After a while, Maura hung up the phone in shock.

The colleagues who were on the mission with her yesterday didn't even remember that they followed Colonel Hendry to the Hellfire Club. Mora was sure that her memory was fine, and that her colleagues were not joking, so there was only one possibility. , his own memory at the same time may have been tampered with.

Tampering with memory?

If it was before yesterday, Maura would never have thought of this, but after seeing all kinds of mutants, it is normal for her to think so.

Su Yue!

It must have something to do with Su Yue.

After being drunk, Su Yue must have taken him out of the Hellfire Club. It is impossible for his colleagues who have been in the car opposite the club to have not noticed him. If Su Yue wants to reduce trouble or does not want to reveal his identity, he has every reason to tamper with his colleagues' memories.

Su Yue!

We must find Su Yue as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Mora hurriedly looked around the room to see if there was any note or news left by Su Yue. Unfortunately, nothing was found.

Helpless, Maura could only call the front desk of the hotel to ask about the information about this room, and ask if anyone had left her any news. By the way, I would trouble the hotel to buy a set of clothes for herself. After all, she doesn't look like this at all. way out.

As for the issue of money, the big deal is to ask my colleague to help me deliver it.

Maura's question really brought out the news.

"Miss Mora, your friend said that if you wake up, you can go to his room to find him. His room number is..." The front desk replied to the information that Su Yue had reserved before.

Mora went straight out after memorizing the room number.

"Bang bang bang!"

Mora stood in front of the room and knocked on the door hastily. After a while, the door opened. Mora pushed the door directly in, and then closed the door heavily, looking at Su Yue with burning eyes.

"Morning, how was your rest last night?" Su Yue didn't seem to see Mora's scorching gaze, smiled and said hello, turned and walked back to the sofa and sat down.

There are many breakfasts on the coffee table, but it seems that only Su Yue is eating breakfast.

Mora looked around and didn't see the four women who were with him yesterday. Instead, she saw a set of washed and neatly folded clothes on the table next to her. Mora recognized it at a glance, this was the clothes she took off and put in her colleague's car to disguise and sneak into the Hellfire Club.

The stone hammer!

The tampering of his colleague's memory must have something to do with him!

"Do you want to eat?" Su Yue looked up and asked Mora while eating.

Moura could not wait to let Su Yue answer all her doubts, but she calmed down instead. Su Yue is very mysterious, very powerful, and knows a lot of things. At present, he should have no ill will towards him, so instead of being affected by him in a hurry, it is better to calm down and take the initiative.

"I'll take a shower first, let's chat later." Mora picked up the clothes on the table, turned around and went to the bathroom.

Chapter 0399 Mutants? god?

After half an hour.

Mora cleaned up, dressed neatly and sat on the sofa eating.

Yesterday, because of the mission, I didn't have time to eat at all, and then I got drunk again. Now I'm really hungry.

After the wind swept away the clouds, Mora wiped her mouth and looked at Su Yue: "Where were the people around you yesterday?"

"They're going to do what they need to do."

Su Yuedao didn't perfunctory Moura. The purpose of deciding to come to the Hellfire Club was to let the White Queen meet Xiao. Now that the purpose has been achieved, there is naturally no need to stay.

So, Su Yue sent them to X Academy early in the morning, no, it should be said that they went to the Dimension Street of this world, let them simply clean and decorate, and then they were ready to live there.

The reason why Su Yue didn't go back with her was that she planned to wait for Mora to wake up and have a chat with her to promote feelings.

Mora's value is still very great, whether it is the X-Men or the Hellfire Club, as long as they can catch Mora's line, Su Yue can see all the mutants on both sides, especially the X-Men, it can be said that there is no Mora, there would be no X-Men.

Who are the X-Men at this stage? Hank the Beast, Seanka Sidi the Siren, Alex Summers the Ravager, Darwin, Salvador Angel.

Without Moura taking the lead, it would not be so easy for Su Yue to find these people.

Let's not talk about it for the time being, let's talk about the beast Hank, one of the targets. He is an official scientist. It is not so easy to contact and recruit him without Mora's words.

So it's more in his interest to maintain a certain relationship with Mora than to pretend to be forced and run away.

"Who are you, why are you telling me so many things, and what is your purpose?" Mora couldn't help asking the question she wanted to know the most.

After all, she has already got the answer about the mutants and Colonel Hendry, so now she wants to know more about Su Yue.

Su Yue knew the mutants in the Hellfire Club, knew that the man named Charles Xavier was a mutant, and even knew their abilities well, and Su Yue himself was most likely a mutant. She has to figure out Su Yue's situation.

