Although the impact of the explosion was imminent, the White Queen did not hesitate to give up the best defense effect of diamond, and directly resisted the impact of the explosion and used her psychic ability to control the Black Emperor Xiao who had turned and was about to run.

If the White Queen is absolutely obedient to Su Yue, then Eric is fearless because of the flame of revenge.


The coin flew abruptly, passed directly through the flames of the explosion, and entered with a swishing sound from the back of the head of Black Emperor Xiao, who had been immobilized.

A coin-sized wound appeared between Hei Huangxiao's eyebrows. The coin penetrated and fell to the ground with a little sticky blood.

At the same time, under the control of Su Yue's hands, the explosive energy that had already stunned his face became smaller and smaller, and finally... disappeared suddenly!

This situation is exactly the same as when Hei Huang Xiao absorbed the explosive energy of the shell before.

Eric stared at Su Yue with wide eyes. Isn't this Black Emperor Xiao's ability? He... how did he do it?

Rao is that Eric already knows a lot about Su Yue and Dimension Street, but in his eyes, Su Yue's body is always wrapped in layers of mysterious mist, which makes it impossible for people to see him clearly. reality'.

"Thank you!" Eric's shock quickly turned to relief.

Su Yue rescued his mother, helped him avenge his **** vengeance and killed Hei Huang Xiao, so he didn't need to think about it at all, as long as he faithfully completed the task that Su Yue gave him and repaid his kindness was enough.

Black Emperor Xiao died, Torrent and the Red Devil were arrested, the Hellfire Club was completely disintegrated, and their plan to start a war naturally ended without a hitch.

Speaking of which, this result is very surprising. Hei Huang Xiao brought people to take revenge and dig a footing. He never thought that he would be counter-killed, and he would explain everything here. As for Mora and Charles and other people in the X department, they did not expect that Su Yue would overfulfill the task. The original plan was to help them resist the invasion of Hei Huangxiao.

Although Queen White felt that Hei Huang Xiao died early, Su Yue didn't care.

What if Hei Huang Xiao continued to cause wars?

Su Yue's purpose at the beginning was to recruit the Red Devil, so there's no need to wait until Eric kills the Black Emperor Xiao.

Moreover, although Hei Huang Xiao is not weak, his influence is far less shocking than that of Apocalypse.

"Did you read his memory when you controlled him?" Su Yue asked the White Queen with a smile, and looked at Rui Wen not far away.

Queen White smiled sweetly: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Chapter 0417 Weak Air Force

A week later.

The Hellfire Club, where business was booming, suddenly closed. No one knew the reason for the closure. Only a small number of well-informed people heard that the club's owner, Hei Huang Xiao, had suddenly started liquidating and selling assets before the club closed. A large portion of these assets were exchanged for gold.

Those who have business dealings with Hei Huangxiao seek the whereabouts of their Hei Huangxiao as soon as possible. After all, what they do is not a business that can be seen lightly. Hei Huangxiao sells his assets without warning and runs away. Panic?

Not to mention those who have already paid the deposit or paid in the transaction with Hei Huang Xiao.

It's a pity, even if they have all the information, it is impossible to find Hei Huangxiao. Even if they can, they will find the news of Hei Huangxiao's death. Of course, there may be people who can't find the Black Emperor Xiao and find the Red Devils and Torrents, but what can they do?

They are just Hei Huangxiao's thugs. Hei Huangxiao is dead, is there a problem with them switching to someone else?

Not reconciled?

Want to be tough?

If you are not afraid of death, try it.

Yes, now the Red Devils and Torrents have switched to Suyue.

Hei Huang Xiao died, and they were arrested without any resistance. If they don't surrender, who knows what will happen? Moreover, Su Yue is also a mutant. It is clear that he is stronger than the original Black Emperor Xiao, and stronger than the X department with official background. It can be said that they are the best and only choice to join Su Yue.

Most importantly, their identities were whitewashed.

In the past, when they followed Hei Huang Xiao, they did a lot of illegal things. Even if they could escape, they would be hunted down after they left. Now that they have taken refuge with Su Yue, this problem is no longer a problem.

Rui Wen turned into the appearance of Hei Huang Xiao, Torrent, the Red Devil, plus the White Queen, Eric, and in just one week, all of Hei Huang Xiao's 'legacy' was realized.


