Tandy was stunned when she heard the name. She had heard this name before, and she heard that he was an underworld boss in the underground kitchen. What, why did he come here? No, how did he know this guy?

Tandy looked at Su Yue in disbelief, Su Yue had already walked to the door and opened it.

Standing outside the door was the fat and strong Jin Bing.

Jin Bing glanced at Su Yue, who had completely changed his appearance, with a surprised look on his face, and then quickly glanced at Tandy, who was stunned inside. "I seem to disturb you, do you need me to go out and wait?"

So polite?

No, no, it seems to be fear.

Is this the rumored boss of Hell's Kitchen? Why is he afraid of this guy, this guy looks like an ordinary person, so, this guy is the son of this big boss who can't be offended by the hell's kitchen boss?

It's over, it's over, it's miserable now!

Chapter 0383 The choice of Tandy and Kim Bing

Blessings are unparalleled, and misfortunes do not come singly.

When Tandy saw Su Yue on the street, she thought she had found a Kaizi who could solve her predicament, but in the end... this is Kaizi, this is a pit, or a pit within a pit!

The pit self first lied that the lord of Dimension Street was his boyfriend, and then found out that this guy might be a hidden boss.

The second generation of the boss is also a boss!

To make the boss of Hell's Kitchen be so fearful and polite to the second generation of a boss, one can imagine how powerful the boss generation is.

It's miserable, it's really miserable now.

If this guy finds out that he is lying to him, he is not the girlfriend of the Lord of Dimension Street at all, he will definitely not let me go; if the Lord of Dimension Street knows about this, I am afraid he will not let me go.

This time it's really bad luck!

what to do?

what do I do?

He won't kill me, will he?

Tandy was very anxious and uneasy about his fate, but Su Yue ignored her reaction and walked out of the hotel with Wilson Fisk, hugging her shoulders.

After coming out of the hotel, I got into the car, started the car, and drove directly to Hell's Kitchen.

Tandy, who was nervous along the way, didn't dare to ask any more questions. He sat motionless beside Su Yue like a doll without a soul.

Su Yue didn't speak either, but his communication with Wilson Fisk had already been completed through psychic abilities.

Wilson Fisk had previously worked with Mrs. Gao, and it could even be said that they had a relatively close relationship. He used Mrs. Gao's power to clear obstacles, and Mrs. Gao used his power to smuggle for profit, which was regarded as a cooperative partner for mutual use.

Wilson Fisker did not hide his contributions to the Dimension Street high-speed rail project during this period of time, so many people in black and white actually know that he has established a relationship with Dimension Street.

Mrs. Gao is no exception.

She also knows about the cooperation between the Rand Group represented by Joey Meacham and Dimension Street. Because of this, Mrs. Gao is a little worried that there will be problems, and at the same time, she hopes to break into Dimension Street. And the meeting with Son Fisk.

Hell's Kitchen, some heavily guarded villa.

Su Yue got out of the car with Tandy, who was like a walking dead, and entered the villa with Wilson Fisk.

"Arrange a room and let her take a bath and rest for a while." Su Yue instructed Wilson Fisk.

Wilson Fisk nodded, and soon a maid came over and took Tandy upstairs. Before going upstairs, Tandy hesitated to say something to Su Yue, but Su Yue was already sitting on the sofa and chatting with Wilson Fisk, and she ignored her at all, she could only help followed the maid upstairs.

"When will Mrs. Gao arrive?" Su Yue asked while drinking the wine that Wilson Fisk poured.

"The agreed time is an hour later."

Su Yue hummed, and two figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

Recall function!

Su Yue summoned Mystique Ruiwen and Jesse Quick from Dimension Street.

It was the first time for the two of them to experience this feeling of being recalled, and it took a moment for them to realize what was going on.

Looking at Wilson Fisk and a strange boy, just as they were about to speak, they saw that the strange boy suddenly changed into Su Yue's appearance. This change surprised them both, especially Rui Wen. I never thought that the lord would have the same ability as himself.

"Mrs. Gao will be here in a while. I will use my psychic power to copy all her memories, Ruiwen, and then you will pretend to be Mrs. Gao and trap her subordinates and other people in the Hand Union one by one."

