Chapter 0389 X-Men: The First Battle

Early morning.

The sun is shining and the wind is bright.

Those homeless homeless people sleeping on the streets of Dimension Street have woken up one after another. They first cleaned up their surroundings, and then cleaned up their personal hygiene. Then they should leave Dimension Street to go to work and clean in Dimension Street. Hygienic cleaning.

With the development of Dimension Street and the number of tourists, environmental sanitation has become a big problem.

Dimension Street did not specifically hire a cleaner who specializes in cleaning, but gave the job to a homeless person who performed well, so that they could also have a good income and get rid of the predicament of homelessness. At the same time, their money is basically consumed in Dimension Street, in other words, it is returned to the hands of Dimension Street.

In the attic of the Dimension Inn, Su Yue first sent away Susan and Jesse who were going to Busan Travel World, and then took the Mystical Woman Ruiwen, the White Queen, the North Star Lorna Dane and the spirit disc to open the dimension door in the wardrobe. , traveled to the world of 'X-Men: First Class'.

The mutants summoned by Dimension Street are only four of them. Since they are going to the mutant world, they are naturally brought along.

Speaking of which, the four of them happened to make up the Four Horsemen.

They are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, how can they be called the Four Horsemen of the Dimension?

And in terms of strength, it should be stronger than the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are: Magneto, Storm, Spirit Disk, and Angel. There is no need to compare the spirit disc. She is one of the four knights. Polaris can replace Magneto, although she may be weaker than the Magneto strengthened by the apocalypse. Ruiwen and the White Queen must be stronger than Storm and Angel, right?

Time and space move, the scenery changes.

Su Yue brought the Four Horsemen of the Dimension to the world of 'X-Men: The First World War'. The time at this time was 1962.

What was 1962 like?

At first glance, the buildings I saw were very old, the people on the street were dressed in 'retro', and the cars driving on the road were called 'classic cars' for them, and there were not many, far from it. There is no such busy scene that they saw when they were in Dimension Street.

"This is your world? It looks... very ancient." Lorna Dane looked around and sighed.

Her world, that is, the gifted world, was in 2017. The time line was later than Dimension Street, and it was at least fifty years later than the current world, so the discomfort and freshness of returning to the past The feeling is still strong.

In comparison, Ling Die's reaction was much better. After all, it wasn't too late for her to live!

"It's a little uncomfortable to come back suddenly." Queen White said with a chuckle.

She has been to Dimension Street for a long time, and she has also been in the world of Busan for a long time. She has been used to modernization and suddenly returned to fifty or sixty years ago. It is really not suitable for her, or she has a very weak memory of this era. .

The White Queen was summoned to Dimension Street by Su Yue before following Black Emperor Xiao, so she doesn't really know much about her own world, and her memory... Naturally, it's not too deep.

She had already handed over her belonging to Su Yue and Dimension Street. If it wasn't for Su Yue to come to this world, the White Queen would not even want to come back and have a look.

Among the four people, it is Rui Wen who is more suitable for this era. After all, Rui Wen just left this world not long ago, and then participated in the task of dealing with the hand union, and has not yet had too much understanding and integration into the world of Dimension Street, so In her heart, the world is still her 'home'.

"What are we going to do this time?" Queen White turned her head and asked Su Yue about her mission this time.

"Don't worry, let's find a place to settle down and talk slowly."

"Give it to me."

Rui Wen took the initiative to invite Ying, and it didn't take long before she found out that there was a high-end hotel nearby with a good environment.

The group went to the hotel and opened a suite under the surprised and envious eyes of the hotel bar. As for the room fee?

The White Queen can solve it with one psychic ability.

After staying in the world of Busan for a long time, the White Queen has become accustomed to only accepting money and not paying.

The space of the suite is very large, and the layout and environment are also trendy and high-end in this era.

Ling Die found the coffee provided by the hotel and made a few cups. Then everyone sat on the sofa together and listened to Su Yue talking about this mission.

"Before I talk about this mission, let me talk about the general situation of this world and what will happen in the future."

Su Yue drank coffee and slowly narrated the 'movie plot' again, without leaving the White Queen and Rui Wen, the two pros and cons of the heroine.

The plot of the first battle is simply that Magneto wanted to seek revenge for the murderer of his mother, Hei Huang Xiao, and Hei Huang Xiao led the White Queen and several other mutants to run the Hellfire Club, and controlled the high-level military to try to trigger a war. , profit from it.

After the CIA agent Maura Marktag discovered it in the Hellfire Club, he found Professor X, Charles Xavier and Riven, who had published papers on genetic variants, and invited them to join a special department, and found hidden in this special department. The mutant beasts, then they prepare for the crisis that Shaw may bring.

