Su Yue nodded: "The multiverse is not the limit of the universe. Do you know why I am called the dimensional lord? Because I have a dimensional street, a street that can connect many universes. The purpose of my coming to your universe is to let you create I have a transmitter that allows my people to travel freely through the universe, so I have no ill will towards you, as long as you obediently fulfill my needs without dying, I will not do anything to you."

Chapter 0319 I am the only one!

"That... can you change Oliver back first? Although he looks cute now, Star City needs Green Arrow, and Sisko's friends also need Green Arrow's help." Felicity raised her hand asked tentatively timidly.

Su Yue snapped her fingers with a slightly raised corner of her mouth.


The crisp snap of fingers fell, and little Oliver Quinn returned to normal in an instant.

Ferry Heidi was slightly stunned, and hurriedly asked, "Are you all right?"

Oliver Quinn looked down at his body, shook his head slightly, said I'm fine, and glanced at Su Yue with dread.

"Not convinced?" Su Yue asked with a smile.

Of course Oliver Quinn wasn't convinced, but he wouldn't act rashly until he found a way to fight Su Yue. After all, Su Yue was completely different from the opponents he had encountered before. A little carelessness might lead to the annihilation of the entire army.

"Barry said a very dangerous person was following you?" Oliver Quinn looked at Kendra Sanders.

Kendra Sanders nodded: "Yes, and I have absolutely no idea why."

"What does that guy look like?" Thea Quinn asked.


Barry Allen said, suddenly walked aside and opened the sketchbook. He started sketching quickly. After a few seconds, he picked up the sketchbook and said, "Okay, this is what he looks like."

Seeing this, John Diggle muttered, "I can't think of such a unique skill."

Barry Allen smiled.

"This Dothraki looks very charming. I'll try facial recognition to see if it can find a match." Ferry Heidi took the portrait and walked to the computer and started to operate.

After a while, a picture freezes on the computer.

"It's him!" Kendra Sanders said.

"Yeah, strange, this photo is from 1975." Ferry Heidi said.

"So he should be eighty years old now?" Barry Allen said in disbelief.

Oliver Quinn: "What else is there about him?"

"He said we've known each other for a long time, but I've never met him before."

"There must be some connection here."

"I can't think of it...I just moved to Midtown six months ago."

"Why did you move to where?"

"I... I just felt attracted to that city."

"Kendra, there must be a reason for this person to hunt you down, think about it."


"Hey, we're just here to hide with you for a while, maybe you don't need to be so nervous?" Oliver Quin's questioning made Sisko Raymond slightly uncomfortable.

"Oliver, I just rescued you from those guys who didn't know what to do, maybe you can..." Seeing that the atmosphere was a little nervous, Barry Allen wanted to calm down.

"Barry, we don't have superpowers, you brought Kendra into our world without knowing who she is, or what this guy is trying to do with her, you're putting us all in danger, why don't you ask questions? ?" Oliver Queen said solemnly.

Ferry Heidi sneered and turned to look at Oliver Quinn: "We are all friends, right? Why don't you all go to our house for a few drinks and then have a chat."

Barry Allen shrugged: "Okay."

Although the atmosphere was not harmonious, their relationship was indeed very good, and the group soon came to their residence after changing their clothes.

Of course, Su Yue and Carla Danvers also came.

They are very afraid of Su Yue and Carla Danvers. After all, Su Yue's power and mystery are obvious to all. Whether it was Speed ​​Force, the previous flames, shock waves, or even the magic that made Oliver Quinn smaller, they all proved that Su Yue was a helpless opponent.

But now that's the point, they can only take one step at a time.

The fire in the fireplace was burning slowly, and bottles of wine were placed on the coffee table in the living room. The crowd dispersed. Sisko Raymond and Kendra Sanders sat on the sofa on one side, and Carla Denver was opposite. Si and Su Yue, Ferry Heidi and Oliver Quinn and Barry Allen stood by the window, all chatting with wine glasses in their hands, in a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere.

