"Do you know why you were called here?" Su Yue looked at Selena who was a little nervous and asked with a smile.

The heroine in the legend of the dark night, Death Walker Selena was among the first to be summoned to Dimension Street. At that time, there was only one building in Dimensional Street, and Selena often stood on the roof of the inn at night to inspect the entire street. street.

After that, the development of Dimension Street became faster and faster, and more and more people were summoned. As a core member of the **** team, Selena was even more busy with work, and almost never appeared in front of Su Yue on her own initiative.

This has something to do with her character. As a vampire, her character is a little cold.

The last time I met Aunt May, Selena bit Aunt May and learned some of Aunt May's past through her blood.

Why did the lord ask himself to come?

Selena has her own guesses in her heart. The closest thing to the truth, the most likely guess is to ask herself to do what she should have done a long time ago.

In terms of appearance, he is not bad; in terms of qualifications, he is not bad; in terms of relationship, he is also not bad.

So it's normal for Lord Lord to flip his brand, and Selena has long been mentally prepared, but before Lord Lord seems to have forgotten herself and has not acted, which made Selena somewhat sad.


there must be!

But definitely not the kind of love at first sight!

But love includes feelings, and feelings are not just love at first sight.

Selena used to think that it might be because of her identity as a vampire. After all, she is not a human being. She has no human body temperature, no human breathing and heartbeat. It is normal for the Lord to dislike it.

She felt that if Lord Lord hadn't happened to see her today, she might not have thought of herself.

"I know, I'm ready." Selena still lowered her head.


Su Yue was stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter: "What are you ready? Are you ready to dedicate yourself to the great god?"


"I... I'm always ready." Selena took off her windbreaker and looked up at Su Yue.

Then, she saw Su Yue smiled and shook his head.

This made Selena stunned, what does the Lord's reaction mean? Are you laughing at my initiative, or laughing at my delusions?

Su Yue waved her hand to signal her to come over, but Selena misunderstood the meaning of the wave, and directly lowered her head and knelt on one knee, with one hand on the knee and the other on the ground.


"Although I will remind you to pay attention to your identity and abide by the rules when you are summoned, I remember that in my daily life I should not be the kind of stern master, and I will not always remind you to pay attention to the distinction between superiors and inferiors, although it is true in terms of identity. So, but I try to be as equal as possible and get along with you as friends."

"You've been here on Dimension Street for a long time, and you haven't known me for a day or two. Am I the kind of person who always has an identity? Am I the kind of person who waved his hand and asked you to kneel down and talk?"

"stand up."


Selena got up hastily.

"Sit next to me." Su Yue deliberately patted the seat next to him this time, lest Selena have any misunderstandings.

"Is your performance just now because of the day? My easy solution to the Destroyer made you suddenly realize my strength, and... The performance of other people today makes you feel a sense of crisis, and that your ability has been matched with that of you. With the development of Last Yuan Street, it has gradually become a marginal figure from the core of the **** team. Although your identity and responsibilities have not changed, you feel that your abilities are not outstanding enough, and your limitations are getting bigger and bigger."

"But, you can't do anything, because the characteristics of your vampire race limit your self-development. You are very confused, because you can't see the direction of your efforts, so you are very anxious, so I asked you to come to me at night, you just Think I'm asking you to dedicate yourself? Because you deny yourself other possibilities, because you think your only worth now is this!"

"I..." Every time Su Yue said a word, Selena's head lowered by one point.

"I asked you to come because I found out during the day that you can't leave the scope of the law of Dimension Street, and I want to help you solve this problem. After all, you have been diligent in Dimension Street for so many years, and now I can help you solve this problem, naturally not. I will let you be trapped in the sunshine of the day again!"

Because the Dimension Street is open, even during the day Selena can move without being affected.

However, the scope of the dimensional street of the system is different from the actual scope of the dimensional street, and the law cannot cover all the dimensional street areas in reality, so Selena cannot leave the scope of the law of the dimensional street during the day.

Su Yue knew that he was a primitive transcendence. After he could use the transcendence energy, he had already thought about helping Selena solve this problem, but there were too many things in a series, and Selena was not in a hurry. It has never been implemented.

It happened that Selena was alone in Dimension Street during the day, so she was asked to come here at night.


