"It's none of your business here." The Flash said as he walked over to the man who was knocked out.

After the man landed, he got up, ignoring the approaching Flash and threw the knife at Sisko Ramon with his backhand.

The Flash was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly turned around and chased after him.

One step, two steps...

Just when the knife was only a punch away from Sisko Ramon, The Flash finally caught the knife.


The Flash and Sisko Raymond breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but the Flash suddenly turned his head to look back, but the man was gone.

"Thank God, Barry!" Sisko Ramon completely relaxed and patted Flash on the shoulder.

The Flash's expression froze, and he looked up at Kendra behind Sisko Ramon.

Obviously, The Flash's identity is a secret, and Sisko Ramon inadvertently revealed that he not only knew the Flash, but also said the Flash's name.

Sisko Raymond also reacted at this time, also with a stiff expression, and looked at Kendra subconsciously.


The sound of hand clapping sounded from the second floor of the cafe. The sudden sound made Flash and Sisko Ramon abruptly startled and looked up sharply.

As far as he could see, a fresh and handsome man was standing by the handrail on the second floor.

Su Yue condescendingly smiled at the three people below, took the coffee cup handed over by Carla Danvers, and said with a smile, "No one is open, I can only make a cup of coffee by myself, but don't worry, I have the money on the counter."

"Who are you?" The Flash looked at Su Yue and Carla Danvers. From the outside, they didn't seem to have anything special, but they were so good at appearing here at this time, so he had to let him Be vigilant, don't take it lightly.

"You can call me the dimensional lord, or you can call me... the transcender." Su Yue smiled.

"Dimensional lord... Transcendence? Or is the dimensional lord better and cooler." Sisko Raymond said while talking.

The Flash glanced at Sisko Ramon. Although he knew that you like to give people code names, is this the time to think about it? Taking a deep breath, The Flash looked up at Su Yue again: "What's your purpose!"


When the wind picked up, The Flash was slightly stunned. Seeing Su Yue who came to him from the second floor in an instant, he was startled. He instinctively retreated and exclaimed. "You... are you still a speeder?"

"No, I'm not a speeder." Su Yue smiled and shook his head, raised his coffee cup gracefully and drank.

"You can't be wrong, you have the speed force!" The Flash said firmly.

Su Yue still shook his head: "I don't have the speed force, I have the ability that everyone has. Flash Barry Allen, Shockwave Sisko Raymond, and... Eagle Girl, Kendra Sandra, Let me introduce you formally, my name is Su Yue!"

"Su Yue?"

"Eagle girl?"

The Flash and Sisko Ramon spoke at about the same time, but with very different focuses.

Chapter 0315 spoilers first

"What does Eagle Girl mean?" Sisko Raymond glanced at Kendra Sanders, who was dazed, and asked Su Yue with a slightly flustered expression.

Su Yue asked back with a smile, "You should know what it means."

"I, how would I know." Sisko Ramon retorted with a ridiculous face, looking at The Flash and Kendra Sanders shyly, as if he wanted to prove it to them.

"What do you mean by shock wave?" The Flash took over and asked.

"Well, Sisko..." Su Yue looked at Sisko Ramon with a half-smile.


Sisko Raymond panicked, Kendra Sanders or Shockwave, how did this guy know?

Looking at The Flash who looked at him, Sisko Raymond said with a little guilty conscience: "We'll talk about these things later, should we first figure out their identities and the Highlander who just wanted to kill Kendra?"

The Flash nodded suspiciously and looked at Su Yue and the woman beside him. The two people appeared too strange. It happened that there was a murder case in Zhongcheng. I don't know if it had anything to do with them.

And the weird guy just now. When he appeared, these two people also appeared. Is there any connection between them?

Although at present, the two people are mysterious, but their attitude is still friendly, and they should be able to communicate and contact, but he does not dare to take it lightly.


Cutting edge laboratory.

After receiving the news, the people of the Flash team gathered together. Because his identity had been exposed, Barry Allen did not continue to wear his uniform after returning to the laboratory, but just told everyone what had just happened.

