
It's dawn!

As for what happened from dawn to dusk, and then from dusk to dawn, what happened during this period can be described in one sentence, that is, it is not enough to be humane to the outside world.

At eleven o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yue took Tandy out of the villa and returned to Dimension Street. After returning to Dimension Street, Su Yue first took Tandy to meet Pepper Potts to tell her about Tandy joining Dimension Street, and then brought her to meet Claire and asked Claire to take her to the hospital.

As for how to make arrangements at the hospital, then Su Yue doesn't need to worry about it. People who Claire personally brought there don't have to worry about any **** situations.

As for the residence, it was arranged in the Dimension Building, on the same floor as Betty Ross, May Parker, and the Spirit Disc.

Although Su Yue himself did not expect to return with a 'dagger' within a day of going out, it had no effect on him or Dimension Street. Back in the attic of the inn, Su Yue rested for a while, looked at the dimension street added on the system panel, and wondered whether to study and increase the upper limit of summoned creatures, but someone came to the door again.

Sif, the three warriors of Asgard, Thor, and Phil Coulson.

Su Yue glanced at Sol. Although this guy was sealed with divine power, he wasn't a real ordinary human after all. He was injured so badly before, but now he has gotten better, at least according to his condition.

Obviously, they are still here for Loki's business.

This guy, Sol, has become a lot more stable after going through the beatings of the society. At least now he doesn't have that kind of arrogance and feeling that there are five people out of six. When he sees Su Yue, he knows how to greet him politely.

So this person is a bitch.

I don't know what it means to be polite without being beaten!

"Thor's Hammer is just outside, if you can take it, take it, I won't stop it. This thing is new to me, and it's not interesting to play for a while. As for Loki...I won't help You deal with him..." After saying hello, Su Yue directly expressed his attitude without waiting for them to speak.

"Why? Loki used the Destroyer Armor to attack the Dimension Street. Although it was unsuccessful, his attitude was already obvious, right? He just wanted to target you, and in terms of his character, he wouldn't just let it go. I don't believe your temper will be so good, I really don't mind Loki's offense!" Sif couldn't understand why Su Yue repeatedly refused to deal with Loki, it was not his character.


Su Yue shook his head and said, "What I said is that I won't help you deal with Loki. It's not that I won't deal with Loki. Don't mix it up. I deal with him, it's my business with him, not with you."

Sif was stunned at first, then reacted: "So, are you going to deal with Loki? When and what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to ask him to kneel down and call him father." Su Yue said casually.

Sif frowned and said, "This kind of joke doesn't make any sense. Loki is very proud. Even if you killed him, he wouldn't do such a thing."

"Really?" Su Yue smiled disapprovingly: "How about a bet? Losing the kind called Dad?"


Sif looked bewildered, what was going on with Su Yue, why did he suddenly like to be called his father so much?

One Loki is not enough, you want me to call you Daddy?

"Don't you dare?" Su Yue raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, I promise!" Although Sif and Loki were enemies now, she knew Loki very well, and he would never do anything like kneeling down and calling Su Yue his father.

"Okay, I'll take a picture for you to see then." Su Yue paused, then changed the conversation: "Since you guys are here, don't rush to leave, give me a day, and a day later, Sif... Remember to call Daddy."

It's not difficult for Loki to call him Daddy, but it's not easy for Sif to call him Dad. After all, one is a father and the other is a father. Although they have the same meaning, they are completely different in certain situations.

Chapter 0388 Su Yue version of Odin

The Rainbow Bridge is now controlled by Loki, and it is definitely impossible to go to Asgard through the Rainbow Bridge. The nine kingdoms also have channels that connect with each other, such as what happened in Thor 2, but only when the Nine Stars are connected.

Of course, Asgard also has a secret passage that can come to Earth or other countries. Loki knows this passage, and Lorelei, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., also used this passage to escape from Asgard to Earth.

It's a pity that Su Yue didn't know the location of this passage, and neither did Sif Sol and the others.

So, let's not say whether to deal with Loki or not, how to get to Asgard is the key.

Why are Sif and others so persistent in asking Su Yue for help? It's not because they can't return to Asgard, which is already controlled by Loki, on Earth, and they can't even see Loki's face, and they can't deal with it!

