This is the magic that Loki is best at and uses the most.

The only downside is that there is no entity, so in the movie Sol will throw things to identify it.

I have to say, Loki is really cunning.

When did he use the illusion avatar? Just when he said I won't let you go, I swear.

Because before that, if it was an illusion avatar, it would be impossible for Su Yue to grab his neck; after that, he would be crushed, so the time to replace it with an illusion avatar can only be at that moment. The choice is accurate.

However, Loki's illusion avatar couldn't deceive Su Yue, and he could already feel the change at the moment of replacement.

Anyway, I called him so many times just now. It would be too cruel to press him to death. After all, he is also his 'son'. Besides, Su Yue also wanted to see what tricks and methods Loki had in the future.

If not, then throw him off the Rainbow Bridge.

Well, in this way, he can ensure that he can hug Thanos' thigh according to the original trajectory, and then he can lead the Chitarians to invade the earth and trigger the Battle of New York.

If the Battle of New York doesn't happen, how can we increase the popularity of Dimension Street? How to take the opportunity to acquire more land to expand Dimension Street?

The character design has already been established, and it would be too cheap to directly **** and **** it.

The most important thing is that once you become black, the number of tourists on Dimension Street will definitely be affected, which is not good for Suyue!

To put it simply, Su Yue can do whatever he wants, he can act recklessly at certain times, he can not be the Virgin, but he can't be the villain, especially the one who fights to the end.

Of course, he can also use the transcendence's transcendence energy to modify the settings to solve these problems, but this also consumes energy. Since he can use the 'prophet' to easily solve the problem and gain benefits, why waste energy? Besides... waste of energy can't be forced.

Chapter 0390 Loki looking for mom?

Loki, who had turned around and was about to run away, stumbled when he heard Su Yue's words. He actually found out that he had used an illusion avatar before he started?

Why is this guy so strong? ! ! !

Loki glanced back and took a leisurely look. Su Yue, who was not about to chase after him, snorted coldly, and then ran out of the corridor as fast as he could, shouting for the guards as he ran.


Since Su Yue easily destroyed the Destroyer, Loki has already recognized his strength and the gap between himself and him, so he didn't expect to be able to kill Su Yue alone.

Was Loki angry just now that Su Yue was playing tricks on him and called him daddy?

Of course angry!

But even when he was angry, even when he swung to the charge, he didn't completely lose his calm and thought he could win. In other words, from the time Su Yue revealed his original appearance, Loki had already planned a plan to retreat.

The guards who heard Loki's shouts came one after another. Although the upper-level people, such as Heldham, Sif and others knew what Loki had done, they didn't know anything about guarding these low-level people. , so the order of the nominal king of Asgard at present, they naturally cannot take it lightly.

It didn't take long for the news of the intruder to spread, and a large number of guards and soldiers rushed over.

"Loki, what happened?" Just when Loki was about to gather more troops, a graceful, very temperamental middle-aged woman walked over.

Days later, Frigga.

Thor's biological mother, Loki's adoptive mother, is also the person Loki really cares about!

If Loki and Thor's brotherhood was gradually cultivated after falling in love and killing each other, then Frigga was the mother he cared about most from beginning to end.

In Thor 2, Loki was locked in a dungeon and gleefully watched the invasion of the dark elves, and even fanned the flames. But when Thor told him that Frigga had sacrificed and was killed by the leader of the dark elite, although Loki did not show a transitional sadness, he compromised with Sol and the starting point of dealing with the dark elves together was definitely not for himself.

Although he returned to his old ways after the incident, it was also after revenge.

"Someone invaded Asgard." Loki said quickly.

"Who is it?"

"An earthling, Su Yue of Dimension Street," said Loki.

Frigga's expression changed slightly. She knew better than Loki what kind of person Su Yue was in Dimension Street. Odin once told her that Su Yue was on the same level as the Supreme Mage Gu.

Such a character invades Asgard during Odin's sleep, who can resist? Frigga also knew about Loki's mobilization of Destroyer to Dimension Street before, but it was only after the fact. Now it seems that Su Yue may have come to the door because of this.

Odin was asleep, she would naturally come forward this day. Thinking of this, Frigga gently touched Loki's forehead, and then her expression suddenly became strange.

Su Yue turned into Odin and made Loki kneel and call him father? This... This is not something that a person of his identity would do. It can't be said that the price is low, but it can only be said that it is unexpected. After all, the higher the identity, the more stable it is.

Just imagine making Odin or Gu Yi look like someone else and making people call him Dad, the characters will be broken into pieces!

