Chapter 0321 In the future, the multiverse will be destroyed!

Yes, cool!

Although Thea Quinn was surprised, her first reaction was cool!

Su Yue's ability is so cool!

Is this a wish come true? Is this the setting to modify? Is this changing reality?

It's so cool that I don't have any friends!

No, if he wanted to, the whole world would be his friend.

Thea Quinn took Su Yue's arm and walked aside, lowered her voice excitedly and asked, "This ability is so cool, what else have you changed?"

Su Yue chuckled and shook his head: "No more."

"What about... Kara? How did you... set up Kara? Isn't she your escort? You also said she was from Earth 38. If you were my classmate, how did you know Kara?" Thea Quinn turned to look at Cara Danvers not far away, and asked in a low voice, "The party today is to celebrate our marriage, right? Why doesn't my brother and others care at all, and don't even doubt Carla Danvers? Why is Danvers here?"

"Does it feel weird? It feels illogical?" Su Yue asked with a smile.

Thea Quinn nodded.

"That's right." Su Yue explained. "Although I didn't make any changes to Kara's identity, I set her here, so everyone and the whole reality would accept her here. For example, if I set the world to be one plus one equals three, then Everyone will think that one plus one equals three, and only a few individuals will have doubts and will explore why!"

"That means no one can find anomalies in your revised world?" Thea Quinn asked in surprise.

Su Yue shook his head: "It should be said that 99% of people can't find it, but some people with strong spirit, special status, and powerful strength can also find clues, such as the watchers of your world!"

"Monitor, who is it?"

"A person who brings news of the destruction of the multiverse, trying to save the multiverse, or... God?" Su Yue thought about it and activated his psychic powers, projecting part of the situation about the Green Arrow universe's infinite earth crisis on Thea Quinn in mind.

The watchers, the anti-watchers, a collection of multiverse superheroes, the destruction of countless earths in the multiverse...

"Hu... hu... hu..." Thea Quinn shook her body violently, stretched out her hand to support Su Yue, barely did not fall.

In the sound of gasping for breath, her expression was extremely frightened, her eyes were wide and her body was trembling.

"This... this is terrible, this is the destruction of the multiverse? This is what's going to happen in the future? You... you can save our world, right?" Thea Quinn grabbed Su with both hands He crossed his arms and looked at him expectantly.


Su Yue patted Thea Quinn on the shoulder to calm her down a little, and then asked indifferently, "Give me a reason to save you both."

"I...I join Dimension Street, okay?" Thea Quinn asked tentatively.

Su Yue shook his head: "You think too much. You don't need your consent or your will to join Dimension Street. It's impossible to use this as a condition for saving the world! Besides, you can join Dimension Street. Surviving a multiverse crisis has been a gift."

"How can you help?"

Thea Quinn did not refute Su Yue's point of view. When she knew about the multiverse crisis and the instant destruction of countless multiverses, she knew that it was indeed a gift to join Dimension Street and jump out of the multiverse to save her life.

"There is still some time before the multiverse crisis. We will talk about this later."

Su Yue finished speaking, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the original modified reality was modified again, and the only two remaining were Thea Quinn's memory and the marriage certificate, which should be regarded as non-existent, never existed at all.

"Let's keep a memory."

Su Yue smiled and said something to Thea Quinn who was hesitant to speak, then turned and walked back to the living room.

In the living room, everyone was chatting in twos and threes. Sisko Ramon and Barry Allen were talking in low voices, as if they were confessing that their shock wave ability had sensed Kendra Sanders.

"Quick... Look at it!"

When Kendra Sanders turned her head, she suddenly noticed something out of the corner of her eye, and suddenly pointed out the window.

Everyone heard the sound and looked at the window, only to see a figure breaking through the window.

Countless pieces of glass were scattered all over the place, and the visitor stood firm.

Everyone got up subconsciously, and they distanced themselves from him in a tacit understanding, standing in a row.

Uh... I can't say it's everyone, because Su Yue and Carla Danvers didn't move.

"I will always find you, Chayara." Vandal Savage raised the corner of his mouth proudly.


Lightning flashed, and Barry Allen instantly took Oliver Quinn's bow and arrow and handed it to him.

Oliver Quinn aimed at the opponent with a bow and arrow: "Don't move."

"Then how am I going to kill you?" Vandal Savage's voice fell, his long windbreaker flicked, and he instantly pulled out a few flying knives and threw them out.

At the same time, Oliver Quinn shot the arrow without moving.


"Whoosh whoosh—"

It was too late to speak, and Barry Allen activated his speed force and instantly grabbed the throwing knives that Vandal Savage threw at everyone, one, two, three... When he caught the last one, Vandal Savage seems to have planned to throw another throwing knife, time, chance, calculated just right, seems to have guessed that Barry Allen would do it, when he grabbed the last one When the knife was thrown, the knife thrown from the back happened to stab Barry Allen.


Barry Allen was stabbed in the arm and staggered to the side.

At the same time, Vandal Savage just grabbed the arrow shot by Oliver Queen and threw it to the ground, and then fought with Oliver Queen who was close.

The others looked for a place to hide and watched the battle.


After a few moves, Oliver Quinn was knocked to the ground and slid out heavily.

When Barry Allen got up, Vandal Savage's throwing knife came suddenly.

Reaching out to grab it, he looked at Vandal Savage and said, "I can do it too."

Oliver Quinn gritted his teeth and got up, and started to fire quickly.

Vandal Savage suddenly took out an iron fan and swung the bow and arrow. Oliver Quinn moved forward slowly while attacking quickly. The rapid shooting gradually made Vandal Savage lose sight of the other, and in a blink of an eye, he was hit a few times. arrow.


