Su Yue asked curiously, "Why?"

The White Queen looked down at Su Yue, shook her head slightly without explanation.

Chapter 0394 Hellfire Club

Although Queen White did not explain the reason, Su Yue understood the reason after thinking about it!

Now, the White Queen is her own.

If she thinks Hei Huangxiao is good, first of all she can be sure that she will be unhappy because of it. Although this kind of goodness is not the kind between men and women, in the original trajectory, the person that the White Queen followed was Heihuangxiao, and now she is again I think Hei Huangxiao is good, so whether or not the White Queen chooses to follow Hei Huangxiao, this is a taboo thing.

It will definitely affect the White Queen's status in his heart.

Secondly, if the White Queen had moved her mind and unconsciously had the idea of ​​betrayal, the law of God is no joke.

Since she came to Dimension Street, her fate has been doomed. The only person she can follow is Su Yue.

Therefore, the best solution is to kill Hei Huangxiao, so that she will neither displease herself nor allow her to fall into the abyss.

Su Yue, who wanted to understand various reasons, had to admit that the White Queen's character was indeed decisive and her mind was very clear. She is truly a natural second-in-command!

Su Yue smiled lightly, and asked with interest, "What if you don't think he is very good?"

"You shouldn't have the idea of ​​conquering him, right? His value is to be a stepping stone on Dimension Street and help us achieve the goal we want to achieve. So, isn't his end already doomed."

The White Queen paused and continued: "His only value to me is to satisfy my curiosity, and I don't want him to affect our relationship. I am very satisfied with my current life, and I am also satisfied with my future life. I am looking forward to it, anything that may affect all of this is the enemy I have to deal with!"

"I'm afraid, you have to deal with me first." Su Yue chuckled lightly.

The White Queen was stunned: "Why?"

"Because I want to do something that will affect our current relationship." Su Yue sat up, half-smile, and looked at Queen White with burning eyes.

The White Queen chuckled softly. "You smell of alcohol."

"wait for me."

Su Yue laughed, got up and went upstairs.


The change in temperament after Queen White's confession of her intentions and Su Yue's further progress is still obvious. Although she has the aura of a superior, at this time, she has a special temperament that is indescribable. It makes people feel like they can't look directly and can't help but be fascinated by it.

The others woke up one after another. Even if they didn't see or hear it, they could guess what happened when they saw the change in the White Queen's temperament.

After eating and resting for a while, Su Yue asked them to pack up their things and prepare to drive away to the Hellfire Club.

Although the journey is a bit long, I am not in a hurry, so this journey should be regarded as a road trip.

Walk and play, stop and enjoy the scenery when you encounter a beautiful place, stop by for a picnic and a skewer, and stop for a night when you encounter a small town or motel with a good environment.

Stop and go like this, it took five days to reach the city where the Hellfire Club is located.

First opened a suite in a nearby high-end hotel, and after a short rest, had something to eat to learn about the local situation. It was not until night fell and the noisy nightlife began that Su Yue brought the 'Four Horsemen' to Hellfire club.

Entering the Hellfire Club, the first thing that catches your eye is a downward arc staircase, followed by a bustling scene.

There are separate booths with curtains on both sides of the club, and there are several gaming tables with different gameplays in the hall. Around the gaming tables, there are many loud gamblers and hot girls dressed in cool clothes.

From time to time, there are club waiters dressed in cool clothes, walking through the crowd with trays in their hands, offering free drinks.

All in all, this is a rich man's paradise!

Su Yue took the four knights down the stairs and quickly attracted countless attention.

First of all, Su Yue's skin color is rare. In this era, on this occasion, yellow skin is still relatively rare.

Secondly, he brought four girls alone, and these four girls are first-class in terms of appearance, body, temperament, and they are also different and have their own characteristics, which is more eye-catching and makes People are envious and jealous.

Ignoring the gazes of the wolves, Su Yue led the four knights to an empty booth inside.

After being seated, Su Yue ordered some wine and snacks from the waiter who came with him. After the waiter left, he leaned back slightly on the booth and stretched his arms, holding the White Queen on the left and Polaris on the right. , asked in a low voice with a smile: "How do you feel about this place?"

"In terms of this era, this place is already very high-end and luxurious. I just looked at the memory of the waiter. If nothing else, the income of the club is quite good." The White Queen said casually.

"It's really upscale here." Mystical girl Ruiwen nodded in agreement.

As for Spirit Disc and Polaris, they didn't express their opinion.