"Even if I tell you, will you believe it? Although you are a professional and excellent agent, I want to lie to you is just an idea. You may be kept in the dark for a lifetime." Su Yue smiled softly. Nodding his head, he then said actively, "You want to know who I am and what purpose I have. The best way is to look at me and see what I am going to do."

"If you don't tell me, how do you know I won't believe it?" Mora naturally wouldn't give up asking because Su Yue said so.

Su Yue shrugged: "Okay, then I'll tell you. My purpose is very simple, I hope to see more mutants through you."

"and then?"

"Then? I'll recruit those who are interested, and those who are not interested should do whatever." Su Yue said casually.

Mora: "Why do you think I'll help you find other mutants?"

"Wrong, it's not to help me find mutants, I just hope to see more mutants through you, this is not a concept." Su Yue shook his finger. "A Charles Xavier can't deal with the Black Emperor Shaw's group. Unless you don't care that the third war really breaks out in this world, your only way is to find more mutants with Charles Xavier, Use mutants against mutants."

"Look, this way I don't need to go all over the world to find mutants, as long as I pass through you, I can see them!"

"That's why I contacted you and told you so many secrets."

Mora fell silent. She knew that Su Yue was right. Ordinary people couldn't deal with mutants with super powers, so using mutants to deal with mutants was the only way.

"What's your purpose in recruiting mutants?" Mora asked again.

"Let's do business!"

Su Yue said disapprovingly, "I have a piece of land, and I'm going to run that piece of land into my private territory, a territory where mutants can live safely."

"I can help you!" Mora said seriously: "As long as you are willing to help us deal with Black Emperor Xiao's group, I can apply for special approval from above, so that you can have a safe and undisturbed environment."

Su Yue looked at Mora and smiled.

Looking at Su Yue, who was laughing at himself in silence, Mora opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't continue to promise. Although she still doesn't know how her boss thinks about mutants, she knows very well that according to the boss's style of doing things, even if she can get special approval, it's probably impossible to be truly safe and undisturbed.

This has nothing to do with reason or trust. This is an unknown fear and natural opposition of race.

"I've also woken up, ate my meal, and answered your questions for free. It's time for us to say goodbye." Su Yue got up with a smile. "Don't forget to check out when you leave."

"Wait...Are you a mutant?" Mora hurriedly got up and asked.

"I answered this question to you yesterday. If you recall it carefully, you will remember it." After Su Yue finished speaking, a azure blue electric light suddenly lit up all over his body.

Under Moura's surprised eyes, Su Yue disappeared with a swoosh.

At this moment, Mora subconsciously thought that Su Yue, like the red devil, had the mutant ability of teleportation, but she thought back carefully for a moment, and soon remembered the sentence she heard yesterday before she was completely drunk.

"I'm not a mutant, but... baby, I'm a god!"

"God? This there really a god?" Mora mumbled, somewhat disbelieving.

Rather than believing that Su Yue is a real god, Mora actually prefers to believe that Su Yue is a mutant, a mutant who imagines himself to be a god.

Chapter 0400 Little Butterfly Effect

Just because they went to the Hellfire Club, the foreign forces represented by Su Yue caused a huge chain reaction. At least in their own opinion, these chain reactions were caused by Su Yue.

On the Hellfire Club side, Black Emperor Xiao continued the original plan step by step, while finding a way to resist his psychic abilities.

He found someone to build a helmet with special materials. Although there is no chance to really test whether this helmet can isolate the White Queen's psychic ability, he thinks it should not be a big problem.

With this helmet, the biggest weakness and drawbacks have also been resolved. Hei Huang Xiao is now looking forward to seeing the White Queen again. If he meets again, he will definitely let the White Queen know what she has to pay for what she knows.

On the other hand, Mora first reported the news of the Hellfire Club, that is, the mutants and Hendry to his superiors, and at the same time found the papers published by Charles Xavier, and found Charles Xavier to explain his purpose.

At first, Charles Xavier did not admit his identity, but after Mora explained that Su Yue had asked him to come to him, and also confessed what happened at the Hellfire Club, Charles Xavier admitted it.

Through the conversation, Mora learned about the relationship between Su Yue and Charles Xavier. It turned out that Charles Xavier's mutant sister is now with Su Yue, and Su Yue said before that there was a piece of land that was sold by Charles Xavier. of.

Afterwards, Charles Xavier took Mora to the manor, but in just a few days, the manor had undergone great changes.

The most obvious is the steel fence outside the manor, followed by the caretaker on the gate with the name of Dimension Street. Finally, there are some changes in the villas of the manor, and the changes are full of life, it feels like they are. It's not that I just moved here, but I've been living here all the time.

Unfortunately, it is a pity that Su Yue was not there when they came. At first they thought that Su Yue might be avoiding seeing him, but after Charles asked Rui Wen, he believed that Su Yue was really not there.

They also didn't know where Su Yue went.

