Looking at the calm Eric, the corners of Su Yue's mouth raised slightly.

I have to say that, apart from being a little disappointed at the beginning, Eric's performance really made him impeccable and had nothing to say.

Very sensible and smart.

How should I put it, after all, he grew up in the dark, and the biggest difference between him and Charles is that Charles will think of everyone as kind, and he... will use the worst possibility to speculate on each other, to face anything.

There is no basis, and when they don't know each other at all, if it is Eric, Eric will not be at ease with the other party just because he controls the other party's mother. Especially when he can easily control the other party, and the other party has to accept it.

Obviously you can get double insurance, why only one?


Su Yue didn't look like a fool, so Eric naturally thought that Su Yue would definitely summon him, and then let him do things. So he expressed his thoughts frankly, and his purpose was to let Su Yue know his attitude.

I'm not afraid to tell you what I'm going to do, because I didn't plan to have two hearts at all, and I also put an end to the possibility of having two hearts. I'm only for my mother.

Chapter 0411 Speed ​​Force and the Fruit of Regression


Eric was so straightforward, and Su Yue didn't procrastinate.

Even if it's hype, it's not as effective as seeing it with your own eyes.

Su Yue's body suddenly lit up with lightning bolts. Eric only felt a gust of wind blowing, and then Su Yue was no longer in front of him.


Su Yue, who was galloping, suddenly saw a time wormhole appear in front of him, and jumped in. The next moment, Su Yue disappeared, already... traveled through time.

Date: 1944.

Location: Polish concentration camp, Sebastian Anshaw, the office of his now pseudonym Klaus Schmidt.

Event: Sebastian Anshaw persecutes teenager Eric with her mother's life in an attempt to activate his abilities again, moving coins on the table.

Sebastian Anshaw was sitting at the desk, holding a pistol in his right hand, and pushing a coin with his left in front of the teenager Eric who was standing in front of the desk. Behind the teenager Eric, two soldiers grabbed a coin. Woman, this woman is the mother of young Eric.

"Let me tell you what we're going to do, I count to three, you move the coin. If you can't do it, I'll pull the trigger." Sebasti Anshaw pointed the gun at the teenager Eric's Mother.


The young Eric looked back at his mother in a panic, and raised his hands to aim at the coins on the table.



Sebastian Anshaw glanced at the boy Eric with a ferocious expression and the coin that didn't move at all, and pulled the trigger without expression.



The gunshots sounded suddenly, and the young Eric's expression froze. He looked back at his mother, who was lying on the ground. His mind went blank and slowly turned back to the expressionless Sebasti Anshaw.

The young Eric's eyes gradually turned hideous.

A copper bell next to Sebastian Anshaw seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand, and it was instantly dented and shriveled. Sebastian Anshaw was shocked and raised his hand in satisfaction: "Wonderful!"

click... click...

The sound of shattering and shaking sounded, and the roaring boy Eric turned his sadness and anger into power and exploded completely.

For a long time, for a long time, the surroundings returned to peace.

The originally tidy office is now in a mess, and all the metal objects can no longer be seen at this time. Two soldiers wearing steel helmets were also crushed by the helmets and fell to the ground.

Instead of panic or blame, Sebastian Anshaw felt happy from the bottom of his heart. He hugged the young man Eric, who had been hissing for a while, and was about to praise him, but out of the corner of his eye, he realized that something was wrong.

Eric... Why did Eric's mother's body disappear?

Sebastian Anshaw's expression was stunned, but he looked around calmly but found nothing.

Afterwards, he has been investigating the matter, and has been looking for Eric's mother's body, but unfortunately there is no clue. This matter has become a mystery that he cannot solve.



Eric was asking Polaris in the room where Su Yue had gone, but the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and then... he saw Su Yue and... the mother who was shot?

Eric was stunned!

This, what's this about? He... did he really go back in time to bring his mother back?

It took only a few seconds since he disappeared until he came back. He actually went back to the past and brought his mother back?


Eric hurriedly rushed to his mother's side, looking at his dying mother, who was shot and bleeding, he looked up anxiously at Su Yue.