"The person we want to see doesn't seem to be there." Ling Die looked around and didn't see the existence of the suspected target, so she couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Although she had never seen Hei Huang Xiao and his subordinates, Red Devil and Torrent, but in her time, these 'old seniors' were still well-known to a certain extent, especially Ling Die originally did the underground trading of mutants. The news is naturally better than others.

"No... they are."

Su Yue shook his head slightly, raised his chin and pointed to the door of the club.

Everyone looked curiously, and saw a group of beauties in very cool clothes coming in one after another. Among them, a woman who was obviously different from the others was holding a middle-aged man in a suit.

"Have you seen that man? He is Colonel Hendry." Su Yue said softly with a slightly raised corner of his mouth. "He must be here to meet Hei Huangxiao. Hei Huangxiao and others should be in the dark room of the club. By the way, have you seen the woman holding him? If we follow the original trajectory, the person who plays that role It's you."

The White Queen glanced at the woman's clothes and pouted noncommittally.

Su Yue actually didn't expect it to be so coincidental. He came to the Hellfire Club for the first time and caught up with the plot without specifically wanting to participate in the plot.

If I remember correctly, Agent Mora would soon disguise himself among these women, and then wait for an opportunity to sneak into the dark room, discover the transaction between Hei Huang Xiao and Hendry, and also discover the mutant abilities of Hei Huang Xiao and others. .

Chapter 0395 Agent Mora

These women from the Hellfire Club are basically in good condition. They are dressed cooler than when they were at home. It can be said at a glance how they look.

The purpose or work of these women here is to hang out with the guests of the club. On the one hand, they can heat up the atmosphere and on the other hand, they can also make the guests feel at home.

As a man, you naturally have to show off when you win money. You need to be surrounded by beautiful women who are flattering and flattering.

As the beauties who came in were selected and dispersed, Su Yue saw Agent Mora who finally came down the stairs.

Agent Mora had shoulder-length short and medium hair, and was dressed in equally cool black. There was no suspicion among these women at all. The only thing that was a little inconsistent was the look in her eyes.

The eyes of other women are looking for big money, looking for Kaizi, and they will take action soon after they find the target. And although she was also looking around and seemed to be looking for someone, it was obvious that she was not looking for a big money or a good child. Her gaze swept across the man and didn't stop at all.

"That agent?" The White Queen noticed that Su Yue's eyes were on Moura, and she quickly remembered the 'plot' that Su Yue had said before.

Su Yue smiled and nodded, watching a woman in front of Mora walking towards him.

Obviously, this woman belongs to his deck.

The curtains of the booths in front were drawn as the women entered. This is probably a VIP service, right? After all, the consumption of the deck is not low, and some special treatment is normal.

This woman came to the booth and looked at the situation inside and was stunned for a while. It seemed that she did not expect that a man from Su Yue would bring four women.

"I'm sorry, go find someone else, I want her." Su Yue politely declined the woman, and then pointed to Mora, who had declined invitations from several people.

Mora has locked her target, at the booth not far from the booth of Suyue. Before, the woman who replaced the White Queen brought Hendry into that booth.

"Sorry, I've already been reserved by Colonel Hendry." Mora heard the voice and turned her head to Su Yue with an apologetic expression, then walked to Hendry's booth.

"Do you need me to let her over?" Queen White asked Su Yue in a low voice.

Su Yue smiled and said, "No, I'll just go there."

Having said that, Su Yue got up and walked to the booth where Mora entered.

She opened the curtain, and there was only Moura in the booth. Moura seemed to be looking for a mechanism. The curtain was suddenly pulled open, which shocked her.

"As I said, I have already been booked by Colonel Hendry." Seeing Su Yue coming in, Mora said perfunctorily, hoping that he could leave soon.

Su Yue lowered the curtain and sat down opposite her, and said with a smile, "Are all CIA agents working so hard now? Not only do they have to come to the club for a part-time job, but also accompany the military colonel? You say, if this news spreads out Will you be investigated?"


Mora's eyes widened in surprise, her expression was solemn, and she stared at Su Yue sharply: "I don't understand what you are saying, I warn you, you'd better leave immediately, or wait for Colonel Hendry to come over and let him see You're harassing his girlfriend, and he won't let you go."

"Come on, if he comes over, the first person who won't let go is you!" Su Yue shrugged disapprovingly, and joked with a smile: "Relax, I just want you to accompany me for a drink, I don't want to expose it. Your identity or undermining the meaning of your mission. In fact, I can help you do it more safely."

Mora frowned and asked cautiously, "Who are you!"

"My name is Su Yue."

"Which part do you belong to? Why do you know my identity? Do you know what mission I'm on?" Mora asked in a low voice.

"Instead of wasting time checking my identity, it's better to hurry up and complete your task. After all... the good show is about to start."

