This you, referring to Su Yue.

Although Su Yue didn't show up at this time, Loki didn't mind announcing the victory declaration in advance.

The vampire Selena, the blood queen and some members of the **** team have already taken their places. Ao Bing of the Fengshen team and Jesse Quick, who has just acquired the speed force, have also arrived, and Jingzhao has also come with people from the regular combat action team. Now, the shock girl Daisy Johnson, and Jessica Jones from the inn have also arrived one after another, and even Bumblebee drove out by herself, and then transformed under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Basically, people who are still in Dimension Street and have the ability have appeared. Of course, this is not all, and some need to stay in Dimension Street to maintain normal order.

Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. was indispensable for such a scene. Phil Coulson notified Nick Fury at the first time, and then rushed to the scene with the captain.

Immediately afterwards, a dynamic sound of music suddenly sounded from the sky, and a figure fell from the sky and landed on one knee.

"Yo, it's so lively." The mask opened, and Tony Stark greeted the audience with a frivolous expression.

If it was normal, Tony Stark's debut might become the most beautiful cub in the audience, but now few people pay attention to him, which makes Tony Stark more or less embarrassed.


With the mask on, Tony Stark shrugged and walked to Phil Coulson and the captain.

Captain America, if he didn't say a few words, he wouldn't be Tony Stark.

"I have sent evacuation text messages to people nearby, Jesse, be quick, take away those who haven't evacuated as much as possible. The **** team and the regular combat team will assist in the evacuation, clear this area, and ban Dimension Street. People inside come out, and people outside are not allowed to approach.

Selena, Blood Queen, Jessica Jones, Bumblebee on standby, Ao Bing... Can you freeze this place? "

Daisy Johnson's voice suddenly sounded, and the action was arranged in an orderly manner.

Although Daisy Johnson does not seem to be qualified to be the conductor regardless of age, strength, or the time he joined Dimension Street, Daisy Johnson is in charge of network technology and intelligence, and often provides support to them in daily life, so everyone There was no resistance to her arrangement.

After all, Lord Lord has never said which of them is of higher rank, and no one has come forward. Since Daisy Johnson has said it, and her command seems to be fine, how can there be any resistance?

The light of Jesse Quick's speed force suddenly lit up, leading the nearby people to evacuate like lightning bolts. The **** team and the regular combat operations team assisted in the evacuation, blocking the street and this area.

At the same time, Ao Bing lifted his head up into the air, and his originally not so tall body suddenly turned into a blue dragon. While circling in the sky, the air gradually condensed into ice. Except for the entrance and exit, all other places were frozen, forming a huge ice cage.

Selena stood at the entrance of Dimension Street, Jessica Jones, Blood Queen, and Bumblebee stood in different directions, ready to shoot at any time.

The sudden move of Dimension Street really surprised Loki, Sol, Captain, Iron Man and others. Let alone the rest, first a woman with a very fast speed, and then incarnation as a dragon, completely freezing the space. Shocked them.

Sif took a deep breath and turned to look at S.H.I.E.L.D.: "Saul is temporarily handed over to you for protection. Their duty is to protect Dimension Street and the people nearby, not to deal with Loki."

"Okay." Phil Coulson nodded solemnly.

"Let's go!"

Sif held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, shouted loudly, and greeted the three warriors of Asgard to charge towards the Destroyer Armor.

Leaping into the air, jumping, Sif slashed at the neck of the Destroyer Armor with a sword, then fell from behind it.

At the same time, the three warriors of Asgard also rushed to the front of the destroyer armor and launched their own attacks.

The material of the Destroyer's armor is extremely special, and its defensive ability is very strong. The attacks of the three warriors of Asgard basically cannot achieve the effect of breaking the defense.


Fandral slammed into the ice wall heavily, the ice wall trembled slightly, and then stabilized as before.

Fandral groaned and struggled to get up to continue the battle, only to find that Hogan and Vorstagg were knocked out one after the other.

Fandral shouted and charged, but the Destroyer Armor's head suddenly turned around, his mouth opened, and a crimson energy beam blasted directly and quickly.

At the critical moment, Sif suddenly arrived, holding up a shield to resist.


Sif was blasted and flew out, and Fandral behind her was not spared either, and became Sif's cushion directly, sandwiched between Sif and the ice wall.

The Destroyer Armor, who easily defeated Sif and the three warriors of Asgard, turned his head back and walked towards Sol step by step.

Thor ignored Phil Coulson's persuasion and pulling, and looked like a brave man without fear, no, it should be said that I believe you love me, and you will never kill me. Gradually walked into the destroyer armor.

"Loki, I believe... I believe you don't really want to kill me, after all we are brothers..." Before Thor's words were finished, the huge arm of the Destroyer Armor had already grabbed him.

Sol's expression froze, and then he saw a figure jumping out next to him, and his hands suddenly grabbed the Destroyer's hand!

"Get out of the way!"

The captain's muscles were tense, and he gritted his teeth and shouted loudly at Sol.


A missile suddenly exploded in Destroyer's face, Destroyer leaned back slightly, and then suddenly blasted an energy beam towards Thor.


The explosion sounded, and Sol was instantly blown away, like a cannonball, flying straight back.

Chapter 0375 You're in the way!


Seeing that Sol, whose life and death were unknown, was blown away, Sif and the others immediately shouted anxiously.

Then...the sound stopped abruptly.

Seeing that Sol was about to collide with Selena who was guarding the Dimension Street, Selina suddenly heard the voice and walked away. Just as she walked away, Sol passed by, and then...


A muffled sound.

