Su Yue smiled and shook his head: "No, it was too late yesterday, I guess I won't wake up before noon. By the way, did anything interesting happen during this time?"

"Interesting thing? The most interesting thing should be last night." Helena Bettinelli said in her heart, and quickly replied: "Something did happen, over in Midtown, the Flash seems to be with him. girlfriend broke up."

"Girlfriend? Which one?"

"Uh, it seems to be called Patty. She was originally a colleague of The Flash, but I learned some time ago that the reason she became a police detective was to avenge her father, who was killed by a criminal in Midtown. She could have revenge. , and then gave up after being persuaded by The Flash. Then there was a superpower who could slow down the speed, and Patty was kidnapped. Although he was rescued by the Flash, their relationship also went wrong, so broke up."

"It's her..." Su Yue remembered this person, she did have a relationship with The Flash, er, it seems that they were in a relationship when she helped them deal with Vandal Savage some time ago.

The Flash's emotional relationship is also not simple. He has always liked Iris, but Iris had a boyfriend before, who is the ancestor of Reverse Flash, and then the Flash also fell in love, but in the end his true love was Iris.

Now that The Flash has broken up, he said before that they have a daughter. If nothing else happens, the two people who have a good impression of each other will soon be officially together.

By the way, Su Yue thinks Iris is a bit of a bitch. When she is in love, she nominally says that Barry is her relative, but in fact she still enjoys Barry's cuddling. Then Barry fell in love, and she said she was supportive, but her actions always ruined their relationship.

By the way, it's not this Patty that she destroys, it's another former Barry date, Linda Parker, Linda Parker of this Earth is a reporter and a colleague of Iris, but in Earth 2 she is the light Doctor, able to absorb and emit strong light.

How should I put it, don't look at Barry Allen as a hero, but the hero's feelings are also many and messy.

The Flash, the Green Arrow, these superheroes aren't very exemplary in this regard, well, so was Sarah Lance the White Canary in her original trajectory.

A hero is a hero, but you don't know if it's serious or not.

Su Yue is not very interested in Barry Allen's love life. On the contrary, he is interested in the superpower who can slow down the speed that Helena Bettinelli briefly mentioned.

Turtle man.

He can release slow rays to generate a force field that can make any person and object within the range move slowly or even stop, or in other words, the kinetic energy in his force field will disappear and be affected, so those who enter the force field move slowly, However, people outside the force field will feel that the Turtle Man is like having a super speed force, which can produce the illusion of ultra-high-speed movement.

"Anything else?" Su Yue continued to ask.

"Also, there is a female archer named Cupid in Star City. She has a good ability, but she seems to have some mental problems. She is obsessed with Green Arrow and has committed some crimes. We have discussed whether to catch it or not. She, and then help her to change her evil ways."

"Want her to join the Birds of Prey team?"

"I have this idea."

I don't know much about Cupid Su Yue, but I know that she seems to have an attachment disorder, and she is particularly obsessed with Green Arrow, and her archery skills are not bad. Later, it seems that she joined the Suicide Squad.

"Is there any news on Supergirl?" Su Yue had no interest in this Cupid, and since the Birds of Prey team had an idea, let them handle it themselves.

"Supergirl is currently on her earth. Not long ago, she sent a message saying that she seemed to be in trouble, and it seemed to be related to her family."

Supergirl's family must be Kryptonites. Nine out of ten Kryptonites who appeared during this time period were her aunt, General Astra!

This is a very tough female general, and she looks exactly like Supergirl's mother.

It's time to study it!

First of all, Astra is a general herself, and her fighting and commanding skills are very good. Second, she is a Kryptonian with great strength. The most important thing is... she can fly!

So she can not only enhance the overall strength of Dimension Street, but also enhance the air defense power of Dimension Street!

Do you want to go to Supergirl's Earth to collect Astra? This thought arose in Su Yue's mind and was quickly dismissed by him.

First of all, he doesn't know where the plot of Supergirl has developed. Maybe Astra is dead. Secondly, the main purpose of coming here is to accompany the Raptor team. It is not worthwhile to leave the gentle township for an Astra.

Anyway, you can also get Astra by summoning, especially Astra's ambitious character, even if you go to subdue her directly, you still have to summon her to lock her up, so there is absolutely no need to do this.

After making up his mind, Su Yue completely began to enjoy his life in the Raptor Squad. In the next period of time, the black and white canaries were almost always with him. Of course, the related matters of Dimension Street and the Raptor Squad themselves. They did not fail because of the mission, so when the Black and White Canary went on the mission, the huntress Helena Bettinelli was with Su Yue.