"Jesse, your task is very simple, that is to protect the safety of Ruiwen and the conventional combat operations team. Ruiwen will be the inner responder, and the conventional combat operations team will be responsible for clearing the collection, and strive to eliminate the Hand Society as much as possible."

"Also, don't forget to dispose of the property of Mrs. Gao and the Hand Association. 50% will be turned over, 30% will be given to Wilson Fisk, and the remaining 20% ​​will be distributed by those involved in the operation."

"Is there a problem?"

Of course Raven and Jesse were fine, but Wilson Fisk had a problem.

"Lord Lord, now the high-speed rail project is in need of money, so let's forget my share."

"No way!"

Su Yue shook his head and said: "Having cheated on Madam Gao and the Hand Association is considered to have cheated your allies and weakened your strength to a certain extent, so this benefit must be divided. The high-speed rail project is enough for the time being, if you If you don't want to accept it directly, I'll give you two options."

"Please speak."

"One; use this money to invest in the Hammer Group. Now the Hammer Group is basically an industry in Dimension Street. With the shares of the Hammer Group, whether it is dividends or whether it is used to buy the weapons you need, It will be all right."

"Two; I'll give you the money, and you can find a way to invest in Roxon Company."

Wilson Fisker asked directly without thinking, "I don't know about Roxon Company..."

"I have some ideas about this company." Su Yue said.

Wilson Fisker nodded: "I understand, I will get the shares of Roxon Corporation."

Wilson Fisker's attitude towards joining Suyue is very positive. Although from the current point of view, the benefits of becoming a shareholder in the Hammer Group are greater, but since Suyue is interested in Roxon, he must follow in the footsteps of Suyue. Only Only by playing his role and value can his status in Dimension Street be improved.

For example, this time, Daisy Johnson called him to ask about Mrs. Gao. If he didn't take the initiative, although Su Yue wouldn't blame him for it, don't even think about being close to him.

Now, because of his correct choice, Su Yue has given him a chance to go further!

"By the way, ask your people to help me find a person. This person is called Erica, the daughter of a Greek ambassador. She was cultivated by the enemy of the Hand Union since she was a child, and her father also has shares in Roxon Corporation. It's just that she was trapped after her death, and I need you to help her get her shares back and become yours by the way."

Wilson Fisk memorized what Su Yue said, then shook his head and said, "No, she will never be mine, she is yours."

Su Yue smiled noncommittally. Erica's ability as a phantom killer is not bad, especially in assassination. She is not needed in Dimension Street, but she can play a great role in being free like Wilson Fisk, and can do many things that Dimension Street is inconvenient to do.

Chapter 0384 Mrs. Gao died so miserably!

The sound of the brakes turning off sounded outside the villa. A bodyguard ran in and notified Wilson Fisk. After Wilson Fisk waved, he turned and went out.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the villa was pushed open, and an old woman with a cane walked in, accompanied by two strong and sturdy bodyguards.

"Mrs. Gao."

Wilson Fisk got up and greeted him with a vain smile.

But Mrs. Gao looked very cold and stopped after she came in. She was expressionless and said nothing, even the two bodyguards beside her.

This makes Wilson Fisker a little dissatisfied. Anyway, I am also the boss of Hell's Kitchen. You can only sell and profit by going through my channels. As a partner, even if you have helped me, even if you consciously Stronger than me, but this attitude is a bit too much, right?

Wilson Fisk turned his head and glanced at the lord who was sitting on the sofa and was drinking. He waved directly to his own people.

Anyway, the lord is here. Today, Mrs. Gao is dead. Since you don't give me face, I don't have to pretend to be a snake with you!

With a big wave of Wilson Fisker's hand, his men rushed up and immediately grabbed Mrs. Gao and her two bodyguards.

Mrs. Gao and her bodyguard didn't fight back, they were easily controlled.

"Something's wrong!" Although he won Mrs. Gao, Wilson Fisk's expression became more solemn.

Mrs. Gao's character, Wilson Fisk, has some understanding of it, how could it be so easy to capture without even saying a word?

The frowning Wilson Fisk was about to turn to look at the Lord when he heard the Lord's voice.

"How is it? Do you remember?"


"Then I'll leave it to you."

Su Yue got up and brought Rui Wen and Jesse to the vicinity of Wilson Fisk and Mrs. Gao. Rui Wen looked forward slightly at Mrs. Gao, then turned her head and nodded lightly to Su Yue.

