"I do mean this."

Chapter 0413 New ideas and doing things?

"I have a general idea. Since the mutants can't be hidden, and may even intensify, the conflict between humans and mutants will definitely break out. Even now, the big bosses in the base are not so good to mutants. Friendship, if it hadn't been for a mission or we were watching, they might have had conflicts privately. So I was thinking, since conflicts are unavoidable, how to resolve them is the key."

"Kill all mutants? You said that many human beings have mutant genes hidden in their bodies. It can be said that as long as human beings do not go extinct, mutants will not go extinct. Peaceful coexistence is also unlikely. Even if mutants are arrested, first Whether it can be closed or not, even if it can, it will make the mutants more intense. The most important thing is... your Dimension Street Manor will definitely be the first force to gather mutants, and... you will also gather Not so many mutants."

"So I was thinking that if we can cooperate, it should be a win-win thing. When the official comes forward, it can not only determine the authority of the official, but also maintain the order of the relationship between mutants and humans. The official can hand over these mutants to you and let you Take it to Dimension Street. In this way, you can easily get manpower, and the official has a way to deal with mutants. Or even simpler, your Dimension Street can be used as the official mutant prison, but after the mutants are sent there, It's up to you."

"As long as mutants cannot appear on a large scale, the relationship between mutants and humans can be eased after a period of time, and as long as the relevant policies can ensure fairness, the big crisis between mutants and humans can be completely lifted."

"It's a way to reduce the number of mutants, and a way to soften the relationship between the two species. The bottom line is... it doesn't do you any harm, you don't have to put too much effort into it. A steady stream of mutants."

Mora expressed her thoughts one by one with excitement. Although many aspects of this idea were not mature enough, and she did not think of many details, it cannot be denied that it is indeed a good idea for Su Yue. .

In any case, the official is a behemoth, and the official appearance of many things will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort, and the effect will definitely be much better than the personal power of the Dimension Street Manor.

Everything has two sides.

The disadvantage of this incident is that it has to prevent the official from having more ideas, and once it is exposed, it will inevitably be hostile to the mutants of this world. If there are too many mutants brought back, it may also affect Dimension Street and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But the advantage is that he can easily get a steady stream of mutants, and at the same time, with the help of official power, he can also get more benefits and a more detached status. If nothing else, just Dimension Street Manor and Mora will definitely become detached.

The most important thing is that Moura's proposal opened up Su Yue's thinking. In the previous several dimension worlds, except the world of Busan trip, which benefited from official power, the rest were developed by personal forces.

There are benefits, but not many.

If we can cooperate with the government, we will not only get more benefits in terms of interests, but also in terms of status and development.

Thinking about it, Su Yue suddenly thought of an interesting thing.

What would happen if he brought the mutants of this world back instead of staying in Dimension Street, but distributed them elsewhere? A person comes from one world to another, lest they have a strange environment and a strange world background, no matter how careful they are, they will definitely be noticed, right? Especially powerful organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra will inevitably find out their anomalies, and then... find out that they are from another world?

Does this count as... opening the multiverse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ahead of schedule?

At present, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has not yet involved the concept of multiverse, and there are no other universes or related information except Dimension Street. Once Nick Fury discovers that there are large-scale people in other universes besides Dimension Street, it is still Mutants, isn't there an opportunity to rip you off?

If these mutants do well, maybe even buy a plot of land to live in Asgard in the movie, and give the mutants a plot of land to live in. Isn't giving land to mutants the same as giving land to yourself?

Now it is getting more and more difficult to buy land in Dimension Street. It is not easy to buy a piece of land for a public convenience project such as the construction of high-speed rail. In the future... it will only become more and more difficult.

As soon as this idea came out, Su Yue couldn't contain the idea of ​​making trouble.

The more you think about it, the stronger this idea becomes.

"Do you think...is it feasible?" Seeing Su Yue who had been silent for a long time suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, Mora asked hurriedly.

Su Yue smiled and nodded: "I think you can try it, but you don't need to make it too big for the time being. I think it's fine to cooperate with the CIA first, and it's better to hide the multiverse thing first."

"it is good."

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. I'll let Rui Wen and Queen White stay here to help you."


Mora nodded heavily. On the one hand, she had this idea to consider the situation of humans and mutants, and on the other hand, she hoped to gain a greater right to speak, so that she might be able to help Su Yue.

Of course, the premise is that Su Yue is in place.

Whether it is to admit that Mora is his woman, or to confess his 'identity', Su Yue's responsibility and attitude towards Mora are the main reasons for Mora to take the initiative to come up with this idea.

"What are you doing?" Su Yue asked curiously, looking at Mora who got up.

"Make a plan!"

Moura got up and explained, "This incident involves too many things. I have to make a detailed plan before I can implement it."


"Yeah, the more I think about this, the more excited I get. I can't sleep at all, and I don't have anything else to do. My dear, I'm sorry, you can sleep alone." Mora kissed Su Yue apologetically and turned around ready to leave.

Opening the door, she thought about it, turned around, and said, "If you can't sleep, let others come over, but I'll say it first, just this time. Don't let me know what you're going to do in the future."

Acceptance is acceptable, but it has not yet reached the point where there is no pimple in the heart, especially when the emotions are the strongest, so Mora's only solution is to deceive himself and not be bothered by the sight.

Chapter 0414 Invasion of the Hellfire Club

Su Yue hasn't turned his eyes to the point where he really believes what Moura said at this time. Don't look at it as if she brought it up on her own initiative, but she really wants to listen to her. Believe it or not, she will definitely be angry tomorrow?