Sol flew back upside down in an instant. He flew back even faster than before, like a meteor, swept past the crowd in the center of the battlefield in an instant, and then smashed his head on the ice wall.


The sound of the ice wall shattering sounded, Sol slipped off the wall, and cracks appeared on the wall instantly...

Sol fell to his knees and fell to the ground, motionless.

"Hiss..." Everyone subconsciously looked at the direction that Sol flew over, and seeing Su Yue lay down his legs in a tidy manner, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This kick is so ruthless!

There was no serious injury on Thor's body, which means that the explosion just now didn't really hurt Thor, and the shock of the direct explosion sent Thor flying out.

In other words, the Destroyer's energy beam did not hurt Sol, but Su Yue's kick... The life and death of directly kicking Sol is unknown.


This is definitely revenge!


Sif and the three warriors of Asgard hurried to Thor's side to check on his condition.

"You... what are you doing?" Phil Coulson looked at Su Yue with a strange expression.

"He's in the way!"

Su Yue replied lightly and walked straight forward.

One step, two steps...

Su Yue stopped in front of the Destroyer Armor and looked up slightly at the Destroyer Armor's cold face. "Are you also blocking the way?"

Destroyer's huge armored body subconsciously gave way to the side, but quickly stopped.

"Su Yue!"

"You came out just in time. I said, I want to be your nightmare. Last time you were lucky, this time I..."

Su Yue suddenly took a step forward, and then his left foot suddenly kicked on the calf of the Destroyer Armor. The force was so strong and the sound of the impact was so loud that the Destroyer Armor, who had not finished speaking, was lost out of thin air. It is dumping in the direction of Su Yue.

Then, Su Yue kicked the Destroyer Armor with a high kick, and the Destroyer Armor, which had not yet landed, flew into the air with a bang.

"Don't get in the way!"

When his feet landed, Su Yue didn't even look at the flying destroyer armor, and walked forward to Daisy Johnson.

"The command is good. For the time being, this is the arrangement. As long as they don't take the initiative to attack you or damage the Dimension Street and the surrounding environment, they don't need to take action."


Daisy Johnson nodded in response, Su Yue turned and walked towards Bumblebee again.


The Destroyer armor fell to the ground with a bang.

Asgardri Loki's face was extremely blue, humiliated, he was humiliated again.

I'm in the way?

How dare you say that Loki got in the way?

At this moment, Loki hated Su Yue far more than his dear brother Thor.

"I want you to die!"

Loki controlled the destroyer armor and turned his head suddenly, his mouth opened, the dazzling light suddenly lit up, and the hot energy quickly condensed.


The long sword suddenly pierced the head of the Destroyer Armor, and the energy that was originally gathered was instantly extinguished.

Sif stepped on its back with one foot, and stepped on its head with one foot, holding the long sword in both hands, spinning and stirring suddenly.

"Loki, your opponent is me!" Sif shouted in a deep voice.

Actually, she didn't have to jump out.

If she doesn't stop it, Loki will attack Su Yue, and Su Yue will surely fight back. Loki will definitely not be an opponent. Then... the trouble of destroyer armor will be solved.

This is not a plot against Su Yue, but Loki himself.

But Sif didn't do that. Now that Sol is injured and unconscious, she and the three warriors of Asgard are not opponents of the Destroyer Armor at all. Even if you add the few people from SHIELD, it is not enough, but she still shot.

Perhaps...because her pride does not allow her to "calculate" like this, or perhaps...because she wants to prove something to Su Yue?

I can bow my head and ask you for help, or even pay a certain price.

But, I will never despicably plot against you?

Because I am Sif!

I am a warrior of Asgard!

The Destroyer Armor suddenly threw Sif away, and immediately got up to continue rushing towards Suyue, but Sif was entangled again. Although she had little threat to the Destroyer Armor, she was entangled in it and could not attack Suyue.

"Sif, you are courting death!"

An angry Loki roared, and controlled the Destroyer Armor to attack Sif frantically.

Sif was in a dilemma and was constantly being hit by the Destroyer, but she gritted her teeth and persevered, never giving the Destroyer armor a chance to escape the battle.

Although Sif is so desperate, it makes people feel brave and tragic, but at the same time, it also makes people feel very strange.

Why is she madly clinging to the Destroyer armor at this time? Why does it seem like... helping Su Yue to resist the Destroyer armor?

"Bumblebee, can you absorb its material?" Su Yue turned a deaf ear to the battle between Sif and Loki, and came to Bumblebee and asked.

Bumblebee: "My scans tell me it's special, and I'm not sure if my spark energy is enough to absorb it to repair or strengthen myself."

"In other words, as long as you have enough fire source energy, you can absorb it, right?"


"I know."

Su Yue nodded. Although Bumblebee is the protagonist in the Transformers series, its level is actually different from that of Megatron Optimus Prime. It may be absorbed by ordinary materials, but the special material of Destroyer Armor, Not necessarily with its fire source energy.

However, isn't it just the source of fire energy, this thing is too easy for Su Yue to obtain.

Whether it is to go to the Transformers world or to smoke the source of fire directly is a matter of thought.


The energy beam of the Destroyer armor slammed on Sif's shield. The powerful impact instantly made Sif grit her teeth. She supported the shield with one hand, and slammed the sword into the ground with the other, trying to remove the power.

Unfortunately, it's useless.

Sif was forced to retreat by the continuous energy beam, and finally, with a bang, the shield shattered!

At the moment when the shield shattered, Sif reacted quickly and blocked her body with the sword, and then... Jianfei fell.

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