Eric, Torrent, Red Devil, returned to the Dimension Street Manor with a part of Hei Huang Xiao's 'legacy', and discussed how to develop and operate this place in the future, and how to complete the tasks that Su Yue gave them.

At the same time, there has not been much change in the X department.

Charles and those new mutants did not leave the X department, but were prepared to stay here and continue to develop. After all, with the support of the official background, many things can be easily solved.

Su Yue asked the White Queen to invite Hank, who had not yet become a beast, to recruit him. Unfortunately, Hank declined.

The reason for refusal is acceptable. He feels that staying in the X department can play a greater value, and everyone is a friend. If there is anything in Suyue or the Dimension Street Manor that needs his help, he will definitely not refuse.

Su Yue didn't force it. Anyway, what he saw was Hank's head. Since everyone's relationship was good, Hank was willing to help at any time, so there was no need to let him join Dimension Street.

The most important thing is that Hank helped to make a brain wave machine, and also gave the production drawing of the brain wave machine to Su Yue.

After that, Su Yue left this world with the Four Horsemen and Mora.


Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Dimension Street.

The White Queen went to the scientific research center with the brainwave machine and production drawings, Ling Die went to Pepper Potts to hand over the 'harvest' this time, Polaris went home to rest, Rui Wen found a friend of the regular combat action team and asked about the Hand Association. As for Mora, of course, Su Yue personally arranged it.

But Mora didn't stay here for too long, and went back three days later with a time-space teleporter.

After she left, Su Yue summoned Eric and Salvador Angel to Dimension Street with precise summoning.

Needless to say, the reason for summoning Eric is not only for the upper layer of insurance, but also for him to see with his own eyes what the real Dimension Street looks like.

As for Salvador Angel, Su Yue didn't plan to summon her at first, but her performance was not bad during the period before she came back, and whether she stayed in the X department or the Dimension Street Manor, it didn't matter much. Getting to Dimension Street can not only attract the attention of some tourists and add dimension points to yourself every day, but also make good use of her flying ability to enhance the air power of the escort!

Yes, air power.

It was only then that Su Yue realized that although there are many strong people in Dimension Street, there are very few people who can really fly and have the ability to fight in the air.

The only ones who can really fly seem to be Super Girl and Ao Bing. The ones who can use their abilities to fly are Polaris and Shockwave Girl. The air defense and air combat power is indeed weaker. Although the addition of Salvador Angel can't immediately change the status quo, it can increase the strength... …

Magneto Eric stayed in Dimension Street for two days before returning with the trans-temporal teleporter he had just obtained. After Salvador Angel settled down, he was assigned to guard duty.

Her way of duty quickly attracted the attention of many tourists.

Don't look at Su Yue's dissatisfaction with her appearance, but everyone's aesthetics are different, especially Westerners, who have completely different aesthetics in terms of skin color, body shape, appearance, etc. Salvador Angel's original purpose is to attract attention. Work, coupled with a pair of elf-like wings, is indeed in Dimension Street, which has created a big or small sensation among tourists. Many people come here to take pictures with her.

Su Yue summed up the gains of this X-Men World: He established the Dimension Street Manor, recruited Magneto, Torrent, Red Devil, and Angel Salvaldo. At the same time, Magneto and Salvador Angel were summoned, and Salvador Angel stayed in the Dimension Street of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, joined the **** team, and supplemented the air power.

Received the brainwave machine and production drawings, as well as Hei Huangxiao's 'legacy'.

The Black Emperor Xiao's ability to absorb and transform energy, and the Red Devil's teleportation ability.

There is one more woman, Mora.

And the possibility of subsequent cooperation with the official.

In general, although going to the X-Men World is an accident, it has been very rewarding, and it can be described as a worthwhile trip.

Su Yue, who was in a good mood, was going to take this opportunity to improve. After waiting for so long, he was going to give Wonder Woman a step to see if he could subdue her.

Underground, vault.

Su Yue stood in front of the cell and raised her eyebrows in surprise as she watched Diana huddled in the corner of the wall.

Stop twitching?

She... is she giving in?

Chapter 0418 So you are such a slave owner!

Give in?

No, Diana is broken.

