"This place belongs to me from now on, and it also belongs to you!"

Su Yue said to Laurel Lance: "I'm not going to take you out of this world to go to Dimension Street for the time being, this will become a base, a Dimension Street branch, a place where I usually settle when I come to this universe. Besides you, there will be other people staying here, and I hope you can develop this place into a second dimension street."

"I... what should I do?" Laurel Lance asked blankly.

Su Yue's finger lightly tapped, and in an instant, countless messages appeared in Laurel Lance's mind.

Although Laurel Lance has not been to Dimension Street yet, she already has a good understanding of the situation in Dimension Street. She has already learned everything about the people in Dimension Street, the projects in Dimension Street, the development route and so on.

Although she has not yet developed a direction so quickly, at least she is not smeared, at least she knows what to do.


Seeing that Laurel had already accepted the message from Dimension Street, Su Yue raised her hand and waved at her again.

This time there is no vision of heaven and earth, no earth shakes.

Only Laurel's candor.

Laurel was startled and was about to react when a black leather uniform appeared on her body instantly. At the same time, she felt that her throat was a little itchy, as if something had changed...


As soon as Laurel opened her mouth, a harsh sound suddenly sounded. The originally invisible sounds seemed to gather together, turned into tangible sound waves, and blasted out instantly.

The sound wave was directly disintegrated by an invisible force the moment it slammed towards Su Yue, Laurel subconsciously closed her mouth and did not dare to make a sound.

"Black Canary, this is your future code name!"

Chapter 0330 Canary, caged bird!

"Black Canary..." Laurel covered her mouth and looked down at the tight black uniform she was wearing, suddenly realizing something.

Canary is a noble caged ornamental bird with excellent feather color and songbird.

The uniform on his body is the color of feathers, the ultrasonic wave he just made is the songbird, and the black canary of his own is the bird in the cage that Lord Lord is watching!

The moment she wanted to understand, Laurel was a little angry.

She is a free and independent person, and suddenly she has become a caged bird to be watched. She must be a little uncomfortable, a little angry, and a little unacceptable. But this emotion disappeared not long after it appeared, because she already knew and witnessed the magic of Lord Lord with her own eyes. Compared with her, she was like an ant on the ground, dust in the air, and it couldn't be more insignificant.

To be able to become a caged bird for the Lord to watch, and to become a black canary, is already a step to the sky.

The ability of ultrasound is a gift from the Lord!

"You go to the basement first to familiarize yourself with your abilities, and I'll introduce others to you later." Su Yue gave an order, indicating the location of the basement.

Laurel didn't dare to speak, she could only nod her head heavily, then turned and went to the basement.

The basement's sound insulation and protection capabilities are extremely strong. Even if Laurel breaks her throat below, it won't make too much noise, and it won't cause any damage to the basement.

The night is shrouded, and the stars are shining.

Thea and Mia were recalled to him by Su Yue, introduced them to the situation here, and then asked about their progress.

"I found Sarah and told her my identity and confessed the situation. Sarah didn't believe me or what I said at first, but then I took her to my house and saw me as a child, and she believed me. Come from the future, just believe what I say." The method used by Thea is very simple and very effective.

seeing is believing.

Even if you see someone who is the same big and small, even if you feel incredible in your heart, it's not that difficult to accept.

Although Sarah and Laurel are sisters, their personalities are completely different. Sarah is bolder, more rebellious, and more receptive to things. Otherwise, she would not have secretly dated Oliver in the original plot when she knew that Laurel was in love with Oliver, and she would not have developed the concept of love that takes all men and women.

Su Yue turned to look at Mia: "How about you?"

"I... I also saw my mother, she... She seems a little frightened by me." Mia lowered her head slightly and reported in a low voice.

It's easy to find Ferry Heidi, and it shouldn't be difficult to get Ferry Heidi to accept time travel, but suddenly a girl of the same age as her calls herself mother. frightened.

"Lord Lord, I have mastered this ability so that I won't send out ultrasonic waves casually..." Laurel's hoarse voice sounded from the aisle, and then, she had already seen Thea and Mia.


