"Are you going too far?"

Mora was choked with anger. "You know how worried I was when I got the call? I applied for a helicopter right away and almost got into a fight. Then, you told me you just wanted to visit our base and meet Hank? You Even know about Hank, don't tell me where you can't find the base? You want me to pick you up, can't you just say it?"

"Where is this place? This is Department X, a secret department that most of us in the CIA don't know about, and only a few are qualified to enter here. I took the risk of bringing you here, and risking that Hank might be taken by you. The risk of going let you in, and you even threatened me?"

Mora was really angry. On the one hand, she was angry at being tricked, and on the other hand, she was angry with Su Yue's attitude. Although she hasn't had contact with Su Yue since the last time, whether it's looking for Charles, setting up the X department, or preparing to find mutants next, it's all based on Su Yue's reasons, so even if it's not a friend, Can you say it's your own?

The results of it?

Su Yue threatened herself without hesitation, which made Mora feel very hurt.

"Have you learned it?"

Su Yue didn't explain, but said to Mystique with a smile: "If it's a cold war, or when there's nothing to say between two people, quarreling is the best way. This is a ready-made example. I didn't say a word before. Well, even when I talked to her, she ignored me, but now she said a lot. Moreover, if I continued to quarrel with her along with this situation, there would be more and more conversations, and then no one knew it. The embarrassment of talking will be solved. Even at this time, I will apologize and coax, this fight will not affect the relationship, but can promote the relationship between the two. "

"Yeah." Mystique nodded with a smile on her lips.

Just now on the plane, because I saw Moura angry and ignored Su Yue, I couldn't help joking or curious, but I didn't expect my lord to teach on the spot. The effect... It's hard to say whether it is good or bad.

Mora also understood what was going on at this time, but she understood, but she was even more depressed. what is this? Threats are fake, hurt feelings are fake, live teaching is real? But this teaching... isn't it more hurtful?

"So, it's useless to be a dog licker!"

I took the initiative to speak on the plane before, but people ignored it, and continued licking would not have any effect. Instead, I had a fight with a bit more force. Uh, arguing on the premise that you can guarantee good coaxing, the effect may be better than continuing to lick!

Su Yue came to Mora with a light smile, looked at Mora's expression of resentment, and said, "Do you believe me?"

"What's the meaning?"

"If you believe me, I can promise you that I won't take any mutants you find until the Hellfire Club group is resolved, until the crisis is resolved."

"Really?" Mora breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

To be honest, Mora was really worried that Su Yue would directly poach the mutants after they discovered them. After all, Su Yue was more attractive to mutants than Charles.

to ask why?

Not to mention, the White Queen beside Su Yue alone has the ability to compete with Charles, and Charles is the official representative, and usually mutants would not trust this identity.

"Let's go, first introduce me here, and then go to see Charles and Hank. After I meet them, I can tell you a very important news. The importance of this news can be related to your mission, or even Safety." Su Yue smiled and stretched out his hand to stop Mora's shoulder, then took the initiative to walk forward.

Mora has been confused by Su Yue's previous assurances and the news just now, and completely forgot the anger she had been teased before, so she walked around with Su Yue and the admired Polaris and Mystique. The base of this X division.

After the stop-and-go introductions along the way, Mora led them to a lounge.

There were three people in the lounge, Charles Xavier, the director of Department X, and a nervous and introverted young scientist mutant, Beast.

"Hello, you are what they call Su Yue, I'm the supervisor here, my name is..." As soon as Mora brought the three of Su Yue in, the supervisor stood up and greeted them warmly.

"Don't tell me your name. It's not that I don't respect you, and it's not that I'm arrogant. I just don't want a few seconds of silence for you because I know your name when you sacrifice." Su Yue didn't wait for the other party to introduce himself Just cut off.

What he said was very rushed!

The supervisor was embarrassed, and Mora was embarrassed too. She couldn't help but bumped Su Yue lightly, complaining that he was so impersonal for saying so directly.

"I was serious!"

Su Yue turned his head and glanced at Mora, and said to himself: "Didn't I say it just now, I will tell you a very important news. This news is when you assembled the mutant members to deal with the Black Emperor Xiao. It is likely to fail, and after failure he will avenge you."

