Either give up the unification of the world, or they can only be enemies with Su Yue. Under the premise that Hive is unwilling to give up the world, what he can do is already obvious.

"What do you want to do?" Su Yue agreed with Stephanie Malik's guess that if she didn't have this relationship with herself, she would really be killed by the hive.

Because of the original plot, Hive killed his daughter Stephanie Malik in front of Gideon Malik, who was a staunch fan of Hive at the time.

Stephanie Malik took a deep breath and said slowly: "I want to be the ruler of the Malik family! I know that I have no value with you, and the reason why I can stay on Dimension Street is because I am your woman, and At some point, the Malik family connection can be used to provide some convenience."

"I am willing to dedicate the rest of my life, body, soul, faith... I just hope you can help me solve the hive, save my father's life, and let me take over the Malik family. I promise, everything I have is yours , as long as you need the Malik family, I will dedicate everything of the Malik family to you without hesitation!"

Stephanie Malik thought very clearly that if Su Yue refused to take action, Hive would not hesitate to kill his father once he felt that his father was worthless. Then he couldn't help but lose his father's life and everything in the Malik family would be too. into the hands of the hive.

Anyway, I have no other choice but to follow Su Yue wholeheartedly. In this case, it is better for the Malik family to become part of Dimension Street than to fall into the hands of Hive!

And there's not necessarily a greater benefit to doing so. The development of the Malik family has reached a bottleneck, and it is difficult to improve. At the same time, the Malik family has also become a thorn in the eyes of many people. Once a situation occurs, someone will definitely fall into the trap.

If the Malik family integrates into the Dimension Street and becomes a part of the Dimension Street, although the Malik family may disappear because of this, the benefits they can get will be more and greater.

"You go to the Blood Queen and say it's my order to let her kill the hive with you."

"I'm going right now!" Stephanie Malik nodded slightly to Su Yue in excitement, then turned and left to find the Blood Queen.

The strength of the hive is not weak, and it can also parasitize. If others go, it may not be able to be done once and for all. The blood queen, a female magician, is enough to smash the hive to ashes and completely solve it.

After Stephanie Malik left, Su Yue looked at Diana Prince again.

Maybe it's a bit inappropriate to describe it, but at this moment, Su Yue felt like she was an octopus washed up on the shore. She was dying and could only keep twisting, hoping to return to the sea.

As for why it is hairtail, you should taste it carefully.

"You have two choices now, one: to get rid of the thought of you wanting to leave and want to do something with me, and the twitching feeling will naturally disappear. Two: continue to stand firm, but as long as your thoughts don't disappear, the twitching feeling will never disappear. Although you are a demigod and your physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, under the punishment of convulsions, you just persist for a little longer, and the final result will not make any difference."

Diana Prince reluctantly snorted as an answer, she no longer had the strength to speak, and even... she had begun to feel that her brain had already produced a sense of dizziness and collapse.

It won't take long, maybe he will faint, maybe... he will die!

"I appreciate your persistence."

Su Yue wanted to know how long Diana Prince could last, so he didn't go anywhere, just stayed in the attic to observe Diana Prince.

As time passed by, Diana Prince's twitches still refused, but the reaction of her will had become very weak.


Just when Su Yue thought that Diana Prince would faint, her wrist braces suddenly lit up, and the dazzling light enveloped Diana Prince, and her body suddenly emitted a powerful force. strength.

Is this the divine power that Diana Prince had previously sealed by the bracers? Although Diana is only a demigod, her regular performance is only great strength, high defense, quick response, and a feeling of a female version of Superman.

But in fact, she has magical powers.

It's just that the divine power may not be that strong, and it is usually sealed. If she is not a demigod, if she has no divine power, how could she defeat Ares, the **** of war, in the movie?

Although the unblocked divine power had restored Diana Prince's physical strength and spirit, her eyes lit up, she held her hands on the ground, bowed her body, and propped her body up with her knees against the ground, trying to stand up.


Diana Prince fell down again.

"Don't say you are a demigod, even if you are a true god, you have to lie down obediently under the punishment of God's laws."