Su Yue said to Wilson Fisk, "The rest is up to you."


Wilson Fisker was stunned and reacted. No wonder Mrs. Gao was so uncharacteristically and immediately captured. It turned out that when she came in, she was already under the control of the Lord.

This...this is a bit embarrassing.

If I knew that the lord didn't need to warm up and start directly, why would I waste my emotions saying hello to Madam Gao, and I was also annoyed by Madam Gao's reaction!

This work is too straightforward!

In the past, even if Wilson Fisk wanted to deal with someone, he would make an opening remark before that, warm up the scene or something, the Lord's style of solving it without saying a word did make Wilson Fisk a little uncomfortable. adapt.

"Take it out."

Wilson Fisk greeted his subordinates to take Mrs. Gao and her two bodyguards out, then followed him out and dealt with it himself.

Mrs. Gao is very mysterious and has a special power. Wilson Fisk didn't want to do anything wrong. After doing it himself, he waited until Mrs. Gao was completely dead, and then let people burn it directly without leaving any slag. Just returned to the villa.

Seeing Ruiwen who had turned into Mrs. Gao in the villa, Wilson Fisk was both amazed and sighed.

Mrs. Gao is a very powerful boss in the underground dark world, and she is also very mysterious and powerful. It can be said that such a character can make the underground dark world tremble with a stomping. There are many people who want to kill her, but they want to kill her. But it's as hard as getting to the sky.

and then?

It is such a character who was directly dealt with without even a chance to say a last word in front of the lord. What's even more sad is that she may not know what happened until she died, and died in a daze.

Terrible, terrifying!

When he thought that one day he would offend the Lord and die in a daze, Wilson Fisk couldn't help shaking his head and wanted to shake the thought out.

Wilson Fisk believed that if Lord Lord wanted to kill Mrs. Gao, there must be countless ways, but he did not know if Lord Lord used such a desperate method to remind himself.

"You can discuss what to do next. I only need the result. Remember, ensure the safety of Harold Meacham of the Rand Group, eliminate the five fingers of the hand as much as possible, and accept their property."

"Yes, I will definitely not let you down." Ruiwen, who looked like Mrs. Gao, nodded solemnly, and then motioned for Wilson Fisk to find someone to drive her away.

From now on, she is Mrs. Gao!

After Ruiwen and Jesse left, Wilson Fisk made sure that Lord Lord had no other orders, then carefully and solemnly explained to the servants of the villa, and then left.

He still has two important things to do. One is to find the woman named Erica, and the other is to find a way to get a stake in Roxon Corporation.

In addition, he has to find new partners and channels. Mrs. Gao is dead and the hand union is over. He needs new channels to maintain his business, and then... take this opportunity to become bigger and stronger!

He is very clear about where his value lies. If he can't go further, he may be eliminated with the development of Dimension Street. This is something he absolutely does not allow to happen.

Su Yue signaled what the maid should do, then turned and went upstairs.

While going upstairs, he has changed back to his previous vest.

In a spacious and luxurious room, Su Yue pushed open the door and came in, and saw Tandy who had finished taking a shower.

Tandy grabbed her cell phone with nervous hands, looking like she wanted to call the police if something was wrong with her.

She won't be able to call the police, and it may not be useful. It's just that holding the phone can give her a slight sense of security.

The moment Su Yue opened the door, Tandy stood up like a frightened rabbit.

"Is it okay to live here for the time being?" Su Yue didn't seem to see Tandy's panicked appearance, and walked over to Gu Zi and asked.

"No, it's okay to dress up."

Tandy shook his head in a low voice, stopped a few times, and finally said, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry? Why did you suddenly say sorry to me?" Su Yue asked back with great interest, looking at her appearance, she was planning to confess and be lenient.

"I... I lied to you, I have never met the lord of Dimension Street, I, I am not his girlfriend." Tandy buried his head deeply, and said with a trembling voice. "I, I know it's wrong to do this. Before, I can double the money I spent before, no, return it to you ten times. I hope you can forgive me."

"Oh? Are you rich?"

"No, no, although I don't have any money now, I promise I will definitely give it back to you."

Tandy raised his head and looked at Su Yue with a sincere expression and made a promise.

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