Polaris shook her head. She also has the ability to control the magnetic field, so she can sense the strength of the magnetic field controlled by the person underwater and the powerful power of the submarine. If it is not at the bottom, the person may succeed, but at the bottom of the water that has a stop and cannot breathe, although the person can reduce the power of the submarine, but can not stop it completely, and it will not take long, the person will fail due to suffocation.

Whether he gave up voluntarily or passively because of suffocation, the result was the same.

"What if it was you?" Su Yue asked again.

Polaris shook his head realistically and said: "This person's strength is similar to mine. He can't do it, and I shouldn't be able to do it either."

"Do you know who he is?"


In the world of Polaris, she had heard of Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, although Magneto had disappeared at that time. In addition, after coming to this world, Su Yue told them about the 'plot', so she could naturally guess that this person was Magneto when she was young.

Looking at Polaris, who had no strange expression, Su Yue chuckled and shook his head.

It seems that Polaris still doesn't know the identity of Magneto. This is also normal. After all, Magneto and Polaris have no intersection. Although they have the same abilities, it is impossible for Polaris to guess that Magneto is her father based on this alone.

Under the sea, Eric's mouth was bubbling constantly. The suffocation had already caused his mind to become dazed, but his hands were always facing the submarine. Even if he died... he was not afraid.

"Come on, you can't keep them. Even if you can, you won't have a chance to kill him for revenge." In a trance, Eric seemed to hear someone talking to him, but his current state was helpless. Think about these.

The lungs were exploding, and the fainting sensation was uncontrollable.


A series of bubbles spit out in Eric's mouth, Eric rolled his eyes and fainted.

Before he passed out, he seemed to see an anchor flying towards him, entangling him.


The sea opened, and the anchor wrapped around Eric and emerged from the bottom of the water.

With a wave of Su Yue's hand, the anchor broke instantly, and the anchor on Eric's body changed directly. Deformed, squeezed, and finally turned into a discus that could accommodate a person lying down and floated in front of Su Yue.

"give it to you."

Su Yue said to Polaris, and Polaris quickly took over the discus with his abilities, and then returned to the guard's boat with Su Yue on the anchor.

After getting on the boat, Polaris' arm lightly swayed to put down the iron plate and the fainted Eric on the discus.

At this time, Charles and the others knew that Polaris' ability was actually to control the magnetic field, and she actually possessed the same ability as Su Yue and the fainted man. Sure enough... the people around Su Yue are not easy!

Chapter 0409 The stubborn Magneto

For Charles and Department X, this mission was a failure and came back in vain. But for Su Yue, the purpose of this mission has been successfully completed. After saving Eric, he will be loyal to him on the grounds of helping revenge. The famous mutant duo, Magneto, should be able to take him under his command. .

So Su Yue, who was in a good mood, did not blame Charles and the supervisor for looking at him with resentment, but instead smiled and enlightened: "Failure is the mother of success, don't you think that it is just a few fledgling crooked melons and jujubes? You can defeat Hei Huang Xiao in the first fight, right? This defeat is already doomed, you should just gain experience and work hard when you go back."

"You already knew the result?" Mora asked in a low voice.

Su Yue glanced at Eric who was being checked for first aid not far away, and shrugged noncommittally.


Since Su Yue knew that this person would appear here, how could he not know the result?

When everyone reacted, they couldn't help but feel a little dejected. Alex Summers, who had a hot personality, could not help but complain to Su Yue, "Since you know the result, why don't you change it? You have this ability. Bar?"


Hearing that Alex actually questioned Su Yue, Charles, Mora and others hurriedly stopped him.

Although they had some opinions on Su Yue knowing the result but refusing to take action, they just thought about it in their hearts. How could they ask?

"Are you rich? Give me your money." Su Yue looked at Alex and said lightly.

"Why should I give you my money?" Alex retorted absurdly.

"Yes, why?"

Su Yuexie glanced at Alex, greeted Polaris and Ruiwen, and then teleported away with the unconscious Eric.


I have money, why should I give it to you?

Similarly, I have the ability, why should I help you?

The questions and answers between Su Yue and Alex have answered Alex's previous questions very well, and also showed his attitude and position.

If you have the ability, you have to do it?

Isn't this moral kidnapping?