The law of God can be described in one sentence: it is a dragon, you have to cross it, you are a tiger and you lie down.

No matter who you are, you have to lie down honestly!

Chapter 0387 Tough Diana and the Dead Hive and the Malick Family

Diana Prince's perseverance and tenacity made Su Yue a little impressed. She thought she would compromise with reality even when she was powerless to unblock the divine power. Unexpectedly, she gritted her teeth and still refused to bow her head.

Time goes by.

Diana Prince finally couldn't take it anymore and fainted. Su Yue didn't think this was the end, and the facts proved it.

When she woke up, she had no intention of taking the opportunity to compromise, and the twitches found her again.

This is a competition of faith and willpower!

Even though Diana Prince's fate was doomed from the moment she was summoned, she still chose to fight, although... she knew that she could not win at all.

Fainting... waking up... fainting again... waking up again... this cycle seems to have no end at all.

Su Yue left the attic and went to the underground vault. He first called Diana Prince over and locked him in the cell, and then called Claire over to follow the situation of Diana Prince. She said a word and put her in charge of guarding Diana Prince's situation.

Isn't it just to endure, let's see who can endure who!

One day can't take two days, two days can't take one month, and one month can't take one year. Su Yue doesn't believe that Diana Prince can endure the pain endlessly and live in pain.

After explaining it properly, Su Yue came out of the underground vault to prepare to go back to the inn, but after walking a few steps, he saw the blood queen oncoming.

The Blood Queen, still wearing that cool long dress, came to Su Yue and bowed to her on one knee. She raised her head and said, "Master, I have already done what you explained."

It has been more than ten hours since Stephanie Malik left. With the blood queen's ability, it doesn't take much time to kill a hive without much defense.

Speaking of which, there are decent and villains in the people he summons, but the one with the most lethality and the most cruel and vicious methods should be the Blood Queen. However, the performance of the Blood Queen on Dimension Street was impeccable. Although some tourists were afraid to contact her due to her gloomy aura, she never did anything against Su Yue's orders or did anything out of the ordinary.

"Tell me." Su Yue raised his hand to signal her to get up.

The Blood Queen stood up in response, and then talked about the details.

The story is actually very simple. After Stephanie Malik found the Blood Queen and said the mission, the two went to the laboratory at Hive Lane, which happened to be Gideon Malik at the time.

After the meeting, there was no nonsense. The blood queen directly shot and killed the hive with her dark blood magic. Although the hive tried to resist and counterattack, they were not a system at all. His methods were useless to the blood queen, and the blood queen means, he could not resist at all.

There is no chance of parasitism, and the hive is already dead.

Is the hive weak?

In fact, this guy is not weak at all. As the first Inhuman, he has crushing strength against any powerful Inhumans. In the face of ordinary people, even Kree people, he has the possibility of defeating them.

Unfortunately, he faced the Blood Queen.

Don't look at the few opportunities for the Blood Queen to take action, but she is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. Dark blood magic is not a joke, but she has the strength to destroy a world and a civilization!

After the hive was settled, the Blood Queen did not leave immediately, but did not return to Dimension Street until Stephanie Malik told Gideon Malik to inherit the family, and Gideon Malik agreed.

Outside, her identity represents Dimension Street. Before coming, Stephanie Malik also told her that she was going to inherit the family, so the Blood Queen had to know the final result before returning to her life.

Of course, it was also for Gideon Malik to dispel some undeserved thoughts.

"You did a good job, let's go back and rest." Su Yue patted the Queen of Blood on the shoulder and praised, and then went back to the inn.

Not killing Hive was for the property and connections of the Malik family. Originally, it was planned to wait for Hive to kill Gideon Malik, but now that Stephanie Malik has taken the initiative, there is no need to wait any longer. .

The death of the hive was just a trivial matter for Su Yue, the Malik family... After Stephanie settles down, she will naturally come back to report the situation, so Su Yue pondered what to do next.

There are only a few things that need to be paid attention to at the moment. The hand meeting that Ruiwen and the conventional combat operations team are responsible for, and the subsequent acquisition of the Roxon company, and then, it seems that there is no special priority.

