Gu Yi nodded and said: "Since you brought her back, you should be able to control it, so I won't say anything more. I'm just a little curious, the way you brought her back seems to be a little different from others? She doesn't belong to her. your breath."

"The observation is very careful and the research is very thorough!"

Su Yue smiled and explained generously: "Usually I will use my own power to directly summon people from other worlds to Dimension Street, and the summoned people will be contaminated with my power during the summoning process and come to Dimension Street. The back of the street will be under my control. But not everyone needs to be summoned, and I can bring people back when I come back from other universes."

Gu nodded and smiled: "Thank you for answering my doubts, I have always been interested in your power, but unfortunately I still can't understand it. By the way, you shouldn't need the power of the Infinity Stone, right? If you can, can you use Give me back the Time Stone? After all, it's the sacred relic of Kama Taj, and I always leave something for Stephen Strange."

Su Yue shrugged indifferently. Although the Time Stone is one of the Infinity Stones and one of the best things in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it is actually quite tasteless to him. Isn't it just controlling time, even if he doesn't need a time gem, he can do it, such as beyond energy, such as speed force...

Rather than keeping it in his hands as a decoration, it will attract the **** of Thanos' men in the future, it is better to return it to Gu Yi, who has a good attitude, and leave the troubles that may arise in the future to Doctor Strange to deal with.

"I can return the time gem to you, but can't you pay it back in one sentence? If you want to leave the time gem to Kama Taj, then leave yourself to Dimension Street." Su Yue Chaogu said with a smile .

Gu Yi frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Su Yue looked up and looked around. "Didn't you say you like it here? Come and live here after you die. The power of Dimension Street in terms of soul and magic is somewhat lacking, and you are here to fill up the power in this area. Moreover, although you will be the supreme mage. It was handed over to Stephen Strange, but if you really encounter a crisis of destruction level, you will definitely take action, right? The most likely cause of such a crisis is the Dimension Street, and staying here can help you keep track of the situation at any time. The most important thing is... don't you want to go to other worlds to see? Although you are involved in the multiverse, the multiverse you understand is not the same as the multiverse here."

Gu Yi thought that Su Yue would set the conditions, but did not expect such conditions.

Death is something in Gu Yi's plan. As she said before, the responsibilities of the Supreme Mage are very stressful, and she also draws the power of darkness, so she wants to be arranged by fate, under Stephen Strange. After appearing, he handed over the responsibility of the Supreme Mage to him on the grounds of death, and at the same time took this opportunity to let him grow rapidly.

But, she hasn't arranged what happened after her death.

Come to Dimension Street?

It also seems to be a good choice.

"I need to think for a while before I can give you an answer." Gu Yi said.

"Okay, when you think about when to get the time gem."

"Today, I will say goodbye and leave."



Master Gu Yi got up and walked to the entrance and exit of Dimension Street, eating the ice cream in his hand as he walked.

Master Gu Yi left, but Su Yue was in no hurry to leave.

The more urgent things in front of him have been dealt with. Although there are other things, he doesn't need to worry about them, such as the Hand Association...such as Thor and Thor's Hammer...and the Roxon Company, so Su Yue has nothing to do for the time being. Prepare to enhance the power of the Enhanced Dimension Street.

First of all, he is going to try to convert the transcendent energy into dimension points, and use the dimension points to upgrade the level of the Dimension Street system.

Aside from the fact that Dimension Street is beyond the realm, in fact, Dimension Street is more like a portable space that can overlap with reality. Many novels about portable farming have similar settings, but most portable spaces cannot be compared with reality. Reality overlaps, that is, it cannot exist or appear in reality.

In reality, the area of ​​land belonging to Su Yue has exceeded the maximum area of ​​the portable space, so after opening it, it cannot completely overlap and cover the real land. For example, the residential area in the south is not covered. When Wen was young, there was no need for a conventional combat team to take action. As long as he was malicious, he would be directly punished by the law of God.

There is also a school in the north that is also not covered, but he did not pay too much attention to that school after returning to Su Yue, so he did not take any corresponding measures. After all, the biggest project of Dimension Street during this time is the high-speed rail. Other You can put it all away.

The dimensional points required to upgrade the Dimension Street system are very large. Even though there are already a lot of dimensional points that can be obtained every day, it is still a long way to go to accumulate enough to upgrade.

In addition to being used in the system, the dimensional point can also be transformed into its own transcendent energy. So theoretically, transcendent energy can also be transformed into dimension points, and they can be said to be the same thing.

