"That... I think you are too anxious, maybe you can ask Su Yue what happened first." Phil Coulson rubbed his sore neck and said tentatively.

Sif turned to look at the hotel, and soon saw Su Yue smiling in front of the floor-to-ceiling window: "This guy... what did he do?"

"I'll ask."

Sif said and turned back to the hotel.

"what have you done?"

Back at the hotel, Sif asked Su Yue straight to the point.

Su Yue smiled and said, "I didn't do anything. Didn't I teach Loki a lesson, and then Odin woke up and was not satisfied with what I did, so I broke the Rainbow Bridge before I came back."

"What? You, you broke the Rainbow Bridge?" Sif was shocked.

Su Yue said disapprovingly: "Don't make such a fuss, it's not like it can't be repaired if the bridge is broken. It's okay to repair the Rainbow Bridge with Odin's ability, but it may take a little longer. By the way, do you still want this room?"

"What do you think?" Sif looked at Su Yue resentfully.

Since they can't go back to Asgard, they must continue to stay on Earth. He doesn't know if Sol will live in Dimension Street. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely provide accommodation, but I... left.

She has no relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D., and she has no feelings for S.H.I.E.L.D. It was nothing to follow Thor to S.H.I.E.L.D. in special circumstances. Now she doesn't know how long she will stay on Earth, she prefers to stay in Dimension Street.

Chapter 0394 Draw and Summon

Sif told Sol and the three warriors of Asgard that Su Yue had broken the Rainbow Bridge. When they heard that the Rainbow Bridge had been broken, they were all shocked.

That is the Rainbow Bridge. It can be said to be one of the representative features of Asgard. It was actually broken by Su Yue?

Once there is no rainbow bridge, Asgard's dominance in the nine kingdoms will decline. After all, although the nine kingdoms are a whole, it is not easy to communicate with each other. If Asgard does not have a rainbow bridge, it means that Since there is no way to deal with the situation of the major countries in a timely manner, the nine major countries... I am afraid that chaos will start.

Sol is in a hurry. His younger brother Loki was thrown off the Rainbow Bridge and his life and death are unknown. His father just woke up from a deep sleep, and he and Sif and other Asgards are stranded on Earth. If there is real turmoil in the Nine Kingdoms Garde has no immediate combat power to judge.

what to do?

We must hurry back to Asgard as soon as possible!

Sol originally wanted to go to Su Yue. Even without the Rainbow Bridge, Su Yue could travel freely between Asgard and the Earth, but in the end, Sol still did not go to Su Yue, but went temporarily with Phil Coulson. SHIELD.

The reason why he didn't go to Su Yue is not because he can't save face, nor because he is afraid of being humiliated and rejected, but because he has not recovered his divine power! Without divine power, without Thor's Hammer, what if he returned to Asgard?

Sol and the three warriors of Asgard went to S.H.I.E.L.D., while Sif stayed in Dimension Street. Although she was penniless, Su Yue took care of her in terms of food and accommodation. Of course, Sif is not the kind of person who eats free food. She will temporarily join the **** team during her stay in Dimension Street, and maintain the order of Dimension Street with other members of the **** team.

Although Sif temporarily stayed on Dimension Street, Su Yue didn't take this opportunity to capture her completely, and she didn't even mention the bet of calling her father, as if it was deliberately dismissed.

In fact, it's not that Su Yue is not interested in Sif, it's just that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. What he wants is to let Sif stay in Dimension Street completely, so in fact, no matter what he does now, he can only capture her heart, not stay. her people.

So let's just go with the flow, maybe this kind of 'ignorance' can make Sif's feelings for himself stronger. This is also a push-pull tactic in the relationship between men and women. Nothing to lose.

In the following period of time, the popularity of Asgardians has subsided. Although there are still an endless stream of people in Dimension Street, it is much less than before.

Su Yue took advantage of this free time to sort out some situations in Dimension Street.

First of all, the sales effect of the residential area is very hot, and it has basically been sold out soon after the sale. Even the housing prices of the residential area near the Dimension Street have risen by a lot.

Just the residential area can steadily provide nearly 1,500 dimensional points every day, in other words, it is equivalent to more than 1,500 people.

Secondly, there are various shops, restaurants, and movie theaters, which can have two or three thousand people every day. Especially the movie theater, although it has not been open for a long time, it is a movie theater in Dimension Street after all. Even if the movie played is no different from the movie theater outside, it still has a certain popularity bonus.

The person in charge of the cinema is Mary Jane. Although Mary Jane is not young and has no work experience, the title of the person in charge of the Dimension Street Cinema is enough to make Mary Jane's work go very smoothly.

Many of the movies that are about to be released have their screenings and premieres held in the theaters of Dimension Street, and even in order to get a good time, they all take the initiative to take pictures of Mary Jane.