A peach-colored flame like a ghostly fire appeared on Su Yue's palm. In Eric's surprised eyes, he threw the flame on Eric's mother, and then the flame was sucked into Eric like a towel absorbing water. in the mother's body. The faint pink light shone on her body for a few seconds and then disappeared, Eric stared at his mother with wide eyes.

The gunshot wound is gone.

The mother looks younger. If you only look at it from the outside, she has a feeling of being the same age as him.

"I... I'm...?" Eric's mother opened her eyes and blinked blankly. She clearly remembered that she was... shot in the concentration camp. Why did she suddenly...

"I'm not dead?"

"You're not dead, mother." Eric helped his mother up.


"It's me, Eric, I'm Eric..." Eric's eyes flushed, and crystal tears rolled down.

"Eric? Are you my Eric? Why did you suddenly..." Eric's mother couldn't believe it. After all, the original boy suddenly grew up when he opened his eyes. Hard to believe.

But blood is thicker than water, and Eric's mother could feel that the person in front of her seemed... really her own son.

Eric told her all the things he had experienced over the years after his mother's death, and naturally he also told her that Su Yue saved her. After Eric finished speaking, although his mother was still in disbelief, she knelt down and expressed her gratitude to Su Yue.

Anyway, it's true that I didn't die!

"Thank you."

Eric supported his mother and thanked Su Yue solemnly.

Su Yue smiled and shook his head: "I'll take you to the Dimension Street Manor. When the matter is over, you will live there. Let your mother settle down first, and you are familiar with the situation."

Teleported Eric and her mother to the Dimension Street Manor, Su Yue called Ling Die to accept it for them, and asked Ling Die to take Eric's mother to find a room to settle down first, and then told Eric the situation here and his future tasks.

"What I have to do is to run this place, recruit more mutants, and protect this place, right?"


Originally, because Su Yue took so much trouble to save his mother and subdue him, Eric had to do his own work, but he didn't expect that he was just running and guarding a manor.

"Anyone else?" Eric asked.

"I will find you a few helpers. There is a beast Hank in the X department. Although his ability is not outstanding at present, he is very smart and can provide technical and backup support. There is also a Salvador Angel, who can Fei, can spray venom. In addition, there is a red devil in the Hellfire Club, that is, Xiao's side. His ability is teleportation. I plan to collect him after I have solved Xiao. "


Eric whispered his name, then asked, "When will you kill him?"

Chapter 0412 One Hundred Thousand Why Mora

After Eric's mother settled in the manor, Su Yue took Eric back to the base of Department X and let him get to know everyone in Department X. At the same time, Eric's identity, ability, and the matter of seeking revenge for Xiao were also told to them.

Although from the current situation, Eric has obviously been directly recruited by Su Yue, but at this time, everyone is in the same boat after all, they all have the same goal, and they are all mutants, so they get along fairly well.

Especially after Su Yue said that Eric will be in charge of the Dimension Street Manor, both Charles and the official supervisor and Mora have paid attention to him. Since he is to be in charge, there will be no less opportunities to deal with him in the future. .

"Eric is in charge of the Dimension Street Manor, what about you?" Mora looked at Eric who was chatting with Hank not far away, turned her head and asked Su Yue a little curiously.

Su Yue took Mora's shoulders, looked at the supervisor who pretended to be ignorant, and said with a smile: "Of course I have other things to do, but you can rest assured that even if I don't care about the manor, I won't care about you. After all, you are my woman now."

"I don't."

Mora didn't expect that he would say so after reminding Su Yue, subconsciously retorted, and then looked at the supervisor.

"Okay, don't hide it. My woman is my woman, and I'm not the kind of man who doesn't even dare to admit his own woman." Su Yue interrupted Moura with a smile, looking up at the main channel: "I don't care. What do you think of this situation, I will only tell you once. If Mora is wronged or neglected by you, I will kill you. Also, let Mora come forward in the future about Dimension Street or mutants , I don't recognize anyone else."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, even if you want to target Dimension Street in the future, don't use Mora as a bargaining chip. I will hand over Dimension Street to Eric. How to develop and manage is his business, but Mora is my woman. , these two concepts, you'd better distinguish clearly."