If he hadn't thought that the little soldier Alex really had that kind of self-sacrificing spirit, or that he was a virgin and not a virgin bitch, if he asked this question, death might not necessarily kill him, but a lesson was to run away. No.

The mutants too, have no experience, have not experienced beatings in reality, just rely on their own super powers to think that they can become superhumans, become gods? That's bullshit.

This mission was a good lesson for them. After returning to the base, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. The pride and self-confidence of being a hero who saved the world by joining the X department was suppressed.

Silent all night.

The next morning, in a ward in the medical room, Eric woke up.

Opening his eyes and looking at the unfamiliar room environment, Eric's memory recovered, he suddenly sat up and let out a low growl.

The enemy has run away!

I couldn't kill him this time, so it won't be so easy to find him next time.

"The taste of being unwilling is very uncomfortable, isn't it?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Eric was startled and looked up at the person who came in from the door: "This voice is you!"

"You stopped me from taking revenge!"

Eric shouted angrily, got up and rushed towards Su Yue.

Su Yue pursed his lips and waved his hand lightly. In an instant, Eric felt his neck tighten, and the button on the top of his shirt tightened his collar tightly, and then slammed him against the wall next to him.

With his feet off the ground, Eric seemed to be fixed to the wall, unable to move.

"This... this feeling..." Eric was stunned. Where did he seem to have seen such a familiar attack? No, no, isn't this the way he usually deals with others?

"You... how are you...?"

Before Eric's words of shock were finished, Su Yue hooked his hand and dragged him in front of him.

Eric's reaction was quick, and he hurriedly wanted to use the same method to control the metal buttons on his shirt to break free. However, the ability to do nothing in the past seemed to have failed, and he was unable to break through the opponent's magnetic field.

"How do I have the same ability as you? Hehe, I'm not the only one who has this ability." Su Yue said his question for Eric, then raised his hand to the side, and Eric couldn't help himself. flew towards the door.

At this moment, a figure appeared at the door.

When Eric was about to bump into this man, the man suddenly raised his hand.


Eric stopped in front of him immediately.

It stopped abruptly, and Eric coughed the moment he was stretched.

While coughing, her eyes widened.

Also, another person who has the ability to control magnetic fields just like himself.

Who can tell me what's going on?

Why did two people with the same ability as you suddenly appear, and they both seem to be stronger than you?

"What's going on?" Polaris looked at Su Yue suspiciously.

Su Yue chuckled and said, "It's nothing, just let him calm down."

After speaking, Su Yue motioned for Polaris to put him down.

Eric, who landed on the ground, watched Su Yue and Bei Xing vigilantly and did not speak.

"To be honest, I still admired you, but your behavior just now disappointed me. Did I stop you from taking revenge? Did you fail because of me?"

"Do not!"

Eric shook his head lowly: "I'm sorry, I... I just can't accept this fact for a while. I, I should thank you for saving me."

"This attitude is right."

Su Yue smiled and walked to the side and sat down. "Simply introduce myself. My name is Su Yue. You can call me Dimensional Lord or Master. Her name is Lorna Dane, and you can call her Polaris."

"Master?" Eric looked at Su Yue: "Although I thank you for saving me, I didn't say I wanted to rely on you."

"What if I helped you kill Sebastian Anshaw? What if... I could save your mother?"

Eric was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Maybe you can kill him, but my mother... are you kidding me?"

"Tsk tsk... Am I teasing you, haven't you already guessed it? With the extreme character you have developed through so many years of painful experience, if you really think I'm teasing you, you won't react this way. .Your mother is very important to you. If you really think I am teasing you, even if you die, you will work hard with me, right?"

"Although you can say that you don't know anything about me, but in your heart, you vaguely feel that I am not teasing you, right?"

Chapter 0410 Conquer Magneto!

Eric was silent, because he couldn't refute what Su Yue said. Although he didn't know anything about Su Yue, he faintly felt that what Su Yue said was not a joke, not to make fun of himself.

Of course, that's why he would have such a reaction under the current circumstances.

First, he was unwilling to fail in revenge, and then he was taught by Su Yue and Polaris with the same ability as himself. If the time and place were changed, Eric would not have believed such absurd words in a calm and rational situation, and would not have thought it possible at all!