Facts have proved that Su Yue's inference is correct.

When he had the idea of ​​exchanging transcendental energy into dimension points, the numbers in the last column of the system panel began to soar wildly.

At the same time, Su Yue could also feel that the transcendent energy in his body was decreasing.

After observing for a while the increase in the number of dimension points and the extent to which the energy consumption was exceeded, Su Yue found that doing so seemed to be a bit of a loss.

This thing is similar to the exchange rate situation. Suppose that 100-dimensional points can be exchanged for 10 units of transcendent energy, but 10 units of transcendent energy cannot be exchanged for 100-dimensional points, which is roughly 97, 98.

Although it is similar, it is still a loss. Su Yue felt that unless there was an urgent need for dimension points, this kind of exchange was rarely used.

Of course, there is no such detailed exchange rate table in the actual exchange. This is just an estimate by Su and Yue comparing the situation. The exchange amount is not 10 to 100. After all, the dimensional point can be calculated, but beyond the energy, it is impossible to calculate and measure in detail. unit.

Chapter 0436 Upgrades and New Features


The crisp system prompt sounded in his mind, Su Yue looked at the system panel.

Level, raised!

The upgrade requires 5 million dimensional points. After removing the original accumulated more than 1.5 million dimensional points, Su Yue used the transcendence energy to exchange about 3.5 million dimensional points, which consumed about one-third of his transcendence. energy. This is still under the premise that he has absorbed the cosmic energy of the surfboard and the Planet Devourer one after another. Without this wave of absorption, Su Yue's current transcendence energy is probably exhausted.

Dimension Street System Panel

Host: Su Yue

Dimension point: 2

Dimension Street Level: Lv6

Dimensional Abilities: Operation Fruit, Lightning Control, Super Defense, Domineering, God's Left Hand Gundarwu, Eye of the Ancients, Regression Fruit

Dimensional Items: Amnestics, Tianlong Slash, Ice Wheel Pills, Dimensional Pass (Deadly Two-Headed Shark), Eye of God, Dimensional Pass (Black Robe Picket), Flaming Spear, Dimensional Pass (Travel to Busan), Dimensional Pass ( Fantastic Four), Dimension Pass (Arrow Universe), Dimension Pass (X-Men Universe)

Dimensional summoned creatures: 43/60

Creatures in Dimension Street: 628/600 (Dimension Street is open), 30210/60000 (100-fold dimension point volume is open, valid for 30 days)

Dimension Street Status: Enabled (100 Dimension Points are consumed every natural day, and it will be automatically closed when the Dimension Points are insufficient.)

(Summon) (Lottery) (Open Dimension Street)

The system panel has not changed much. First, the dimension points are cleared due to the consumption of upgrades. Secondly, the upper limit of the number of summoned creatures and the upper limit of creatures in the Dimension Street have increased. The increase is the same as the previous upgrade. The former increased by 10. The latter is increased by 100.

Although it is only 100, the actual increase is 10,000 under the increase of the hundredfold dimension point volume. In other words, if the number of people stranded in the dimension street is full, after the upgrade, you will get 10,000 more dimension points every day than before the upgrade. This is not a fortune. Philip's income.

If 60,000 people stay in Dimension Street for two hours a day, he can get 1.8 million dimensional points every month, that is to say, in two months, he can make up for the transcendent energy he just consumed. .

The benefits of upgrading the system level don’t stop there.

First of all, the area of ​​the Dimension Street space, that is, the portable space, has been expanded again, not only covering all the land currently belonging to Suyue, but also a lot more. Secondly, it is also the new function that Su Yue is most concerned about after the upgrade!

Recall, copy buildings, dimension gates, these are all new functions that appear after each upgrade of the system, especially the dimension gate, without it Suyue can't pass through other worlds, can't pass through other worlds, the development of Dimension Street and Su The improvement of personal strength cannot be so fast!

Not to mention other things, Su Yue has not relied on the lottery just in terms of ability, let alone the desire to surpass energy, how much ability has he learned from other worlds just by seeing the eyes of the ancients? If there is no dimensional gate, if you cannot travel through other worlds, even if you have the eyes of the ancients, you can only learn abilities in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and there are too few opportunities and abilities.

"This is... the real second dimension street? Or... a sub-street?"

The new functions after this upgrade did not play mysteriously for him to explore, but explained them directly and plainly.

The second dimension street!

