Secondly, Rui Wen regards Charles as his elder brother, and Charles regards Rui Wen as his younger sister. The two are childhood sweethearts, and they are very familiar with each other, and there is no possibility that anything will happen. And what about Maura? In the movie, Charles and Mora do have sparks, but now... even the blind can see the little charm between Mora and Su Yue.

Besides Su Yue, which man do you think Mora would hook up with so naturally?

If only because Mora had performed several missions with Charles, Mora 'transferred', it would be insulting Mora and Su Yue.

Chapter 0404 Salvador Angel

Time is a great writer, it will give everyone the perfect ending.

Hank ushered in the ending of a chapter in his life stage, the brain wave machine, done.

Although the first version of the brainwave machine looks very crude and has a shoddy feeling, it is undeniable that it does play its due role.

Although it is regrettable that his suggestion to let Charles shave his hair was not accepted, but after Charles put on the brainwave machine to find out the location of each mutant, Hank didn't care whether Charles shaves his hair or not.

The first version of the brainwave machine could not project the picture that Charles saw, and it could not make Charles see it so vividly, but when a colorful figure appeared in the gray crowd, Charles, who had never seen the world, was still very excited. The location of the mutants was recorded in the form of coordinates, and he also saw Hank, Ruiwen, and Polaris beside him. They were all colored, which meant that they were all mutants.

But Su Yue... Charles can't say it well.

He could see Su Yue, but he seemed to be invisible.

It's very blurry, and it's neither gray nor colored, it's like a shadowy projection.

He, he really isn't a mutant!

Maybe it was because of his curiosity about Su Yue, or maybe it was because he had a brain wave machine that made him a little swollen. He quietly wanted to invade Su Yue's mind, and then... he was discovered directly and kicked mercilessly. come out.


The lightning flash suddenly lit up, Su Yue's shoulders swayed slightly, and he looked at Charles who was unaware: "Next time, you won't lose your hair."

"What hair?" Charles raised his hand to touch his head in a daze, and then... the strange touch made his face change, and he hurriedly took off his brainwave machine and ran out.

A moment later, Charles cried out in grief.

" hair...damn..."

"Pfft." Along with Charles' mournful cry, Ruiwen couldn't help laughing, and Polaris and Maura also laughed because of Charles' bald head.

The main reason is that Charles has some head protection. Hank suggested that he shave his hair and use a brain wave machine before, so he swears to resist, but he didn't expect... In the end, he couldn't escape the fate of being bald.

"You just..." Although Hank also laughed, he was more curious about how Su Yue shaved Charles' hair.

In an instant, Charles was bald.

"God-speed force, a force that can make people move extremely fast, is the source of speed." Su Yue explained briefly, and picked up the mutant's position coordinates just recorded.

Except for Magneto, none of the mutants found in the X department have any special interest or ability to him. If I really want to say, there is only one Salvador Angel that she should take the initiative to look at. After all, she is a special dancer. Join X If the department wants her to show her skills again, there will be no chance.

Salvador Angel has a pair of insect bionic wings on the back. It can fly by the sound wave vibration generated when the wings are swayed. In normal state, it is attached to the back and shoulders, like a tattoo.

At the same time, she can also breathe flames and venom from her mouth. She is a mutant who is not very powerful but has a lot of skills.

At first, she was found by Charles and Magneto and invited to Department X, but when Hei Huang Xiao invaded the base of Department X, she took refuge with Hei Huang Xiao and joined the Hellfire Club.

The reason why Su Yue is interested in her is on the one hand because she is a craftsman, on the other hand because of her good looks. This kind of girl with wings should attract a lot of attention in Dimension Street. Besides, her beauty The value is also not bad.

Although she doesn't belong to the kind of beauties with fair skin, beautiful skin and tall stature, her small size and neat figure, coupled with the nature of her work, give her a unique sense of behavior.

In addition, if Su Yue remembers correctly, she seems to be Catwoman in the latest version of the Batman movie. Although this movie has not been released yet, Su Yue has no chance to see what her version of Catwoman looks like, but she can straddle the two superhero worlds of Marvel and DC, which shows her charm.

In addition to the location coordinates, Charles also marked some information when recording. Su Yue directly crossed out her line after finding the coordinates of Salvador Angel.

"I'll find this person."

"This person... is there anything special?" Mora took the list of recorded coordinates, glanced at the line he crossed out, and asked curiously.

"Well, it's special."

"which aspect?"

"Special... waves?"