Finally, there are other overall passenger flows in Dimension Street. It can be seen from the daily increase in dimension points, the number is very considerable.

A few days ago, the daily passenger flow was basically around 40,000 to 50,000 people. Even if there is a slight decline now, the daily passenger flow can be guaranteed to be more than 30,000 people. The Sea Animal Museum was overcrowded almost all the time, and finally had to be temporarily changed to be open 24 hours a day.

Chrysanthemum went downstairs, and Yile Ramen was so busy that it even had to change shifts to eat. Fortunately, it was located in Dimension Street. Even if the guests were dissatisfied for some reason, no one dared to make trouble here.

In Dimension Street, you can almost see the guards within sight!

In addition, there is the hospital area, which is also a place with many people and can provide a large number of dimension points.

To sum up, Su Yue can now get about 40,000 dimensional points every day. If this trend continues, the level of Dimension Street, which was originally far away, is just around the corner.

Dimension point is a good thing, it can not only be used to upgrade the level of Dimension Street, but also draw lottery and summon; In addition, Su Yue also discovered that Dimension Point is actually transcendental energy, but these transcendence energy is stored in the Dimension Street system, he You can directly transform the dimensional point into your own body and turn it into transcendent energy.

And with the promotion and expansion of transcendental energy, the ability to achieve what you want will be stronger.


"The lottery is over."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining an expansion ticket for the upper limit of dimensional summoned creatures, and the upper limit of dimensional summoned creatures is +10."

Su Yue had been pondering the matter of increasing the upper limit of summoned creatures some time ago. Just after exercising, he was in the time of sage, so he made it happen.

Open the system panel, the original dimension summoned creature bar: 40/40, now it has become 40/50, which means that he can continue to summon now.

But right now, he is not someone he is eager to summon. or? Summon one at random?

Since knowing that he is a primitive transcendence and can summon accurately, Su Yue has not summoned randomly like before. Although precision summoning is very convenient, it lacks the sense of expectation of random summoning.

In the past, every time he was summoned, Su Yue would look forward to it and be very curious, because he didn't know who was summoned!

"You go downstairs to take a shower first, I want to meet someone." Su Yue turned around and said something to Stephanie Malik beside him.

Stephanie Malik has not seen Su Yue for some time. She has been busy with the family and the hive this time. This time she felt that things had changed, so she came to Su Yue for help, but she hadn't had time to speak. .

Stephanie Malik found her clothes, got up and went down to the attic. Su Yue leaned against the bedside and began to summon.


"The call is over."

"Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional world..."

Chapter 0395 Wonder Woman: Diana Prince


"The call is over."

"Congratulations to the host for summoning the dimensional creature in the dimensional world "Wonder Woman": Diana Prince."

Diana Prince is also better known by another name, Wonder Woman.

Su Yue did not expect that the random summoning on his whim would call Wonder Woman directly. Looking at Wonder Woman wearing the standard Amazonian costume of Paradise Island in front of him, a sentence appeared in his mind: From the neck down, everything is leg!

This sentence is definitely tailor-made for Wonder Woman!

Looking at the people around him, whether they are summoned or not, they have a lot of fine legs, but if they really want to compete, Su Yue thinks that Wonder Woman has won!

He has long hair tied back in a ponytail, wearing a golden leather armor, a cloth skirt of the same color, metal wrist guards and leather handguards on his small arms, and a pair of leather boots.

It can be seen from the dress that Diana Prince was summoned before she left Paradise Island and became Wonder Woman.

To put it simply, the current Diana Prince still doesn't know that people's hearts are sinister, and has never even seen a man, she is as pure as a blank sheet of paper.

"Where is this place? Who are you? Why did I suddenly appear here?" Diana Prince asked three times in a row, surprised but not panicked.

Her clear eyes looked curiously at the environment and layout of the attic, and finally settled on Su Yue.

"You... seem a little different." Diana Prince looked at Su Yue and blinked curiously.

Su Yue got up without a word, and told Diana Prince what was different with facts.

Diana Prince looked at Su Yue and was stunned.

"You... are you a man?" Diana Prince asked in surprise.

Under normal circumstances, girls have two reactions when they encounter such a situation. One is the old driver, who is not afraid, but may take the initiative to drive; the other is the novice, who is in a hurry and doesn't know how to deal with it.

But Diana Prince's reaction was not these two. It felt as if he had seen some new species, and he kept his eyes fixed with curiosity, not even blinking.

"Yes, I'm a man." Su Yue turned around and put on her clothes, looked at Diana Prince who had been staring at her, and walked in front of her.

Diana Prince looked at Su Yue who was close at hand and didn't move until Su Yue raised her finger and seemed to want to touch her, then she leaned back slightly and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Answer to your question just now." Su Yue smiled and stretched out his hand, and tapped Diana Prince's forehead.