He can release the second dimension street in any universe outside the universe to which the first dimension street belongs. The situation of the second dimension street is basically the same as that of the first dimension street. After opening, it can also cover the real space, and it also has the law of God. , can also generate dimension points.

He can also copy the previously copied buildings to the second dimension street. For example, he can copy the buildings in the dimension street of the Marvel movie universe, such as the dimension inn, cinema, and dimension building, to the second dimension street. In other words, if he places the second dimension street in the Green Arrow universe, the duplicated buildings will appear in the Green Arrow universe's dimension street.

Of course, replicating buildings will consume dimensional points, and if the dimensional streets in different universes are the same as the buildings, it would be too monotonous and featureless.

Compared with copying the building, what really surprised Su Yue was that if he placed the second dimension street in the Green Arrow universe, there would be a connected dimension gate between the second dimension street and the first dimension street. People in the Dimension Street can go to each other's Dimension Street through the Dimension Gate.

what does this mean?

It means that these two dimension streets connect two universes.

This is a connection in the true sense, not through the original dimensional gate or cross-space-time teleporter. Because this dimension door has no additional restrictions, unlike the one in the attic wardrobe of the inn that only Su Yue can open, that is to say, as long as it is opened, anyone can travel to and from two different worlds through it.

It really shortens the distance between the two worlds and truly connects the two universes.

"So...if the Dimension Street system was really re-trained by myself before I washed my account, then several functions after the system upgrade are designed. The new function obtained at the fifth level is Dimension Street, according to the normal The situation, when he was at the fifth level, he should have developed for a long time and had a certain strength and background. Then, the dimensional gate can allow him to travel through different universes to further accelerate the improvement of his strength. A certain foundation, and then use the second dimension street to completely connect, or open the door to the multiverse!"

"After all, I was the top boss in the Marvel world before I changed my account. No matter how many types of universes Marvel has, whether it is a single universe, a multiverse, or a super universe, there is only one transcendence in all of them. So even if you retrain. It is also impossible to only mix in a single universe. It is normal to open a multiverse in a certain universe, and it is in line with the identity of the transcendence. It’s just that he probably didn’t think there would be a world other than Marvel before changing the number?”

"No, that's not right!"

"The setting of Transcender is super powerful and super bullshit. He is the only one who is clearly set to be stronger than the entire Marvel world combined. There are even rumors that everything in Marvel is the imagination of Transcender, and reality itself It is the imagination of the transcendent, and he also knows the real reality, that is, the person who breaks the fourth wall, so he knows the real reality and knows all kinds of film and television dramas. That is to say, the purpose of washing the account is not only habitual In addition to the reduction of self-weakening, there may be ideas of introducing other dimension worlds into the Marvel world?"

"Uh, the more you want to talk, the farther you go. Forget it, the ghost knows what the transcender thinks. Anyway, now I am Su Yue."

The surpasser can be said to be Su Yue, but Su Yue may not be the surpasser.

No. I washed it too thoroughly.

Chapter 0437 Second Dimension Street: Green Arrow Universe

There are many places to choose from for the second dimension street, such as "Black Robe Picket World", "Travel to Busan World", "Fantastic Four World", "Green Arrow Universe" and "X-Men World". If you develop, you have to think carefully.

The second dimension street can not only connect to the main world, but also truly open the door to the multiverse, but also add additional dimension points to speed up the improvement of one's own strength. When there is no third dimension street, the world you choose really needs to be careful. consider.

"The World of Fantastic Four" is mainly used for the research and development of the space program.

"Travel to Busan" has a large population, and it is easy to turn Dimension Street into a shelter, but in Suyue's plan, the main role of this world is to raise funds for the construction of high-speed railways. Once the crossing team is almost finished, this The world can basically give up, so cross it out too.

"Black Robe Picket World" is the earliest and most stable world. It is mainly engaged in the research and development and production of electronic products. If the second dimension street is placed here, if nothing else, transportation will definitely be more convenient. .

Needless to say, in "Green Arrow Universe", the Birds of Prey team has developed the Dimension Street of the Green Arrow Universe very well, and this universe has great potential for future development, which belongs to the focus of the universe.

The same is true of "X-Men World". The mutants are no less than "Arrow Universe" in terms of quantity and quality. If managed properly, this world can play a great role and value.

If nothing else, integrating mutants into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a very interesting thing.

"Arrow Universe" or "X-Men World"?

After constant comparison, Su Yue finally decided to temporarily place the second dimension street in the Green Arrow universe.