Mora looked at Su Yue speechlessly: "Are you kidding me?"

"No." Su Yue shook his head and invited with a chuckle, "How about you go with me? When you see her, you'll know why I said that."

"Okay." Mora readily accepted the invitation.

Su Yue smiled and embraced Mora, followed by a swish, teleportation activated, and the two disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant.

The next moment, Su Yue and Mora appeared in a dimly lit bar.

Although it is not the busiest time for the bar, there are many customers here. Sitting in twos and threes in front of the circular bar in the center of the bar, drinking wine and raising the banknotes in their hands attract the attention of the dancers performing **** the circular bar.

"No wonder you are interested, hehe." Mora couldn't help muttering after seeing the environment clearly.

"In this day and age, with gender, skin color, and various issues, it's not easy for her to steal or steal, and to make money and take care of herself with her ability."

Su Yue said with a smile, looked at a certain dancer who was performing **** the stage, raised his hand to say hello, and then pointed to the private room next to him.

This kind of private room is very popular in this era, especially in entertainment places. The private room is similar to the card seat of the Hellfire Club, but it is more spacious, and it is not a chair, but a bed.

After Su Yue and Mora came in, they first ordered a bottle of champagne from the waiter, then changed into a comfortable posture, drinking while looking at Salvador Angel who came in and lowered the curtain.

Salvador Angel's dress is not described much, anyway, everyone should know what kind of dress this place is like, but... it's not as famous as meeting. After seeing Salvador Angel with his own eyes, Su Yue was somewhat disappointed.

Chapter 0405 a little interested to the lack of interest

How should I put it, Su Yue's impression of Salvador Angel and the feedback he saw with his own eyes are like the difference between makeup and no makeup. Although they are both alone, the overall change is not big, but it actually affects the appearance. Still big.

If Su Yue's original score for Salvador Angel was 7, then the score dropped to 5 after seeing the real person.

Su Yue's mood also changed from a little interest to a lack of interest.

"Start your performance." Su Yue said casually.

Salvador Angel looked at Su Yue, and then at Mora, who was next to Su Yue. "If there are two people, you have to pay extra."

Su Yue took out his wallet, took out a few US dollar bills, and threw them out. "enough?"

Although this way of spending money is a bit disrespectful, Salvador Angel, who respects something since he does this job, doesn't care anymore. She glanced at the falling dollar bills, and showed a smile that was satisfied with the numbers, and then Begin to perform very professionally.

Mora helped Su Yue pour a glass of wine, put the champagne in an ice bucket full of ice cubes, and asked in a low voice curiously, "When are you going to say it?"

"What's the hurry, all the money is spent, of course it has to be worth the money." Although Su Yue is no longer interested in Salvador Angel, her skills and performance are still quite good.

This is the first time Su Yue has appreciated this kind of skill.

Mora rolled his eyes at him and continued in a low voice, "It's not good for you to do this?"

You are here to recruit her, and now you are so directly admiring it. When you talk about business in a while, she is willing to join. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to work together in the future?

Maybe people will refuse to join because of your behavior.

Su Yue curled his lips noncommittally. Since he was no longer interested in Salvador Angel, he naturally wouldn't take the initiative to invite her to join Dimension Street. Looking at the people under his command, let's not talk about men, women... Even if they are not his own women, they have to pass the test of appearance.

At the very least, you look good on your eyes, right?

Salvador Angel's appearance, even if he has wings, is difficult to describe in Suyue. So, if Salvador Angel takes the initiative to join him, he doesn't mind that Dimension Street has an additional selling point. As for him taking the initiative to recruit? forget it!

The most important thing is that through a brief contact with Su Yue, you can probably see what kind of person Salvador Angel is. Of course, it is not a problem to make money on your own without stealing or robbing, but it is meaningless if you focus too much on interests or only on interests. .

No wonder in the movie it was Charles and Magneto who found her first, she also joined the X department, and then as soon as Hei Huang Xiao appeared, she defected directly.

For her, interests are above everything else.

Salvador Angel is the only one who betrayed!

If I remember correctly, she joined the Hellfire Club and adapted quickly after following the Black Emperor Xiao.

Originally, if she had a better appearance, Su Yue would not care about these problems. Anyway, she just brought it back to Dimension Street as a selling point to attract tourists. On the basis of being unable to betray, she could bring it back and let her develop freely. But now, Su Yue really couldn't lower her own standards for her.

"How about something more exciting?" Su Yue raised a stack of money again and turned his fingers slightly.