Selena, who has always been calm, couldn't help but lose her voice in surprise when she heard Su Yue's words, and suddenly raised her head.

"Ah what, from now on, the sun during the day has no effect on you. You know what this means? It means that your work will be harder in the future, and your responsibilities will become larger. Originally some streets Outside tasks will not consider you before, and in the future, not necessarily!"

Su Yue's thoughts moved slightly and directly modified Selena's ability settings.

She is still a vampire now, and her original abilities have not changed, but... she will become a vampire who no longer fears the sun.

Chapter 0379 Ruiwen's sigh and learning her ability

Su Yue felt that the transcendence, that is, his ability to "achieve what you want" is indeed very powerful. It is said that if you turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain, there is nothing wrong with changing the world with a single thought.

A strong group!

However, the only bad thing is that it is too simple and unpretentious, there are no cool special effects at all, and even if he doesn't take the initiative to say it, no one knows what happened, and no one knows what he did.

From the point of view of expressive force, it is a little weak.

Uh, the weak ones.

Pretending to be loneliness that no one knows about, who can understand!

Well, Su Yue actually doesn't need others to understand, because he is not lonely at all, and he does not hide what he has done at all.

So, he was in a good mood the next morning when he saw Selena bathing in the sun outside Dimension Street.

I am for everyone, everyone is for me!

It's no wonder that some people like to be heroes and help others. When they see the other person's joy because of their help, the sense of achievement and satisfaction is quite good.

Especially when the other party reciprocates your help... even better.

"I heard she's a vampire? Aren't vampires afraid of the sun?" A woman's voice sounded beside Su Yue.

Su Yue turned his head and saw Rui Wen, a mythical woman who was a little lower than himself.

"The news is very well-informed." Su Yue said with a smile.

Rui Wen looked at the lively crowd around her and suddenly changed into her original appearance, that is, Mystique.

Her sudden change really startled the people around her. Many people were surprised and looked at her curiously.

But there is no fear, no disgust, no hostility and hatred in these eyes!

"I like it here! I like the sunshine here, the people here, and the free atmosphere that permeates here. To me, it's all like a dream, here... it's like my paradise."

As Rui Wen said, she smiled and waved to the people nearby.

This kind of life is what she dreams of, something she never even dared to imagine before.

"I want to integrate into this place as soon as possible, and I want to contribute to this place!" Rui Wen said seriously.

Su Yue smiled lightly: "You didn't gain freedom. On the contrary, when you came here, you really lost your freedom."

"Because you are the lord here and the master of everyone here?" Rui Wen shook her head and said firmly. "I don't think so. You created this place, sheltered us, and allowed us to live here safely and freely. In my opinion, you have no problem with us, and I have not lost my freedom, because that's what I want free."

"If you were asked to choose between Charles and me, how would you choose?" Su Yue asked with interest.


Ruiwen explained: "Actually, to me, you and Charles are the same. I used to follow him, and now I follow you. When I was with him, he took care of me, protected me, and treated me as a family member. Now you are with you, although from I should be your slave in name? But you will protect me and give me a safer and freer life."

"This is something he can't give, because he can't do it himself, so he needs to be careful to hide it."

"Only mutants will understand how longing and how difficult it is to yearn for ordinary life. Therefore, I will still regard him as a friend and a relative, but I will choose to be your slave. Lord, you don't know a What a blessing, what a treasure, what an envy of one's own kind, for mutants to find a master who can keep them safe and live an upright life in the sun."

Let's not talk about the situation of mutants in comics, but the situation of mutants in film and television dramas is really difficult.

Whether it is an old trilogy, a new trilogy, or a personal movie or TV series, the mutants in it are in a precarious situation. Although Su Yue couldn't share Rui Wen's feelings, he was still very touched by her words.

"I have a few things to deal with recently. I'll find a time to go and play in your world. I'm still very interested in some mutants and abilities in your world."

Rui Wen nodded repeatedly: "What do I need to do now?"

"Change yourself, anyone can do it." Su Yue said with a smile.

"it is good."

Although Ruiwen didn't know the meaning of doing so, she instantly turned into the appearance of Selena not far away.

Su Yue looked at it for a moment, and then said, "Change another one."

Ruiwen changed again, this time she turned into a spirit disc.