"You turned out to be The Flash, and you... turned out to be The Flash's assistant." Compared with Su Yue and Kara Danvers' calmness, Kendra Sanders was not so calm.

The Flash is the hero of Midtown. Basically, everyone, regardless of gender, age, or age, knows that The Flash exists and that the Flash is the superhero who guards the Midtown.

"Yeah, so don't talk about this." Sisko Raymond reminded embarrassingly, and then looked at Su Yue and Cara Danvers who were extremely calm and calm without any panic.

"You two, can you tell me what your purpose is? What does it have to do with that Highlander? Why did he want to kill Kendra?"

When Sisko Raymond asked this, everyone looked over.

Su Yue looked around and swept over them one by one. "Joe West, Inspector of the Midtown Police Department, Iris' father, adopted Barry when he lost his parents, and treats Barry like his own son, although not his biological father but better than his biological father. It's a pity. …”

Joe West asked, "What a pity?"

Su Yue shook his head: "Not everyone is Barry Allen."

"What, what do you mean?" Joe West looked bewildered.

"You'll know soon enough."

Su Yue's gaze shifted from him to another person. "Iris West, Joe's daughter, grew up with Barry Allen, Barry Allen's girlfriend, and the love of his life, I have to say that your relationship is really strong, it's you My daughter... Forget it, it's too early to say that."


Our daughter?

Iris West looked at Barry Allen, and Barry Allen just happened to look at her. The two looked at each other. Iris was just about to ask, but Su Yue had already looked at Harrison Wei who was beside her. Ers.

"Dr. Harrison Wells of Earth 2, the founder and director of the cutting-edge laboratory of Earth 2, his wife died, and he loved and cared about his daughter the most." Su Yue said while looking at Harrison Wells Less, his previous comment is already a spoiler for the future, and Harrison Wells must have thought of this because of his cleverness, so Su Yue is very curious whether Harrison Wells will worry about saying his secret.

Harrison Wells pulled out a smirk but didn't look flustered, instead he was as steady as an old dog.

"Your daughter is not bad, she's very good, and you should be proud of her. But you have to know that when a child grows up, she always has to go her own way. What you give her may not be what she wants."

"I think I know how to take care of my daughter, especially my daughter." Harrison Wells said lightly.

Su Yue shrugged and looked at the last person who was a little nervous because he looked at the past, and he was also an indispensable person in the Flash team. "Caitlin Snow, engineering expert, biology expert, Killer Frost..."

"Wait, Killer Frost? I'll be Killer Frost? That's impossible." Caitlin Snow felt a little absurd, a little unbelievable.

There are not many idiots in the cutting-edge laboratory. From the fact that Caitlin Snow said that she will become Killer Frost instead of me, she can already guess what Su Yue's almost explicit comment means.

"Wait wait... Dimensional lord, right? What's the point of you talking a lot like a prophet? Don't change the subject and answer our original purpose, what purpose do you have!" Sith Coe Raymond interjected.

"Purpose..." Su Yue looked at Sisko Raymond and chuckled. "Of course I have a purpose. If I don't have a purpose, why would I waste my good time chatting with you? My purpose is you!"

"Me?" Sisko Raymond pointed to himself.

Su Yue nodded and said: "Yes, it's you. I chose this time to meet you because you already know the existence of the multiverse, and it will be easier for me to explain it. Sisko Raymond, I want you to help me make it. A teleporter that can communicate with the multiverse and travel across the multiverse."

"Are you sure you didn't find the wrong person? I don't have the ability to come up with these things."

"Sure, certain, and certain! Believe me, there may be many people who can travel through the multiverse, but you are the only one who can develop a device that allows people to travel through the multiverse at will!"

Su Yue smiled, looked around and said, "In exchange, I can answer one of your questions, any question! But there is only one chance, you'd better think about it before answering."

The previous spoilers have already let them know that Su Yue can predict the future, so this question, the value of this opportunity can be imagined how precious and important!

"By the way, a friendly reminder to you, don't ask me about Kendra Sanders or that Highlander, waste the opportunity, you can find out for yourself, after all, you got his weapon, after all You can still find help."