"The confidentiality of this base is not as high as you think. It is not difficult to find it with Hei Huangxiao's means. The guards are so-so, but they are useless at all. You think, in this case, except for those guarding soldiers , of the few of you present, who will die?"

"Black Emperor Xiao is a mutant. His purpose is to hope that mutants can rule the world, so if it is not necessary, he will not easily kill mutants. You who are not mutants and this supervisor will not show mercy, you After all, she's a woman, so it's more or less a bit of preferential treatment, so this supervisor must be the first to die."

"Who made him the supervisor, the person in charge of this department? For revenge, we must be the first to deal with him, then let this department collapse, and use his power to poach the mutants you found."

Chapter 0402 Know the past and see through the future!

Because both Charles and Mora knew Su Yue, the supervisor and Hank in the room had a certain understanding of Su Yue and the people around him.

The supervisor has investigated and found that apart from Rui Wen, who is known to be able to change into any shape, and the White Queen, who also has psychic abilities, Su Yue and two other people named Polaris and Spirit Die have no information at all, as if they appeared here out of thin air. the same in the world.

Although I don't know Su Yue and their identities and abilities, it is obvious that their power and mystery should not be underestimated.

It's just that they never expected to see Su Yue for the first time, and Su Yue's opening remarks were so shocking.

It has to be said that Su Yue's attitude is very in line with their perception of him. After all, someone like Su Yue has powerful abilities and a mysterious background, and can bring in four powerful female mutants under his command. The kind is a little rebellious, and the style of direct speech is also normal, which is in line with the character.

The atmosphere in the room became a little quiet and awkward because of Su Yue's outspoken 'what if'. The supervisor who had planned to extend his hand to say hello was a little bit ineffective, and even forgot to withdraw his hand with an embarrassed expression.

"You, can't you be more euphemistic?" Although Mora thought Su Yue's 'assumation' was reasonable, isn't it a bit embarrassing to speak so bluntly.

"Be polite?"

Su Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at Moura: "When I read it before, I hated the kind of things that could be clearly stated directly, but deliberately euphemistic and secretive, which eventually led to a series of misunderstandings or regrets. Moura, I am Because you reminded you of this important news, are you sure you need me to be polite?"

"This... this is just a guess." Mora lowered her head slightly, and replied in a low voice with flickering eyes.

"I'm talking about news, not speculation."

Su Yue walked to the long sofa in front of him with a light smile and sat down. Rui Wen sat on the single sofa next to him, next to the North Star on one side and Charles on the other. Polaris sat down beside Su Yue's right hand, and Su Yue's left... Mora naturally sat down and took this position.



Su Yue looked at Charles, who was looking into his eyes, and Hank, who was a little introverted and didn't dare to look at him, and nodded slightly. "Although it's the first time we met, I think we should have a certain understanding of each other."

"I think maybe I don't know enough. If I can, I hope I can learn more. After all, Rui Wen..." Charles glanced at Rui Wen next to him. He always regarded Rui Wen as his sister, and thought he was Rui Wen. His guardian, although he did not intend to interfere with Rui Wen's choice and decision, he definitely hoped to know more about Su Yue.

To put it simply, Charles has positioned himself somewhat similar to his uncle, although the so-called uncle Su Yue doesn't admit it at all.

"Mr. Su Yue, what do you mean by what you just said? What you said just now is not speculation, but news? You know what they want to do, so you are so anxious to ask Agent Mora to pick them up. Is it yours?" Although the supervisor was a little embarrassed, the fact that he was able to set up the X department at this time showed that he was not a pedantic person. Moreover, although Su Yue's words made him a little embarrassed and embarrassed, it was not aimed at him after all.

Mora glanced at Su Yue quietly, a little embarrassed, worried that Su Yue would be 'outspoken', so he took over the topic and asked: "Yeah, what did you mean just now, are they really planning to invade this place? ?"

"Do I need to be polite?" Su Yue asked with a smile.

Mora: "..."

You are a man, why are you so small-minded.

"Since you are so curious, I will tell you something frankly and honestly. Let's answer your most curious questions first. Although I have many abilities, I am not a mutant. As for what I am? I can only say that mutants have There are many, but I... have only one!"

