The girl seemed to be caught up in her thoughts, her expression was slightly subtle, and then she seemed a little embarrassed to let go of Su Yue: "This has nothing to do with you, we broke up, you can leave."

This is the breakup?

Su Yue dumbly looked at the girl who took a few steps back to keep a distance, and said with a smile, "This should be the shortest love in history, right? Announced the love one minute ago, and announced the breakup one minute later."

The girl did not speak with a cold face.

Su Yue took out his wallet from his pocket, took a knife from a stack of green knives, put it between his fingers and put it in front of the girl: "Your name."

The girl looked at Su Yue in amazement, as if she did not expect that he would use a knife to change his name.


Nonsense, of course!

The girl took out the money without hesitation: "Bowen, Tandy Bowen."

Tandy Bowen?

Su Yue recalled for a moment, and the smile raised at the corner of his mouth became even wider. No wonder she felt familiar, this is not some kind of trick, but a serious heroine!

It's just that her heroine is a little unpopular and not very popular.

Marvel has a TV series called "Dagger and Cloak", which is about a man and a woman who acquired special abilities because of a certain event. The body of the male protagonist's cloak is considered a dark dimension, and the normal use of abilities is teleportation and teleportation. The protagonist's dagger can control light energy, use light energy to generate energy daggers, heal and purify the mind, and energy daggers can also be used to attack. die.

Although this drama belongs to the Marvel series, it is linked with plots such as "Leaving Home", "Daredevil" and "Defenders", and belongs to the same universe, but the two protagonists are too unpopular and belong to the 18th line in the comics. The role of , and the plot is biased towards youth dramas, so the popularity is not high. Although Su Yue has seen it roughly, he is not impressed.

The reason why Su Yue watched this drama is not only because it belongs to the Marvel series, but also because its plot is closely related to the movie universe. The plot of this drama mainly revolves around a company called Roxen, which is a company called Roxen. One of the largest companies in Marvel, with strong strength and extensive coverage, is a little bit less well-known.

The Roxon Company can be traced back to 1946, when the agent Peggy discovered that Howard's molecular formula-made nitrate weapons were related to the Roxon Company, and the later Zero Matter could be regarded as inseparable from the Roxon Company.

Howard Stark and the then president of Roxon Company were originally good friends, but because Howard greened him, the two people and the two companies became an endless rivalry.

Over time, the competition between Stark Group and Roxon has intensified and is everywhere. Roxon Company focuses on energy, and also produces cleaning products, macaroni, cheese, etc. In Iron Man 3, the accountant of Roxon Company was shot and killed by the fake Manchurian. Daredevil and his good friend Fergie were in Roxon Company during their internship. , and Daredevil's ex-girlfriend, the father of Erica Heikong of the Future Hand, has a close cooperative relationship with Roxon Company, even some illegal cooperation.

Therefore, the Roxen Company is still engaged in the business of selling slaves and using child labor. After Erica's father died, it even obtained most of his property and investment income by means. The reason why Erica will find Daredevil is also hope he Able to investigate the relationship between Roxon and a certain national gang.

As for Tandy in front of her, her relationship with Roxon Company is even closer!

Chapter 0381 I'm your boyfriend? How could I not know about this!

Tandy's father is an executive of Roxon Corporation. One day, the Roxon Corporation's water drilling rig exploded. It happened that Tandy's father passed by with Tandy, so there was a car accident.

The car fell into the sea, Tandy's father died, Tandy was hit by the energy of the explosion, and then by chance, he was rescued by the cloak that also fell into the sea and was hit by the energy. Although the rescue was just an accident, at the same time because of this The ability was obtained from the energy shock, and because of being rescued, the two became entangled.

After Tandy's father died, the Roxon Company made him a scapegoat. Tandy's mother began to use drugs and alcohol to anesthetize herself because of this incident, and Tandy, the rich eldest lady, became a thief.

However, Tandy always believed that the Roxon Company had framed his father, and he always wanted to find evidence to help his father restore his innocence. Because of this, the conflict between Tandy and the Roxon Company intensified.

Closer to home, from the current situation, Su Yue can confirm two things.

One; Tandy should not know her vest. Most likely it is because she has no money after running away from home, so she looks for Kaizi casually.

After all, based on her age and experience, she was afraid that she would not be able to fool them when she was looking for an adult, but instead would bring trouble and danger to herself, and... she had not yet reached the point where she needed to sacrifice herself.

So Suyue's vest is about the same age as her, and looks like a very honest and ordinary boy. It's better to fool around. Judging from her reaction to breaking up when she said she broke up just now, even if Su Yue really invited her to finish dinner, she probably wouldn't be able to take advantage of the so-called boyfriend.

Two; Tandy should have just run away from home not long ago. He has not met the boyfriend who stole money with her when he first appeared in the TV series, and he has not yet become a thief. He just wants to use his beauty to deceive a few inexperienced people. Just a little boy.

