my Dimension Street?"

"I..." Reed Richards just said.

Su Yue interrupted with a smile: "You don't need to say, when I return to Dimension Street, I will use a special method to summon you."

"Why?!" Reed Richards said depressedly, you were just asking us if we wanted to join, and you forced yourself to join Dimension Street in a blink of an eye? You've already made up your mind, so what else do you ask!

Also, Reed Richards found that what Su Yue just said was to bring Susan and Jonathan back to Dimension Street, but what he said to himself was that he would be summoned after returning to Dimension Street. Obviously, these are two different way of crossing? And the latter way of crossing will inevitably have certain restrictions on itself.

As for whether Su Yue can do it? Reed Richards has no doubts about this. After all, Su Yue's transcendence energy has the ability to achieve what he wants. If he guessed correctly, Susan mysteriously disappeared when Su Yue was summoned to Dimension Street. .

Reed Richards looked at Su Yue, who was laughing and didn't say a word, and suddenly realized why he had no choice, because he could detect his transcendent energy, and because his smart mind was still valuable to him, so He certainly won't let himself go.

Maybe from the very beginning, when he asked himself to check the transcendence energy, he had already made up his mind to take him away with him. No, think about it carefully, maybe he thought of himself when he was thinking about who could help him check the energy. In other words, he has a certain understanding of the people in the multiverse, or can fully understand when needed, this is really... very thoughtful!

Chapter 0310 Fantastic Three Heroes Fight

"If Su Yue didn't give himself a chance to choose from the beginning, then the person he really wanted to ask should be Ben Grimm. After all, only Ben Grimm and I are outsiders." Reed Richards said He looked at Ben Grimm, only to find that something was wrong with him.

Ben Grim lowered his head, his body trembled slightly, and a roar like a beast murmured from his throat. Reed Richards was suddenly startled and was about to ask what happened to Ben Grimm, but was suddenly taken aback by his change.

"It's a stab—"

The hospital clothes on Ben Grimm were suddenly stretched open, and the slightly swollen body was turning into rocks at a speed visible to the naked eye. The entire head and the entire face had been rocked at this time. , can also see his original appearance, but it is very terrifying.


This sudden transformation made the stone man Ben Grimm lose his sanity at this time, and the only sanity that was left disappeared after seeing the shocked expressions of Reed Richards and others. He roared, as if The hill-like body charged directly in the direction of the window.

get away!

Get out of here!

This is the only thought of the Stone Man Ben Grimm right now.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of heavy footsteps was like a giant hammer hitting his heart, Reed Richards reacted abruptly, and hurriedly wanted to hold the stone man Ben Grimm. "Ben, calm down, we'll think of a solution."


The answer to him was a heavy punch from the Stone Man.

The hard rock fist hit Reed Richards directly on the shoulder. With the strength he has now, this punch must have at least three or five tons. Reed Richards groaned, but the man was not hit and flew out, but his shoulder, which was the place he was hit just now, flew backwards.

His body and shoulders stretched a strange distance, it felt like a spring that was bounced and then stretched.

Reed Richards was dumbfounded, Jonathan was dumbfounded, Susan was dumbfounded...

If Ben Grimm's change is a horror, then Reed Richards is a little more funny in addition to the horror, because he looks like he is only in cartoons. The screen that will appear.

"Hey, big guy, calm down!"

Jonathan rushed forward and shouted to the Stone Man, and then... The Stone Man waved his hand and pushed Jonathan away.


Jonathan, who took a few steps back, was angry. The air around him was slightly hot, and flames burst out of him with a bang. His whole body was like a burning man.

"Cool! From now on, I'm Human Torch!"

Jonathan looked down at himself and shouted excitedly, waving his hand and smashing a ball of flame at the Stone Man.


The flame hit the stone man and went out.

The Stone Man's body did not leave any traces. He turned his head to look at Jonathan, who had already called himself the Human Torch, and grinned grimly. He turned and rushed over.

The Torch hides, and the Stone Man chases.

The Human Torch's attack couldn't break the Thing's defense, but the Thing also couldn't catch the Human Torch because of his inflexible body. The flames overflowed, and the wreckage was all over the floor. In the blink of an eye, the tidy ward had turned into a mess.