Thea Quinn took the wine glass and walked to the sofa, sat up beside Su Yue, and answered casually. "I like the name Kuaishou."

"Do you know what I'm good at? You should know that I can come up with a better name than Kuaishou." Sisko Raymond said.

Thea Quinn quipped, "Why don't you get a haircut? Maybe we can talk later."

"I think you're angry because my conditioner is too good." Sisko Raymond said and sniffed his hair deliberately.

Thea Quinn shrugged and turned to look at Su Yue, who was leaning on the back of the sofa, and Carla Danvers, who had been silent next to him. "Has she been talking very little?"

"No, it's just because I'm here." Su Yue turned his head and said with a light smile.

"Why?" Thea Quinn raised her glass to Su Yue and bumped it lightly, took a sip, and said, "Isn't she yours? Is she still prudent with you?"

"What do you think?" Su Yue asked Cara Danvers with a smile.

Cara Danvers shrugged: "I'm just performing my duty. Although this is not Dimension Street, I am still a member of the Dimension Street Guard. It is my duty to protect the Lord."

"You are so strong that you still need an escort?" Thea Quinn looked at Su Yue in surprise.

Su Yue said noncommittally, "If you know how to drive, you can hire a driver as well."

"makes sense."

Thea Quinn nodded, bumped into Su Yue again, and asked curiously, "What is Dimension Street like, what kind of place is it?"

"Only I am the only one!"


Su Yue took a sip: "I summoned people from different dimensional worlds to Dimension Street. Some of these people have superpowers, and some have other skills, such as cooking. They live peacefully in Dimension Street and perform their respective duties. , and I am their lord, their only master, so naturally I am the only one!"

"Cool!" Thea Quinn couldn't help but praised.

"Everyone in Dimension Street is his slave. The so-called lord is the slave owner!" Oliver Quinn glared at Thea Quinn.

Su Yue has clearly expressed her intentions towards Thea Quinn, and Thea Quinn also took the initiative to move up and say something cool, which made Oliver Quinn a little worried. On the one hand, he was worried about what Su Yue would do forcibly by relying on his own strength, and on the other hand, he was also worried about the rebellious thoughts of Thea Quinn.

After all, before she became Kuaishou, Thea was an out-and-out rebellious girl, and even after she became Kuaishou, it didn't give her that much peace of mind.

Her current appearance makes Oliver Quinn very uneasy.

Chapter 0320 Are Su Yue and Thea Married?

Thea Quinn pouted and shrugged her shoulders noncommittally. She has long been used to Oliver Quinn's 'discipline'. This can't be done. It can't be done. ...the ears are almost full of cocoons. For her, who is in a period of rebellion and has just become a superhero, the most annoying thing is that others tell her what to do and what not to do.

Seeing Thea Quinn's disapproval, Oliver Quinn couldn't help shaking his head secretly. He could only say so much. I hope Thea Quinn knew what she was doing.

Thea Quinn saw Oliver Quinn turned her head and chatted with Barry Allen, raised her head slightly and drank the wine in the glass, as if inadvertently glanced at Su Yue, blinked, and then got up and left The sofa went inside.

"Is this hinting at me?" Su Yue laughed dumbly, put down his glass and followed.

At the door of a certain room, Thea Quinn leaned against the wall and looked at Su Yue who was approaching, the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

"Can you tell me about Dimension Street?"

"What do you want to know?" Su Yue stood in front of Thea Quinn.

"How big is Dimension Street? How many people are there?" Thea Quinn asked curiously.

"The current scope of Dimension Street is not large. It is an independent pocket universe. How big it can become depends on me. As for how many people there are in Dimension Street, there are probably less than 30 people who have been summoned by me from other dimensional worlds. People, but Dimension Street itself is external, so there are still quite a lot of people floating around. At present, the world in which Dimension Street is located is somewhat similar to your world. There are all kinds of superheroes or villains in that world. Besides, I have a few subsidiary worlds, one because of a virus that led to the death of zombies, and the other is mainly used for vacations, I have an island resort there, there are others, and there will be more in the future.”