Immediately afterwards, the psychic ability packaged the Dimension Street and her own situation and sent it to her mind.

For a moment, Diana Prince's expression froze. Immediately afterwards, she frowned: "So I'm your slave now?"

"You can say that!"

"I don't accept it!" Diana Prince looked at Su Yue seriously and said, "I'm an Amazonian, I'm Princess Diana of Paradise Island, I can't be your slave, I want to fight with you!"

After speaking, Diana Prince crossed her arms and made a gesture of starting.

Then...the punishment of God's law came.

The twitching sensation spread all over the body instantly, Diana Prince's expression changed, and she fell to her knees with a painful groan.

The uncontrollable convulsions and the indescribable pain made Diana Prince's handsome face turn hideous. She raised her head and stared at Su Yue in resignation, gritted her teeth and insisted on fighting against the convulsions.


Diana Prince fell heavily to the ground.

She gritted her teeth, put her hands on the ground and tried to struggle to get up, but just as she stood up, she fell down again.

Get up, fall down, get up, fall down... Obviously Diana Prince has no physical strength, she is sweating profusely and is in great pain, but she is tenacious and has no intention of giving up or giving up.

This is the princess of Amazon, this is Wonder Woman!

Su Yue admired her very much, whether it was her appearance, character, or strength. But he won't open up to her just because of this appreciation.

Everyone who is summoned has to face the law of God. Some people have no thoughts of leaving or harming themselves, so they will not be punished; some people change after experiencing the punishment of God's law. Be obedient and obedient, and don't dare to violate anything.

Su Yue can cancel the law of God. With his current strength and power, he does not need the protection of the law of God, but he will not cancel it. He is not the kind of violent character, and he can't just show up when there is nothing wrong. If there is no God's law, how can the summoned person become obedient and obedient in the first place, and become consciously abide by the rules?

God's law is the giant axe hanging over their heads, and they won't let them get carried away just because of their kindness!

Everyone has to face the law of God, and Diana Prince is no exception, and should even be heavier.

From a bystander's point of view, Su Yue really admires Diana Prince, but from the perspective of a dimensional lord, Diana Prince's character and actions are not necessarily worthy of appreciation.

Diana Prince is kind, righteous, and independent at the same time, so if she decides to do something, she will do it. Although Su Yue doesn't care about other people's private affairs at all except love, Diana Prince's character is prone to conflict with his demands, so she must first establish her three views and let her clarify her identity , and then say something else.

This is a protracted battle!

"What's the matter?" After a while, Stephanie Malik came up after taking a shower.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Diana Prince lying on the ground and twitching in pain, Stephanie Malik asked curiously.

Su Yue shook his head: "It's nothing, I'm just boiling the eagle."


Stephanie Malik answered and didn't ask any more questions. After coming to Su Yue's side, she started talking about business.

"The beehive has become more and more excessive recently. Not only did he make my father invest a lot of money to build the laboratory, but he also got more and more hands. My father has been completely controlled by him, and even I wanted to use the family's resources. Rejection. Moreover, Hive is faintly revealing the idea of ​​wanting to control the aliens under your command, I... I am a little afraid to face him, I am afraid that he will make demands like me, if I do not agree... He... He might kill me."

Chapter 0386 Demigods? Unblocking Divine Power? It's useless, you still have to lie down!

"You mean he will make a request to use you to control the aliens under my command?" Su Yue asked.

Stephanie Malik nodded: "Yes, I think he didn't do anything to me before because he knew the relationship between me and you. If there is no such relationship, it is very likely that I have disappeared in this place without knowing it. world."

Since the hive was brought back to Earth, he has been keeping a low profile. To be precise, he has been keeping a low profile since he was taught a lesson by himself.

Of course, Su Yue knew that he would not keep a low profile all the time. After all, he finally returned to Earth, but such a low-key life could not satisfy his ambitions.

He was just waiting, waiting until he had absolute certainty to make a move.

Stephanie Malik has basically lived in Dimension Street since she taught the hive last time, but he is a member of the Malik family after all, whether it is business or intersection, or because of her father Gideon Malik , it is inevitable to go home, and naturally, it is inevitable to encounter the hive.

So Stephanie Malik is very clear that the progress of the hive is not going well. Before, she finally found a foreigner Giella, but after the transformation, she was killed because of a conflict with Su Yue.

Although Hive wants to use the experiment to turn humans into aliens, it is unknown when this experiment will be successful and whether it will be successful, so he needs ready-made combat power and needs help.

Alien, of course, is his only choice. At present, almost all known aliens on earth are in Dimension Street. If the hive wants people, it can only dig the corner of Dimension Street. At the same time, after persuading him to surrender, he can also shade Su Yue.

This is Stephanie Malik's guess, but it's pretty much the same.

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