To be honest, Su Yue really didn't expect that even when he was wearing a vest, the heroine would still come to the door. I really don't know whether to call Tandy lucky or not. But no matter what, since the 'plot characters' have come to the door, the triggered tasks must continue to be completed.

The Roxen Company...

Anyway, even if Su Yue ignores Tandy, Tandy will probably continue to fight with Roxon as in the original plot. Instead of becoming a bystander because he fails to grasp the news, it is better to take the initiative in his own hands. Anyway, you can still profit from it and make a fortune.

"follow me."

Su Yue suddenly spoke.

"Come with you? Why? I warn you, you bought my name with your own money, nothing else." Tandy said coldly.

Su Yue opened his wallet to reveal a beautiful green knife inside. "Apart from the one dollar knife I gave you just now, you should be penniless, right? You ran away from home, penniless, not even a place to live."

"Who said I don't have a place to live? Don't you know what this place is? This is Dimension Street!" Tandy retorted.

"So what? Is Dimension Street yours, or do you have the money to live in a hotel?" Su Yue asked rhetorically.

Tandy's momentum was slightly stagnant, and he said vaguely: "I don't need to spend money to stay in a hotel. The lord of Dimension Street is my boyfriend."

I am your boyfriend?

Girl, why don't I know about this?

Su Yue stared at Tandy with wide eyes. She didn't expect her lie to come when she opened her mouth. "You know what you're talking about, right? I won't remind you what the consequences will be if you are found to be the lord's girlfriend. I'll ask you, if the lord is really your boyfriend, what are you going to do? Living on the street and homeless? As for you who fell in love with me and broke up with me, just for a meal?"

"What do you know, Lord Lord has so many girlfriends, and I'm not the one he likes the most. How can I go to him directly? What if he hates me because of this? Do you know how difficult it is to become Lord Lord's girlfriend? I finally got together with Lord Lord, what if we broke up because of this trivial matter?" Tandy explained confidently, don't say... She looks like that, if you don't know It's really easy to believe her words.

But for Su Yue, there are too many pitfalls.

There is nothing wrong with having a lot of girlfriends, and there is nothing wrong with being my girlfriend, but it’s okay to be with me after all? I don't know.

Besides, if I am really your boyfriend, shouldn't you run away from home and seek refuge with your boyfriend? Afraid of being hated, okay! But you are afraid of breaking up with your boyfriend because of this, and you still think this is a trivial matter, is it a bit too much?

Have you never been in love?

You're embarrassed to take refuge with your boyfriend, but you're embarrassed to find someone to fall in love with on the street? God, fortunately I'm not your boyfriend, if I really are your boyfriend, you'll be finished if I don't cut it!

Su Yue couldn't help but said: "Okay, even if you are embarrassed to take refuge with your boyfriend, then send a message to the head office, right? You send a message to your boyfriend, as long as he is really the lord, as long as he returns to you, I will give it to you. One hundred dollars."

Pretend, let me see what you do next!

"Why do you want to send a message? I can just make a phone call." Tandy said it very naturally, and then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called it out.

"It's turned off."

Tandy looked at his phone and said seriously: "He must be busy because of what happened in Dimension Street. You think, there must be many people looking for him for such a big thing. At this time, shutting down is the most correct choice. I don't think so. Lie to you, he is really my boyfriend. In this way, either we can be together first, and I will call him after his phone is switched on; or I will tell you his number and you will give me the money. "

Yes, yes, quite good!

Tandy was so deceived that he even believed it, this serious and sincere expression... No wonder there is a saying that women are all born actors, this acting is incredible!

Su Yue's cell phone was not turned off at all. Although there are many people who know his number, but because of what happened in Dimension Street, not many people will call him blindly. Of course, except for my own people, so there is no need to shut down. Besides, his number is not something that a little girl like Tandy can get!

"I don't want the number, and I don't know if it's real or fake. Besides, the money is given to you. Even if I get through in a few days, I have nowhere to find you if I find it's fake. Anyway, your boyfriend is Lord, you shouldn't worry about what I will do to you, right? Then you will follow me during this time, I will invite you to dinner, help you find a place to live, and I will bear the expenses during this period."

"As long as you can make a phone call to confirm that the lord is your boyfriend, then I don't need the money I spent. If... if you lie to me, you will pay me back double the money, how about it?"

"no problem!"

Tandy agreed without hesitation, looking extremely calm.


A group of panicked people.

Chapter 0382 How polite are the bosses of Hell's Kitchen? Who is this guy!

a fast food shop.

Su Yue looked at Tandy, who was gobbling down on the opposite side, and couldn't help but have a dull expression. Has this girl been away from home for a few days? How long have you not eaten? Those are hamburgers, french fries, and fat house happy water. Are you afraid of getting fat if you eat this way?

Uh, having said that, high school students in this country are developing very fast. Tandy's body is like an SUV. Compared with a car of the same level, it is a big one.