Whether it is the high-speed rail project or the development projects in Jiyuan Street, these do not require Su Yue to intervene, as long as they provide funds.

On Loki's side, he shouldn't hug Thanos' thighs so quickly. It is estimated that the Battle of New York will take a year at the earliest.

The development of the Fantastic Four Space Station is going well. Susan also came back a few days ago. After returning, she will report to Pepper Potts about the space station, so she didn't talk to Su Yue much. . And there is no news from Doctor Doom, which means that neither the Silver Glider nor the Planet Devourer has appeared.

Everything in Travel to Busan and the world of black-robed pickets is normal, and they are developing step by step.

There shouldn't be any big business in Green Arrow Universe, and since he just came back from there, Su Yue has no thoughts of the past for the time being.

After thinking about it, Su Yue actually had a feeling that he had nothing to do.

"Or... find a mutant world to play with? Quan should be on vacation, doing things by the way, and recruiting a few subordinates. After Loki brings the Chitauri to Earth, he will be able to have more opportunities for himself. More can be arranged by manpower.”

"X-Men movie series? Or TV series?"

Su Yue thought about it for a while, and thought it would be better to go to the TV series first, which is the world of extraordinary talents and the world of the North Star Lorna Dane.

For the movie series, the time point of the 'first battle' must be the first choice, but Queen Bai is now in charge of the world in Busan, and Rui Wen is impersonating Mrs. Gao and can't get away in a short time.

Although Lorna Dane is also traveling the world in Busan, but there are plenty of people there, and even if she is not there, it will not matter much in terms of combat power. Call her back, and then take the spirit disc to go around the world of extraordinary talent. Not bad.

After all, the situation of mutants in a world with extraordinary talents is no better than that of the movie series, or even worse, and... there are also many good-looking young ladies, which fits his needs for vacations, doing things, and recruiting people.

Chapter 0388 Cowardly Hands


"The lottery is over."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dimension Pass (X-Men: First World War)."


Su Yue's expression was a little weird. He had already planned to go to the world of "unusually gifted", but before accurately extracting the dimensional pass of the world of "unusually gifted", he had itchy hands and came to a random lottery.

As a result, as soon as he sent it into his soul, he actually got the dimensional pass of 'X-Men: The First World War'. Does this mean that he wants to change his plan?

Su Yue thought for a while, temporarily closed the system panel, and did not rush to notify Lorna Dane to come back, but went to Daisy Johnson and Ferry Heaty first.

He was going to ask how the situation on Rui Wen's side was going, if he could spare some time, or how soon would it be over. If it's convenient for Rui Wen, I will study and let the White Queen temporarily leave the world of Busan Travel for a while, and go to the world of "X-Men: First World War" together.

With this question, Su Yue realized that he underestimated Rui Wen and the others.

After Ruiwen impersonated Mrs. Gao, she immediately planned to trap Mrs. Gao's men. Jesse, the speeder, plus the assassins in the regular combat action team, Jingzhao, Thea Quinn, Mia Smoke, The Frost Killer, the Black Siren, and the support of Daisy Johnson and Ferry Heidi easily eliminated Mrs. Gao's power.

Mrs. Gao's subordinates died and scattered, and all the bases for making and selling that stuff were also destroyed in one fell swoop.

If it's just that, it doesn't matter, but while they collected and transferred Mrs. Gao's funds, they contacted other people in the Hand Union according to Su Yue's request, and dug the hole again on the grounds of asking for help.

The first pit is Murakami and his apprentice Yoshioka Nobuyoshi, who worked closely with Mrs. Gao in the Five Fingers of the Hand. They never thought that Mrs. Gao was a fake. After Mrs. Gao said that she was targeted by people in Dimension Street, they agreed to help, and then... they were trapped alive in the trap designed by Rui Wen and the others.

Because of the collapse of Mrs. Gao's power and Murakami's death, the three remaining leaders of the Hand Association naturally noticed it. The leaders of the five, Alexandra and Sowanda, felt that they should avoid the edge for a while. After all, Dimension Street is not good. The behemoths they provoked, but what they couldn't figure out was why Dimension Street suddenly found them!

