"Are you sure we're going to Star City? I don't need the help of the Green Arrow gang." Sisko Ramon frowned.

"I think we need it."

Sisko Raymond insisted: "There are a lot of superpowers that you have cleaned up before who are better than this throwing knife."

"I don't think he's a psychic, he has a different feeling about him, a kind of mystery. We can stop psychics because we understand science, we can find their weaknesses, but we deal with this type of people No experience, this kind of magic? They have experience!" Barry Allen explained seriously. "I just want to protect Kendra, Sisko."

"Okay, but I want to go with you." Sisko Raymond compromised. Although he was not very used to working with unfamiliar people, he still compromised for Kendra's sake.

Barry Allen turned to look at Su Yue: "Do you have anything to say?"

"Very wise decision." Su Yue chuckled lightly.

Who is this Highlander? Vandal Savage!

This guy has immortality and wisdom far beyond ordinary people. He has built many brilliant civilizations in the long history, and he also had different names, such as Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Jack the Ripper and so on.

He hunted down Eagle Girl and Eagle Man with the same ability to obtain stronger abilities. Every reincarnation of Eagle Girl and Eagle Man could not escape the fate of being killed by him.

Although the two teams of Flash and Green Arrow teamed up to solve him temporarily, it won't take long for him to become the big BOSS and villain in "Legends of Tomorrow". Role.

His immortality is an extremely good ability, worth learning!

"If possible, I hope you can go to Star City with us. I can guarantee that I have no malicious intentions, but I don't worry that you will stay here when I go to Star City." Barry Allen said sincerely to Su Yue.

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally. Star City was originally one of his goals. Even if Barry Allen didn't say anything, he would go there. After all, Star City had people he was interested in. Well, it's not Cuckold, no, Green Arrow, but Green Arrow's sister, Thea Quinn!

Chapter 0317 Small Punishment and Great Commandment: The Green Arrow Who Becomes a Child

Green Arrow Oliver Quinn has a half-sister named Thea Quinn, who was originally a rebellious rich girl, later became a superhero in the name of Kuaishou and became Green Arrow Oliver Quinn's assistant.

Su Yue thinks that the Green Arrow and Flash are both superhero teams, but they are far apart in terms of appearance. The heroine of The Flash, Iris, uh, needless to say how good-looking she is, and the heroine of Green Arrow has two generations, whether it is the black canary Laurel Lance or the IT woman Ferry Heidiyan The value is quite good, and there are a lot of beautiful women in the Green Arrow team.

Among them, Thea Quinn's appearance is equivalent to carrying a handle in the team.

In addition to Thea Quinn's half-father, Oliver Quinn actually has a younger sister he doesn't know, a half-sister named Emiko Quinn, but her appearance is not comparable Thea Quinn.

Su Yue felt that the only person who could compete with Thea Quinn in terms of appearance was Oliver Quinn and Ferry Heidi's future daughter, Mia Smoke, who followed her mother Ferry Heidi. Smoke's surname, and inherited all the advantages of his parents.

Mia Smoke can't be seen for the time being. After all, she hasn't been born yet. It is estimated that she can only appear in the big event of Crisis on Infinite Earths, so it will not be considered for the time being.

At present, what Su Yue wants to see the most is Thea Quinn, the good-looking leader of the Green Arrow team!


Star City.

The night shrouded the city. In a dark alley, the light of lightning flashed rapidly, and three people in uniforms and covering their faces appeared along with the light of lightning. These three were members of the Green Arrow team.

Green Arrow Oliver Quinn, Fast Hand Thea Quinn, and John Diggle, code-named Sparta, are actually more like the driver.

John Diggle, who had just stood firm, opened his helmet and bowed his head and vomited violently. The Flash Barry Allen, who had appeared, looked at John Diggle and was speechless.

"Damn it! It happens every time!" John Diggle complained angrily to The Flash.

"It's The Flash!" Thea Quinn looked at the Flash in surprise and said to Oliver Quin who was beside him: "Do we know The Flash? Well, we know the Flash, I don't know we know the Flash, Thank you."

"But I don't think you ran that far to protect us." Oliver Quinn said solemnly.

"No, I'm not here to protect you, I want to protect a friend."

Oliver Quinn watched The Flash suddenly open his bow and shoot towards the end of the alley.


An arrow broke through the air, and it came in an instant.


Dim Chu at the end of the alley suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed the flying arrow, and then the owner of the hand slowly walked out of the shadows.

Oliver Quinn and the others instantly drew their bows and became alert.