"Okay, change it back." Su Yue nodded with satisfaction, he didn't test Rui Wen's ability, but learned her ability with the eyes of the ancients.

Don't underestimate this transformation ability. Now his recognition is getting higher and higher, and many things are actually inconvenient to do. With Rui Wen replacing him, with this transformation ability, he can open a trumpet and do many things that are usually inconvenient. Things to do.

Even in other universes, this transformation ability can often have unexpected effects.

"You go to Daisy Johnson or Ferry Heidi. They are investigating who will be dealt with next. You go and grasp the situation. Your ability can make a big difference."

"I'll go right now." Rui Wen nodded excitedly, turned and left in a hurry.

After Rui Wen left, Su Yue found that many young girls nearby showed eager expressions, as if they wanted to come over to chat with him. Among these people, there are many beautiful people or good figures, but none of them make Su Yue feel that familiar, in other words, they all have no extra halo and identity. Even if they are beautiful, Su Yue has no interest.

So he turned around and left when no one took action, and then used the transformation ability he just learned to change into another person without anyone noticing, and walked out of the dimension street.

Su Yue has changed to the appearance of an ordinary high school student he saw before. This high school grows neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, ordinary without any features, and will not attract attention.

Originally, Su Yue planned to change back to his own appearance after leaving Dimension Street. Now he has no intention of doing anything bad, and he doesn't need to wear a vest, but soon he changed his mind and found that someone was following him.

His eyes are very strong and direct, and he doesn't seem to be afraid of finding out by himself, or... he does so in the hope that he will find out by himself!

Chapter 0380 Announced love one minute ago, announced breakup a minute later!

There is an alley about three or four meters in front of Su Yue. At the entrance of the alley, there is a girl who looks less than 1.6 meters and leans against the wall. She smiles and looks at Su Yue. The coat in the room revealed a rather flat belly.

This posture, this demeanor, are all sending Su Yue a signal that men or boys can understand.

If it's not daytime but nighttime, then it's appropriate to find the rhythm of driving instead.

Of course, it would be better if she was older. After all, no matter how you look at it, she seems to be only fifteen or sixteen years old.

"So... alumni?" Su Yue's current vest should be about the same age as hers, and she acts as if she knows this vest.

A girlfriend is unlikely, after all, this vest is too ordinary and ordinary, and although this little girl is a little short, she is not that slender and slender, and her appearance is not top-notch, but she can definitely be considered in school It's a beautiful woman, even a school flower.

Therefore, alumni and classmates are most likely.

The girl hooked at Su Yue, and Su Yue walked over with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Originally, he had no purpose in leaving Dimension Street. Since he had fun, it was okay to have fun. And... He vaguely felt that this girl was a little familiar, but he was not very impressed, and he couldn't remember her identity and origin. But in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, people who can make him feel familiar are the worst ones who have appeared in movies or TV series, right?


The girl greeted Su Yue with a smile on her face, and then asked directly, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

This question... it sounds like some kind of routine.

Su Yue thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Yes."

"Yes?" The girl was stunned and looked at Su Yue in disbelief. "Do you really have a girlfriend?"

Su Yue nodded very seriously.

"Uh... Then do you mind having an extra girlfriend?" Although the girl was a little unexpected, she responded quickly.

On the street, when they are not sure whether they know each other, the girl directly asks the boy if he has a girlfriend, and when he finds out that he has a girlfriend, he asks if he would mind having another one. In this case, the girl is either taking a big risk and losing, or she has ulterior motives. .

Su Yue took a serious look at the girl, shook his head and said, "I don't mind."

The girl seemed a little dissatisfied with the scrutiny just now, but she concealed it well. She smiled brightly and took Su Yue's arm directly: "Very good, then I am your girlfriend now. If you are willing to invite your girlfriend to eat If you order something, then your girlfriend doesn't mind letting you do something your boyfriend can do."

The girl blinked her eyes pointedly, and added, "You should have money to invite your girlfriend to eat, right?"

"Are you eating?" Su Yue asked sideways.

The girl froze and shook her head, "Of course not."

"Is that so..." Su Yue nodded clearly and chuckled, "Run away from home?"

It is normal for a rebellious girl to run away from home. Of course, this normal refers to this country, after all, this country advocates freedom and independence.

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