Polaris moved to the side to make way for Mora. After sitting down, Mora glanced at the 'Four Horsemen' with different looks, and then looked at Su Yue who took out two cups.

The White Queen poured wine into two glasses. Su Yue picked up one of the glasses and gestured to Moura: "One glass is a question. How much you can know depends on your alcohol level."

"They..." Mora picked up the glass with some hesitation.

"They are all my people." Su Yue said with a smile.

Mora hesitated for a moment, then raised her head and drank it.


Putting down the cup, Mora looked at Su Yue and said, "What's going on with those people? Why do they have... superpowers?"

"Mutants, a kind of people who are born with genetic mutations and have super powers. Except for Hendry and the woman, the rest of them are mutants and have super powers."

"Rapid currents can create tornadoes; Red Devils can move instantaneously; as for the mastermind, he is the owner of this club, code-named Black King. During World War II, he used the alias Klaus Schmidt to become a Nazi scientist, The main findings are genetic mutations, or mutants."

"Later, he ran the club under his real name Sebastian Shaw, and gathered mutants Torrent and Red Devil."

"Mutants? Are there really such people in this world? I mean... Are there many such mutants?" Mora took a deep breath and asked again.

Su Yue smiled without saying a word, while the White Queen beside her filled the wine again.

Mora simply drank it and looked at Su Yue with burning eyes.

Su Yue said: "The mutants are produced by human genetic mutation. Although the number of mutants is not many at present, they are not too few to count. In the future, the number of mutants will increase. There are many, but mutants have not completely appeared in the sight of human beings now, many mutants may not know their identities, even if there is a mutation, they will be regarded as an exception."

Mora took the initiative to pick up the wine and filled herself up. After drinking it again, she asked, "What was the purpose of those mutants just now?"

"Hei Huang Xiao's purpose is to rule the world. He hopes that the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States will continue to be at odds with each other in an attempt to provoke a nuclear war. Hendry is just a tool man, and soon he will be silenced because he is worthless. The Cuban Missile Crisis is going to take a while."


Another cup.

Maura resisted her drunkenness and continued to ask, "Do you have any evidence? The kind of evidence that my boss can believe."

"You can go to a doctor named Charles Xavier, who has published papers on genetic mutations. In addition, he is also an extremely powerful mutant, and he has one of the best psychic abilities in the world. I really hope that mutants can coexist with humans, so he will help you deal with the Black Emperor."

The drunken Moura firmly remembered the name Charles Xavier, and finally picked up the few remaining wine bottles and blew on them.


The wine bottle was poured on the table, Mora grabbed Su Yue's arm, endured the feeling that the world was spinning, looked at him with scattered eyes and asked, "Finally, the last question, you, are you a mutant?"

"I'm not a mutant, but... baby, I'm a god!" Su Yue said with a chuckle, Mora was already drunk on his shoulder.

"I thought you would say it's a dimensional lord, or God." The White Queen on the side said with a smile.

Su Yue shook his head: "For people who don't know anything, the dimensional lord can't shock them. As for God? Don't you think this title has gradually become a mantra of people?"

Chapter 0397 White Queen: My ability, is it interesting?

"I drank the wine and saw the people. It's time to go back." Su Yue grabbed Mo La, who was already drunk, and got up, turned his head and explained to the White Queen.

"Don't you want to see Hei Huang Xiao? Just in time, you stay to see him, and by the way, let him see your psychic abilities, so that he won't be dealt with by Charles before we appear."

"it is good."

The White Queen nodded and understood what Su Yue meant.

Su Yue took Mora in his arms, led the other three out of the booth, and left the Hellfire Club.

Ling Die took the lead to leave to get the car, Su Yue activated his psychic abilities, and soon found Mora's colleague in the car across the street, and then let him go straight home.

Ling Die parked the car in front of Su Yue, a few people got in the car, and quickly returned to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Su Yue asked Rui Wen to open a room for Mo La, settled the drunk unconscious Mo La, and then returned to her room to rest.