Although it didn't matter much, the relationship was getting closer and closer. At least Helena Bettinelli was not as nervous and excited as she was when she saw Su Yue at the beginning.

Su Yue also took time to go to the cutting-edge laboratory in Midtown. On the one hand, he met with Caitlin, Sisko, and Barry Allen to chat about each other's situation. On the other hand, he learned from the ancient eyes. The powers of the Turtle Man they kept in the prison below the lab.

I have to say that this ability is really interesting. Inside the force field is a deceleration halo, but outside the force field it looks like an acceleration halo, which can be applied to many situations.

Chapter 0439 Married life?

Since Su Yue is here, naturally he won't leave right away. Barry Allen and Sisko Ramon can ignore it, but Caitlin Snow can't ignore it, right? So Su Yue stayed in Midtown for a few days, accompanied Caitlin Snow well, and told her about Dimension Street and Dimension Gate by the way.

Speaking of Dimension Gate, when Su Yue opened Dimension Street, he found that this Dimension Gate did not randomly appear in Dimension Street out of thin air. Its opening and location could be determined by Su Yue. The dimensional gates of the two streets are like this. Su Yue temporarily placed the dimensional gate of Green Arrow Universe Dimension Street in the backyard of the villa, and specially built a room for a period of time.

However, the dimensional gate has not been opened for the time being, and the dimensional gate has not been released on the main universe dimensional street. After all, it is a dimensional gate that communicates with each other and cannot be opened unilaterally.

Helen Township is a hero's tomb. In the absence of an urgent need for his return, Su Yue was a little reluctant to stay here. Unconsciously, he stayed for several months, er, strictly speaking, it was a small year.

During this time, he basically didn't do anything, either in Dimension Street in Star City or in Caitlin's side in Midtown. It was a beautiful life.

Needless to say on Dimension Street, although Caitlin in Midtown is weak, Caitlin is actually a very traditional type of woman, basically the route of falling in love, getting married, and living a life. Although there are no surprises and no tricks, the small days are very practical and happy.

Leaving aside the situation of Su Yue, Caitlin has regarded Su Yue as her husband anyway. Therefore, the two not only bought a new house to build a love nest and live together, but also made a special trip to Las Vegas to get a license and held a wedding in a chapel.

Why go to Las Vegas? Because there is known as the marriage capital, it is the most famous wedding shrine.

There is no need for too many cumbersome procedures and audits. As long as there is no problem with the basic information, the certificate can be obtained, and then the wedding can be held.

However, this marriage certificate or marriage license does not actually have much legal effect, and the validity period is actually only one year. You must go to the state where Las Vegas is located within the time limit to officially register the marriage, and this marriage will be protected by law. .

To put it simply, in nature, this is just playing with the knot and experiencing the feeling of marriage. But that was enough for Caitlin Snow.

With the marriage certificate and facts, in Caitlin's mind, Su Yue was her husband, and she was Su Yue's wife.

Although the people of Lightning Squad are not so optimistic about this 'marriage', they still send blessings to see Caitlin, who is happy and happy from the heart. Even Caitlin notified her mother about the marriage, but her relationship with her mother was inexhaustible. Although her mother also expressed her blessings on the phone, she never came.

These are not important to Caitlin. On the ring finger of her left hand, she has already put on the diamond ring that Su Yue wore for her. To the outside world, she is already a married person!

It is worth mentioning that both the black and white canary and the huntress on the Birds of Prey team expressed their blessings to Caitlin, and Caitlin also expressed her gratitude happily. Well, I have to say, this seems a bit messy. But fortunately, the black and white canaries did not ask to get married once, otherwise they would have to toss a few times.

Laurel studied law, of course she knew that this kind of marriage had no legal effect. Although Sarah loves and is obsessed with Su Yue, her character is more open and free, and she is not interested in marriage at all. Helena Bettinelli wanted to experience it, but neither Laurel nor Sarah had the idea, and she was too embarrassed to mention it.

All in all, Su Yue has done really well during this time. Although marrying Caitlin is just to satisfy her thoughts, but it is also the first time for Su Yue? In addition to being fresh, he still agrees with the marriage experience this time, especially Caitlin regarded it as a real marriage, and really lived a small life, which really made Su Yue feel like she was truly married.

However, no matter how comfortable the days are, there will be a temporary end. In the blink of an eye, I have stayed here for a short time. If you count the days, it is almost time for Loki to lead the Qitarians to invade the earth and trigger the Battle of New York. It is time for me to return to the main world to prepare in advance.

