The energy beam dissipated, and Sif fell on her back at Su Yue's feet, in front of him.


After looking at each other, Su Yue looked up at Loki: "Did you kill yourself like this?"

Chapter 0376 Who's nightmare?

Loki's behavior is indeed killing him. Su Yue has made it clear that he will not participate in his affairs with Sol and others, but Loki has repeatedly provoked him.

With so many people present, maybe only Loki himself naively thought he could defeat Su Yue.

Whether it's the Asgard series represented by Sif, the Dimension Street series, or the S.H.I.E.L.D. Avengers series, they all feel that Loki is killing himself!

Bloated, Loki is inflated!

"You want to be my nightmare, right? Although I don't know if the real nightmare will mind, but... come to me if you do, because I don't mind making a cameo in your nightmare."

When the voice fell, Su Yue suddenly appeared in front of the Destroyer Armor, his left hand lit up with an emerald green light, and the magnetic field ability instantly controlled the Destroyer Armor, causing it to float involuntarily, and then began to spin rapidly clockwise.

He grabbed his right hand to the side, and Thor's Hammer flew over with a swish sound.

Holding Thor's Hammer, and looking at the constantly rotating Destroyer armor, Su Yue raised his hammer and blasted it directly.


There was lightning and thunder, and Thor's Hammer hit the Destroyer's armor and instantly blasted it away.

Break it open? blow up?

do not know!

Anyway, this blow directly smashed the Destroyer armor into two pieces from the waist.

The Destroyer Armor, which can be repaired by itself, seems to have lost its self-healing or repairing function.

Half fell into the distance, and half stayed in front of Su Yue.

The hot energy lit up on the upper body of the destroyer armor left in front of Su Yue, and the almost most powerful energy beam instantly blasted towards Su Yue who was close at hand.

Su Yue withdrew his magnetic field ability and blocked the energy beam forward with his left hand.


The sound of burning sounded instantly, and Su Yue's hand...was unscathed.

Su Yue sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth, and with his left hand held the energy beam forward, he forcibly blocked the energy beam back.


Su Yue's hand covered the mouth of the Destroyer Armor, and the Thor's Hammer in his right hand spun quickly and blasted out.


The head of the Destroyer Armor was instantly separated from the body, the head was grasped by Su Yue's hand, and the body was blasted out by Thor's Hammer and pressed to the ground.

"Giggle... cluck..." The Destroyer Armor's head kept shaking in Su Yue's hands. Although Loki had recovered the energy immediately, the energy that was originally returned was no longer under its control.

"See you in Asgard!"

Su Yue said something and squeezed his fingers hard. The originally uncontrolled energy exploded instantly under the squeeze.


The impact of the explosion generated a strong airflow that instantly swept the nearby people to and fro, turning their eyes and closing their eyes.

Behind Su Yue, Sif, who was struggling to get up, was not affected because of Su Yue. She looked at Su Yue, who was lightly clapping her palm, with a surprised expression. Her emotions were very complicated.

This is the Destroyer Armor, which is one of Asgard's strongest weapons.

She just tried her best and failed to defeat the Destroyer Armor, no... it should be said that she could not really destroy the Destroyer Armor, but when Su Yue made a move, it was an understatement, the cloud was light, and the Destroyer Armor was useless...

What did Su Yue do?

First controlled the Destroyer Armor with the magnetic field ability, then split it in two with Thor's Hammer, then blocked the Destroyer Armor's energy beam with the palm of his hand, and used Thor's Hammer to get its head off, and then... ...the head exploded in Su Yue's hands.

And then... gone.

Su Yue solved the Destroyer Armor with just a few simple moves. After all... Is Su Yue too strong? Or is the Destroyer armor with a weakening aura? Otherwise, why did he solve it so easily?

Looking at the Thor's Hammer pressing on the Destroyer's armor not far away, everyone's thoughts were different.

Obviously, Thor's Hammer played a great role in destroying the Destroyer's armor, and it proved its power in the hands of Su Yue.

This is Thor's Hammer. No wonder Loki wants to get it, and Thor wants to get it again. It's... really strong.

It's just... Thor's Hammer is already so strong, how strong is Su Yue, who is dismissive of Thor's Hammer?

If ordinary people can possess Thor's Hammer, they can instantly possess a powerful strength comparable to that of a god, then Su Yue, who is disdainful of this kind of power...

The three warriors of Asgard, who were supporting Sol, shivered subconsciously. Su Yue's strength... is too terrifying, right?

