But some contradictions are that this person exudes an indescribable attraction, like a light in the dark, like a slowly burning flame, which makes her unable to help but have an urge to get closer and get closer .

He is like a god, which makes people afraid to look directly, makes people want to worship, and makes people want to get closer to him.

Laurel leaned on her knees and approached him, but the distance between them was like a gulf that couldn't be bridged at all, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get any closer.

And the man on the throne looks exactly the same as the man in the cafe! ! !

"Phew..." Laurel Lance took a deep breath, pushed open the door of the cafe, and walked in.

Step by step, she came to the dreamer, looking at the person's true appearance, her warm smile, and her unsurprised eyes, Laurel Lance greeted cautiously: "Hey, I...I I know it might be presumptuous to say that, and you might find it a little absurd, but I promise I'm not kidding, I mean it."

"I've been having a dream these days, and you... in my dream."

After speaking, Laurel Lance looked at the other party's reaction nervously.

Su Yue took a sip of coffee, put down the cup, leaned back slightly on the chair and looked at the nervous Laurel Lance. "You know what's more absurd?"

"I don't know." Laurel Lance shook her head.

Su Yue chuckled: "What's even more absurd is that your dream... I made you do it! I made you dream about me, remember my appearance, and let you discover it when you passed by in the vast crowd. me, and walked in front of me."


Laurel Lance was stunned. "I'm serious. Those things I just said were not meant to strike up a conversation with you, well, I do strike up a conversation with you, but the reason I strike up a conversation with you is because I did have those dreams, I did have dreams Here you are. There is a throne in a dream, and you..."

"like this?"

Su Yue interrupted Laurel Lance's words with a wave of his hand. At the same time, with his waving arm, Laurel Lance suddenly felt that the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

The cafe is gone.

Instead, there was a long staircase, on which Su Yue sat on the throne.

"This...this...I'm dreaming again?" Laurel Lance looked to the left and right subconsciously, she obviously hadn't slept, she should be in the cafe, why suddenly...

On the throne, Su Yue waved lightly, and in an instant, the stairs disappeared, the throne disappeared, and Laurel Lance returned to the cafe.

She stared blankly at the smiling Su Yue, and murmured, "This... what's going on?"

"My name is Su Yue, you can call me Transcender, or you can call me Dimensional Lord, or Lord Lord." Su Yue looked at Laurel Lance and said with a chuckle.

"For... why?"

"You, how did you do it?"

Laurel Lance now believes that this is not a special fate, but the person who claims to be a transcendence or a dimensional lord in front of him did it. It's just that she doesn't understand, how did he do it? Why do you want to do this?

"Do you believe in the existence of God?" Su Yue asked.

Laurel Lance shook her head, but quickly nodded again.

She didn't believe it before, but now she can't help it.

"You can understand me as God, but not the God of your world." Su Yue said with a smile. "As for why you do this, it's because... I'm here to save you!"

"help me?"

Chapter 0328 Believe me, surrender to me, follow me!

"That's right, save you!"

Su Yue watched Laurel Lance slowly raise her hand and snapped her fingers.


Laurel Lance raised her head subconsciously following the crisp snap of her fingers... The cafe was gone, so was Su Yue. There was only one thing in her sight, an arrow that was getting closer and closer to her.


The arrow entered the body, and the sense of penetration followed.

Laurel Lance fell to the ground with a cry of pain, and the pain spread all over her body instantly.

She can feel her life is passing and death is approaching.

I'm dying?

Am I really going to die? !

There is great fear between life and death. This fear comes from the depths of the soul and from instinct.

"No... I don't want to die." Laurel Lance shouted in horror.

"I can save you!"

An ethereal voice suddenly sounded.

Laurel Lance hurriedly shouted as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Save me, please save me."


In a trance, Laurel Lance seemed to hear the snap of her fingers again.

Later, she saw the cafe, the pedestrians and sunlight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Su Yue who was sitting beside her drinking coffee.

Laurel Lance subconsciously lowered her head and touched the place where the arrow was hit. There was no arrow or wound, but there was a faint residual pain and penetrating feeling after the arrow was hit.

Cold sweat poured down his entire body.