However, this problem is not a problem for Su Yue at all. Well, if you want to go to Asgard but can't go, what kind of wish will come true? Therefore, when Su Yue mobilized transcendental energy and his thoughts flashed, he had already appeared in Asgard's Asgard.

To be precise, it was the room where Odin slept after falling into a coma in Asgard.

The layout of the room is full of Asgard style. On the bed, Odin with white hair and a blindfold is sleeping peacefully.

This was the first time Su Yue saw Odin. As the king of Asgard and the ruler of the nine kingdoms, the first impression Odin gave him was that he was old. Although he has fallen into a deep sleep, the feeling of the old age is still strong.

Speaking of which, aren't the one-eyed ones very treacherous? Nick Fury didn't say anything about the one-eyed braised egg. Nine of his ten sentences were false; and Odin...was not as brilliant as he seemed.

Before the unification of the nine kingdoms, Odin was synonymous with brutality. He and his eldest daughter Hela fought against the nine kingdoms. The ruler of the nine kingdoms can be said to have been achieved by a single success.

After that, Odin wanted to rule the country with benevolence, and the idea conflicted with Hela, and then Hela was sealed by him, and her achievements and even existence were wiped out, so that Thor did not know that he had another one after he was born. elder sister.

Is this something a normal father can do? Seal your own daughter and erase the existence of your own daughter?

Although Hela is not a kind person, as a father, Odin's actions are indeed a bit cruel.

Afterwards, Odin defeated the frost giant's Wang Laufey and found Laufey's son, Loki.

Adopted and grew up, hoping to achieve permanent peace with the help of Loki. Perhaps his intentions were good, making Loki and Thor a brother, Thor would be the king of Asgard, and Loki would be Jotunheim, the king of the frost giants.

He also said that he has regarded Loki as his own son. It's a pity, after all, after all, it's not his own after all, so Odin's bias towards Thor is still obvious, which is why Loki doesn't believe his words after discovering his life experience.

Speaking of which, Loki actually just wanted Odin's approval. In the end, he died for Thor, for Asgard. Before his death, he still claimed to be the son of Odin.

"I know that you can perceive the outside world, and I think you should know who I am, right? It's quite embarrassing to meet for the first time, so I won't say much about the greetings. We will talk to you later when you arrive on Earth. chat."

Su Yue looked at Odin, his body shape and appearance suddenly changed, and in an instant, he had become Odin's appearance.

Turning around, pushing the door, Su Yue walked out of the room.

As soon as he came out of the room, Loki's figure appeared at the other end of the magnificent corridor.

Loki, who was holding the spear of eternity, seemed to be ready to come and see Odin's situation. When he saw Su Yue, no, after seeing Odin wake up, his expression was startled, and then he walked over quickly.

Coming to Odin, Loki stopped.

He looked at Odin with a complicated expression. He has always regarded Odin as his father and his role model, but...

Now that he is awake, he will definitely be punished for what he has done. He does not want to argue, but thinks about what to do.

Now there are two paths, either admit the mistake and accept the punishment, or escape from Asgard.

As for killing Odin while he was still weak when he just woke up? Loki didn't have this idea at all.

"You..." Loki hesitated for a moment to speak.

But Su Yue shouted in a deep voice, "Kneel down!"


This sentence of kneeling made Loki's rebellious psychology burst into a burst. He stabbed his neck and roared: "I did nothing wrong, why should I let..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted again.

Su Yue stretched out his hand, and the spear of eternity in Loki's hand flew into Su Yue's hand with a whistle.

Looking down at the Spear of Eternity, Su Yue felt that it was really not easy for Loki to call him daddy. Even though Odin was already asleep, the ban on the Spear of Eternity seemed to have weakened. In fact, changing his setting ratio Changed Thor's Hammer to cost more.


Su Yue held the spear of eternity and slammed it heavily on the ground, expressionless, and looked at Loki without any fluctuations in his eyes.

"I already know what you did. You planned to kill Laufey and let the Destroyer go to Earth to hunt down Sol. Do you really think you did nothing wrong?"

"Kneel down!"

The long-standing majesty makes Loki a little guilty. After all, the current Loki is not the one who has become the villain and deprived Odin of his divine power and exiled him to the earth.

What he is doing now can only be described as a sense of inequality caused by Odin's partiality and anger after discovering his life experience, of course, his yearning for the throne and his disdain for Thor.

He doesn't think Thor can become a qualified king, that's why he is so obsessed with the throne of Asgard.