What is out of sight and out of mind?

What is self-deception?

To put it bluntly, she doesn't know!

If she really did as she said, would she not know?

Now that you know, what kind of self-deception, what kind of out of sight and out of mind, I honestly feel sleepy.

Silent all night.

After waking up the next day, Su Yue went to Mora's room first. Mora was sleeping soundly, the lamp on the table was still on, and an unfinished plan was placed on the table. .

Su Yue briefly read it. Although it has not yet been completed, the plan is very thorough and detailed. Although some aspects are lacking, the overall direction and thinking are still good.

Unfortunately, this plan should not come in handy in the short term.

The threat of mutants has not been fully revealed. Now there are only three or two kittens, and it is not so easy to attract attention. Even if the threat of mutants has reached a point that cannot be ignored in the future, the official will definitely handle it by itself, and will keep the mutants in their own. Imprisonment and research, they will only consider cooperating with the outside world when they are really powerless.

This is normal, not to mention official institutions. Even if an individual encounters this kind of problem, he will definitely solve it himself first, and then he can cooperate with others.

Even if Mora's plan was submitted in a short time, it would not pass. Su Yue estimated that at least it would be possible to start this plan after the apocalypse awakened and destroyed Cairo.

Although it is temporarily unavailable, the plan is still to be done. Even if this world is not good, it can be used in the mutant world of "uniquely gifted". Speaking of which, this plan may be easier to implement in that world.

Five days later.

Mora gave the completed plan to the supervisor, and asked the supervisor to hand over the plan to the superior. Then... the stone sinks into the sea, and no news comes back, as if the plan had never been handed in at all.

In fact, the supervisor did hand in the plan, and he very solemnly hoped that the superior could take a serious look at it.

But, of course, both eggs.

As Su Yue had guessed, although the superiors knew about the existence of mutants, they didn't fully pay attention to it. This plan was sent to the bottom of the box to eat ashes, and it was uncertain when it would see the light of day again.

Mora was a little disappointed, but at the same time she was determined to gain more power.

Without power, even if she knows that something is right and something is good, she can't do anything about it.

The moon is as bright as water, and the blue sky is dotted with countless small stars, blinking and blinking, as if inviting people to travel in the vast space; Sit on the couch drinking and chatting, or have a heated battle in front of the game console.

After the excitement and freshness at the beginning of joining faded, the life trapped here with nothing to do began to become boring and boring. Gathering together every night to drink and make trouble is their only entertainment.


A crash that was blocked by layers sounded quietly.

"Shh, did you hear anything?"

Sensitive to sound, the super-hearing Kraken motioned to his friends to mute his voice, then frowned and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window to look outside to find the source of the sound.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't hear anything, did you hear it?"

"I didn't hear it either."

Several new mutants came to the floor-to-ceiling windows and shook their heads.

In a small conference room, the supervisor heard a bang, and then the colleague behind him disappeared mysteriously.

What about people?

Why did he suddenly disappear?

wait...could it be...


A cloud of red mist suddenly appeared in front of the supervisor. In the red mist, a man dressed in a suit and red all over, like a devil, grabbed his shoulders.

Then, the roar sounded again.

The supervisor was horrified to find that he had appeared above the sky, and then... the hand of the red devil loosened.

"Ahhhhh..." A sharp exclamation sounded unconsciously in the mouth of the rapidly falling supervisor.

In a short moment, before the screams fell, the supervisor was about to make a close contact with the ground.


With a scream, the supervisor fell to the ground.


"It hurts, I... I'm not dead?" The supervisor, who thought he was going to die, felt the pain. He raised his head blankly and saw a group of surprised faces in the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Uh, am I really not dead?

"You should lose weight."

The supervisor heard Su Yue's joking voice, he hurriedly turned his head and saw Su Yue standing beside him.

Su Yue was holding a black strip of cloth in his hand. This strip of cloth looked familiar, as if... it was his own suit? The supervisor hurriedly looked at his suit, which was indeed torn.

For a split second, the supervisor wondered what was going on.

Su Yue saved himself.

When he was about to be smashed to pieces, Su Yue appeared and grabbed him, but the impact was too strong, so the suit he was caught tore tore, and he fell to the ground. Because of the buffer, the impact force was removed, so I was only hurt by the fall, not killed!


The supervisor of the rest of his life got up from the ground and thanked Su Yue.

"Find a place to hide yourself."

"Oh, okay, okay."

The supervisor nodded again and again, turned around in a panic, and found a place to hide.

Someone invaded!

The people in the base responded very quickly, all the searchlights were turned on instantly, and a harsh and melodious alarm sounded, and all the soldiers came out as soon as possible.

"There are intruders in the main hall!"

In the main entrance hall, Hei Huang Xiao walked in wearing a helmet and walking in steps that he did not recognize.

"Where are the mutants?"

"Don't move, or I'll shoot."

"Go ahead, but first tell me where to find those higher humans." Hei Huang Xiao said as he walked.




The gunshot sounded quickly, and the bullet hit Hei Huang Xiao's body without any effect and bounced off.

Hei Huangxiao walked in front of him and picked it up with one hand. "What about mutants?"

"Put people down, or open fire."

The soldiers who came over instantly surrounded Hei Huang Xiao.

Hei Huangxiao raised the corner of his mouth in disdain and threw the man into the air with force. At the same time, the crackling sound of gunfire rang out, and the soldiers frantically fired at Hei Huangxiao from all directions.

Bullets scattered all over the place.

Black Emperor Xiao, unscathed!

0415 Frozen Red Devil

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