Laurel Lance weakly supported the table and slowly moved to the opposite side of Su Yue, sat down on a chair, gasping for breath...

She looked up at Su Yue and wanted to speak, but found that her throat was so tight that she couldn't make a sound.

Su Yue reached out and pushed her half cup of coffee towards Laurel Lance.

Laurel Lance's hand trembled slightly, took a swig of coffee, and her mood gradually stabilized.


Putting down the empty coffee cup, Laurel Lance asked, "Just... what happened?"

"In the future, you will be shot and killed."

Su Yue watched her slowly raise two fingers: "You have two choices now: one, trust me, surrender to me, follow me, I will not only save you, but also give you a brand new A great life with a completely different life trajectory; two, don't believe me, get up and leave."

Does Laurel Lance believe it?

Whether it's the dream he had or the experience of being hit by an arrow that he couldn't tell whether it was real or illusory, it's not a normal person, it can happen and be done under normal circumstances.

From this point, Laurel Lance believes in the magic of Su Yue.

However, a stranger suddenly told you that you will die, and I can save you, but the price is to surrender to me and follow me... Anyone who encounters such a situation will hesitate and doubt.

"Can I go back and think about it?" Laurel Lance asked.


Su Yue shook his head.


Think about it.

It used transcendental energy to set up a dream to lead you, and it used psychic power to create a fantasy for you to experience. Now you tell me that you want to go back and think about it? Am I being embarrassed? Even if I am a transcendent who has been retrained and retrained, then I am a transcendent, right?

Su Yue decided that as long as Laurel Lance chose to get up and leave, he would directly modify her settings and accept her.

Laurel Lance lowered her head and held the empty cafe, thinking silently. She didn't know the consequences of these two choices, but she knew that this was definitely the most important choice in her life.

The result of the choice may be heaven or hell.

Ten minutes later, Laurel Lance let out a long sigh, raised her head, and said firmly, "I believe in you!"

"Really believe?"

"I really believe it!" Laurel Lance said firmly. "Although I don't know why you are willing to save me, I know that I am just an ordinary little girl, and there is nothing worth cheating on you. Besides, if you really want to cheat me, you don't need my answer at all. "

Whether it is a dream or an illusion, this is not a magical ability that ordinary people can have. If he really has any intentions for himself, he will even resist... No, he may not even have the chance to detect it, so he does not need to spend a lot of money. Zhou Zhang's let himself see the scene of death and let himself make a choice.

"Wise choice." Su Yue smiled lightly, looking at her with deep eyes.

Laurel Lance's life is also quite legendary. After she fell in love with Oliver Quinn, her sister Sarah Lance also got together with Oliver Quinn. After Quinn's shipwreck has been judged disappointment, Laurel Lance thinks that the grievance is dead, and regains her heart to become a public interest lawyer. Later, Oliver Quinn came back, Sarah Lance came back, and Laurel Lance was relieved. And then... Sarah Lance died again. Laurel Lance changed, she began to learn fighting skills, put on a uniform, and became a black canary.

Whether as a lawyer or a black canary, she does a good job.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and she died.

In the Green Arrow universe, it is not uncommon to be resurrected from the dead. Sharan has been resurrected, Thea has been resurrected, many people have been resurrected, but only Laurel Lance has not been resurrected.

It's just that there is no resurrection, and even the identity code has been replaced by someone.

Earth 2 Laurel Lance's doppelganger, the black siren, was washed white and replaced her identity and code name as the black canary.

Well, even if the Black Siren is her doppelganger, she will replace her, but what happened to Dinah Drake later? Even if she is the first-generation Black Canary in the comics, in the Green Arrow universe, she is just a policeman who acquired ultrasonic power from particle explosions. She has nothing to do with Laurel Lance, so why did she also become Black Gold? Canary? Is she a sound wave just like Laurel Lance because of her attack method?

Laurel Lance has gone from being a real heroine to not even having a chance to be resurrected.

But since she is now her own, she must not be as miserable as she used to be, otherwise... where will I put the face of my great transcendence?