"My dear, your coffee."

In the dining room, Caitlin Snow put the freshly brewed coffee in front of Su Yue in a homely nightdress.

Su Yue embraced Caitlin, smiled and kissed her profile, and said with slight hesitation, "Caitlin, I might..."

"Are you going back?" Caitlin froze for a moment, then smiled sweetly: "It doesn't matter, I'm already mentally prepared, after all, you can't stay in this world, stay by my side all the time. In fact, I have long accepted it. Now, you are gone, I will treat you as a business trip, one month, two months, half a year, one year, isn’t it normal for you to be separated by work?”

"Besides, I also have a teleporter across time and space. I can call you at any time, make video calls at any time, or even meet at any time. It doesn't matter at all."

Caitlyn is so understanding that Su Yue feels a little guilty while she is relieved, although she is not the person who has been with her the longest, nor the prettiest one, nor is she the favorite before. But the married life during this period really made him fall in love with this woman who lived with him down-to-earth.

From the bottom of my heart, Caitlin's wife label is getting heavier and heavier. I have said before that Su Yue is a person who has no confidence in relationships and no sense of security. Although he has changed a lot in this regard over the years, Caitlin really made him feel the stability and happiness of marriage. .

This is Caitlin's trait, her thinking, her character, and her concept of life and marriage have had a great influence on Su Yue!


Su Yue nodded and skipped the topic: "I'm going back this time mainly because a big event is about to happen in the main world. This event has a great impact and will benefit Dimension Street a lot, so I have to Go back and prepare in advance. I won't go over to say hello to the Birds of Prey team and the laboratory. After breakfast, I will bring Tunmei back and go back directly. "

Chapter 0440 High-speed rail operation, the hand will be destroyed

Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Dimension Street.

Su Yue, who returned after a long time, felt the changes in Dimension Street during his absence.

The biggest and most obvious change is that there are more people.

Originally, there were a lot of daily passenger traffic in Dimension Street. At least 30,000 people would stay or enter and exit on Dimension Street, but now there are obviously more people than before.

Opened the system panel and glanced at the number of people on it, Su Yue was a little stunned.

Sixty thousand!

At this time, there were a total of 60,000 people in Dimension Street, which was already the upper limit of creatures that could generate dimensional points after he opened the hundredfold dimensional point scroll.

What did they do? In less than a year, the passenger flow of Dimension Street has doubled?

Wait, it seems that most of the people went to the direction of the high-speed rail station, and these people walked in a hurry with clear goals, which was completely different from those who usually came to play in Dimension Street. In addition, the direction of the high-speed rail station has also come, so... the high-speed rail station has been officially completed and started to operate?

If it is because of the high-speed rail, it would make sense that the passenger flow doubled. After all, this is the first high-speed rail in operation in the United States. Although only Flushing is currently available, that is, Dimension Street leads to Buklin District. It can be said that the high-speed rail has not exerted much real value, but for ordinary people, the speed of high-speed rail is much faster than that of cars and trams.

The transportation is convenient, and various hidden benefits will emerge one by one, so it is normal for the passenger flow to double, and it can even be said that the potential has not been fully realized.

Originally, after sending Sister Tun back to her home to rest, she was going to go to Pepper Potts to find out what happened during this time, but now, Su Yue is going to go to the high-speed rail station to have a look first.

Along the way, many people who recognized Su Yue greeted him one after another, thanking him for the high-speed rail he spared no expense in building. For them, the emergence of high-speed rail has greatly increased their job opportunities and the convenience of life.

Neat, clean, fast and orderly.

To be honest, it is very difficult to see this on the transportation in the United States, let alone private cars. The tram may be relatively better, but the environment of the subway is really not good.

Hygiene is very poor, not to mention all kinds of graffiti and garbage, the air is even more unpleasant. Their body odor is very heavy, and there are drunks, homeless people, etc., you can imagine what it feels like.

The high-speed rail on Dimension Street is different. First of all, everyone has a seat to avoid the crowding of close contact. Second, each car is equipped with an air freshener setting, which will automatically refresh the air in the car regularly.

Scribbling and littering?

Each carriage is equipped with a flight attendant who is warned if anyone scribbles. Do not listen? It doesn't matter, there will be members of the **** team on every high-speed train. If you dare to make trouble, prepare to be taught by the **** team.

If the situation is serious, just block it and never want to take the high-speed train again.

By the way, the high-speed rail does not accept cash, and all items involving money, such as buying and collecting tickets, are all done on the APP.