"Brother-in-law... Quickly find a way to calm this big guy, or the hospital will be demolished by him." Thunderbolt shouted to Su Yue for help, and was hit by a chair thrown by the Stone Man and hit him directly. on the back wall.

The Stone Man walked quickly and punched the Human Torch.


The solid wall was directly pierced by the Golem's fist, and the Human Torch, which squatted down, suddenly got up and hit the Golem.


The stone that was caught off guard was knocked away, took a few steps back, and then the mountain-like body rushed towards the Human Torch again.


Su Yue dashed over and appeared between the Torch and the Thing.

The Stone Man had obviously lost his mind because of the sudden transformation and successive moves. Seeing Su Yue standing in front of him, he punched him without thinking.


A crash sounded.

Su Yue raised his hand to block the stone man's fist, and the huge rock-like fist was blocked in an understatement. He didn't shake, and there wasn't any reluctance on his face.

"You need to calm down now."

Su Yue's voice fell, and he suddenly lifted his foot and kicked the Stoneman's calf, which was thicker than Susan's waist. The slight kick made the Stoneman, who had amazing fighting ability, cry out in pain, and his body involuntarily leaned down.


The stone man knelt down.

Su Yue dodged behind the Stone Man, clenched his fists, hitting the back of the Stone Man's head with a heavy blow.


The stone man's head hit the ground directly, and the ground was instantly sunken and cracked. The strong impact made the stone man's head bounce a few times on the ground, and finally landed safely on the ground, motionless.

Susan: "..."

Jonathan: "..."

Reed Richards: "..."

Looking at the burly body of the Stone Man and the relaxed and comfortable Su Yue, they really wanted to ask, who is the Stone Man?

The power of the Stone Man seems so insignificant in front of you, and the super defensive power and anti-attack ability shown before seems to be made of paper under your understated attack. This is too exaggerated, right?

"Ben... What a shame." Human Torch said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Susan answered.

Human Torch pointed to the Stone Man and then to Su Yue, and said in a strange tone: "Ben Grimm's ability in exchange for his image is vulnerable in front of his brother-in-law, don't you think it's a loss?"

What Human Torch said seemed to make sense. After all, he changed from a human to an orange-yellow Thing, and then neither his strength nor his defense seemed to do much in front of Su Yue, which sounded quite a loss.

"Sister, we..." The Torch put away the flame and was about to show off its abilities, but suddenly saw the hospital bed next to it flying over with a swoosh, standing up and calling him directly against the wall.


Human Torch was stunned, never expected that the hospital bed would fly towards him. He was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the hospital bed hadn't really hit him, but just happened to block him.

"What... what's the situation?" Thunderbolt asked in a daze.

"You have no clothes on."

Su Yue put down his hand and replied lightly.

Chapter 0311 The stone man who gave up his ability and Su Yue who returned to Dimension Street

Although Jonathan just had the ability and just became the Human Torch, the flame he released was not low in dimension, and the medical suit on his body was burned to ashes when the flames filled his body, so when he retracted the flame, he could Imagine how 'candid' it is.

Human Torch may not realize this problem, but Su Yue will definitely not ignore it.

Having said that, Human Torch's ability is quite good.

Under normal circumstances, he can maintain the flame on his body for about seventeen hours, and he can also fly at supersonic speed, with a speed of at least 1127 kilometers per hour. The ability to control flames to attack, absorb heat, and produce nova-level explosions of up to one million degrees Fahrenheit is quite an ability.

So when Human Torch used his abilities just now, Su Yue used the eyes of the ancients to learn to copy his abilities. As for Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards and the Stone Man Ben Grimm...their abilities Suyue did not learn.

Not to mention the Stone Man, it is nothing more than super strength and defense. This Su Yue is not lacking, and it does not need to be rocked. Mister Fantastic's ability to scale is not bad. It is very similar to Luffy in One Piece and the telescopic man in the DC world. If you develop it according to Luffy's moves, maybe you can develop not weak power, but for Su Yuelai That said, it's still a bit cheesy.

Whether in terms of attack, defense, or support, Su Yue has better choices.

As for Susan, if her ability is awakened, she can learn it. The ability of invisibility is still worth seeing.