It seemed that the endless convulsions were constantly tormenting her tenacious spirit. The coma and awakening again and again, the pain, the despair, had exceeded her psychological limit.

The tight string finally broke.

The sadness was greater than the death of her heart. Diana, who was leaning against the wall, exuded a deep sense of sadness and numbness, like a body without a soul, without any vitality.

Standing in front of the cell, Su Yue looked at the colorless Diana and said solemnly, "Raise your head and look at me."

Diana raised her head mechanically, her originally delicate face showed no expression, and the eyes that looked at Su Yue could not see any agility and brilliance except for numbness and ashes.

Looking at Diana, who looked like a walking dead, Su Yue frowned, she was going to be trashed! Even if she succumbed now, even if she was willing to obey orders in the future, a vase, a vase without soul and charm, was not what he wanted.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Lord...people..." Diana said hoarsely.

No matter the expression or the voice, there is no emotion at all.

"Do you know who you are?"

"Diana Prince."

Su Yue asked, "What else?"

"Amazon...Princess..." Diana remained expressionless and emotionless.

"Do you still remember your mission?"

Su Yue's question made the numb Diana Xiume frown slightly, " mission...Aris, my mission is to defeat Ares, the **** of war, for...for peace!"

The dead gray and numb eyes gradually gained brilliance. Although she was just unwilling, she, who was like stagnant water, finally had waves.

"Princess of the Amazons, Diana Prince, do you want to give up your mission? Do you want to let Ares cause wars in the human world? Do you want humans to... never have peace?"

The questioning was like a sledgehammer hitting Diana's body, and two lines of clear tears flowed. When Diana raised her head and whispered: "No, I don't want to!"


The door of the cell suddenly opened.

"Follow me." Su Yue turned around and walked out.

Diana was stunned, got up and walked out of the cell. She staggered and followed Su Yue step by step.

The voices are loud and the sun is shining.

Diana was bathed in the warm sunshine that she had not seen for a long time, and she couldn't help but feel a little dazed when she looked at the pedestrians with smiles on their faces.

Peace... Tranquility... Is this really the domain of a slave owner? Why don't I see people's fear and awe for him, why do people greet him so naturally and easily?

Diana suddenly wondered if her understanding of the slave owners was wrong, and if the contents recorded in the human books on Paradise Island were... wrong. If everyone in her territory could live so peacefully, freely, relaxed and happy, then...that...seems not bad?

Diana was summoned in the attic of the Dimension Inn, and then she began to fight against the law of God. After fighting again and again, Su Yue went to the underground vault to summon her, and locked her directly in the cell.

Although both Su Yue and Claire had learned about her, Diana, who had not seen the situation on Dimension Street with her own eyes, didn't believe what they said.

Slave owner, is there any kindness?

He was inexplicably brought here from Paradise Island and became his slave. How could Diana believe them in this situation?

"Here... why is this happening?" Diana finally couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

"Why not?" Su Yue slowed down to follow Diana's pace, greeted the pedestrians around him with a smile, and said to Diana, "There is a saying that hearing is false, seeing is believing. Live life all the time. People on Paradise Island have no idea what the outside world is like, let alone what humans are like."

"Peace needs to be achieved through war. Why do they like to come here? Why don't they worry about danger? That's because Dimension Street is my territory. In my territory, there are many slaves who have been summoned like you. Maintain the order here and defend the peace here, even if there is a war outside the Dimension Street, the Dimension Street is also a pure land of peace!"

"If I wasn't the lord, if there weren't those slaves in Dimension Street, do you think this place would still be like this?"

Diana was just unharmonious, not stupid.

Without the protection of power, there can be no true peace!

"Although this is not your world, they are all human beings. Would you like to sacrifice your freedom to protect them and save them?" Su Yue suddenly asked.

"I... I want to!"

She is willing to sacrifice her freedom for peace, and she is willing to sacrifice herself for justice!

Su Yue shrugged and didn't speak.

Diana reacted, isn't what he asked about the current situation? She was called to this place to become her slave, sacrificing her freedom to protect and save more people.

"I didn't know that was the case here," Diana explained.

"I know now."

Su Yue took her to the Dimension Building, opened the door, and walked towards the elevator.

The two entered the elevator, the door closed, and Su Yue pressed the button on the 12th floor.

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