"What's this?"

Diana felt a slight shaking around her, and couldn't help but asked nervously.

"Elevator is a tool that moves high and low. There are many tall buildings in this world. Ordinary humans can't jump up like you can, so they can only use this mobile tool to go up and downstairs."


As Su Yue's voice fell, the 12th floor arrived.

Su Yue took the curious Diana out of the elevator and came to Room 1204. "There are four households on each floor, and each household is independent. This household is yours, and you will live here in the future."


Diana watched curiously as Su Yue stood at the door for a while, the door opened by itself, and followed him in.

After entering, Diana's first impression was that she was small.

After all, she is the Amazon princess, and the whole paradise island can be said to belong to her, so even if there are more than 100 square meters here, it is still very small for her.

However, the layout here made Diana feel very novel. Of course, she knew what the carpets, sofas, and coffee tables were and what they were used for, but she didn't know many modern equipment.

For example, the overhead lamp; for example, the TV on the TV cabinet in the living room...

〇④The Fantastic Four

Chapter 0419 Planet Devourer is Thanos' nemesis!

"I'll teach you how to use these things in a while. I'll take you a bath first. Your body doesn't smell very good now." Su Yue waved his hand in disgust, and brought Diana, who was embarrassed and blushed, to the bathroom.

"This switch is a light. Press it once to turn it on, and press it again to turn it off. Next to it is an exhaust fan, which can be used to remove the smell, and it can also be turned on when taking a shower, so as not to be too stuffy inside."

"This is the sink. It is usually used to absorb and wash your face. You can buy some cosmetics you like and put them here. You are already beautiful enough, so you don't have to look in the mirror all the time."

"Come here, this is the place to take a bath. If you twist this thing to the left, you will get hot water, and if you twist it to the right, you will get cold water. If you twist it upwards, the water will come out of the shower above your head, and if you twist it downwards, it will pour water into the pool."

"do you understand?"

Su Yue briefly explained how to use things, then turned to look at Diana.


Diana nodded and was eager to start the shower.

"You'd better pay attention, this is not a paradise island, this is the world of human beings, that is to say, women also have men, and there are many things to pay attention to in the relationship between men and women. Even if you are in your own home, don't do this outside. At will."

Su Yue glanced at Diana, who seemed to understand but did not understand. "You wash first, I'll go out and wait for you."

"Oh well."

Diana nodded.

Su Yue turned around and went out to close the door, walked to the sofa and sat down, and turned on the TV by the way.

There was no special news on the TV. After changing several channels and putting down the remote control, Su Yue thought about Diana's changes.

Although Diana, who was already broken down, cheered up a little because of her mission, what really changed her was what she saw and heard along the way after she came out. Although this is so commonplace to the people here, the peaceful and peaceful environment and a relaxed and happy life are such ordinary images that completely changed Diana's cognition.

Awareness of yourself and Dimension Street!

The change in cognition or impression naturally also affected her thoughts. She was reluctant to submit to an evil slave owner, and she could help a kind slave owner to protect and save mankind. Not only could she accept it, but she even felt this It is a sacred belief and mission.

A gentleman can deceive him.

And how do you say that sentence? Since ancient times, true feelings cannot be retained, only routines can win people's hearts.

Su Yue didn't tell her anything about the situation of Dimension Street before, but what happened? People are reluctant to obey! and then? Change the routine, and she accepts it herself. Not only did I accept it, but even the nature of my cognition changed.

Evil has turned into kindness, submission has turned into dedication, her own feelings have changed, her thoughts have changed, but the actual situation and results are still the same!

"Ring ling ling... ling ling ling..." Su Yue's cell phone rang.

Pepper Potts called.

When the call was connected, Pepper Potts' voice sounded: "I just received a cross-time and space communication from Victor from the magical world. He asked me to tell you that the person you are looking for has appeared."

"Victor... It seems that the Silver Glider has appeared, which means that the Planet Devourer is coming soon. Okay, I know, I will deal with it."