And in the process, they met Magneto who was going to assassinate Xiao. Then Magneto joined, and they began to look for new mutants to join. As a result, they were taught a lesson by Xiao, and a mutant Darwin died.

In the end, Professor X, Magneto led the X-Men to solve Xiao and solve the missile crisis, but Professor X was paralyzed because of this, and Magneto turned against him and led Xiao's men and Ruiwen to part ways with Professor X.

"Now let's talk about the mission and purpose of this time. Simply put, it's three things. Vacation, doing things, and recruiting people. You don't need to talk about vacation. You can relax as you like. As for doing things, because this world is still in the future. There will be other events, and there will be other mutants, such as spirit discs, so I am going to run a dimensional street here, laying long lines and catching big fish according to the method of the Green Arrow universe."

"Professor X and Magneto are both suitable, I prefer Magneto."

"In terms of recruiting people, a beast and a red devil are the main targets. One of them has a smart mind and the other has the ability to teleport, which is very valuable."

Chapter 0390 The Embarrassment of Charles

So far, several dimensional worlds that can be freely traversed have fixed bases.

The holiday island in the world of the deadly two-headed shark, the factory of the black-robed picket team, the harvesting wealth of the trip to Busan, the aerospace project of the Fantastic Four, the dimension street of the Green Arrow universe, the characteristics of each dimension world are different, the development of The focus is also different.

In terms of the value and potential of the dimensional world, the X-Men world is no less than the Green Arrow universe, and it can even be said to be higher!


Because the mutants in the X-Men world are in a very bad situation, the mutants' yearning for a peaceful life under the sun is unimaginable for ordinary humans, and Ruiwen is the best example.

As long as it develops properly, let alone wealth, mutants in the entire world can become the instant combat power of Dimension Street!

What are the benefits of having a group or race of mutants? Even without an example, just thinking about this might be enough to make people happy.

At present, the timeline of the X-Men World is still relatively early, including Professor X, Magneto and others, but with the development of the timeline, the booster baby Apocalypse will be launched, Quicksilver, Phoenix Qin, Cyclops, Storm, Li Qianhuan , Nightcrawler and others will appear one after another, and then there will be a steady stream of mutants becoming the fighting force of Dimension Street!

Cultivate a force to operate Dimension Street. As long as the signboard is launched and managed properly, it can withstand the attacks of those anti-mutant forces, and can have a peaceful and comfortable living environment, then there will be countless mutants. .

The leaders of the two mutants, Professor X and Magneto, are the best choices. Under normal circumstances, it is more appropriate to choose Professor X. First of all, Professor X wants to let mutants and humans coexist peacefully, and there is Ruiwen. If you choose Professor X, it is likely to develop Dimension Street into a replica of X Academy.

But Su Yue didn't like Professor X's idea very much. He longed for peace and worked hard to coexist. There was nothing wrong with coexistence, but blindly giving in, blindly compromising and seeking perfection would not bring peace and equality, but would make the other party more reckless.

Peace is not negotiated, nor is it allowed, it is fought!

In this regard, Magneto's approach is very much in line with Su Yue's appetite. Putting aside the idea of ​​letting mutants rule the world, just his strong approach is enough to make those who have evil intentions afraid. Once they are afraid, they will not dare to. Take action easily.

Magneto made the stadium rise as soon as he disagreed, and in the later stage, he became the king of enclosure, and directly made an island exclusively for mutants.

The results of it?

Even if Lao Wan's temper is no longer so hot, even if Lao Wan has already washed his hands in a golden pot and retired, those people still dare not treat Magneto or the mutants on the island easily.

The only thing that is a bit tricky is that Magneto is not the kind of subservient character, and it may take some effort to conquer Magneto.

Fortunately, the current Magneto is not Magneto, just a fledgling boy who wants revenge. It shouldn't be too difficult to conquer him.

"Rui Wen, do you want to go back and see Charles?" Su Yue turned around and asked Rui Wen.

Rui Wen said: "Think, he should be very worried about my sudden disappearance. However, I will listen to the master's arrangement."

Su Yue looked at the White Queen and said, "You can accompany Rui Wen for a trip. What you can say and what you can't say is up to you. Charles' mental ability is very strong. Be careful not to let him spy on your and Rui Wen's memories."

"In addition, you can also pay attention to where it is suitable to become Dimension Street."


"Thank you, master."

Queen White and Rui Wen stood up to respond, and immediately Rui Wen, who couldn't wait, left with Queen White.

"What about us? What do we do?" Seeing that they had already left on a mission, Polaris and Ling Die couldn't help asking Su Yue.