"Whether it's Charles, Mora, or this supervisor, you must be wondering why I know so many secret things. The reason is very simple. I can know the past and see through the future, so I let Mora know. I went to Charles to help set up the X department, so I told Mo La Hei Huang Xiao's group of identities, abilities and purposes, so I knew they would definitely attack here."

"And you will die."

Su Yue said and looked at the supervisor.

The moment the eyes met, the supervisor shivered subconsciously, and there was a sense of fear that he didn't dare to look at him.

"Know the past and see through the future?"

"Although it sounds a little unbelievable, but... I believe it." Charles said slowly.

Psychic ability, change ability, all kinds of mutant abilities are available, so it is not impossible to know the past and see through the future.

As for Su Yue, is she a mutant?

Charles is still a little skeptical...

"If what you said will really happen, then... what should we do?" Mora didn't doubt Su Yue's ability. "How about we change places?"

Ruiwen shook her head and said, "It's useless. With their abilities, even if you change to any place, they will be able to find them. Unless...you completely cut off contact with the authorities, so as to ensure that your information will not be leaked."

Mora and the supervisor looked in embarrassment. Obviously, the feasibility of this method is very low.


Mora's eyes widened suddenly, and her hands suddenly grabbed Su Yue's wrist: "You! You can help us! As long as you stay, even if Hei Huangxiao and the others invade here, you can deal with him, right?"

Su Yue looked at Mora without saying a word, Mora reacted, and changed the topic: "You told me before that the purpose of helping me is to find mutants for you, and then recruit mutants you are interested in. People run your Dimension Street, right? If you're willing to stay and help us, you don't need to deal with Hei Huang Xiao directly, you just need to ensure that he can't invade our base at will, I can promise you, as long as you don't take any coercion The means, when the matter of Hei Huang Xiao is resolved, you can recruit the people we find yourself, and... Department X can provide you and Dimension Street with as much help as possible when you need it, but it is limited to Department X. "

This condition is quite generous.

When the supervisor first heard it, he wanted to stop Mora's conditions. The former didn't matter, but the latter directly replaced the promise of the X department. This is somewhat troublesome, and it is also difficult to implement. But the supervisor's response was quick, not to mention whether Su Yue would need the help of the X department, but it's definitely okay to make a statement.

Even if some people may target Su Yue and his Dimension Street forces after the incident, they have to have that strength. If it doesn't work, then friendship is the only way, then the present promise can come in handy in the future, so the supervisor not only did not deny Mora's promise, but agreed to her conditions as her boss.

Chapter 0403 Remain in X sector

"If you really want to recruit mutants, then our purpose is actually the same. If you can stay and help, Hei Huang Xiao and the others will not successfully invade here and poach the mutants we found. I think, neither do you. I hope the person you like will be poached by the Black Emperor Xiao?" the supervisor continued.

Su Yue glanced at him. "If you have the courage to accept the mutants to set up the X department, you are the first person to eat crabs."

The director's words have two purposes: on the one hand, he wants to persuade Su Yue to stay and help; on the other hand, he is testing whether Su Yue can really see through the future and whether he really knows the final outcome.

If Su Yue agrees to stay, it means that the X department may not be able to defeat Hei Huangxiao, and it may be difficult for Su Yue to recruit people who have been poached by Hei Huangxiao.

If Su Yue simply refuses, it means that they can defeat Heihuangxiao in the end, so it doesn't matter whether Heihuangxiao poachs the mutants or not, anyway, after Heihuangxiao is defeated, they can still be recruited, and even the recruitment process will be simpler ,Easier.

Of course, no matter what Su Yue chooses, there will definitely be other possibilities, but this possibility is too broad to be considered without any intelligence basis.

Su Yue saw through the purpose of his temptation, but he didn't mind it. After all, it wasn't a malicious temptation. It was just a little struggle of a little guy who didn't know anything about the future trying to grasp the future. Moreover, whether it is true or false, people agree with the generous conditions offered by Mora, so this kind of innocuous little temptation doesn't matter.

"Help him once, help you once, that's all, I can stay, the right is to let you enter the same starting line again." Su Yue looked at the supervisor who was apologetic and looking forward, and said with a light smile.

"He? Are you talking about Hei Huang Xiao?" Mora was stunned and asked hurriedly. "Why are you helping him?"

"Why can't I help him?" Su Yue asked very naturally.

Then, Maura was speechless.