Su Yue didn't plan to take the opportunity to do anything to the drunk Mora, and he didn't feel relieved to ignore Mora. Don't look at Maura in this movie as just an ordinary person with no ability, but she's not small.

Because of her, the X-Men came to be.

Because of her, the X-Men confronted the Hellfire Club.

It was also because of her that the crisis was finally resolved, and then she became the link between the country and the X-Men, allowing the X-Men to gain identity recognition and opportunities for follow-up development from the very beginning.

Moreover, as a special agent, she is also quite talented in her own role. She is not weak in intelligence reconnaissance or fighting skills, and she has rich experience in performing tasks.

She can become the link between the X-Men and the country, and naturally, she can also become the link between the Dimension Street. In addition, Mora is also related to the Apocalypse incident. It can be said that without her, Apocalypse may continue to sleep.

The words are divided into two parts.

In the Hellfire Club, the White Queen sat in the booth drinking and drinking. Although she was alone, none of the men in the club dared to come up to chat with her. After all, just by looking at the White Queen's aura, she knew that she was not one of those in the club. A woman who can casually strike up a conversation.


The curtain of the booth not far away was pulled from the middle, and the woman who replaced the White Queen and the Black Emperor Xiao walked out of the booth.

The White Queen looked at Hei Huang Xiao with great interest. From the appearance and temperament alone, the White Queen was not so satisfied with him, and even felt sick of seeing him.

Compared with Su Yue, Hei Huang Xiao is far worse!

He is neither as young as Su Yue, nor as handsome as Su Yue, and he can't even compare his stature. The most important thing is his temperament.

Although he disguised well, the White Queen still felt the gloom and coldness.

As for ability?

Then there is no comparison.

Although the White Queen has not yet seen his abilities, Su Yue and Mora just now easily figured out the situation of Hei Huang Xiao, and even reminded him that Hei Huang Xiao needs to pay attention to his mental ability. Come out, he... is too far away!

The White Queen was disappointed, and at the same time... she was also relieved.

The disappointment was because Hei Huangxiao was different from what she imagined. She didn't know why she in the original trajectory would follow Hei Huangxiao? Maybe... the taller one among the dwarfs? Without contrast, there is no harm.

As for the reason for the relief, it was even simpler.

Because she was very disappointed with Hei Huang Xiao, she avoided the possible rift between herself and Su Yue before, and even if she killed him, she would not have any burden.


The White Queen shouted in the direction of Black Emperor Xiao.

Hearing the shouting, Hei Huang Xiao Wensheng looked over and saw the White Queen, who was alone, with a strong aura, slightly stunned, and then walked over with great interest.

No one in this club has dared to treat themselves with such an attitude, and... the appearance of this woman is very unfamiliar.

Hei Huangxiao walked near the booth and wanted to sit down, but the White Queen raised her brows and said coldly, "I didn't invite you to sit down."

Black Emperor Xiao was stunned, but the woman beside him spoke up first.

"Bichi, do you know who you are talking to? You..."

"Shut up!"

Queen White gave her a wicked glance, her voice fell, and the woman seemed to have suddenly lost her language function, and she was suddenly unable to make a sound.

Hei Huang Xiao was startled when he saw this, and then heard the White Queen speak indifferently.

"Kneel down."


The woman knelt on the ground.

"Palm mouth."

The woman raised her hand and fanned herself without hesitation.

The applause was very clear.

Hei Huangxiao did not question or stop the woman from slapping herself, but looked at the White Queen with a little vigilance and surprise.

This woman didn't have any other actions, she controlled his people just by her words.

So, this woman is a mutant like him?

This is the same kind?

So, what exactly is this woman's ability?

The curious Hei Huang Xiao just looked at the white queen who was so restless. The white queen didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with her behavior. She pushed her glass forward, raised her head slightly, and said, "Pour wine."

"Heh...I admit that your presence surprised me. Your ability...seems to be interesting, but..." Hei Huangxiao sneered contemptuously, but his body involuntarily walked over, bent over, and picked up the wine bottle Poured the wine.