"Is this the Thor's Hammer? Would you mind if I try it?" In the silence, Tony Stark suddenly spoke.

Su Yue curled his lips noncommittally. Tony Stark assumed he agreed, and curiously came to Thor's Hammer with both hands holding the hammer and tried.

Unfortunately, even if he used the power of the armor, Thor's Hammer still remained motionless.

"Put away the wreckage of the Destroyer's armor, and unblock it by the way." Su Yue instructed, turning around and preparing to return to Dimension Street.

"That..." Phil Coulson walked over and hesitated.

"Don't even think about it, that's my trophy." Su Yue thought that Phil Coulson was the wreck of the Destroyer armor, and he refused before he could speak.

Phil Coulson did have an idea about it, but he also knew that Su Yue would never give it to himself or S.H.I.E.L.D., so he shook his head and said, "I want to ask, what is the nightmare you said just now? An adjective, there really such a thing?"

"you guess."

Su Yue smiled and patted Phil Coulson on the shoulder and walked into Dimension Street.

Nightmare is real.

In the comics, Nightmare is the dimension of dreams, or the lord of the dimension of nightmares. He is extremely powerful and can be regarded as a relatively well-known existence among the villains of Doctor Strange.

In the movie universe, although there is no evidence of its existence as of Avengers 4, it should exist. Even, Nightmare is likely to be the villain of Doctor Strange 2, and there is a possibility of linkage with Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch.

It's uneven, the nightmare or nightmare dimension is also related to the multiverse. Although the multiverse mentioned by the Mysterio in Spider-Man is false, it is true that the movie universe opens up the multiverse.

"Come and find me at night." After entering Dimension Street, Su Yue paused for a moment beside Selena and said, and then left.

Selena's expression froze, then nodded in response.

Defeating the Destroyer Armor is nothing, even if Loki didn't provoke him to death, Su Yue would not be able to let the Destroyer Armor leave. Since it is said that it will become Loki's nightmare, it will not end just because the Destroyer Armor is defeated, the days are still long, let's play slowly!

Chapter 0377 Take the initiative to announce, the news of a milestone in human history!

Although the Destroyer Armor was easily solved by Su Yue, it did not cause any damage or casualties to Dimension Street, but the impact was not small.

After all, the evacuation of nearby people and the freezing of the streets are not trivial matters. It is the first time that such a big battle has occurred in Dimension Street for so long. Although the process is very short and the result is perfect, the subsequent impact is not small.

The evacuated people didn't think there was anything wrong with the hype of Dimension Street. After all, it was for their safety. Although they made a fuss, they thanked Dimension Street even more and were even more fortunate that they lived nearby.

Although this time it was a near-fuzzy tossing, but what about next time? What about next time? It is very rare that Dimension Street can think of them and protect them.

Who doesn't want help when disaster strikes?

Although some people think that disasters or dangers are because of Dimension Street, there are not many people who think so. After all, Dimension Street has let them know the infinite possibilities in this world. Even if they are far away from Dimension Street, they may encounter such and such dangers. If there is no one to help at that time, it is better to stay here in Dimension Street. At least Dimension Street is willing to protect their safety and protect their property.

S.H.I.E.L.D. originally planned to block the news. After all, once the news of the Nordic gods or aliens spreads on a large scale, it is easy to cause panic among the people, and public opinion will definitely cause waves.

This is something that has subverted the public perception for a long time!

But S.H.I.E.L.D.’s action has not yet been launched, and detailed news about this incident has been spread on a large scale, and the source of the news comes from the Dimension Street app.

The official software of Dimension Street directly pushed the news, and completely announced a series of detailed situations such as Sif and the three warriors of Asgard, Thor, Loki, Destroyer Armor, Asgard, and Norse mythology.

As soon as the news appeared, the Internet exploded. It turns out that the Norse gods in the myths actually exist, and they are Asgardians?

Then, the debate over whether the Asgardians were gods or aliens began.

Some devout believers think they are gods, and some atheists think they are aliens. All in all, whether it is the Internet, radio, or newspapers, almost full-page reports on this matter.

As the place of occurrence and the source of news, Dimension Street has naturally become the focus again. Countless reporters flocked to hope to be able to interview more news. Countless people flocked to Dimension Street to see what the so-called gods or aliens were. What does it look like.

All in all, Dimension Street exploded.