Yes, why can't Su Yue help Hei Huang Xiao? If it's just from the perspective of recruiting mutants, wouldn't it be better to recruit Black Emperor Xiao directly?

Hei Huangxiao is the boss of the Hellfire Club. His personal connections, money, and even management skills are all outstanding. Recruiting him is far better than recruiting mutants hidden in human society, right?

It's just that he was reminding or helping himself when he first met, and then Charles met Ruiwen again, and they had a lot of contacts, so Mora subconsciously thought that Su Yue was on their side.

Su Yue asked the White Queen to remind Hei Huangxiao of Hei Huang Xiao's helmet, and then stayed behind to help the X department resist Hei Huang Xiao's invasion. Indeed, it could be considered that both sides helped once, and it could also be regarded as not helping each other.

However, the balance in Su Yue's heart is definitely in favor of the X department. Who let the X department represent justice? Let alone Magneto who has not yet appeared, the X-Men and Mora alone can lead to a lot. Su Yue is interested in mutants. On the contrary, except for a red devil, Su Yue is not interested in Hei Huang Xiao.

If this is a ball game, then Su Yue or Dimension Street is the referee, and whoever does not play according to my rules will be sent off.

Even if there are big stars among you, there are countless people who follow you, and you have a very high popularity, but as long as you play, you have to play according to the rules of the referee. In other words, the referee is the one with the most detached status.

Although Mora and others were somewhat dissatisfied that Su Yue had helped Hei Huangxiao, they had no ability or position to accuse him of anything.

Moura wanted to know what Su Yue's help to Hei Huang Xiao was, but Su Yue refused to say, and in the end he had to give up. He also arranged accommodation for Su Yue, Polaris and Rui Wen in the base.

Although the base of Department X is not small and has a lot of personnel, there are not many real core members. The supervisor basically only provides some financial support, so the current core members are only Charles, Mora, and Hank.

Finding new mutants is their only task at present. Although Su Yue has the ability to see the future, he has not provided any help in this matter.

How to help?

What if he knew the identities of the mutants in the movie? I don't know the exact address.

Well, he can't say nothing, at least he knows that Alex Summers has applied for jail because of his superpowers, and he also knows that Salvador Angel is dancing in a bar with his wings. There's Darwin as a driver, but . . . not at all.

If you want to find them, you have to rely on Charles, to be precise, the brain wave machine that Hank is developing.

The brainwave machine is a device that can enhance the ability of the mind. In the movie, Charles relied on the brainwave machine to search for mutants almost all over the world. Later, the brainwave machine became the most special symbol of Charles and X Academy.

Charles, who has a brainwave machine, can quickly find someone around the world and control it. If he wants to... he can even kill all the people in the world in an instant.

However, who would have thought that an old Charles would develop Alzheimer's? Suddenly, he went from being a hero to being an uneasy factor that had the potential to endanger the world.

So, brainwave machines are very important.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Yue prefers the X-Men and chooses to stay in the X department.

I've all stayed here to share with you all the troubles, shouldn't you share the blessings? So, this brain wave machine is about to be decided. With this thing, even if he doesn't need it, as long as he puts it on Dimension Street and the White Queen puts it on his head, he can shout out, who agrees and who disagrees !

Even if you don't need to be in the Dimension Street or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you can use it in the existing and future dimensional worlds. With this thing, it is not a dream to easily conquer a world.

Hank has already conceived the idea of ​​a brain wave machine based on Charles' ability, so he will basically study how to make a brain wave machine in the laboratory for a period of time in the future.

Although Mora really wanted to take advantage of Su Yue's opportunity to stay here and have more contact with him, but as an agent, she still has a lot of things to do.

So most of the time she is on missions, and occasionally calls Charles when she needs help, and Ruiwen sometimes asks Ying to act together.

As for the reason, Su Yue can also guess.

It is nothing more than imagining Charles proving that he is no longer the little girl who needs him to tell him what to do and what not to do, just like a child imagining his parents to prove that he has grown up.

By the way, Su Yuedao didn't feel bad about Mora and Ruiwen occasionally going out with Charles on missions.

First of all, although he is stingy, he will not prevent normal communication or getting along between men and women. It is not an old society. All women have to stay at the door. Normal interpersonal communication and work contact are no problem.

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