"When I was in the sea, your voice appeared directly in my head, right? Then you used the same ability as me just now. How many abilities do you... have?" After a moment of silence, Eric asked.

"Twinkle, your character is too twisty, isn't it? What I want to know is why I dare say that I will save your mother, but I have to ask around the corner and ask me how capable I am. Eric, you'd better be more honest in the future. , because I'm not interested, and there's no need to guess what you mean."

Su Yue looked at Eric who frowned and refuted, and directly transmitted his identity and the situation of Dimension Street into his mind with his psychic ability. The momentary influx of information made Eric, who had just woken up, groaned and put his hands on his head.

After a long while, Eric's painful expression gradually eased, and he looked at Su Yue in disbelief and didn't know what to say.

parallel world?

time travel?

They actually came from another world?

Eric was skeptical. On the one hand, traveling through time and space and parallel worlds is too absurd and amazing. On the other hand, he feels that only in this way can he explain why Su Yue and Polaris have the same abilities as him.

Because they came from another world.

Otherwise, there are three people with the same ability in a world, which Eric always thinks is unlikely.

"Xiao's matter is easy to solve. Killing him is just a matter of a moment. Let's talk about saving your mother first. I have at least three ways to save your mother."

"The first one, I go back to Dimension Street and summon your mother to the Dimension Street from the timeline before she died. The second one, I come back to this world after returning to Dimension Street, just a little bit. Adjust the time point of time travel, travel until your mother is still alive, and then save your mother. The third and last one is that I travel directly through time, travel back to the past, and use the Regression Fruit before your mother is completely dead. The ability to rewind her state to twelve years ago, so that she will naturally not die."

"Three, three methods?"

This is to bring a person who has been dead for many years back to life. There are three ways to do this completely contrary to common sense?

"The first method is the easiest, but your mother will be a person from Dimension Street in the future, and she cannot escape or betray; the second method, after I save your mother, you will change your fate because you have not experienced the pain of her mother's death. Perhaps, your ability may not be awakened for a lifetime, perhaps you will have a completely different life, and the third is the simplest and most perfect, the only drawback is that once I die, coma, or take the initiative to withdraw my ability, your mother will instantly Back to her original state, that is to say, she may die in the next second."

Su Yue clearly told Eric the three methods of operation and the consequences. No matter which method, Eric would definitely sell his life to Su Yue, and he would also leave behind the handle of 'mother'.

This is a conspiracy!

"I don't think you will let me choose the second one, right? If I don't have the ability and have a completely different life, I should have no value to you. Since I have no value, you can't help me without any reason. Me." Eric calmly analyzed for a moment, then took a deep breath and said, "I choose the last one!"

"Oh? This choice surprised me." Su Yue raised her eyebrows. The third option is to use the retrogressive fruit to retrograde her physical condition by twelve years before he is currently temporary. In theory, she can survive and be young. Twelve years old, and it seems to be very good.

But her life is actually completely in Su Yue's hands. As long as Su Yue has any accident, dies or falls into a coma, the effect will disappear. If Eric is disobedient, Su Yue can also withdraw the effect on her mother at any time.

This option is far more restrictive than the first, and has higher risks.

Eric said solemnly: "There are two reasons, the first reason is that although I will be controlled by you, it can also make me remember what I want to do. I don't understand, and I don't know what you need me to do, I don't want to get myself to do something that could hurt my mother because of something."

"Very sensible."

Su Yue nodded in approval, because he was worried that he would do something inappropriate, so he simply killed this possibility from the beginning. People who can make such decisions are bound to be very rational people.

"The second reason...Although I don't know what the ability you said is about, but if it disappears and immediately returns to a near-death state, then maybe I can find a way to cure her in the future. In this way, at least I still have a chance, it's better than being summoned to Dimension Street to lose my freedom forever." Eric said calmly.

"I used to be dishonest, but now it's a bit too frank." Su Yue laughed dumbly. "I haven't saved your mother yet, so tell me you have two hearts, why? Aren't you afraid that I won't save her?"

"I want my mother to be freer. But that doesn't mean I have two hearts, and... it's useless if I have two hearts, right? Because you'll call me, right? If I'm under your control, you won't Need my mother to make me obedient, don't you?"

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