Su Yue asked Reed Richards to find out the space station uniforms they were wearing before and put them on, and Jonathan was also relieved from the embarrassing situation of the bed cover. After they, including Susan, changed their clothes, everyone gathered in Susan's ward again, and the Stone Man also woke up from the faint and calmed down.

"If you really don't want to have this ability, I can help you." Su Yue said something when he saw that the Stone Man was in a low mood and couldn't accept the reality.

The Stone Man suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Yue expectantly: "Really?"

"Your ability comes from cosmic energy. As long as I absorb your cosmic energy, your ability will naturally disappear." Su Yue paused slightly. "I can absorb the cosmic energy in your body, but you have to do things for me in the future. Dimension Street is preparing to develop aerospace projects. Since you are an astronaut, you can play a role."

"No problem, I promise!" Ben Grimm didn't hesitate at all. For him, if he wore this image all his life, he would rather die. Besides, although he was working for Su Yue, if he was still working in aerospace Not only is it not a bad thing, but it is a good thing.


Ben Grim hesitated: "I... If I go to Dimension Street, will I have a chance to come back? I, I have a girlfriend."

"The research and development site of the aerospace project and future experiments will be carried out in this world. I took you to Dimension Street just to let you know the situation. I will bring you back when I come next time." Su Yue explained.

In this way, Ben Grimm is no problem.

It's the equivalent of freeing yourself from a monster life and getting a pretty good job.

In the movie, Mr. Fantastic also tried to help the Stoneman return to normal, and the method was also to absorb the cosmic energy in the Stoneman's body, and it was a success. It's just that the movie needs sophisticated equipment designed by Mr. Fantastic, but Su Yue doesn't.

He put his hand on Ben Grim's rocky shoulder, and the moment he thought about it, the quiet transcendent energy in his body became restless, like a black hole vortex, and began to absorb the cosmic energy in Ben Grim's body.


In the blink of an eye, in the time of one breath, the cosmic energy has been inhaled into the body and assimilated by the transcendent energy in an instant. Su Yue raised his hand and looked at Ben Grimm who was still waiting.

"All right."

"Okay? It's good... It's really good!"

Ben Grimm, who didn't feel anything, suddenly found that his hands had returned to normal. He subconsciously groped his face, got up and ran to the bathroom in a hurry, and then various excited exclamations rang out one after another.

He is back to normal.

"Susan, Jonathan, go check out the sites suitable for aerospace projects, and do some preliminary preparations by the way. Reed, you should take care of your own affairs as soon as possible. By the way, let Victor know that he will meet when I am done. Go to him, and if he is interested in aerospace projects, you can go to Susan." Su Yue glanced at Ben Grimm who came out of the bathroom. "As for you, I'll get some money from Susan in a while, and the right should be the salary paid to you in advance. You can go back and deal with your own affairs, especially with your girlfriend."

"Okay, boss." Ben Grimm said gratefully.

"What about you?" Susan asked Su Yue curiously.

"I'll go back to Dimension Street first to see if there's anything going on there recently. By the way, I'll bring things related to the aerospace project. By the way, I may delay a little bit and get something that is convenient for communication in different time and space. ." Su Yue explained.

"Okay, don't worry here, leave it to me." Susan said.

Su Yue nodded and summoned the dimension gate directly, then opened the door and stepped in, disappeared into the door under the surprised eyes of Reed Richards and others, and then... the dimension gate disappeared.

"This... this is how he travels through the parallel worlds of the multiverse?" Reed Richards murmured: "This... this method is too unscientific, this is the parallel world of the multiverse, and it is actually using Through the door?"

It doesn't matter whether the subject is scientific or not, the key is to be easy to use.

Su Yue came out of the Dimension Gate and returned to his room on Dimension Street in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He closed the wardrobe door and glanced at Thor's Hammer, which was placed in the corner by him. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he turned to go out.

Transcender, this level is indeed higher than Odin.

Originally, because of Dimension Street and because of his identity as a traveler, Su Yue had a great sense of superiority. Now that he knows that he may be a transcender who has been rehabilitated and retrained, or that he has degraded himself, that sense of superiority is even stronger.

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