"Like your world!"

Su Yue looked at Thea Quinn and said with a chuckle, "From the moment I came to this world, this world has been within the scope of my affiliated world."

"What will you do to this world?" Thea Quinn asked nervously and curiously.

Su Yue thought for a while, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Develop a foothold first?"

"Then what are your abilities? Why do you have so many abilities?" Thea Quinn asked again.

"In an easy-to-understand way, my ability is to revise the settings and achieve what I want." After Su Yue finished speaking, he glanced at Thea Quinn, who seemed a little dazed, and gave an example: "I can modify the reality according to my ideas. , for example, I can make you my girlfriend!"

"When I do this, the reality of this world, everyone knows that you are my girlfriend, even you yourself will think so."

"No, it's impossible, right? It's too ridiculous." Thea Quinn couldn't believe it, and asked eagerly, "After that, can you restore everything to its original state?"


"Then..." Thea Quinn blinked: "Can you show me? I mean, don't revise my memory, uh, also... not be your girlfriend. "

"as you wish!"

Su Yue stimulated the transcendent energy in his body, and his thoughts followed.


He snapped his fingers.

Thea Quinn looked at the unchanged surroundings, blinked her eyes and asked tentatively, "Is this... all right?"

Su Yue smiled mysteriously, and walked back to the living room, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.


As soon as the two of them returned to the living room, they heard a loud bang. Thea Quinn was startled, and followed with wide-eyed eyes watching everyone standing together putting fireworks.

Pieces of fireworks fell one after another, landing on Su Yue and Thea.

The applause sounded, and everyone looked at the two with a blessing smile. Oliver Quinn took a few steps forward and came to Thea Quinn, who was stunned and unresponsive. "Thea, my sister, congratulations on getting your wish and entering the palace of marriage with Su Yue, happy wedding!"

"Happy Newlyweds!"

"Happy Newlyweds!"

The others applauded and smiled in congratulations.

Happy wedding?

I... am I married?

Su Yue and I are married?

Thea Quinn looked confused: "Brother, what are you talking about? Me, Su Yue and I are married?"

"Of course, the marriage certificate is still here." Barry Allen handed over two marriage certificates. "Just now, you were showing off your marriage certificate to us, and you forgot it so quickly? Or were you too happy and drank too much?"


Thea Quinn opened the marriage certificate, looked at the photo of herself and Su Yue, and was completely dumbfounded when she saw her happy face in the photo.

"Brother, how did I meet him?" Thea Quinn asked hurriedly.

"You are high school classmates. You always liked him and pursued him when you were in school. What? Now you get your wish but don't remember it? It doesn't matter, you can remember it just by looking at this." Oliver Quin turned to find his mobile phone , a video will be released soon.

In the video are Thea Quinn and Su Yue, but they look very young and young. Then, in the video, Thea Quinn confessed to Su Yue and took the initiative...

"'s unbelievable." Thea Quinn was completely blinded when she saw the video. She had no impression of the video, let alone getting married, but Oliver and the others looked different. It's not like a joke, all of them know what's going on and have a 'memory' that they don't know...

"Su Yue, my sister's happiness will be handed over to you in the future. It was my sister who took the initiative to confess to you, this time it's your turn?" Oliver Quinn smiled and clapped his hands. "Kiss one!"

"one comes!"

"one comes!"

"one comes!"

The crowd cheered.

"Wait, wait..." Thea Quinn waved absurdly.

"Sister, it's not like you, you are still shy? You forgot that you didn't go home at night after you established a relationship with Su Yue. When you came home the next day, you told us that you were in love, and it was normal not to go home at night. right?" Oliver Queen jokingly laughed.


Is this forgotten?

This is something that never happened, right?

Thea Quinn looked at Su Yue who was smiling in surprise. Is this Su Yue's ability? Modifying reality...this...this is too...too cool, right?

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