There are several reasons. First of all, the dimension street of Green Arrow Universe has begun to take shape, and it can bring itself a large number of dimension points every day. Second, the development potential of Green Arrow Universe is good, and it has its own multiverse. If If it can be integrated with the main universe, the price/performance ratio must be very high. Finally, the X-Men world has just developed, and it is not as good as the Green Arrow universe in terms of cost performance. If it develops and there is no third dimension street, it will be possible to close the dimension street of the Green Arrow universe, and then in the X-Men universe. The world reopens.

After all, it is not that Dimension Street can’t be changed once it is opened. If it is placed in the X-Men World, let alone getting Dimension Points in the short term, the consumption of keeping Dimension Street open will not be able to be earned back.

It is very easy to open the second dimension street, as long as he goes to the Green Arrow universe Raptor team, a thought can be opened. But there is nothing important recently, Su Yue is going to stay there for a while, on the one hand, to accompany the Raptor team, on the other hand, let Tunmei have a full meal and make up for it. Anyway, there are many planets in the Green Arrow universe. If you don't eat them now, it will be a waste when the multiverse is destroyed.

Before going to Green Arrow Universe, Su Yue still has something to explain.

He first found Pepper Potts and told her about the second dimension street, especially when the second dimension street was opened, a dimension gate would appear. Isn't it easy for anyone to travel between two worlds?

By the way, he temporarily handed the Time Stone to Pepper Potts for safekeeping. If Gu Yi agreed to his conditions, he would return the Time Stone to Gu Yi.

Then, he brought Tunmei to the Green Arrow Universe.

It was a new universe, which made Tunmei, who had not had time to understand the main world, a little uncomfortable, but when Su Yue rubbed her head and said that she could eat as much as she wanted in this world, the discomfort was long ago thrown away. Cloud Nine is out.


Su Yue directly teleported Tunmei to the edge of the galaxy. Tunmei is not Uncle Tun. She knows very well what kind of planets can be eaten and what kinds of planets can't be eaten, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

Star City, Dimension Street.

After Su Yue arrived, he directly opened the second Dimension Street at this position. Although there were no earth-shattering special effects or external changes when it was opened, it had already undergone earth-shaking changes in essence.

There are two biggest functions of Dimension Street, one is the law of God, but the law of God is basically useless when Su Yue is away, and the other is the dimension point.

Su Yue sensed the number of people within the Dimension Street. If he could maintain this state at ordinary times and remove the consumption of opening Dimension Street, he would probably be able to increase himself by about one or two hundred dimensional points every day... Less is less, but After all, it is the second dimension street. After all, it is an additional addition, so as long as this place is developed, the dimension point will naturally be indispensable.


Sarah Lance, who was wearing a **** uniform, was on a regular patrol. She couldn't believe it when she saw Su Yue. After being stunned for a few seconds, she jumped directly into Su Yue's arms.

"Uh..." Su Yue hugged Sarah Lance, but Sarah Lance didn't give him a chance to speak at all. The feeling of being hungry was as if she hadn't smelled meat for a long time.

If it weren't for the wrong environment, Su Yue felt that she could eat herself.

"Master, why are you here all of a sudden?" After a long time, Sarah Lance held Su Yue's arm tightly and asked happily.

Su Yue simply told Sarah Lance about opening the second street and bringing Tunmei to devour the planet. Although Sarah Lance was pleasantly surprised that this place was the same as the real Dimension Street, she was also surprised that There are also existences that can devour planets, but these are not more important than the arrival of Su Yue.

The famous platinum canary, a brave female warrior, is now snuggling in the arms of a man. I have to say that this scene shocked the people in Dimension Street, and some even doubted what it was. Not a real platinum canary!

Of course, this kind of suspicion is just a joke. After all, no one would have the guts to fake a white canary in Dimension Street, so they are more curious about who and what the man who made the white canary’s behavior change. such an identity.

Chapter 0438

The wind is warm and the sun is bright, and the sky is blue.

Su Yue, in her nightgown, came down the stairs and took the coffee brewed by Huntress Helena Bettinelli, took a sip, and said hello to her: "Good morning, how was your rest last night?"

How is your rest?

Helena Bettinelli subconsciously thought of the dark circles she saw when she woke up in the morning and looked in the mirror, and her face turned red.

"Alright, okay. Are Sarah and Laurel awake?" Helena Bettinelli lowered her head and asked calmly.

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