Chapter 0316 Beauty has preferential treatment, you are not!

Sisko Ramon and Barry Allen took the knives or daggers left by the Highlanders for testing. The father and daughter Joe and Iris walked away temporarily, as if they wanted to talk about what Su Yue just said. matter.

A son and a daughter, although there is no evidence that what Su Yue said is true, they still care more or less.

Kendra Sanders and Caitlin Snow are chatting, the topic is mainly around Sisko Ramon and The Flash, as for Harrison Wells, he blankly observes Su Yue and Kara Danvers, finally came over.

"Do you want to ask your daughter or speed?"

Before Harrison Wells walked over to speak, Su Yue raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Daughter." Harrison Wells whispered.

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally: "She will die, and she will die at an age like a flower. But you don't need to be sad about her death, because you will die with him."

"I failed?" Harrison Wells frowned.

"In exchange, I can answer you a question, it's you, not you, are you sure you want to ask this question?" Su Yue asked with narrowed eyes.

"I..." Harrison Wells just wanted to say that I'm sure that the ultimate purpose of his coming to Earth 1 is to save his daughter, and the rest... he doesn't care at all.

"Can I ask where you came from? I mean, where did you come from? How did you come?" Before Harrison Wells finished speaking, Caitlin Snow suddenly spoke up and walked away come over.

Harrison Wells looked at Caitlin Snow and said nothing.

"Beauty is justice, and beautiful women are naturally given preferential treatment. I can answer an additional question, a question related to you!" Su Yue looked at Caitlin Snow with a smile.

Kaitlyn Snow smiled sweetly: "Thank you, then... can we defeat the Extreme Speed? This question is related to me, after all, if we fail, the Extreme Speed ​​will not let us go."

Harrison Wells gave Caitlin Snow a heavy look, and a flash of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

Su Yue stared fixedly at Caitlin Snow and smiled: "Yes!"

"Really? How did we beat him?" Caitlin Snow asked excitedly.

Su Yue raised his hand: "A question!"

Caitlin Snow smiled sheepishly, and then heard the sound of high heels. Hearing the sound, he turned his head and saw Iris walking over.

"Can you tell me what you said about my daughter just now?" Iris asked expectantly.

Su Yue simply shook his head: "No."

Iris was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Caitlin Snow next to her.

Didn't you say that you can answer an extra question if there is a preference for beautiful women? Why can't I come here? You mean I'm not beautiful, I'm ugly?

When Caitlin Snow saw Iris looking at her, she spread her hands helplessly. This kind of discrimination was embarrassing, but it was undeniable that Caitlin Snow was still very happy.

Women, how many do not like to be praised?

Although Caitlin Snow doesn't care much about her appearance, she is also willing to listen to others compliment her on her beauty.

"What are you talking about? The test results have come out."

Just when Iris was embarrassed and embarrassed, her boyfriend Barry Allen came out to save the siege. He and Sisko Ramon came over with the dagger, and said as they walked, "This dagger is the same weapon that killed the gang at the dock, and the residue on the scene matches it."

"So the murderer is the same person?" Caitlin Snow asked.

"That's right." Barry Allen nodded. "But this dagger is very old, centuries ago."

"You really don't know why he's looking for you?" Iris asked Kendra.

Kendra shook her head and said, "I don't know, I've never seen this person before."

"But this person must know you. He has always called you Priestess Chayara." Sisko Raymond said.

"That's Coptic," Harrison Wells said.

"Do you speak ancient Egyptian?"

"That's right."

Kendra said absurdly: "I grew up in Wisconsin, and I never left the United States, so..."

"Obviously, this person is very dangerous, so you have to let us protect you." Barry Allen said.

Joe answered, "I can send someone to protect her."

Sisko Ramon shook his head and said, "You haven't seen that person, Joe, no offense, but I don't think the police department can protect her."

"No, but we can ask friends for help." Barry Allen glanced at Su Yue, who had nothing to do with me, and continued: "But we have to leave Midtown!"

"Where?" Kendra asked.

"Star City!"

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