"Do you need me to inform Susan?"


"it is good."

After the call ended, Su Yue put away the phone and the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Although the Planet Devourer in the Fantastic Four world is somewhat low and weak, even his messenger, or rather puppet, the Silver Glider can push him back with all his might. But Low is Low, weak is weak, and Planet Devourer still has the strength to easily destroy a planet.

In the comics, Planet Devourer is one of the five gods. Although he has a lot of defeats like Thanos, and even reduced to a unit of measurement, his strength has plummeted, but when he is full, his strength is not the same when he is not full. of!

There are also creation gods in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there are only four, namely: death, eternity, infinity, and annihilation, and there is no planetary devourer!

So... it should be a very interesting thing to complement the five gods of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, right? What would happen if Planet Eater appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

It is certain that countless planets will be swallowed by him, and then what? Will the other four gods appear? Will the Celestial Race in the universe appear? Will the mysterious Eternals and Star-Lord, the Celestial father who wants to rule the universe, have anything to do with the Planet Devourer?

And Thanos.

Su Yue suddenly understood why there are only four gods in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but no Planet Devourer, because the Planet Devourer's characteristic is to constantly devour planets. If there is a Planet Devourer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, then Thanos is a life plan. The director of the office will definitely not be able to do it.

I don't know how much the planet will be swallowed up. At that time, there is no need for Thanos to wipe out half of the population everywhere.

If the director of the Family Planning Office fails to become the director, Thanos, a great character for faith and for the development of the universe, naturally cannot be established.

Then what Thanos does may have to go back to the way of the comics, just to please the goddess of death, so naturally, it is impossible to have the unique charm of the unique villain in the movie universe that is understandable and admirable.

So... the real solution to the Thanos crisis is not the Infinity Stones, but the special planet eater?

The more Su Yue thought about it, the more interesting it became. The plan of the multiverse mutant invasion could not be realized for the time being, so the more powerful and more compelling Planet Devourer invasion would do.

Anyway, Su Yue originally only planned to absorb the energy of the Planet Devourer and convert it into transcendent energy to improve his own strength, even if he got him into the movie universe?

There are so many unknown planets in the movie universe, and I can completely turn the Planet Devourer into a power bank, charging him while charging myself.


The loud sound of opening the door suddenly interrupted Su Yue's thoughts. She turned her head to look. Diana, who was neatly dressed after the bath, withdrew her hand to open the door in embarrassment. Obviously, she was not quite adapted to life in modern society.

Wonder Woman, who can't even open the door, have you seen it?

I have seen!

"You came out just in time. I have something to go to another world. Do you want to come and see me?"

Chapter 0420 Silver Glider

Diana doesn't know what's going on in other worlds. In fact, let alone the world of Dimension Street, she doesn't understand even her original world.

Because of the change in concept, Diana has accepted her own destiny and status quo, but she has no idea what to do next, how to do it next, so when facing Su Yue's inquiry, she only replied: I will listen to you!

Simply neat and loud!

I don't know if this counts as the opposite? It was extremely difficult to get her to be obedient before, but now it is directly handed over to Su Yue without even asking a question.

The Fantastic Four World.

Su Yue and Diana walked out of the shock wave wormhole generated by the trans-space-time teleporter. The location where the shock wave wormhole was opened was in the top office of Victor Group, which was Victor's office.


The shock wave wormhole disappeared, Su Yue nodded to Victor, who was greeted by him from the desk.

Victor was wearing a dark green hooded robe and seemed to wear a silver-white steel mask on his face. Of course, this is not a mask, but his 'skin'.

The cosmic energy changed Victor's DNA, giving him extraordinary abilities, and at the same time, it also had an irreversible effect, and the skin of his whole body had turned into steel.


Victor saluted Su Yue very solemnly.

Unlike the movie, the current Victor is not inflated because of the ability, let alone become Doctor Doom.

The appearance of Su Yue was like a basin of cold water, which directly extinguished Victor's undeveloped psychological expansion.