0329 Black Canary Birth

There are three generations of Black Canaries in the Green Arrow universe. The first generation is Sarah Lance. The shipwreck incident, Oliver Quinn arrived at Purgatory Island, and Sarah Lance joined the Assassin League by chance and became the Black Canary. After her death, the name of the Black Canary was inherited by Laurel Lance, and Sarah Lance became a member of the Legendary Squad as the White Canary, and later became the Captain of the Legendary Squad Waverider.

Sarah Lance, the first-generation black canary, is not very impressive, but the identity of the white canary is more recognizable.

Throughout the entire Green Arrow plot, Laurel Lance, the Black Canary, is considered to have contracted the first half. After her death, the double-body Black Siren briefly used the codename Black Canary, but the time was too short, and It's not really about being a black canary either, so it doesn't count. The second half is Dinah Drake.

Speaking of Dinah Drake, Su Yue didn't know much about her. She only knew that she used to be a police detective in Midtown. She obtained the ability of ultrasonic waves in the explosion of the particle accelerator when the Flash was born, and then left. Zhongcheng came to Star City. By the way, and her boyfriend 'Vigilante', who also gained superpowers in the explosion of the particle accelerator, but was later killed by the black siren.

It is a good idea to gather three generations of black canaries. Even a little bolder, there are black canaries on other earths or other universes, and it is quite interesting to have a black canary team.

This idea was temporarily put on hold after a circle in Su Yue's mind. The goal this time has been set, and others will have a chance to talk about it later.

"follow me."

Su Yue took out the beautiful knife from her purse and put it on the table. She reached out and hugged the somewhat restrained Laurel Lance, and she teleported away.

The next moment, the two figures appeared in a dim abandoned factory.

This factory is not the Green Arrow base of Oliver Quinn, but other abandoned factories. After all, the economy of Star City is not very developed, especially after many industrial fields are monopolized by the Quinn Group, some small and medium-sized enterprises have closed down. Many, this abandoned factory originally belonged to a closed enterprise. The reason for the original is because the factory now belongs to Su Yue, and he plans to use it as his stronghold in Star City.

"What is this place?" Laurel Lance asked Su Yue in confusion while looking around.

Su Yue did not answer, but activated transcendence energy.

After a while, there was no change in the surroundings, Su Yue frowned slightly.

"It seems that there is a limit to modifying the settings. If it was a previous transcender, it would definitely be able to do it, but I shouldn't be able to do it now." Su Yue felt a little regretful, he originally wanted to turn this place into a second dimension street.

Dimension Street is very likely to be beyond the realm, not to mention the particularity of the transcendence field, it is definitely not that easy to have the second one. The original transcendence may have the ability to create a second transcendence field, but he certainly can't now. There are only two ways to come up with the second dimension street, either to improve the strength by yourself, or to improve the level of the dimension street, and these two methods cannot be done by Su Yue in a short time.

Su Yue took the next step. Since the real Dimension Street can't work, let's start with a simple one. Not only can the power really exist, but it can also be regarded as laying the foundation. When you can create a real Dimension Street, you don't need to start all over like in the Marvel world.


A loud bang suddenly sounded in Laurel Lance's heart, and light appeared from the dim factory, with a little fluorescent light, swaying and swaying, as if the entire factory had become a starry sky with countless stars.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that left her stunned happened.

The floor and walls of the factory began to tumble on their own, seeming to be reorganizing in a very dreamy way.

This feels a bit like the mirror space used by the ancient master.

Space location, reorganized again.

It's just that Master Gu Yi was a mirror space, and Su Yue really changed the reality.

Laurel Lance subconsciously bent over and arched her legs, her center of gravity lowered, her body tense, her heartbeat quickened, she held her breath, not daring to move at all.

After a few minutes, the mutation ended.

The original abandoned factory has now been turned into a large and magnificent villa. The villa is well decorated and furnished, and everything is available.

This change is a miracle!

In fact, this kind of change can be completed in an instant, but Su Yue deliberately showed the process of change, the purpose is to let Laurel Lance see his means, especially this kind of means that can be called a miracle!

So far, the effect is good...

After the change, Laurel Lance finally couldn't hold back and slumped on the ground. She stared blankly at the changes around her, and she lost her mind for a long time: "I... I'm not dreaming?"

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