In other words, if you want to take the high-speed rail, you must download and register the APP. On the one hand, it reduces manual pressure and facilitates passengers to collect tickets. On the other hand, it can also increase the usage and influence of the APP.

APP consumption is too convenient.

When you come out of the high-speed rail station and see something selling outside, you can consume it with a single swipe. It does not affect the time, and it is convenient and fast. It can be said that because of the high-speed rail, other businesses in Dimension Street have increased by at least about 10%. .

Americans themselves like to consume, and even consume in advance. The method of scanning code payment has greatly stimulated their desire to consume.

More than an hour later, after visiting the high-speed rail station, Su Yue, who had a certain understanding, left to go to find Pepper Potts. As a result, he just walked out of the high-speed rail station and walked a short distance when he saw Pepper Potts. Came with others.

"You are finally willing to come back." Pepper Potts, who came over, said something resentful.

Su Yue smiled apologetically, hugged Pepper Potts and kissed her, then let go of her, doing the same to Stephanie Malik and Mia Smoke who came with her.

Pepper Potts is okay, he has long been used to this kind of intimate gesture with Su Yue, while Stephanie Malik is a little flattered, and Mia Smoke is a little shy.

"It's been hard work for you all this time. I just finished visiting the high-speed rail station, and I did a good job." Su Yue took Pepper Potts and turned around and walked out, saying as he walked, "You should all have something to say when you come to me together. ?"

"Let's talk about it first." Although Pepper Potts didn't have much to say, it involved some core issues, and it was inconvenient to say it directly in public.

Stephanie Malik looked at Mia Smoke and motioned for her to speak first.

Mia Smoke said: "During this time, we joined forces with Colleen Wen, and successfully eliminated the remaining two leaders of the Hand with Rui Wen and Colleen Wen as a breakthrough, but we have not disbanded the Hand for the time being. Ruiwen is dealing with the property of the Hand Society as Madam Gao, and we are going to find a better way to deal with the ninjas of the Hand Society."

Rui Wen pretended to be Mrs. Gao, and Colleen Wen was a disciple of Bo's apprentice. Using them as a breakthrough point could really overshadow the two leaders who had already shrunk.

The Hand Union has been in business for so many years. It is indeed a behemoth. It takes a while to deal with all kinds of assets. If those brainwashed ninjas are left alone, they will cause a lot of trouble, so it is really necessary to deal with them uniformly.

"You guys did a good job. Tell Ruiwen that Mrs. Gao's identity is still valuable. I'll talk to her about the handling of the Hand Ninja."

Mia Smoke nodded, then turned and left.

Stephanie Malik then began to report: "I have completely taken over the Malik family, and merged the Malik family's resources into Dimension Street and handed it over to Pepper Potts. In addition, Roxon's acquisition plan was also very successful. , several aspects of the acquisition together, although it is not yet able to completely control the Roxen Company, but has a great voice, and has begun to help Tandy's father rehabilitate, I believe it will not take long to have results."

"All the current funds, invisible assets and contacts of the Malik family have been handed over to me." Pepper Potts answered next to him.

Chapter 0441 On Wealth and Surprise

Although it has long been known that Stephanie will be merged into Dimension Street after taking over the Malik family, Su Yue really didn't expect her to be so straightforward.

This is not a merger, this is a surrender.

Really, the history of the Malik family is even earlier than that of the Hand. After all, the Malik family is one of the important branches of the Hydra. It existed before the Red Skull Hydra appeared, and has always been determined to Welcome back to the God of Hydra... the Hive.

It is conceivable how huge the Malik family's wealth is and how detached its status is. Even if the president of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. knew that Gideon Malik was a Hydra, even if he knew how many bad things he had done, he still did not dare to do anything to him.

Although I don't know the exact amount, the Malik family's wealth is definitely more than Dimension Street, and now it's all handed over to Pepper Potts, plus the wealth from the Hand Association, tsk tsk tsk... Su Yue suddenly felt that it was about wealth , Tony Stark is a younger brother in front of him.

After all, Tony Stark's greatest wealth is Stark Industries, and Suyue also has shares in Stark Industries, and there are quite a few.

The only person who can fight Su Yue in terms of personal wealth is probably the future king of Wakanda, the Black Panther.

After all, Wakanda has money, vibranium... that's more gold than gold.

It is said that the price of vibranium in Wakanda is 10,000 US dollars per gram, and Wakanda has very, very rich deposits of vibranium. I remember that I seem to have seen a ranking of the wealth of Marvel superheroes. The first place is the Black Panther, with a net worth of about 90 trillion US dollars.

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