Diana: "..."

Victor: "..."

The two looked at Su Yue, who seemed to have done nothing, in shock. They were surprised how he could make the silver glider fall from the air with just one sentence.

Chapter 0421 Surfboard? No, it's the charger!

It's very simple to let the silver glider fall from the air. The shock wave ability, magnetic energy, ice, etc. can lift and fall the silver glider without preparation, but... these methods seem to be somewhat unforced when used on the silver glider. After all, the master planet Devourer of Silver Glider is not as strong as his own 'transcender' in terms of strength. The way of shooting is too ordinary, and it is a bit pricey.

So Su Yue used transcendent energy and the ability to achieve what he wanted to make Planet Devourer fall.

As for the effect, it's somewhat similar to speaking out.


The sound of the breaking wind fell, and Su Yue used Diana and Victor to bring Diana and Victor to the place where the silver glider fell.

The nearby flowers, plants and trees have been cleared by the impact of the fall, and a long scratch spread straight, and at the end, the silver glider stood up from the ground.

The silver glider glanced at the three of Su and Yue blankly, then turned to look at the silver surfboard not far away.

He has a special connection with the surfboard. When his thoughts move, the surfboard will act according to his thoughts. In addition, this silver surfboard is also his 'charger', as long as he is connected to the surfboard, he can have endless cosmic energy.

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that the endless Su Yue is a bit exaggerated. He thinks that this surfboard can absorb cosmic energy on its own, but whether it is absorbed or stored, there is a limit!

"Victor, bring the surfboard here."

Su Yue is still very interested in this cosmic energy charger or transmitter. Although the transcendent energy in his body is increasing every day with the development of Dimension Street, the increase is not much. The energy that is converted into transcendent energy is reabsorbed, but the transcendent energy obtained by converting ordinary energy has not been spent much yet.

For example, a commodity bought with ten dollars was only sold for eight dollars in the end. Although it was sold for money, it was actually a loss.

The cosmic energy is different. This is an extremely powerful energy, it can even be said to be a kind of transcendent energy? Therefore, the consumption of transforming the energy of the universe is not large, and the effect of absorption is better at the same time.

Several star-devourers of Planet Devourer are strengthened by cosmic energy, not to mention the silver glider in front of them, others such as Stardust, Tyrant, Flame King, etc. have all obtained different results because of cosmic energy after becoming devourers. capacity and varying degrees of increase.

Cosmic energy can be said to be a very strong source energy!


A crash sounded.

Victor crossed his arms in front of him, and his feet made two long marks on the ground.

"Dengdengdeng..." After taking a few steps back, Victor was able to stand firm.

"What a powerful force!"

Victor looked at the silver glider who knocked him into the air in surprise. The first collision between his 'steel man' and the 'silver man', the silver glider, was obviously Victor lost.

Su Yue was not at all surprised by this result. Although Victor, the Doctor of Destruction, is strong, he is definitely not as good as the Silver Glider in terms of hard power.

"How about it, do you want to try it?" Su Yue turned to look at Diana.

Diana was eager to try. Although she also learned how to fight when she was on Paradise Island, and often fought with people, she basically reached the point and seldom involved the competition of power. Although she doesn't know why she has or is hiding powerful powers, she really wants to fight to the fullest!

Er, I have to vent my depression during this period of time.

With her toes on the ground, she jumped. Diana was like a big hunting bird. The beast of prey jumped high and charged towards the silver glider.

Before the person landed, Diana had already raised her fist.

She raised her eyebrows and shook her fist.

Diana's fist and the silver glider's fist collided, and there was only a bang, and the sound seemed to explode. The powerful impact burst out from the fists of the two, and instantly swept away in all directions.


The ground that had been leveled under the two of them dented again, and Victor, who was not far away, hurriedly raised his arms that he had just put down to resist the impact, but he was still blown away.

The impact was like a tsunami, and the trees in the distance were blown over, and even uprooted.

The power of one punch is so terrifying!

Victor stared at Diana, who was fiercely attacking the silver glider. Although he guessed that Diana was definitely not easy, he still didn't expect it to be so fierce.

He had personally felt the power of the silver glider, but he could crush Diana who was fighting the silver glider... The power was not inferior to the opponent!

Even, in terms of combat experience and skills, it is far higher than the silver glider.

She is like a brave and fearless female warrior, no... she is a goddess of war!

Victor couldn't help but wondered whether Diana was from Su Yue's world, or... from another world?

Of course, curiosity turned into curiosity, surprise turned into surprise, he didn't forget what Su Yue explained. Taking advantage of the silver glider being suppressed by Diana, he hurried over to pick up the 'standby' surfboard and ran back to Su Yue's side.

Victor is 'Dr. Destruction' anyway, and his brain is no less intelligent than Mr. Fantastic. Naturally, he can see how important this surfboard is to the Silver Glider. It can be said that this is the energy source of the Silver Glider. .

However, although he was very interested in surfboards and wanted to study thoroughly, but in front of Su Yue, he didn't dare to make a fool of himself and handed the surfboard to Su Yue in a proper manner.

Taking the surfboard and changing the 'settings', Su Yue let go of his hand, and the surfboard floated directly beside his feet.

As soon as Su Yue stood up, he felt the cosmic energy pouring out from the surfboard into his body. With a thought, the cosmic energy became transcendent energy.

"Yes, it's a good thing." Su Yue stood on the surfboard and absorbed the cosmic energy, and nodded slightly with satisfaction.

On the other side, the silver glider who was fighting with Diana suddenly froze and turned to look at Su Yue who was standing on the surfboard.


This is impossible!