The flow of people in Dimension Street has increased several times than usual. At first glance, it looks like a rural market. It is completely side by side and crowded. The members of the **** team have to increase their management efforts to avoid vicious incidents. .

Several entrances of Dimension Street are overcrowded, with countless people queuing up here for security checks. Although the area of ​​​​dimensional street is not small, it can't hold many people. In order to avoid complete saturation, we can only limit the stay time of each person and enter the street alternately.

Even so, there were only too many people outside Dimension Street, but not too few. Even the police station had to send people here to direct traffic and control the scene.

Although these swarms of people did not see the Asgardians, there is a Thor's Hammer outside the Dimension Street. After knowing the speciality of the Thor's Hammer, countless people gathered around here to try to pull it up. Thor's Hammer, whether it was successful or not, whether they saw the Asgardians or not, they were very satisfied.

Human beings are social animals after all.

Not to mention anything else, if Dimension Street were to earn the entrance fee or the fee for trying to pull out the Thor's Hammer, this wave would be a lot of money.

Even if there is no charge now, the income of Dimension Street has still doubled several times, especially the increase in APP downloads and recharges is even more astonishing.

It can be said that the promotion effect of this wave of active revelations is very amazing. With the help of the Destroyer Incident, Dimension Street has gained a lot in terms of promotion, economy, influence and other benefits, and it can be called the biggest winner.

And the driving force that caused all this was Su Yue.

At first, when Su Yue informed Daisy Johnson to announce the matter, Daisy Johnson and others were still a little worried. After all, this is news that broke human cognition. They were all stunned by this amazing effect.

As the official spokesperson of Dimension Street, Pepper Potts' mobile phone has been blown up, and people from all walks of life have called to inquire about the situation.

Some people want to grasp the intelligence of Asgard, and some people condemn Dimension Street for directly publishing such important news. In a word, busy!

Pepper Potts was very busy, but very excited.


Because this news came out, the status of Dimension Street was raised again. Originally, Dimension Street may have been just a special tourist attraction in the world, but now the force has improved instantly, and it can be said that it has the qualification to dialogue with the world.

Of course, there are many advantages and disadvantages. In just one afternoon, the number of people thrown out of Dimension Street because of convulsions has reached four figures. Security measures have been increased in many places such as entrances and exits, scientific research centers, and Dimension Inns.

This is not just a matter of Dimension Street. The police, military, S.H.I.E.L.D., and those in charge of higher levels have all taken action to help maintain order on the one hand, and negotiate with Dimension Street on the other hand.

All in all, the follow-up impact of the Destroyer Armor incident is so great that it has become a milestone in human history.

Almost everyone will be affected by this incident, but Su Yue is very calm.


The reason is very simple. Even if he concealed what happened this time, it won't be long before the Battle of New York begins and the Chitauris fall from the sky, and everyone will still know about Sol and the aliens.

Since it is something that will be known to the whole people in a short time, isn't it normal to give yourself some benefits in advance?

The dimensional points obtained in this wave can be described as a great harvest. For this reason, Su Yue deliberately modified the system settings and created a hundred-fold dimensional point volume, so as not to waste this rare opportunity.

Chapter 0378 The vampire Selena who no longer fears the sun

Although this incident is very hot and explosive, it will not last too long. To be precise, the impact and time of this incident may be very long, but it will not be too long for Dimension Street.

Su Yue estimated that the explosion on Dimension Street would drop sharply within a week at most. Although there would definitely be more people coming to Dimension Street in the future, it would definitely not achieve the effect of the explosion.

However, Su Yue was already content.

Closer to home.

The wreckage of the Destroyer armor was recovered and sent to the scientific research center. On the one hand, Maya Hansen and the others were asked to study and research, and on the other hand, Bumblebee could try to absorb a small amount first.

In addition, because of Su Yue, Sol failed to live to death and regain divine power like the original plot. He couldn't help but fail to gain divine power. He was seriously injured by Su Yue, and was sent back to S.H.I.E.L.D. by Phil Coulson and the captain for treatment. .

Sif and the three warriors of Asgard naturally followed and left.

As for Tony Stark, who jumped out on his own and was ignored? Of course he was sullen. What should he do?

The stars are shining, and the evening breeze is gentle.

Although the people in Dimension Street are not as crowded as daytime, they are still as lively and noisy as daytime.

In the attic, Selena, who was wearing a black trench coat, black tights, and black leather boots, walked to Su Yue and stood down.

"Lord Lord." Selena said in a low voice.

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