"The arrows are good, but unfortunately they are not fast or strong enough. I know someone who plays bow and arrow just like you. He should be on par with you in archery. He didn't even have the chance to shoot arrows in front of me. He is still lying in the hospital now. ."

Su Yue looked down at the bow and arrow in his hand, the corner of the mouth raised slightly, and with a bang, the flame suddenly burst out in his hand, and the scorching high-temperature flame instantly ignited the bow and arrow and quickly burned.


He casually threw the flaming bow and arrow on the ground, and Su Yue walked over to the shocked people.

"Everyone, he... his name is Su Yue, and he is with me." The Flash first explained to the Green Arrow team, and then explained to Su Yue, "This is a misunderstanding."

"Yes, this is indeed a misunderstanding. But the misunderstanding can be resolved, but what you have done can't be taken back." Su Yue stretched out his finger to Oliver Quinn and hooked his finger lightly.

Oliver Queen immediately walked towards Su Yue.

One step, one step, when he came to Su Yue, he fell to the ground with a thud.


"elder brother!"

Both John Diggle and Thea Quinn were taken aback by Oliver Quinn's sudden action. Oliver Quinn is Green Arrow. He may kneel, but he will never give in, much less impossible. It was completely unreasonable to kneel in front of Su Yue like this.

"What did you do?" Thea Quinn drew a bow and arrow and aimed at Su Yue. "No matter what you do to my brother, let him go immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"Oh? Why are you welcome?" Su Yue asked with great interest.

Thea Quinn snorted, and the arrow on the bow shot at Su Yue.

Su Yue didn't dodge or evade, and raised his hand with a chuckle.


An invisible vibration wave instantly froze the flying arrow, and then the arrow was shaken and shattered into powder.

Thea Quinn was startled, and subconsciously stepped back and drew the bow again.

Su Yue put his raised hand on the top of Oliver Quinn's head, and activated the ability of the backward fruit one after another. In the blink of an eye, Oliver Quinn changed from a strong man to a child at a very strange speed visible to the naked eye.

The original fitted uniform became extremely large, and his bow and arrow looked taller than him.

"This this……"

Everyone was stunned by this scene. Thea Quinn rubbed her eyes forcefully, unable to believe that she saw this scene, her brother turned into a child?

This...this is too incredible.

"Introduce myself, my name is Su Yue, you can also call me Lord Lord!" Su Yue let go of his hands, lowered his head with a smile, and released Oliver Queen's mind control.

The sobered Oliver Quinn reacted very quickly, and directly shot at Su Yue, but as soon as he moved, he tripped over his uniform involuntarily, and fell to the ground with a snap.

"I... How did I become like this?" Oliver Quinn shouted in surprise when he looked at his immature little hand, and then he realized that his voice was a bit wrong, and it turned out to be like a child.

"Su Yue..." The Flash looked at Su Yue begging.

Su Yue lightly smiled and said, "It's just a small punishment and a big commandment. I'll go back and wait for you first."

After speaking, the light of lightning suddenly lit up.


In the blink of an eye, the person was gone.

"This...this...what the **** is going on, how can he be like you, can..." John Diggle and Thea Quinn looked at The Flash in surprise at the same time.

The Flash smiled bitterly: "I don't know what to say about him. In short, take Oliver Quinn and talk slowly. Don't worry, I will find a way to restore Oliver."

He came to ask Oliver Quinn for help, but before he could help, he slapped Oliver Quinn, but... Oliver Quinn was quite cute when he was a child!

Chapter 0318 I'm here for you, Thea Quinn!

Green Arrow Squad underground base.

With a ding sound, the elevator door slowly opened.

The Flash Barry Allen, John Diggle, and Thea Quinn with Oliver Queen Jr. came out of the elevator.

"The new home is not bad!"

After entering, what you see is a bright circular operating area, with several computers connected together. Not far away is a glass display rack dedicated to the uniforms and weapons of Oliver Queen and others.

"You guys are back, Barry, it's great to see you." Ferry Heidi smiled and walked over to hug Barry Allen, then looked at the child Thea Quinn was holding in doubt. "Whose child is this? Where's Oliver?"

"Ferry Heaty..." Little Oliver Queen called out.

Ferry Heaty's eyes widened suddenly. Although her voice was wrong, she could still feel the familiar feeling, and the feeling of deja vu between little Oliver Quinn's eyebrows.

"This... Oliver?" Ferry Heidi asked tentatively.

"It's me." Little Oliver Quin nodded.

"Oumaiga, you...how did you become like this?" Ferry Heidi hurriedly took Oliver Quinn from Thea Quinn.