Then, Daisy Johnson and Ferry Heidi discovered that the blogger appeared in Dimension Street, which is Colleen Wen's gym. He came to ask Colleen Wen about the situation, and wanted to learn from Colleen Wen's side. Understand the origin of the grievances between Dimension Street and the Hand, but unfortunately Colleen Wen has no idea.

Afterwards, Botu encountered a conventional combat team not long after he left Dimension Street. Although Botu is from Kunlun, although he is good at kung fu and kendo, but after the Frost Killer froze his legs, the black sea monster stunned his ears with sound waves, his internal organs were cracked, and he was shot into a sieve by Thea and Mia. , and finally... was shocked by a sword and owl head.

To be honest, this is bullying.

Bo Tu's strength is really not weak, even if a few heroes among the defenders are singled out, they may not be his opponents. Even if there are many people, he is sure to retreat. Unfortunately, what he encountered was the combat action team of Dimension Street.

To attack and attack, to have long-range and long-range, to control and control, swarming up and rushing in unison, under such circumstances, it is strange that the bloggers can escape from birth.

In just a few days, the combat operations team and the network intelligence and R&D department cooperated and directly eliminated three of the five fingers of the Hand.

Now there are only Alexandra and Sowanda left in the Hand Society. They had already wanted to retreat. After the death of Bo Tuo, they dared not to show up. They almost withdrew their forces and retreated into hiding. At the same time, they did not forget to warn Mrs. Gao that it is best to keep a low profile for a while before thinking about revenge.

Well, Rui Wen's transformation and acting skills are really good, so far they haven't suspected that Mrs. Gao is a fake.

In addition, because of Bo Tu's death, they finally 'understood' why Dimension Street was targeting them, because a female apprentice of Bo Tu opened a gym in Dimension Street, and most of the students trained in the gym have been absorbed by Bo Tu. In the Hand Association, so... it must be that Dimension Street discovered the problem of the gym, discovered the relationship between the female apprentice and the Bo Tu, and thus knew that the Bo Tu was the head of the Hand Association, and then triggered the Dimension Street against the Hand Association.

Alexandra and Sowanda, who think they know the truth, can be said to hate the bloggers. This time, not only did the leaders of the one-handed union lose two, but the power and finances of their subordinates suffered heavy losses. It is no exaggeration to describe it!

In a few years, there is no way to slow down.

The Hand Association definitely hates Shangyuan Street and Suyue, but unfortunately, they have no choice but to retreat temporarily.

When Su Yue came, they were discussing whether to slow down, let Mrs. Gao hide first, digest the "legacy", or simply deal with Alexandra and Sowanda, and completely eliminate the Hand Society.

The former may take longer, but as long as Rui Wen is not exposed, the 'booty' can be obtained more, and the hand will be eliminated more thoroughly. The latter, it can save time and complete the task given to them by Su Yue as soon as possible. This is also their first task, and they also hope to complete it earlier.

"Let's put the task aside for a while, anyway, the troubles on the Rand Group's side have been resolved, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the agreement to Joey Meacham. I am going to go to Ruiwen's world, anyway, 'Mrs. Gao' needs Keep a low profile for a while, let Ruiwen come back first, you continue to monitor Alexandra and Sowanda, and digest the previous spoils by the way."

Now that the Hand Association has been seriously damaged and will not come out for trouble in a short time, Su Yue plans to take Ruiwen to the world of 'X-Men: First Class' to play, and the spoils should be almost digested after returning. Now, just to solve the remaining two people, and then start the layout of Roxon Company.

Feili Hitty notified Rui Wen at Su Yue's request, and not long after, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the room.

Jesse came back with Raven.

Su Yue took out the trans-temporal teleporter and contacted the White Queen in Busan Travel World, and asked about their situation. Knowing that the development was going well, she asked her to bring Lorna Dane back first.

When the two of them came back, they naturally had to send someone to replace them temporarily. As for the candidates, it was Susan and Jesse.

Needless to say, Jesse's Speed ​​Force is very useful. Susan has now acquired the ability that she should have, and her mind is enough to deal with the stall over there.

〇⑥[X-Men] "X-Men: First Class"

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