But if it was Su Yue, Frigga wouldn't think he was unstable, it was just a bit ironic.

Odin is the king of Asgard, Gu Yi is the supreme mage of Kama Taj, and Su Yue is the lord of Dimension Street. In terms of strength and identity, the three are actually similar, but as a latecomer, as a self-made Su Yue It's normal for Yue to be less rigid and serious than Odin and Gu Yi.

Er, this means that Frigga doesn't know Gu Yi that well, and has not dealt much with Gu Yi, otherwise she would know that Gu Yi's character is definitely not that old-fashioned and serious...

"If Su Yue really wants to do something, those guards can't stop him. His target should be you. You... go do your work first. I'll see him." Frigg said to Loki. , ready to meet Su Yue.

Loki hesitated. He knew that Frigga meant to hide himself. Although he really wanted to hide, Frigga made him feel embarrassed by saying this, very much like proving himself.

In itself, he did so many things just to prove himself, especially in front of the only one that made him feel good to himself, Frigga.


A loud noise suddenly came from the direction of the corridor, the ground trembled, the palace shook, and then the gunpowder smoke from the collapse slowly floated out.

In the smoke of gunpowder, Su Yue was walking, and behind him lay countless Asgard guards.

"That's it? The way you won't let me go is to find a bunch of useless cannon fodder and... your mother? Tsk tsk... I always thought you were better than Sol, but I didn't expect you to go home and find your mother after losing. "

Su Yue came to Frigga and Loki, shook his head and joked about Loki, and then nodded slightly to Frigga. "Hello, Frigga, the queen of the sky, I met for the first time. I am the lord of Dimension Street, Su Yue."

"Lord Su Yue." Frigg also nodded slightly.

In any case, Frigga is the queen of Asgard and a great mother, and a polite greeting is due.

Even if it is an enemy, even if it is a villain, it does not mean that they are all impolite and rude characters.

Besides, Su Yue is not yet a villain.

It was Loki who provoked first and killed first. It was normal for him to retaliate.

"I'm the king of Asgard now, Su Yue, don't find the wrong person." Of course, Loki couldn't bear this kind of ridicule, and immediately took the initiative to confront Su Yue.

"The adults are talking, the children don't interrupt!"

Su Yue waved his arm, and the spear of eternity immediately sent out an energy beam that slammed into Loki's body.


Loki fell to the ground and flew out quickly.

Frigga hurriedly turned her head to look at Loki, and was relieved to find that Loki was only slightly injured, then turned back to look at the eternal spear in Su Yue's hand, and said solemnly: "Lord Su Yue, the eternal spear is not belongs to you."

"Wrong, goddess, you got one thing wrong. It's not that the gun of eternity doesn't belong to me, it's that I don't want it. Otherwise, even if Odin wakes up now and the gun is in my hand, he won't be able to take it away!"

Su Yue shook his head and threw the spear of eternity at Frigga. The speed is not fast, and there is no aggressiveness. After Frigga caught it, he was stunned for a while. It seemed that Su Yue would really return this artifact that represented his status and had powerful power.

Chapter 0391 Frigga's apology and Loki thrown off the Rainbow Bridge

Frigg looked down at the spear of eternity, raised her head a moment later, and said solemnly to Su Yue, "I already know what Loki did, if you don't think I am not qualified, I am willing to represent Loki, Asgard apologizes to you, after all... I am Loki's mother and Asgard's queen."

Frigga put down the spear of eternity, solemnly sorted out her instrument, then dignified and solemnly bent down slightly and lowered her head. "I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive Loki's arrogance and recklessness. You can make any request. On behalf of Asgard, I would like to sincerely hope to obtain your understanding."


Loki shouted angrily. Although he struggled to get up, his eyes and expressions were extremely angry and hideous.

"Shut up." Frigg reprimanded and looked at Su Yue sincerely.

I have to say, Frigga is very wise!

Dimension Street Su Yue, his strength and identity are the same as Odin and Gu Yi, but the difference is that he has no scruples.

Frigga heard that Gu Yi had approached him when Dimension Street had not yet developed. As a result, he fought with Gu Yi for a while. Gu Yi even took away Kama Taj's sacred time gem by Su Yue. , Gu Yi had to compromise and gave up being his enemy.

What Loki did in Dimension Street can be big or small. In the small, he did not cause too serious consequences, and the lessons have passed. But in the big case, Loki represents Asgard, and he is provocative. Su-Yue can also be understood as Asgard provoking Su-Yue. As forces of equal status, this kind of provocation can easily lead to war, especially when Odin is sleeping and Asgard is in civil strife.