This can't help but remind Su Yue of the twin sisters in "The Talented". The two are quite similar in age, temperament, and stature.

"Why did you run away from home? You quarreled with your parents?" Su Yue asked knowingly to raise the topic.

Tandy paused while chewing, then pretended to be calm and said, "No quarrel, I just can't stand the way she is either taking medicine or drinking every day."

"Where's your mother?"


"Where's your father?"

"He was in a car accident a few years ago." Tandy's tone changed slightly. "After the car accident, his company put the responsibility for an incident on his head and took away all relevant information. But I believe the responsibility is definitely not on him, so I must find evidence to prove my father's innocence , to get back the compensation that should belong to our family."

"Do you have a plan?" Su Yue asked.

Tandy shook his head dejectedly: "No!"

Su Yue took advantage of the situation and said, "Why don't you find your boyfriend? As far as I know, your boyfriend is very powerful. If he helps you investigate, he will definitely be able to find out the truth."

Tandy didn't expect the topic to turn to 'boyfriend' again, she said a little embarrassedly: "Didn't I say, he has a lot of girlfriends, and I'm not the one he particularly likes, why should I ask him for help? ."

"Have you never done that?" Su Yue asked.

Tandy shook his head quickly: "Of course I did."

"Just because of this, you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend originally. If you pay that, he won't even help you with this little help." Su Yue said as a matter of course.

Tandy pouted: "What do you know, a little boy like you who has never been in a relationship? Even if something happened, it doesn't mean anything. My boyfriend is so good, and there are many Bichis who want to have something with him."

Your reaction to pretending to be your girlfriend is really...

Su Yue was dumbfounded: "You forgot, I said just now that I have a girlfriend."

"Even if you have a girlfriend, what can she do, she must never have been with you." Tandy said imposingly. "Anyway, I won't take the initiative to ask my boyfriend for help in this matter. I'm full, let's find a place to rest."

Su Yue pouted, got up and left the fast food restaurant with Tandy.

Twenty minutes later, the two appeared in a hotel room.

This room looks like only ten square meters. The bed and bathroom are almost next to each other. It is very crowded and cramped. Fortunately, the hygiene is not bad.

"It's too expensive, can't you find a cheaper place?" Tandy complained to Su Yue in distress.

Su Yue shrugged: "This is the cheapest place nearby. Besides, what are you afraid of? Anyway, the lord is your boyfriend, so you don't need to pay for the money. What? Maybe you are lying to me, so you are worried about the time Do you want to pay double?"

"Of course I didn't lie to you, I'm just not sure when he'll finish his work, what if you run out of money, what should I do?" Tandy hurriedly explained, and then loudly reminded: "I'm going to rest ,you can go now."

"Do you really think I'm stupid?" Su Yue raised his eyebrows and said.

Tandy frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"If I leave, what will you do if you take the opportunity to run away? When will you prove that Lord Lord is your boyfriend, and when will I leave, otherwise I will follow you every step of the way."

"The place is so big, you can rest as you want. I won't go."

"Are you sure? My boyfriend is Lord Lord. If you let him know that you have to share a room with me..." Tandy threatened.

Su Yuepi said without a smile, "Your lord has to be reasonable, right? I just looked at you and didn't do anything. Besides, if your lord knew, it wouldn't be me but you, right?"

"Ring, bell, bell, bell, bell..."

The phone's ringtone suddenly rang, Tandy touched the phone subconsciously, and then saw Su Yue take out his phone and walk to the window.

It is rare to have a window in such a small hotel room.

"Well, okay, I see. You can ask him to pick me up now. Yes, I'll send you the address later." Su Yue replied a few words, then hung up the phone and sent a text message.

The call was from Daisy Johnson. She was investigating the matter between Mrs. Gao and the Hand, and the clues were almost sorted out. It happened that Mrs. Gao made an appointment with Jin Ping, Jin Ping told her the news, and she called Su Yue for instructions on what to do next.

In the text message, Su Yue told Daisy Johnson that she had become a different person, and reminded Jin Bing not to be a helper. He felt that it was a pity to expose his vest so soon. Tandy pretended to be his girlfriend seriously. If she exposed it so early, she would be very embarrassed.

I am a gentleman.

"If you have something to do, go and do it first. I promise not to run. In this way, I will give you my number, okay?" Although Tandy didn't understand what was said on the other end of the phone, what Su Yue said She could still guess.

She thought it was a good chance to get away.

Su Yue wrote down Tandy's number but did not leave in a hurry. Why did he leave? Really give Tandy a chance to run away.

She said not to run?

Su Yue didn't believe it at all.

Don't look at her sincerity in giving her number, in fact, she never asked her number at all, and she never asked her name for so long.

what does this mean?

It means that she didn't plan to have anything to do with herself at all, she just wanted to defraud herself of money.

"Bang bang bang."

A soft and polite knock sounded on the door, followed by Jin Bing's voice.

"I'm Wilson Fisk, are you there?"

Wilson Fisk?

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