Even if he could use a surfboard, he would never cut himself off from the surfboard. But... But now, the impossible happened, and the silver glider felt that the connection between himself and the surfboard was completely cut off.

In other words, the surfboard no longer belongs to him!

Chapter 0422 Whitewashed Silver Glider


A loud bang.

Diana's shimmering fist full of divine power hit the silver glider's head. The vast and powerful force made the silver glider instantly smash into the ground like a gopher that had been drilled out.

The whole body was submerged into the ground, only one head was exposed.

Although the punch full of supernatural power did not blow up the silver glider, it still made him seriously injured. To put it in simpler words, the current silver glider is blood rolling, and his eyes are shining with gold stars...

Is the silver glider strong?


As one of the most famous star swallowers, the silver glider's strength should not be underestimated. However, apart from self-destruction, he has no ultimate move and no special attack method.

His strength lies in his invulnerable body and eternal life. He can use cosmic energy for attack and defense, and he does not need conventional means of replenishing energy such as drinking water, eating, and sleeping.

To put it simply, he is equivalent to a super large player who only improves his level and attributes, but does not have any skills. Ordinary players hit him without losing blood at all. It doesn't matter to him.

Or... like Saitama?

Although there is no ultimate move, the strength of normal attacks is already comparable to ordinary people's ultimate moves.

If it wasn't for the surfboard, Diana seized the opportunity again, and it would not be so easy for her to defeat the silver glider.

"Who... are you?" The silver glider was buried in the ground and did not come out, but looked at Su Yue with incomprehensible eyes.

"You can talk?" Diana was a little surprised, the silver glider never spoke from beginning to end.


The silver glider replied, but his eyes kept looking at Su Yue.

Su Yue stood on the surfboard and floated in front of the silver glider: "My name is Su Yue, I come from another world."

"another world?"

"It's not important, the important thing is what I want for this surfboard. You have two choices now. One; I will help you restore the memory erased by the Planet Devourer, and you stay on Earth to help me do things. Two; I still help You restore your memory, and then send you back to your home planet, in the future, whether it is Planet Devourer or the Earth, it has nothing to do with you."

"I don't understand..." A blank expression appeared on the silver glider's face. What erased memory, what parent star, he has no impression or cognition at all.


Su Yue snapped her fingers crisply.

At the moment when the fingers snapped, the expression of the silver glider suddenly became contorted and ferocious, and countless memories that seemed to appear out of thin air poured into his mind and appeared in front of his eyes.

After a long time...the silver glider's expression became calm, and his eyes that had no turbulence and emotion also became agile.


The Silver Glider sincerely expressed his gratitude to Su Yue, he remembered it, he remembered everything...

Planet Devourer... Zenn-La Star... My name... I remembered all of them.

"Then, tell me your choice." Su Yue asked again.

The silver glider shook his head: "I'm sorry to this planet. But it's too late, he's coming, you can't stop it."

"So your choice is to return to your home planet?"

"Do not!"

The silver glider shook his head again: "I brought it here. Although I am not sure, I can guarantee that I will do my best to stop him. Before I die, this planet will not be destroyed."

The Silver Glider, who had recovered his memory, conscience, good and evil, and moral values, knew that he had done a lot of wrong things before and hurt many creatures and planets.

The past is irreversible, but now there is still a chance. Although he knows that he may fail and may die, he cannot convince himself to just watch this planet disappear for his own sake.

Especially when there are so many people on this planet!

Su Yue felt the determination that the silver glider was willing to sacrifice himself. I have to say that it is indeed acceptable for some people to be whitewashed.

There is no doubt that the Silver Glider, the star swallower, is a villain, but what he does is for his own planet, and at the same time, he can't help himself, just like the Winter Soldier who was brainwashed by Hydra, so he After restoring memory, it is still acceptable to be whitewashed from villain to hero.

The whitewashed silver glider in the comics has done a lot of things, whether it is for the earth, the universe, or for superheroes, he has sacrificed himself several times.

"Without the surfboard, it is impossible to stop the Planet Devourer with your current strength. Even if I return the surfboard to you temporarily, you may not be able to stop it. So, you don't need to worry about the Planet Devourer, I can Deal, you still think about whether you want to stay on Earth or go back to your home planet."

Without a surfboard, he would die. With a surfboard, if he really blew himself up like in the movie, what if he killed the Planet Devourer? Su Yue is also preparing to bring Planet Devourer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to complete the five gods.

"I don't know if you can succeed, but I want to stay."

"Are you sure?" Su Yue said indifferently: "If you stay, you will have to stay on Earth in the future."

"I'm sure." The silver glider nodded solemnly.

"As you go."

Su Yue raised his hand, and the silver glider suddenly emerged from the ground.

"Go back to you first." Su Yue said to Victor, then reached out to Diana and dragged her onto the surfboard.

Then, it flew away with a bang.



Victor and Silver Glider look at me, I look at you, each with big eyes and small eyes is speechless.

Didn't you say go back to me first?

Are you going to take me back? Bring back the silver glider...

In this remote place where birds don't shit, we can't fly or teleport. How can we get back?

Are you depressed?




Is it over? Gotta find a way to go back.

Fortunately, Victor always carried a mobile phone with him, and it was a custom-made one, which would not be easily damaged. He contacted the company and asked them to send someone to pick him up. At the same time, he also explained the affairs of Su Yue and Diana, so as not to damage the phone. Companies have no eyes to offend in their past.

A few hours later, a helicopter appeared in front of Victor and the Silver Glider. The pilot was Victor's, so although he was surprised by the shape of the Silver Glider, he was smart and didn't ask any questions. After all In terms of styling, my own boss is no different from this person!

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