"You have, or you originally had!"

Su Yue shook his head and said affirmatively: "In your original destiny trajectory, you will gain the same super speed power as the Flash and Extreme Speed ​​due to the explosion of the particle accelerator, become a speeder, become a Jesse Quick customer, and become a speedster. A superhero. But... in the end, you will be destroyed with your father and your earth, which is why your father brought you to Dimension Street."

"I, I will become a speeder? Is this true?" Jesse's eyes widened uncontrollably. Although the speeder made her experience pain, threats, and even left an indelible shadow, if she If you can become a speeder, it will be another matter of course.

In fact, Jesse has been thinking about this matter since he came to Dimension Street. There are too many superpowers in Dimension Street, and there are too many scientists like my father. My father can find a job and find a position in Dimension Street, how about himself?

She is just a little girl who knows nothing and understands nothing.

So she was actually very inferior, worried, and envious. Hearing that she could have been a speeder, Jesse was really excited, but she quickly realized that she could become a speeder, but now that her fate has been changed, can she still be a speeder?

The feeling of loss grew instantly, but before it could spread, Jesse suddenly realized something!

If you can't become a speeder, isn't it meaningless what Lord Lord said just now, isn't it a waste? If he is really worthless, how could the Lord suddenly come to him and say that the person he really wants is himself and not his father?

So... Jesse's face couldn't help but raise an excited smile again.

"It's quick to respond."

Seeing the change in Jesse's expression, Su Yue smiled and joked: "You are right, if you are worthless, I will not come to you specially, although you cannot become a speeder according to the original normal trajectory, but as long as I With one thought, you can become the second speeder in Dimension Street and this universe!"

"The second one? The first one is...?"


The Speed ​​Force lightning suddenly lit up. Before Jesse could react, he suddenly appeared in a deserted, very hot desert.

It was hot, very hot, as if the whole person was on fire.

No, not like it!

Jesse suddenly found that her clothes were burning, she was shocked, she hurriedly took off her clothes and threw them aside and stomped on them a few times, putting out the burning flame.


Jessie crossed her arms and looked at Su Yue who was standing beside the old god.

Su Yue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


She snapped her fingers, and a red tight-fitting uniform with a lightning bolt instantly appeared on Jesse's body. At the same time, she had a red eye patch on her face.

"This is……?"

"Jesse, run."

Chapter 0372 Gifts and Conditions


The dazzling speed force light flashed rapidly on the desolate and empty desert, one by one, criss-crossing, as if to turn the desert into a chessboard.

Wind, at first.

Juan rushed towards him with the yellow sand on the ground.

Jesse, who stopped for a moment, just wanted to express his excitement and gratitude to the Lord, but suddenly saw the sand produced by his fast running flying towards the Lord.

"Get out of the way." Jesse subconsciously shouted to remind him.

Su Yue's shoulders swayed slightly, and the yellow sand that was blowing in his face unexpectedly penetrated his body and fell behind him.

Jesse was taken aback. "Yes, I'm sorry, Lord, are you alright?"

"What do you think?" Su Yue asked calmly.

"Uh, Ken, it's definitely fine, but how did you do it just now?" Jesse didn't realize how Lord Lord avoided the sand.

"I'll know when you're faster." Su Yue replied casually.

The way he dodged just now was very simple, that is, he used the speed force to quickly dodge the moment the sand flew over, and then quickly returned to the original position. Because the speed was too fast, it seemed that his shoulders were only shaking slightly.

"Are you satisfied with my gift?" Su Yue looked at Jesse and asked with a smile.

Jesse nodded excitedly: "Satisfied, very satisfied, whether it is the speed force or this uniform, I am very satisfied. I really thank you Lord for your gift, I will master my speed as soon as possible, for you, for the dimension Street, contribute my value!"

"Since I can give you power, I can take back your power. I hope you can meet my expectations for you and don't let me down."

"I will do my best not to disappoint you!"

"Let's go back."

Su Yue turned around and ran, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Jesse took a deep breath and hurriedly followed with his speed force.

Not long after, the two rays of divine speed returned to Dimension Street one after the other.

Su Yue didn't explain anything else to Jesse, but went directly to the shock girl Daisy Johnson and the IT girl Ferry Hitty.

"Remember the last time you went to the RAND Group?" After arriving, Su Yue asked Daisy Johnson directly.

Daisy Johnson nodded: "Remember, what's the matter?"

"I need you to grasp the dynamics of Mrs. Gao and the Hand Association in the shortest possible time. By the way, there is another person. We have a resident in Dimension Street named Colleen Wen. She opened a gym to train those homeless people. The children learn self-protection and self-defense ability. She doesn't know, she is actually cultivating reserve forces for the Hand, and these children will eventually be recruited into the Hand, and the person who recruits is Colleen Wen's master, a blogger ."

"This blogger is one of the leaders of the Hand Society. Since he is going to deal with Mrs. Gao and the Hand Society, he will be dealt with by the way, lest he pop out and use Colleen Wen to cause any negative impact on Dimension Street."