Su Yue chuckled and got up. "The two of them belong to this era, so this era is not attractive to them. What about you? Don't you want to have a good experience of this era? Although the task is to be done, it is not in a hurry. Let's enjoy it first. era."

It's easy for Ruiwen and the White Queen to find Charles, and it's not difficult to find the Hellfire Club, but it's not so easy for the vast crowd to find Magneto. Anyway, it won't take long for Magneto to appear, so why waste time looking for it?

Besides, how can I give him hope without letting Magneto experience the despair of failing revenge?

There are two flowers, one for each.

Not to mention that Su Yue took Polaris and Ling Die to hang out and relax on vacation, and that Rui Wen and the White Queen found Charles.

Charles' residence.

Charles heard the doorbell and came to the door to open the door. He was stunned when he saw Ruiwen smiling brightly outside.

"Ruiwen? You're finally back, where have you been before? Why did you suddenly disappear without saying hello? I thought something happened to you, do you know that I'm going crazy looking for you? "

After being overjoyed, Charles subconsciously asked and blamed him. His feelings for Rui Wen were very real, and it could be said that he regarded Rui Wen as his own sister. After Rui Wen 'disappeared', he really went crazy looking for her.

On the one hand, he was worried about whether Rui Wen would be in danger, and whether her identity was discovered and taken away; on the other hand, he was also wondering if he had done something wrong that made Rui Wen angry or sad to leave home gone.

In short, Charles was not happy during this time.

"Honey, I seem to hear the doorbell ringing, is someone here?" Just as Rui Wen was about to explain, a somewhat lazy female voice rang from inside, and then, a blond girl in a men's shirt came out .

This is what you said, you're going crazy looking for me?

Is this just unhappy?

The joy on Rui Wen's face faded, and she questioned Charles with her eyes.

Charles' face blushed slightly embarrassedly. He didn't know how to explain it embarrassingly, so he could only introduce them to each other.

"This is Rui Wen, my sister, this..." Charles only found the White Queen beside Rui Wen, his tone suddenly stagnant.

"Emma." The White Queen said.

"This is Emma, ​​who should be my sister's new friend." Charles turned to look at the blonde girl in the shirt and wanted to introduce Ruiwen and the White Queen, but he opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

He...forgot the name of this blond girl.

This is very embarrassing.

Chapter 0391 White Queen VSX Professor

Although Charles was embarrassed to death, he was as steady as an old dog on the surface. He pretended to cough, and directly used his mental ability to figure out the other person's name, and then introduced it in a natural tone.

"My sister is back, we have something to say, can you..." Charles looked at the blonde girl apologetically.

(Blonde girl: Don't I deserve to have a name?)

"I'll go up and change clothes." The blonde girl said understandingly, and turned around and went upstairs.

Not long after, the blonde girl who changed her clothes greeted them, told Charles to go back and contact them, and then left.

In the living room, Charles took a few glasses of water and put them on the table. He sat on the single sofa and watched Rui Wen and the strange White Queen.

The joy of the heavy farewell faded a little, and the embarrassment of being bumped into the face gradually subsided. He began to wonder where Rui Wen had been during this time, who this woman named Emma was, and did she know Rui Wen's special abilities and skills. identity?

Apart from herself, Ruiwen has never made friends since she was a child, and she has never invited anyone to come to the house, but now she came back with this Emma, ​​what is the reason?

Will Rui Wen be deceived?

Charles calmly looked at the White Queen with her own aura, and his spiritual ability was activated quietly.

He wants to be responsible for Rui Wen, and he must find out who this woman named Emma is and whether she has any purpose for Rui Wen.


Charles felt as if his psychic power had hit a wall, and he couldn't invade the opponent's brain at all.

This change made Charles stunned. It was the first time he had encountered such a situation since he had this ability.

Your own spiritual ability has actually failed?

Surprised, Charles pretended to be natural and adjusted his sitting posture, put his fingers on his temples, concentrated and focused and released his ability again.

Others may not know it, but Ruiwen is very aware of Charles's small movements when using his abilities. She glanced at the white queen with a calm expression, and did not remind Charles with a slightly raised mouth.

In the past, she hated Charles' ability, and she couldn't hide what she wanted from him. Even if he promised him not to peep at her memory without her permission, she still hated it.

Or you can say, envy.

Because Charles' ability has no impact on his appearance or life, he can live as freely as an ordinary person, and even provide a lot of convenience. And myself...

But now Ruiwen doesn't have this kind of envy anymore, because she found the life she wanted in Dimension Street, and the ability to hate before has also played an unexpected value and role.

She was affirmed!


The White Queen put down the water glass, and the water glass collided with the table and made a soft sound. Charles put his hand down, frowned, and looked at the White Queen solemnly.

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