Thea was surprised to see Laurel, who was dressed in a black canary, and turned her head subconsciously to Su Yue.

Su Yue nodded and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is Laurel Lance, the black canary... She will be in charge of running this place in the future. This is Thea, Thea Quinn, yes, your classmate Oliver Queen's sister, but she's from the future. As for the other, she's Mia Smoke, Thea Queen's niece, and she's from the future, a little later than Thea."

"When I find all the people I'm looking for, I'll take them away. The next time we meet, it may take eight or nine years for you."

"Lord Lord, can I know who the other person you are looking for is?" Laurel asked curiously.

"One's name is Ferry Heathsmoke, yes, her mother. The other is your sister, Sarah Lance. Thea's been in touch with them before, so you'll see Ran when you get home. Si Da can talk to her, and if she wants, she can come here with you tomorrow to find me."

Laurel was shocked. She didn't expect that her sister Sarah was also the Lord's target. She had to have a good talk with her when she went back.

However, what really surprised her was not about her sister, but the relationship between the person named Ferry Heatis Mock and Mia Smoke. Are they mother and daughter? Then Mia is Thea Quinn's niece, doesn't this mean that her classmate Oliver, the playboy, is Mia's father? What exactly happened in the future? Why do things feel so messed up?


The sun is shining, and the breeze is gentle.

Laurel Lance and Sarah Lance came out of the house early in the morning. Yesterday, the sisters almost stayed up all night. After telling each other about their experiences, they felt like a dream. They woke up in the morning. At that time, Laurel also deliberately used her super power to confirm that this was not a dream, this was what happened in real life...

Sarah had already believed that all this was true after seeing Thea yesterday. She wanted to seize this opportunity, to seize this opportunity that could change her destiny.

Dimension Street...Lord Lord...travel through the universe...travel through time...

These are things that only happen in science fiction movies and science fiction. It's such a cool, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that Sarah is willing to participate at all costs.

And... my sister Laurel has already participated in this matter.

Sarah is a little jealous!

Why did Lord Lord personally find Laurel instead of yourself?

Why does Laurel have super powers?

Why did the lord hand over the Dimension Street branch to the elder sister to manage?

Why? ! ! !

Sarah secretly decided in her heart that when she sees the Lord, she must let him know that she is no worse than Laurel, no... she is better than Laurel!

Jealousy is the original sin.

Jealousy makes people crazy!

In the original plot, Sarah knew that Laurel and Oliver were in a relationship and still dated Oliver. Isn't there a reason for her jealousy?

At their age, sisters compete with each other, and the comparison psychology is the strongest!

In front of the villa, Laurel and Sarah knocked gently on the door.

Sarah glanced at Laurel out of the corner of her eye. She was taller than herself and had longer legs, but one thing...she was inferior to herself.


Sarah pretended to be a little hot and gently pulled down the zipper of her jacket, then straightened her waist and looked at the gently opened door with a smile on her face.

Chapter 0331 The Birth of the Platinum Canary

"Good morning, Mia."

The door opened, Laurel said hello to Mia with a smile, and then introduced Sarah beside her.

"Good morning."

Mia replied to Laurel and Sarah slightly uncomfortable. Although they seem to be of the same age, in Mia's cognition, they are people from the past, history, and elders in the past, so There is a sense of inconsistency in my heart.

Fortunately, getting along with Aunt Thea made her gradually adapt to this confusion of age and identity, and she quickly adjusted after the discomfort.

"The Lord and Aunt Thea haven't woken up yet. Come in and wait for a while."

Mia invited the two of them into the house and poured them a glass of water.

Laurel and Sarah looked at the villa while drinking water. Yesterday, Laurel didn't have a chance to look carefully, and Sarah was full of curiosity after hearing about the miracle of the birth of the villa.

Ten minutes later, Su Yue, who had just woken up, came downstairs.

Laurel hurriedly stood up to say hello. Sarah's movements slowed a beat. After getting up, her eyes lit up at Su Yue.