Er, Charles doesn't quite believe this, but since Su Yue is not here, it is meaningless to ask him where he went. Therefore, Charles just told Ruiwen that he had promised to help Mora, and that they could contact him if there was any situation on their side.

Where did Su Yue go?

He just received a message from Claire across time and space and went back to take a look at Diana, the Wonder Woman. Diana has been fighting stubbornly in the cell of the underground vault. So far, no one has ever been able to withstand the law of God for such a long time, dizzy When I woke up, I was dizzy when I woke up. It can be said that the painful feeling of convulsions has become the same as breathing.

Claire was worried about her situation, so she notified Su Yue.

Su Yue gave Diana a step when she was awake, and told her seriously that although she was her own slave in name and might be restricted in certain things, in fact it did not affect her much. Get along well, you can become friends.

Even Su Yue used other summoned people as examples to tell Diana.

It's a pity that Diana was too stubborn. Until she fainted, she didn't have the attitude of going downhill. This is a bit difficult, either continue to lock Diana, or directly forcibly modify her settings, but Su Yue is unwilling to erase Diana's own will, and does not want to modify her into a magic that is completely customized according to her own mind. A heroine, a lot of times people's charm actually comes from her own will.

When anyone's will and character can be changed at will, the original charm and sparkle of that person will also disappear. If it is an irrelevant passerby, that's all. If it is his own, Su Yue hopes to keep the original juice. Original.

It cannot be said that Su Yue is hypocritical.

For example, there must be many women around a diamond king who are willing to obey him completely, but can these women really attract him?


He will only think that these women are tool people, and will not be attracted by their charm and brilliance at all, because their beauty and brilliance are set by themselves, they choose what they want, and they know it for a long time. of.

When you know everything, even the sense of surprise will fade, or even not, not to mention this kind of spiritual attraction.

Since Diana can hold on, let's do it for now, wait until the mutant world returns, and then see how to solve it.

Su Yue returned to the Dimension Street Manor in the mutant world. He didn't care when he knew that Charles and Mora came, but let Ruiwen keep an eye on their actions. Go join in the fun by yourself, and meet Magneto by the way!

According to the plot of the movie, Charles and the others found the yacht where Hei Huangxiao was hiding. It happened that Magneto was there at the time, and they were going to take revenge on Hei Huangxiao.

Unfortunately, both sides failed.

Then Charles and Magneto, the good friends who loved each other and killed each other, got acquainted and started looking for other mutant friends together, and Charles also helped them control their own abilities.

It's just... I don't know if Su Yue has too many spoilers. The butterfly effect turned the plot around. Although Mora and Charles went to the CIA as in the movie, they were not trusted at first, and then they were taken away by another high-ranking official. A special department was established, but then they did not immediately take action against Black Emperor Xiao, but first looked for other mutants under Mora's suggestion.

The plot has turned a corner, making the search for mutant friends ahead of schedule.

This led to Su Yue's failure to meet the Beast Hank with Charles and Mora at the first time, and failed to make an impression at the first moment when the mutant identity of Beast Hank was exposed.

Fortunately, this effect is not large.

"" A helicopter slowly landed on the open space of the manor from the sky.

The propeller continued to turn without stopping, and Mora's hair was blown out of the way. After getting off the helicopter, he walked quickly to the people from Su Yue not far away, shouting loudly as he walked.

"What's wrong with you asking me to come here in such a hurry?"

Not long ago, Su Yue asked the White Queen to call Moura and asked her to come by plane right away. As for what, did not say. How did the call come about? Naturally, it was left when Mora and Charles came over last time.

"It's nothing, I just want to visit your base. I'm a little interested in Hank." Su Yue said with a smile.

Mora's expression suddenly froze.

You were so anxious that I thought something had happened, or something had changed in the Hellfire Club, but as a result... you just wanted to visit our department?

Wait, how did you know about Hank?

Chapter 0401 Division X and the sure-to-die supervisor?

The helicopter took off, sailed, and shortly after landed on the tarmac in a heavily guarded Special Sector base.

Su Yue took Polaris and Mystique out of the helicopter and turned to look at Mora, who had been silent since boarding the plane. "Are you going to keep talking to me in the cold war? This is your place. If you, the guide, choose to do something, in case I do something that goes against your rules, there will be a conflict..."

"Are you threatening me?" Mora looked at Su Yue with a cold face.

Su Yue nodded and said: "What? Is it that I can't threaten you, or am I not qualified to threaten you? People here shouldn't know my identity, right? Even if they do, they will mistakenly think it's a mutant, so once there is a conflict, they will I'm afraid I will use force directly? Do you think I have a personality that will swallow my voice? Or... do you think I am the kind of person who will wrong himself for the sake of the overall situation? "

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