"Okay, we'll check right away." Daisy Johnson nodded.

"You can also ask Jin Bing about Mrs. Gao and the Hand Association. He should have cooperated with them. Even if he hasn't, he should know a lot."

"it is good."

Daisy Johnson and Ferry Heidi quickly got busy. Su Yue wanted to chat with Ferry Heidi, but it was fine to see that she was so focused on her work. Anyway, people have been called to Dimension Street. There is time and opportunity to chat.

After returning to the inn from the Dimension Building, Jessica Jones told Sif that she was waiting for him in the attic as soon as she entered the inn, and had been waiting for a while.

Su Yue was not surprised that Sif would come to her. Sol, Quake, Loki, none of the series of things she could solve, she couldn't find anyone else to help them except herself.

Although Nick Fury is willing to help on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., Sif can definitely see that S.H.I.E.L.D. is not that strong, at least it can't help much in dealing with Loki, and... they The purpose is not pure.

Therefore, finding yourself is an inevitable result.

Su Yue stepped up the stairs to the attic. As soon as he got up, he saw Sif quickly sitting up and walking towards him.

Seeing Sif, who was thinking about how to speak, Su Yue got straight to the point and made a straightforward condition: "I can help you deal with Loki and help you return to Asgard, but the condition is the end. In the future, you will always stay in Dimension Street and serve me."

"It's impossible, I'm from Asgard, it's impossible for me..." Sif never thought of leaving Asgard, and when she heard Su Yue's condition, she subconsciously refused directly.

"Impossible? Then you can leave." Su Yue didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​bargaining. He had no other interest or purpose other than accepting Sif.

The main purpose of accepting Sif is not because of what happened to the two of them, but Sif's own ability is really good, whether it is a **** team or a conventional combat force, or even a traversal team performing tasks in other universes. .

"Su Yue, helping us is just a little effort for you. Don't you have any sympathy and no sense of justice? Father Odin put Thor's hammer on Dimension Street, and the purpose is to hope that you can help. You are not willing to lend a helping hand even if Odin's father asks for help? Besides... I... can't the matter between us make you feel a little bit of compassion? I... I don't feel at all in my heart Is it important?"

"On the contrary, you are more important in my heart than Thor, Loki, Odin! That's why I want to solve this matter at one time, lest good people think that I have no temper for a long time. The catastrophe of your Asgard There is still more, this time the Loki thing is just a small beginning, this time I helped because of your reasons, what about next time? What about next time?"

Su Yue looked at Sif, whose expression changed slightly, and said seriously: "If you are in danger, based on our previous relationship, I will definitely help you unconditionally. But this time it's not your business, it's you Asgard, It's Thor's business to be precise. I can tell you that if Thor can regain Quake's approval, this incident can be passed safely."

"Go back and think about it."

"I...good night." Sif was unwilling to return without success, but Su Yue had already said it for the sake of it, and she didn't know what to say.

In particular, she felt that from Su Yue's standpoint, the possibilities he thought and the conditions he proposed were not too much.

Chapter 0373 The spirit plate left behind and Su Yue's sense of superiority

Night, getting deeper.

Although the lights in Dimension Street are still bright and people are still walking under the night, the lively and noisy meaning is far less than that in the daytime. This night, some people were happy and some were worried, some people fell asleep peacefully, and some people tossed and turned.

Su Yue belongs to the former.

Although Sif is gone, the spirit plate where the Mystical Girl Ruiwen has been settled has arrived. Ling Die is here to report the situation. After all, the Mystical Woman Ruiwen's abilities are very special. It must be very useful for Su Yue to summon the Mystical Woman Ruiwen. Therefore, Ling Die must arrange her well and keep the situation intact. Report to Su Yue in detail.

Then...she stayed.

Ling Die took the initiative to stay, and the reason for staying is very simple.

As a mutant who grew up in the mutant world, she knew from a very early age that she could not live as peacefully as an ordinary human being. go to school? fall in love? Work? Get married and have kids? These seemingly ordinary things are not something she can easily have, so she can't be as simple or pure as an ordinary girl. It's not that her mind is complicated, but that analyzing the pros and cons has become an instinct.

After coming to Dimension Street, it was the first time that she felt what it was like to live in the sun with an upright and bright life. The sense of security and steadfastness was very strong. No one will discriminate and panic because she is a mutant. She doesn't need to worry about being discovered and hunted down. Then, she became Pepper Potts' assistant and became one of the most powerful people in Dimension Street.

Then, she went to the world of black-robed pickets to be on her own. She has recognized her identity as a member of Dimension Street and worked hard to do better.

Queen Maeve of the black-robed picket world, good assistants, Karen Page and Lord Lord, even Susan, who came to Dimension Street together, is now the Lord Lord's side and close person in her heart. Let Ling Die feel a little envious and a little sense of crisis.

If it wasn't because of the Mystique Ruiwen this time, I'm afraid Lord Lord would not have thought of him.