The supervisor nodded solemnly: "I hope there won't be such a day."

Just a hope, not a guarantee.

Obviously, the supervisor also knows that once the crisis of Hei Huang Xiao is over, it is the mutants who need to be alerted and dealt with, so he can't guarantee that there will be absolutely no conflict or confrontation.

Mora and Su Yue were together. The news quickly spread throughout the X department. How could other people in the X department think about it, but the mutants like Charles and the others were not surprised at all.

Mora, one of the parties involved, was in a somewhat complicated mood.

On the one hand, she was a little angry about Su Yue's self-initiated announcement of the relationship. In this way, all her previous assumptions had come to nothing. Even if there was Su Yue's 'threat', she would not be affected or wronged, but she wanted to take care of Dimension based on her position. Street is no longer possible.

On the other hand, she is still very happy. After all, what she likes is a responsible person, and she doesn't need to hide her feelings for him and contact with him in the future, so she can be together openly.

What Maura didn't expect was that what made her feel more complicated was still behind.

That night, Su Yue swaggered and took Mo La into his room.

Then, Maura was stunned!

The reason she was stunned was that Su Yue told her her 'identity'.

parallel world.

time travel.

The dimensional lord of Dimension Street in another world.

After receiving these messages, Mora was silent for half an hour before speaking: "No wonder we didn't find out your identity, it turns out that you are not from this world at all, so you will hand over the Dimension Street Manor to Eric , you'll leave this world when it's over, right?"


Su Yue nodded.

"Why did you tell me all of a sudden? You can hide it from me." Mora asked.

Su Yue smiled: "It's not necessary, you are my woman, what am I doing without telling you? By the way, this is for you, you can keep it yourself."

Having said that, Su Yue took out a time-space teleporter.

"What is this?" Mora took over and asked curiously.

"A teleporter across time and space, this teleporter can currently connect to Dimension Street and its subordinates, including several dimension worlds in this world. It can communicate in time, and it can also be teleported across time and space. That is to say, with this thing, no matter where I am You can contact me, and you can meet across time and space in an instant." Su Yue smiled and introduced the usage to Mora.

With this thing, distance is no longer a problem.

Don't say it's a different place, even if it's a different time and space, you can meet in the blink of an eye.

Without the sense of distance, there will be no loneliness, and naturally there will be no loss of long-distance love that you are not by my side when I need you, and at the same time, it will not affect the relationship... Mora also thought of this, originally The depression that had arisen immediately dissipated.

The troubles were resolved, and the relationship and emotions between the two would not be affected, so Mora began to wonder what the situation in Su Yue's world was like.

Su Yue naturally wouldn't hide it, and he always answered Moura's questions. As a result, he answered the question... Moura seemed to be addicted to one question after another. He originally thought that this question should be over. Unexpectedly, Maura asked other questions.

At the end of the question, Su Yue's original desire to exercise has faded away.

"It's getting late, let's have a rest. If you're really curious, wait for the matter of Xiao Hui to be resolved, why don't you just go there."


Mora nodded and temporarily curbed her curiosity and lay down beside Su Yue, but she couldn't help but say, "By the way, you said that there are no mutants in your world, I mean except for There are no mutants outside Dimension Street. Besides, there are many people with special abilities in your world, and can you accept them?"


"Then..." Mora stood up and looked at Su Yue. "If, I mean, if there are more and more mutants in the future, the influence will become bigger and bigger, so big that there will be confrontation or even war, can you... Can you send these mutants to your world or other worlds ?"

"Anyway, you also need manpower. If it is those kind and obedient mutants, they can still function and live a better life if they are sent to you."


Su Yue looked at Mora slightly in surprise, never expected that she would make such a suggestion. "There is definitely a shortage of manpower. I often bring people to Dimension Street from other worlds. However, listen to what you mean... It seems that you intend to change the nature of this matter from private to cooperative?"

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