An arrow suddenly flew out from the side, and Thea Quinn took out her arrow and shot at Vandal Savage.

Vandal Savage was hit by arrows one after another, his body involuntarily retreated, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the window.

Thea Quinn jumped out and aimed directly.

"Thea, don't..." Oliver Quinn hurriedly shouted upon seeing this.

The arrow has already flown out.


This arrow was like the straw that broke the life-saving, and Vandal Savage, who was hit by the arrow, fell directly backwards.

Watching Vandal Savage turn over and fall down, Oliver Quinn frowned and asked, "What did you do!"

Thea Quinn put down her bow and turned her head: "I'm done!"

Chapter 0322 The Immortal Body: Vandal Savage

Oliver Quinn glanced angrily at Thea Quinn, who disapproved. He didn't want Thea Quinn to become bloodthirsty, let alone the guy who just died like this. As soon as he died, the clues were broken, and it was unclear why he wanted to kill Kendra Sanders, and what secret was there on Kendra Sanders.

"how so?"

Barry Allen stood by the window and looked down, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Oliver Quinn and the others looked down at the same time, showing expressions of surprise almost at the same time.

That person just now is gone!

There was no body of that person on the ground, and there was no abnormality, as if no one fell at all.

Everyone looked at each other, and suppressed emotions filled their hearts.

Green Arrow Squad Base.

Ferry Heidi was checking the news about Vandal Savage on the computer, Barry Allen glanced at Sisko Raymond, Sisko Raymond nodded slightly, took a deep breath and looked at Kendra Sanders.

"Kendra, I have super powers."

As soon as Sisko Raymond opened his mouth, Oliver Quinn and others looked over.

"I can sense people with shock waves. They are images of superhuman beings. I... saw you."

Ferry Heidi answered in a low voice, "First, you said you were a superpower, and second, she was also a superpower."

"I don't know, in these images, you can fly." Sisko Raymond explained and looked at Kendra Sanders. "It's like you're a bird or something."

"A bird?"


"You, what else did you see?" Kendra Sanders asked absurdly.

"That's all, only you with wings." Sisko Raymond thought about it and turned to look at Su Yue. "Remember? He also said, you are Eagle Girl! Although I don't know what Eagle Girl is, it feels very similar."


Just as he was talking, all the lights in the base suddenly went out. After about three or four seconds of darkness, the lights suddenly turned on again.

Several people wearing leather clothes, masks and weapons appeared in everyone's eyes.

"You have a lot of things you don't know." The only person without a mask said in a deep voice.

"Great, more surprises, who is he?" Sisko Raymond said.

"It's my dad." Thea Quinn stared at the person and replied.

This person is obviously not Oliver Quinn's father Robert Quinn, but Thea Quinn's biological father Malcolm Merlin, this guy gave Robert Quinn a green hat, Thea is him Daughter of Moira, wife of Robert Quinn and mother of Oliver Quinn.

"Malcolm Merlin, codenamed Black Arrow, joined the League of Assassins because of his wife's death and obtained the title of Magician, and then returned to Star City to prepare for revenge. The shipwreck that Oliver Quinn experienced was related to him, After Oliver Quinn returned to Star City in the name of Green Arrow, he became an enemy of him. Later, he learned that Thea was his daughter. Lance, who was also the captain of the Waverider in Legends of Tomorrow, briefly became the new master ninja to manage the Assassin League, but was quickly overthrown. Later, he teamed up with Reverse Flash, Damian Daq and others to find the fate Spear, but was eventually defeated by the Legends of Tomorrow squad."

Su Yue looked at Malcolm Merlin and felt that he was very related to Vandal Savage. He would provide information about Vandal Savage to The Flash and Green Arrow, which was considered to help them kill Vandal Savage. Savage, but quietly put away Vandal Savage's ashes to help him resurrect after the event. In short, this guy is a careerist who will do anything to achieve his goals.

The tense atmosphere lasted for a while and then disappeared.

Malcolm Merlin said: "The person you are looking for is called Vandal Savage."

"Vandal Savage? Never heard of him, who is he?" Barry Allen asked.

"Some people say that he was Genghis Khan's most trusted mentor, and some people say that he knew how Julius Caesar defeated the Gallic War, but one thing the League of Assassins can be sure of is... He participated in all of these things."

"Then you mean he's a vampire or something?" Sisko Raymond asked.

"Not a vampire, but an immortal body."

"Okay, we've officially entered madness, undead?" Kendra Sanders didn't believe it.

"Wait, this makes sense, it explains why he looks the same as in the previous photo, that photo was taken in 1975?" Thea Quinn reacted and said speculatively.

"Is that impossible?"

"You have no way to save her at the moment." Malcolm Merlin affirmed.

"Kendra, don't let him, we..."

"I, I'm going to get some air." Kendra Sanders seemed unable to accept the news, waved his hands and turned away.

Sisko Raymond glanced at Barry Allen, turned and followed.

Barry Allen was a little unconvinced to prove to Malcolm Merlin that they were sure to protect Kendra Sanders, but Malcolm Merlin obviously didn’t think so. After providing the information, he took people away base.

Not long after he left, Sisko Raymond ran back out of breath.

"No, it's not good, Kendra was taken away by another birdman, hurry up, hurry up and save her." Sisko Raymond shouted loudly.

Everyone was stunned. Ferry Heidi quickly turned around and started beating on the computer. Barry Allen and Oliver Quinn changed their uniforms and ran out.

One using Speed ​​Force, one riding a motorcycle, and Ferry Heaty's surveillance support, it's just a matter of how long it takes to find Kendra Sanders.

"help me!"

"Help me find Kendra!"

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