So handsome, so temperamental man, no... he's a male god!

Although he looks like he just woke up, his handsome facial features and lazy temperament are more real and attractive. This is completely different from the image of the mysterious lord who is aloof in her imagination.

He wears very homely, a simple T-shirt and sports shorts, but his muscles are very obvious.

He is obviously a muscular man, but he doesn't have that rough feeling at all.

Dress to show thin, undress to show flesh.

"Lord Lord, I am Sarah Lance."

Sarah Lance took the initiative to take a few steps forward to Su Yue and introduced herself.


Su Yue looked at Sarah Lance and nodded slightly in compliment, then turned to the kitchen to pick up a glass of water and drank it.


Is it because my attitude is good, or is it because of my own conditions that he feels good?

Sarah wanted to ask more clearly, but because of her identity, she didn't dare to speak out.


"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang..."

A rhythmic knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Mia looked at the door in surprise, walked over curiously and opened the door.

"Hi... good morning."

Outside the door, Ferry Heidi raised her hand embarrassedly and said hello.


Mia was stunned unexpectedly. She didn't know this place when she left yesterday, and naturally she wouldn't tell her mother, so how did she find it here?

Ferry Heidi first gestured with both hands as she tapped the keyboard, and then explained with a sneer. "I... I seriously thought about what you said to me before, the world is full of wonders, even if... even if you are really my future daughter, it is not unacceptable, at least you are very beautiful. I mean, even though I haven't been in a relationship, it's a little strange that I suddenly have a daughter about my age, but I can accept it and believe what you say. So... So I looked into you The route found your location."

"Come in first." Mia stepped aside.

Ferry Heidi took a few steps forward, suddenly turned her head and said, "By the way, my reaction yesterday may have hurt you, I hope you can forgive me, I was just too shocked at the time."

"I can understand."

Mia smiled like a flower. Anyone who changed this kind of thing would be shocked.

In the living room, Laurel and Sarah looked at Ferry Heidi curiously. Su Yue took a glass of water and placed it in front of the empty seat on the sofa, then sat down beside Laurel.

As soon as she sat down, Sarah on Laurel's other side got up and sat down on his other side, as if she wanted to give Felicity and Mia the seat.

It's just... She seems to be sitting a little too close.

In terms of their relationship, Su Yue and Laurel are more familiar with each other, but the distance between the two is farther than Sarah and Su Yue.

Is it self-acquainted, or has another purpose?

Su Yue ignored Sarah and stretched out his hand to motion Ferry Hitty and Mia to sit down.

"Mia should have already told you what I should say. Since you took the initiative to come to the door, you should have already made a decision, right?" Su Yue asked Ferry Hitty.

Ferry Heidi said nervously and cautiously: "I, I do know a part of it, if possible, can I... say more? To be honest, although I believe it, I am still a little confused. I mean... ...what can I do? What do I need to do?"

"You just need to do what you do best!"

Suyue's psychic ability was activated and passed the popular science information about Dimension Street to Ferry Heidi and Sarah Lance. After the two digested it, he continued: "The three of you will stay here to develop this base, At the same time improve your personal strength. Laurel and Sarah will be responsible for the actual combat part as the black and white canaries, and you will assist them in the name of the watchman, using your talents and the help I provide. I hope that when I When you went back to Thea's timeline, you had already developed this place and started the name of Dimension Street."

"Where's Mia? Will she stay?" Ferry Heidi asked.

Of course Mia wanted to stay with Ferry Hitty, but she didn't dare to ask rashly, she could only look at Su Yue pleadingly.

Su Yue pondered for a moment. "If you want to stay, just stay. Although you have not experienced too orthodox professional training, you are at least better than the three rookies. If you stay, you can also help them get on the right track as soon as possible."

Anyway, after you leave and come back from the dimension gate, you can return to Thea's timeline, that is, when the two teams of Green Arrow and Lightning fought against Vandal Savage, from Su Yue's point of view, they just separated. Just how long. And they can spend years together!

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