The more he knew about Su Yue and Dimension Street, the less Victor dared to make trouble.

Hearing the response that made him stand up, Victor straightened up and raised his head to look at Su Yue. As for the tall and handsome woman who was following Su Yue's side, but dressed strangely, Victor didn't look at it much at all.

It's just that he has a faint feeling that this woman is probably... not simple.

"Is there any news?"


Victor nodded, turned around and picked up a remote control on the desk and pressed it a few times.

In an instant, a virtual projection appeared in the office, and Victor stepped forward and pointed to a few places: "There are very obvious energy fluctuations in these places. This energy fluctuation is very strong. I have analyzed it. Unlike any known energy, its intensity is somewhat similar to the last cosmic energy."

"I have been to these places, and there is a huge deep hole in the scene without exception. At present, I have not analyzed how these deep holes are formed out of thin air, but they have caused great influence and harm. "

Su Yue nodded: "Where's the target person?"

"it's here!"

Victor pointed to a fast-moving red dot. "I have been locking his position since I found him. I originally planned to meet him, but you explained that if he appeared, I would notify you as soon as possible, so I didn't take any action."

"a wise decision."

Su Yue patted Victor on the shoulder: "The target person is called Silver Glider, whose real name is Norrin Ryder, an astronomer on the Zenn-La planet in the outer galaxy. One day, a powerful **** in the universe, Planet Devourer Appearing on his planet, announcing that his planet has become food. Yes, you can see what food means from the name."

"He tried to negotiate terms with the Planet Devourer, begging the Planet Devourer to spare his planet, and the Planet Devourer agreed, but at the cost of letting him serve himself and help him find a planet suitable for food. He accepted and got The powerful power bestowed by the Planet Devourer, and at the same time, his whole body also gave birth to an all-silver shell, and disappeared together with memory, good and evil, conscience, morality, etc."

"When he became a star-devourer and a silver glider, the planet-devourer ordered him to look for a planet that he could eat, and then... because the silver glider who lost his memory immediately pointed to his home planet and said that it could be eaten. !"


This is really a sad story, Diana couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "And then what? Did the Planet Eater eat that planet?"

Su Yue shook his head: "The Planet Devourer replied: I made a promise with a respectable person, not to eat that one!"

"Huh..." Diana breathed a sigh of relief.

After listening to the story, Victor did not relax, but became heavier. From this story he heard two things: First, the strength of this silver glider is very strong. Two, the Planet Devourer... is eyeing the Earth!

It's been made clear just now that the Silver Glider's job is to help the Planet Devourer find planets to eat. Now that the Silver Glider has appeared on Earth, it means that he intends to treat the Earth as the Planet Devourer's food.

The few deep holes that appeared with him before are very likely to be functions like coordinates, which are used to notify the Planet Devourer to come here... Dine!

"If we take care of the silver glider, can we stop the planet devourer from appearing?" Victor asked in a deep voice.

"it's useless."

Su Yue was not surprised that Victor could think of the Planet Devourer staring at the earth, but once the silver glider appeared, it meant that the Planet Devourer already knew about the earth and had already come here.

"You can defeat the Planet Devourer, right?" Diana looked at Su Yue expectantly.

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally: "Place the Planet Devourer for a while, and go see the Silver Glider."

After speaking, Su Yue grabbed Diana and Victor and disappeared with a bang.

The next moment, the three appeared in an unknown wilderness.

Looking into the distance, there is an extremely fast energy reaction at the end of the sky approaching.

After a while, a silver man stepped on a surfboard and got closer and closer in sight.

"Come on!" Diana whispered.

"Come down!"

Su Yue gave a light drink. The silver glider's surfboard seemed to be cut off in an instant. The original speed of light-speed flight stopped instantly, and the unprepared silver glider broke away from the surfboard and fell.



After a loud bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook, the wind howled, and in the distance, dust was flying, and a cloud of smoke quickly floated out.

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