So Frigga chose to back down and apologize. At this time, it would be unwise to provoke Su Yue and last Yuan Street.

Moreover, Odin originally placed Thor's Hammer on Dimension Street, and his original intention was to hope that Thor could grow up in Dimension Street. After Thor inherits the throne, the relationship between Asgard and Dimension Street will become closer. It is also the arrangement that Odin made for Thor and for Asgard.

To sum up, the situation mentioned above makes it even more impossible for Frigg to tear up with Su Yue.

"I accept your apology, but you don't have to make amends, and you don't have to worry about what I will do to Asgard. Loki is Loki, and Asgard is Asgard. clear."

Frigga's attitude made Su Yue feel embarrassed to take the opportunity to attack. Of course, he didn't plan to take the opportunity to do anything to Asgard.

Frigga didn't feel relieved when she heard Su Yue's words, instead she snorted. Although Asgard will not be implicated, Su Yue said this, which means that he will not easily forgive Loki.

"Although Loki is not my biological son, he is still my son, still the son of Odin." Frigg said, "As a mother, I am willing to take care of Loki's affairs together."

Loki struggled to get up and snorted. "I don't admit it's your son. I'm a frost giant, not an Asgardian! My business, you don't need to meddle in your business!"

"Loki..." Frigg looked at Loki with pity, she knew that Loki said this to prevent himself from taking responsibility for him.

Loki didn't even look at Frigga, and staggered to Su Yue. "I admit that I lost. I'm not your opponent. If you want to kill me, just do it, but you want me, Loki, to bow to you? Impossible!"

He proudly raised his head without flinching in his eyes.

It has to be said that once a cunning person goes out of his way, he is more likely to die than an ordinary person.

"I don't need you to bow your head." Su Yue raised his hand and grabbed Loki's neck directly, then picked him up with one arm.

Turning around, Su Yue carried Loki and walked in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge.

"Su Yue!"

Seeing that Su Yue grabbed Loki and didn't know what to do, as a mother, Frigga finally couldn't help but pick up the spear of eternity and swung it towards Su Yue suddenly.


There was lightning and thunder, and a lightning-like energy beam immediately blasted towards Su Yue.

Su Yue kept walking and dragged Loki back.


This blow hit Loki instantly, and Loki screamed, his body twitching in pain.

Frigga was startled and did not dare to use the spear of eternity any more, so she could only quickly chase after him, hoping to save Loki.

However, as soon as she caught up, she felt a powerful shock wave coming over, and Frigga, who was caught off guard, was instantly shocked and stepped back a few steps.

Su Yue carried Loki out of Asgard, and the surrounding guards and Asgardians were shocked when they saw this.

Who is this person? He dared to invade Asgard and even captured Loki, what did he want to do?

Due to Loki's sake, the guards did not dare to take action, so they could only follow step by step.

Soon, the Rainbow Bridge is here!

The colorful bridge is suspended in mid-air. The long bridge connects Asgard and the Rainbow Bridge teleportation array. Standing in the middle of the Rainbow Bridge, Su Yue turns his head and glances at the guards and Frigga who follow him, the corner of his mouth slightly. Young.

With his arms sticking out, Loki, who was strangled by his neck, hung in the air outside the Rainbow Bridge. His hands tightly grasped Su Yue's wrist, and he had already guessed what Su Yue wanted to do.

He actually wanted to throw himself off the Rainbow Bridge!

No one knows what will happen if you fall off the Rainbow Bridge, will you die? It will still be teleported somewhere, because no one fell off the Rainbow Bridge at all, and no one fell and came back.

"If I apologize to you now, will it be too late?" Loki glanced at the bottomless Rainbow Bridge, and smiled at Su Yue.

Su Yue smiled in agreement. "That's too late."

After speaking, he loosened his fingers, Loki's expression froze, his body instantly fell, and in a blink of an eye... he disappeared.

"Loki..." Frigga knelt on the edge of the Rainbow Bridge and cried out in grief to her son who had disappeared from sight.

For Frigga and Asgardians, Loki who fell off the Rainbow Bridge was no different from dying. Only Su Yue and Loki knew that falling off would not kill him!

Yes, Loki knew that too.

How did he know?

Of course Su Yue told him!

Just when Su Yue said it was too late and let go, Su Yue's words sounded in Loki's mind.

"Find Thanos and lead the Qitarians to invade the earth. If you don't come... the ends of the earth, at the end of time, I will kill you!"

Because of these words, Loki's expression was not panic, but stunned when he fell.

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