"Uh... this... what did you do to me?"

When the wine glass was full, Hei Huang Xiao realized what he had done.

I actually poured her a drink.

This situation of being controlled without warning made Hei Huangxiao instantly nervous and apprehensive. He can absorb and transform and release any form of energy. Based on this alone, his ability is already powerful.

But now his ability has no effect at all. He was controlled in such a daze, and at the mercy of the other party involuntarily, which made him feel a great sense of crisis.

"My ability, is it interesting?"

The White Queen drank the wine that Hei Huang Xiao had filled, and asked him with a half-smile.

Hei Huang Xiao laughed: "It's really interesting, this is the first time I've encountered this situation, I think your purpose of seeing me should not be to humiliate me, or to show me your abilities, right? Sebas Tian Xiao, you can call me Xiao, what's your name?"

"The White Queen."

"The White Queen? I am the Black Emperor, you are the White Queen, it seems that we are very destined..."


Before Hei Huangxiao finished speaking, his hand involuntarily raised and slapped his face fiercely.

"Rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately."

"Once again, the owner of the Hellfire Club will commit suicide." The White Queen stared at him with wicked eyes, and her tone was as cold as winter, which made people shudder.

Chapter 0398 The black emperor who bowed his head and Mora who woke up

Hei Huangxiao's face quickly turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. On the one hand, because of the slap in the face just now, his ability to absorb any energy was not activated at all; on the other hand, he was angry.

With his status and strength today, he was controlled by someone to slap his face, and the other party was still a woman. How could this kind of humiliation make the arrogant Hei Huang Xiao not angry?

However, Hei Huangxiao is not an ordinary person after all. At this time, no one is strong, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Huh..." Hei Huang Xiao let out a long breath to calm himself down. "Tell me, what's your purpose in looking for me?"

The White Queen slowly got up and came to Hei Huang Xiao, and gave him a wicked look: "My master thinks what you have done is not bad, and I don't want you to encounter this situation without precaution, so let me Let me remind you to protect your brain."

After speaking, the White Queen did not give Hei Huang Xiao a chance to ask questions, and left.

Hei Huangxiao watched the figure of the White Queen disappear at the door of the club, and glanced at the woman who had stopped and beat him with a face full of flowers, his face gloomy.

Although he didn't know who this woman named White Queen was and what purpose she had, Hei Huang Xiao could hear two key points from her words before she left.

One: There is a mysterious master behind her. Her ability is already very strong. How strong is the master behind her?

Two; she and the master behind her most likely know her plan and deployment, and want to get what benefits from this plan, so from the starting point, they should be in a line, so this white queen will suddenly appear Be in front of yourself and show your abilities.

No, no, there is another key point.

The White Queen said that his master did not want him to encounter this situation unprepared, and she also reminded herself to protect her brain, that is to say... someone has the same or similar abilities as this White Queen, and this People's positions are opposed to their own, and they are likely to become enemies and sabotage their own plans.

He will definitely find out about the White Queen and the mysterious master behind her. If there is a chance, he will definitely return today's shame to them. But until then, all you have to do is protect your brain.

Although Hei Huang Xiao has never seen psychic abilities before, he is an expert in researching variants after all. Combined with the situation just now, it is easy to think that the white queen's abilities are related to psychic abilities, so his most urgent idea now is to find a solution as soon as possible. How will isolate the mind!


The sky was dark and cloudy.

The light rain fell from the sky, and Mora, who was sleeping, was awakened by the crackling sound of raindrops hitting the window. With sleepy eyes, he opened his eyes with a sleepy look, and it took Moura a few seconds to realize where he was.


Why am I in the hotel?

Shouldn't I be at the Hellfire Club?

After being stunned for a moment, Mora subconsciously lifted the quilt and looked at her clothes. Uh, it's the same outfit I wore last night when I sneaked into the Hellfire Club, it seems... that no one has touched it.

Rubbing the aching head after the hangover, after recalling what happened yesterday, Mora hurriedly got up and used the phone in the room to call her companion.

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