Little Oliver Quinn didn't speak, the little head looked around, and soon saw Barry Allen's partner Sisko Raymond and two strange women, the two strange women's positions were slightly different, he glanced at him. It can be observed that one of them has a certain sense of distance from Sisko Ramon and the other woman, so it must be unfamiliar.

As for the dimensional lord Su Yue, he is not here.

"Where's Su Yue?" Barry Allen also found out that Su Yue was not here.

Didn't he say go back first and wait for us? We are all back, why hasn't he come back?


The sound of breaking the air suddenly appeared along with the light of lightning. Su Yue stood abruptly in front of the crowd and said with a light smile, "The night view of Star City is good."

"Uh... Who can tell me what happened, who is he? Why does the Speed ​​Force also have the speed, and why did Oliver become like this?" Ferry Heidi asked.

"Let me introduce you to everyone first." Barry Allen said: "Sisko Raymond, you already know him, this is his friend Kendra Sanders, this is..."

Barry Ellencock was introduced to Kara Danvers, and he didn't know the woman's name yet.

"Carla Danvers." Carla Danvers reported her home.

"Kara Danvers, she is his. He... he calls himself a dimensional lord or transcendence, and he is called Su Yue." Barry Allen looked at Su Yue. "I don't know his origin yet, but it should be from other universes, and for the time being, there should be no malice to us."

Barry Allen glanced at Su Yue, paused for a moment and continued, "Actually, we will come to ask you for help because of his reminder."

"Perhaps, you can show your prophet again?" Sisko Raymond interrupted suddenly and looked at Su Yue.

Su Yue raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "When we meet for the first time, Quan should be a greeting. Who should we start with? It will start with you."

Su Yue looked at John Diggle, John Diggle folded his arms and looked noncommittal.

"John Diggle, formerly in the military, became the bodyguard and driver for Oliver Queen, who had just returned from purgatory, and your wife, Lyra, was an agent of the Sky Eye, code-named Pioneer. You know the funny thing is what?"

"What is it?" John Diggle asked.

Su Yue chuckled and said, "In the future, she will become a very, very important character. How important is she? She is related to the destruction of the multiverse."

"The destruction of the multiverse? What do you mean?" Barry Allen hurriedly asked.

Su Yue smiled but didn't answer, his eyes had shifted from John Diggle to Ferry Heidi: "Ferry Heidi, an IT genius, an extremely outstanding hacker and computer expert, has received an MIT degree, In the beginning, you were an employee of Quinn Group, and later joined the Green Arrow team. I want to congratulate you, you are the same as Iris, the girlfriend of the Flash next door. Although you have experienced ups and downs, you have finally achieved a positive result with your beloved. ."

"I'm talking about success not only in your marriage and relationships, but also in the next generation. You and Oliver Queen will have a daughter, a very beautiful, very outstanding daughter. Honestly, Barry, you and Iris have a daughter. The daughters are not as beautiful as their daughters."

Su Yue made a joke, and without waiting for Ferry Hitty to ask questions, she looked at Oliver Quinn who was holding her. "Oliver Quinn, Green Arrow, the shipwreck is a turning point in your life. You are a well-deserved leader in this world. Although your ending may not be very good, your greatness is remembered in people's hearts. In addition, you are also considered Life is complete, you and Ferry Heaty have a daughter who can inherit your mantle, and you have a son, both children, which is rare."


The expressions of little Oliver Quinn and Ferry Heaty were a little subtle.

Su Yue still kills and does not bury it, only digging holes and not filling them. He turned around and came to Thea Quinn, who asked with a little nervousness and anticipation: "What about me? My future what does it look like?"

"You..." Su Yue looked at Thea Quinn's delicate little face, and had to say that her appearance was really high. From a certain point of view, it was similar to Wanda in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. resemblance.

"Your future is up to me!"

Thea Quinn was stunned. "My future is up to you, what do you mean by that?"

Su Yue suddenly reached out and squeezed Thea Quinn's chin with a slightly raised corner of her mouth, causing her to raise her head involuntarily. "Why do you think I came to Star City?"

Puff! Pfft! Pfft!

Thea Quinn's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Looking at Su Yue who was close at hand, she said nervously, "Why... why did you come to Star City? Well, shouldn't it be because of me?"

Su Yue looked at Thea Quinn for a few seconds with a half-smile, then let go, turned around and came to Carla Danvers' side. "Kara belongs to the same universe as you, she is from Earth 38."

"The same universe? You mean there are other universes?" Sisko Raymond reacted instantly.

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