Looking at each other, Loki knelt down on one knee even though he was indignant.

Looking at Loki kneeling down, Su Yue wondered how to get him to call him Dad. After all, at this moment, Loki already knew his own background, and he suspected that Odin had another purpose in adopting him, so he would definitely not call him King Father when he usually called him. It's just a name without any other meaning, he has to be called Dad.

Chapter 0389 Rocky called Daddy

"Alas..." Su Yue suddenly sighed and slowly came to Loki.

This exclamation was full of emotion.

There is regret, remorse, and helplessness.

Loki, who was originally indignant, froze when he heard this sigh, and then he felt a big hand on his head, the kind of stroking that made Loki's nose a little sore, and suddenly recalled the time when he was a child. Scene by scene.

Emotions gradually overwhelmed anger.

"I know you won't believe what I say now, but I still hope you can understand that in my heart I have regarded you as a real son. You were born to be a king, but this king is not the Asgar you grew up familiar with Germany, so you'd think I'm partial to Saul."


Why should I only be the king of Jotunheim? Even if I am a frost giant, but I grew up in Asgard, why did I leave? Why can't I be king of Asgard?

The aggrieved Loki looked up to ask questions, but as soon as he looked up, he saw Odin's face full of apology and remorse.

At that moment, all the questioning words turned into one word: "Father..."

"Loki, my child, don't call me King Father again. While I was sleeping, while you were chasing Thor with the Destroyer, I discovered that Earth has a more expressive name for father and son. Later, Just call me dad, it's your name for me."

"What has happened cannot be undone, but I hope that in the future, as a father, I can make you feel fatherly love!"


All Loki asked for was approval, but the same fair fatherly love and care as Thor. Although he couldn't understand why the title father could better express his father's affection, at this moment, he really felt that this title belonged to him. Let him overtake Saul.

Finally, there is one thing that he has, but Sol doesn't have; finally... Father's partiality is towards him instead of Thor.

"Call again."


"Call again."


"Call again..."

Such an abnormal situation made Loki, who was moved, finally realize that something was wrong. He had doubts, he calmed down, and his IQ regained the high ground.

After the father has done so many things, will he really forgive himself like this? And not only did he forgive himself, he even implicitly admitted his mistakes, and he deliberately changed the name of the earth into his own exclusive name?

Is this really what your father would do?

Although Loki sometimes feels that his father is getting old and confused, but he is not so confused, is he? Not to mention abnormally let himself call Dad several times in a row.

He got up and stepped back, Loki stared at Odin and scrutinized it carefully. His appearance is correct, and it is not illusion magic, and he can be recognized by the eternal spear, it seems that he should be his father.

However, the suspicion in the bottom of his heart is getting stronger and stronger. He is inherently suspicious and cunning. He is used to using illusions to deceive people. Once he has doubts, it is difficult to convince himself to believe it.

"You're not my father...Bah, you're not my father, who are you!" Loki swung his arms, and instantly held two short daggers in his hands, pointing directly at Su Yue.

"Did you react so quickly? It's a pity, I haven't heard enough." Su Yue said a pity, but a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Then, the appearance changed.

"It's you!"

"You dare to lie to me by turning into his appearance, you are doomed!" Seeing Su Yue, who had changed back to his appearance, Loki immediately rushed over with a dagger in a fury.

In the beginning, Su Yue summoned Ruiwen to make her look like Odin to tease Loki, but the plan is not as fast as it is to change, and the feeling of going into battle in person is more exciting! Of course, he didn't expect to really deceive Loki. After all, Loki was just playing with his brain. If it weren't for various factors that made him not think too much, it would not be so easy to deceive him to call him Dad. The big fool is fine.

Looking at the two daggers, Su Yue turned a blind eye, his arm passed through the daggers and grabbed Loki's neck directly.

"Uh..." Loki's expression froze, his wrist turned, and the dagger suddenly slashed at Su Yue's arm.



A crisp collision sounded, sparks splashed slightly, and Su Yue's arm was unharmed.

Loki's eyes widened in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that Su Yue's defense was so amazing. "I...I won't let you go, I swear..."

"Oh, leave this to your deity to tell me." Su Yue responded lightly, using his fingers hard.


Loki exploded like a balloon in an instant, and then a little bit of starlight swayed and disappeared completely.

Illusionary avatar.

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