Salvador Angel was still thinking about what he said was more exciting, but suddenly his expression changed and he suddenly looked behind him.

The wings that originally seemed to be attached to her by tattoos spread out uncontrollably, which made her suddenly look at Su Yue in shock.

"You, who are you?"

Su Yue's fingers moved slightly, and the ice bucket beside him suddenly flew in front of him. Picking up the wine, he poured himself and Mora, and then said lightly, "What do you think?"

In an instant, Salvador Angel reacted.

This is the same kind!

Thinking of this, she, who was originally a little panicked, relaxed, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, the wings behind her fluttered, and she slowly rose into the air, floating in mid-air.

A similar person came to him, no matter what the purpose was, Salvador Angel knew that his chance to get rid of the status quo had come.

After a while, the curtain of the private room was lifted, and Salvador Angel walked out with a smile on his face.

"See you later."

"See you later."

Salvador Angel went backstage, Su Yue and Mora left the bar.

After a while, Salvador Angel came out of the bar and walked to Su Yue and Mora who were waiting for her nearby.

"Where are you going now?" Salvador Angel asked.

"Go to my place first?" Su Yue asked Mora.

Mora's expression changed slightly. "manor?"

"Yeah, I'm going to let the White Queen come over later. I'm interested in brain wave machines." Su Yue said.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you."

Except that Magneto Su Yue has no interest in looking for others, and Magneto will appear by himself when he returns, so instead of going back to the X department base to do nothing, it is better to go back to the manor for a few days, and when Charles has almost found the people, I will bring the White Queen to study it myself. The brain wave machine thing, by the way, contact Magneto.

In fact, the mutants that Charles found are not completely uninteresting to him, such as... Wolverine, he is very interested. However, in the movie, Charles and Magneto failed to recruit Wolverine, and were scolded by Wolverine, so there was no need for Su Yue to humiliate himself. Want to recruit Wolverine? It is completely possible to return to Dimension Street and then summon, or... directly summon the twilight wolf, which is easier to tame and obedient.

Holding Mora in one hand and Salvador Angel in the other, Su Yue directly teleported them back to the Dimension Street Manor.

The way of teleportation surprised Salvador Angel, but he didn't expect that Su Yue had more than one ability. But her surprise was quickly thrown aside by the luxurious manor, the place she dreamed of living.

"She is?"

The White Queen and the Spirit Die saw Su Yue who had suddenly teleported and stood up to greet him. At the same time, the White Queen glanced at the unfamiliar Angel Salvaldo and asked Su Yue a question.

"El Salvador, the mutant who was just recruited for Department X." Su Yue said casually. "I'll come back to rest for a few days, you can help her settle down temporarily, and you'll be with us when you go back."


The White Queen nodded knowingly, then waved to Salvador Angel to follow her.

The mutants recruited for the X department, it means that they are not their own!

The White Queen and the Spirit Disc could naturally understand the meaning, and Salvador Angel could also understand it.

Chapter 0406 Mora's Decision

After the rain, the earth wakes up, and all things show their vitality again; when the window is opened, the fresh and fragrant air blows in. Su Yue stretched his waist comfortably with narrowed eyes, feeling a pair of hands coming back from behind and hugging him. He smiled and said, "Why did you wake up so early today? Didn't you sleep until almost noon a few days ago?"

"That's not because of you!"

Mora snorted angrily, and then said with some reluctance: "We've been here for a week, and I had a very happy week. To be honest, the first time I saw you at the Hellfire Club, I didn't think about it at all. Thought about being attracted to you and falling in love with you. Although I know it might not work out, I don't regret being with you, even though it was short-lived."

A week ago, Su Yue brought Mora and Salvador Angel to the manor.

On the same day, the closeness and affection between the two of them during this period of time became a positive result. In the next few days, it can be said that Mora completely forgot everything, forgot his identity as a special agent, forgot about mutants, and forgot some impossible things. Avoid the reality, let go of yourself completely, and enjoy the short-lived love and dating.

Mora knew very well that it was impossible for her and Su Yue.

First of all, the nature of her work determines that she cannot fall in love as easily as an ordinary woman. Second, the nature of her current work is also very special. If they are together, it will have a great impact.

The most important thing is... White Queen, Ling Die, Rui Wen, these are all issues that must be faced after deciding to be together. Moreover, Mora felt that she didn't know the real Su Yue at all.

So, when the relationship is over, she doesn't mind and enjoys this short-lived relationship, but it doesn't have to be anything.

For a long time?

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