Su Yue suddenly got up and came to Mora's side, followed by the activation of the magnetic field ability to find the mechanism.

Before Mora could react, she felt that the deck suddenly moved and turned clockwise. With the rotation of the deck, a hidden space appeared on the original wall.

This is a study room.

Mora glanced at Su Yue in surprise, then walked into the study lightly and quickly looked at it.

This is a closed study, there is no one in the study, so obviously, this study is just a disguise, there must be a dark room.

While watching Mora looking for the mechanism, Su Yue used his telepathy to sense the situation in the dark room behind the bookshelf.

There are a total of five people in the dark room, namely Black Emperor Xiao, Torrent, Red Devil, Hendry who just entered, and the woman who led the way.

Without the White Queen, Black Emperor Xiao's plan doesn't seem to be greatly affected, but... he may not know that there is a mutant ability like telepathy in this world, so he didn't prepare a helmet at all, which means that they have Psychic mutants are defenseless!

This can't be done. There is no White Queen, and there is no helmet that can isolate psychic power. If the Black Emperor Xiao faces Charles, wouldn't he have no resistance at all?

In this way, it would be very easy for Charles to capture Hei Huang Xiao, and Magneto would have one more option for revenge.

"Looks like I have to find a chance to remind you!" Su Yue muttered secretly, got up and walked to the dark room where he had discovered, and was lying in front of the crevice of the bookshelf and peeking beside Moura inside.

In the dark, the communication between Black Emperor Xiao and Hendry was not smooth. Hei Huang Xiao wanted him to deploy firepower in a place that might cause a nuclear war, but Hendry did not agree.

Then, Black Emperor Xiao gestured to the torrent beside him.

Torrent's real name is Arno Jahn. Its mutant ability is that it can create tornadoes and rotate itself at high speed, which can easily destroy large vehicles and buildings such as submarines and planes.

On the palm of the rapids, a group of small hurricanes spun rapidly. After the rapids escaped, the small hurricane blew in front of Hendry.


The terrified Hendry was instantly swept up by the hurricane, and after a few laps in the air, he slammed against the wall and fell.

Chapter 0396 A glass of wine, a question!

Moura, who was in front of the bookshelf, was startled when she saw this scene, and her body instinctively retreated and hit Su Yue. She glanced at Su Yue in a stunned manner, then took a few deep breaths secretly, held her breath and looked again.

"Surprised, right? This is the plan of human genes." Black Emperor Xiao said proudly in front of Hendry, then turned to the woman who replaced the White Queen and asked, "Where is the devil Asazor?"

The Asazor Devil is the Red Devil.

The woman whistled softly, and with the sound of the whistle, she heard a bang, and a man with a red body, shaking his tail, and a devil-like appearance suddenly appeared beside Hei Huang Xiao.

Even with mental preparation, Maura was still frightened by the Red Devil.

"Don't let the Colonel be late."

Black Emperor Xiao said something to the red devil, and the red devil extended his hand to Hendry.

"Come on," said the red devil.

Colonel Hendry hesitantly stretched out his hand and grabbed the Red Devil's hand, and then a cloud of red mist suddenly appeared and disappeared, and disappeared together... and the Red Devil and Hendry.

Mora gently got up and glanced at Su Yue, then dragged him to the booth to leave. Hendry is gone, and the people inside are likely to come out. If he doesn't leave now, he may not be able to leave in a while.

Mora pulled Su Yue back to the deck, and the deck spun immediately. After stopping, Mora pulled Su Yue's arm and lifted the curtain and walked out.

"I don't care who you are or what purpose you have, I have to leave now." Mora said to Su Yue in a low voice pretending to be calm.

"Notify your boss? It's useless, the code name of the Asazor demon was called the Red Devil just now. His ability is teleportation. Even if you inform your boss now that Hendry is here to meet them, your boss will also Can't believe it, because by the time you contact your boss, Hendry is already where he should be."

"So not only will your words not make your boss pay attention, but they will make him think you're on drugs."

Moura looked at Su Yue in surprise. This mysterious guy seemed to know everything, but he didn't know anything about him. This feeling made Moura very uncomfortable.

"How about a glass of wine?" Su Yue asked with a smile.

Although Mora didn't want to drink with Su Yue, the doubts in her heart were about to explode. What are those people with 'superpowers' who were in it just now? And Hendry, who seems to have something to do with the missile deployment. Failure to figure these out could lead to another major war.

It could even be called the Third World War!

Su Yue took Mora back to his booth. Although the Four Horsemen were a little curious about what happened after Su Yue left and how they brought Mora back, they didn't ask.

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