Ling Die is a normal woman, and she naturally longs to have her own experience, especially in the circumstance of the surrounding environment, this longing emotion will be infinitely magnified in a certain place.

So, she took the initiative to stay.

For Ling Die, this night was a turning point in her life, a very important node, but for Su Yue, this night was not that special.

It's not that the spirit plate is bad, but to Su Yue, the spirit plate has long been his own. Except for those tourists, everyone in Dimension Street belongs to himself. normal.

From a certain point of view, the captain's analysis of Su Yue is correct. He really has a sense of superiority, so from a mental point of view, he will not think that it is very exciting and special to stay with the spirit disc. But in terms of behavior, she still made Ling Die feel respected and enjoyed the treatment she should enjoy at this time.

Although Su Yue doesn't care, he doesn't act so that others think he doesn't care.

It's like a really high-ranking, rich and wealthy person who goes to a restaurant to eat. After ordering, he will politely say thank you to the waiter. This thank you, this kind of politeness may not really be thankful to the waiter, because the waiter is responsible for it. Ordering is a matter of course, but he makes the waiter feel comfortable, happy, and respected, which is actually a sense of superiority.

This sense of superiority is not reflected in behavior, not the kind of arrogance, looking down on this and despising that, but a manifestation of self-esteem.

Why does Su Yue feel so overwhelmed with superiority?

the reason is simple.

First of all, he is a traverser. Even if he was just an ordinary person before the traversal, he didn't have the powerful ability to destroy the world at the beginning of the traversal, but the thinking that the traverser produced was enough to generate a sense of superiority.

Because what he saw were characters in comics and movies, he knew everyone's identities, experiences, and the development of subsequent events. Wasn't this not enough to give him a sense of superiority?

Secondly, he is a Primordial Transcendent. Although he has been cleaned up and re-trained, although he has not recovered the original Transcendent's memory and full strength, this is enough. It's like if you know that you used to be the Monkey King Monkey King, even if you haven't regained your original strength, you will naturally feel a sense of superiority psychologically. Even if you encounter an enemy that you can't deal with at this stage, you won't really fear him psychologically.

Closer to home.

After waking up the next day, Su Yue specially asked Pepper Potts for a day off for Ling Die. As for the reason for the leave, it was enough that she was with me last night.

Then, Su Yue went downstairs to pick up breakfast at Ju, and after having breakfast with Ling Die, she returned to the staff dormitory where she lived and helped her pack up and move to the Dimension Building.

Room 804.

Just above the Mystical Girl Rui Wen, Rui Wen lived in Room 704.

By the way, on the premise that some people have not moved into the Dimension Building, there are actually not many vacancies left in the Dimension Building. It may not be long before you have to consider the spare Krypton Building or build a few more buildings.

After moving the house and tidying up properly, Su Yue originally planned to stay and accompany the spirit disc for one night, but the world is changing, so Loki jumped out and didn't give Su Yue this chance!

When the energy beam of the Rainbow Bridge landed outside the Dimension Street again, the people and pedestrians nearby were a little used to it. Sif appeared once when he came, once when Thor's Hammer fell, and again yesterday when Sif and the three warriors of Asgard appeared, so today's appearance did not cause any panic, but made them a little bit. I wonder who it is this time!

It's a pity that it's not so easy for them to watch the fun as the melon eaters this time.

When the light of the Rainbow Bridge faded, a very tall silver metal man appeared? At least in their cognition they would think it was a metal man or a robot, but in fact it was just a set of metal armor.

One of Asgard's most powerful weapons: the Destroyer Armor.

At this time, there is no one else who can control the Destroyer armor. Naturally, it was the last time he was shriveled in Dimension Street, and he learned that Sif and others, as well as Sol, Thor's Hammer are all in Dimension Street. Completely resolved... Loki!

Chapter 0374 The big scene brought by the destroyer armor


Near Thor's Hammer, Thor, who was unwilling to give up, looked at the Destroyer who appeared from the Rainbow Bridge with an expression of anger and heartache.

Although he already knew the truth, emotionally, he still couldn't believe that his younger brother would do such a thing, actually... actually want to kill him?

"My dear brother, it seems that you have lost the qualification to possess Thor's Hammer. Although I hate you very much, as long as you promise to stay on Earth forever and never return to Asgard, and admit that I am Asgard's King, I can consider letting you go!" Loki's voice sounded in the Destroyer armor.


Sif's resolute voice sounded, she and the three warriors of Asgard came to Thor's side fully armed, and said disdainfully: "Loki, don't be delusional, we will never admit your identity. You Just wait, we'll be back in Asgard for you soon!"

"Hehe...hehehe... In fact, I'm already the king of Asgard, and I don't need your acknowledgement at all. Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you." The Destroyer raised his head slightly and looked at the nearby Loki's sneering voice rang out from the few people in Dimension Street who cleared the field. "When I solve you, I will destroy Dimension Street. I said... I, Loki, will definitely become your nightmare."

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