So Thanos can't die, at least not in the future. If he wants to die... he has to die in his own hands.

0449 Loki is coming

The moon was sparse, and a helicopter flew across the night sky, flying low to a heavily guarded, brightly lit secret base.

The base broadcast loudly announced the evacuation order, a vehicle drove away quickly, and the staff and armed forces in the base ordered the evacuation in an orderly manner.

It can be seen that everyone in the base has been trained. Although it is an all-round evacuation, there is no chaos in the scene.

The helicopter landed. Phil Coulson, in a black suit and sunglasses, looked at Director Nick Fury and Deputy Director Maria Hill who came down from the helicopter.

"How bad is it?" Nick Fury asked Phil Coulson.

Phil Coulson took off his sunglasses: "The worst thing is, sir, I don't know the situation."

The internal passage of the base, the elevator goes directly to the underground.

The main core research laboratory of the Joint Dark Energy Operation Base, after the three got out of the elevator, Phil Coulson reported as they walked: "Dr. The bureau did not authorize the doctor to conduct the test, he did not conduct the test, he was not in the room at all, it was triggered automatically."

"It started on its own?" Maria Hill asked.

"What is the current level of energy?"

"In the process of ascending, after confirming that the doctor cannot be closed, we ordered to evacuate according to your previous request."

"How long will it take to withdraw all?"

"It will be cleared in half an hour."

"Hurry up."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, Phil Coulson nodded, stopped, turned and left.

Nick Fury and Maria Hill went further.

"It may be useless to evacuate." Maria Hill said.

"What should I do?"

"If we can't control the energy of the universe cube, I think it's useless to hide anywhere. Uh, except for Dimension Street." Maria Hill said.

Nick Fury glanced at Maria Hill: "I need you to ensure the safe transfer of the second-stage prototype."

"Now is not the time to prioritize these?" Maria Hill stopped.

"Until the end of the world, our days will continue, so immediately count the items and load up all the related equipment." Nick Fury said solemnly.


What else can Maria Hill say? Although Nick Fury did not isolate her from the development plan of cosmic magic because of her relationship with Su Yue, nor did he hide the results, it was obviously impossible for her to change Nick Fury's thoughts.

Maria Hill went to transfer the items, and Nick Fury came to the laboratory.

"What's the matter, Doctor?"


"Tell me what's going on now."

"There's something wrong with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"Are you kidding?"

"It's not a joke, the Rubik's Cube is not only active, but also goes its own way."

"You haven't pulled the plug and tried?"

"It's an energy source in itself, we turn off the power, it turns itself on again, and if it reaches its peak..."

Nick Fury interrupted: "Isn't that what we're here for? Doctor, draw energy from the universe."

"But we're not ready yet, and my calculations will take a while. It's emitting jamming and radiation constantly, but it's not harmful, it's very low gamma rays."

"There will still be disadvantages." Nick Fury thought of the Hulk. "What about Agent Patton?"

"Kid Eagle? Hiding in the bird's nest." The doctor pointed to the top behind him.

Nick Fury looked up and saw above the laboratory, where Agent Patton was squatting with his hands on the railing.

After landing along the sliding rope, Agent Patton came to Nick Fury.

"The task I gave you is to make you observe carefully." Nick Fury said.

"You can only see far if you stand tall."

"See what starts it?"

"No one has been in or out. The doctor is innocent. He has no contact or information. If there is a problem, sir, he will not appear on our side."

While speaking, Agent Patton and Nick Fury had come to the cube of the universe.

"our side?"

"Yeah, the Rubik's Cube is a door to the other side of the universe, right? This door should be open on both sides."


The cosmic cube suddenly flickered with energy, and the unpredictable shaking caused Nick Fury and Agent Patton to shake slightly, followed by the entire laboratory, no... It should be said that whether it is an underground laboratory or an above-ground building, as well as people who are evacuating feel it. to this shock.


The cosmic magic suddenly emitted a beam of light that shone into the distance, and the space in the distance began to distort, gradually forming a miniature wormhole?

When the energy seemed to reach a threshold, a bang was heard, and the energy swept out in all directions.


Everyone stretched out their hands to block the impact. When the energy dissipated, a man holding a scepter and kneeling on one knee appeared in the place where the energy of the wormhole disappeared.

"Rocky!" Nick Fury's face gradually became solemn.

Su Yue said that Loki would come to the earth through the space gem, so although he had never seen Loki, he could confirm his identity even if he had never seen it.

Loki's face was slightly pale, probably because of the transmission through the universe Rubik's Cube, but his eyes were very unrestrained, and his expression was also very ferocious.

"Sir, please, put down your spear." Nick Fury shouted.

Loki looked at his scepter and suddenly swung it out. In an instant, an energy wave blasted out directly. Agent Patton quickly threw Nick Fury to the ground, and the equipment on them was hit and exploded directly.

"Da da da... da da da..."

The nearby agents hurriedly shot at Loki, but the bullets hit Loki with no effect at all. The ferocious Loki directly killed all the enemies who threatened him in front of him.

Although Loki's combat power is not that high, but with a staff, it is still easy to deal with a few ordinary agents.

Agent Patton got up, and Loki rushed in front of him instantly and grabbed the fist he swung out. In terms of strength, Agent Patton was not even Loki's opponent.

"You're different from them." Loki looked at Agent Patton with admiration and put the scepter directly on him.

In an instant, Agent Patton's eyes changed.

Then, Agent Patton put down his attacking stance under Loki's smug smile, giving up resistance and obeying orders.

Seeing this scene, Nick Fury was stunned. His first reaction was to scold his mother. "Damn Su Yue, you only said that Loki would come to Earth through the universe cube, but you didn't say that he could make my best agent defect!"

Chapter 0450 Hawkeye Mutiny and Maria Hill being rescued

Loki's scepter has a mind gem, and the simplest use of his ability is to change the minds of others when he touches them, and become a puppet loyal to him.

Agent Patton was only the first one, and Loki used his scepter to quickly control the others.

"Put the box down." Loki turned to look at Nick Fury, who wanted to take the opportunity to take the universe cube away. "I really need it."

"There's no need to be so nervous, right?" Nick Fury said.

"Of course it is necessary. I have come all the way for this. I am Loki, and I am from Asgard. I have a great mission that you cannot understand."

"Loki? You are Thor's brother." The doctor looked at Loki in surprise.

Speaking of this doctor, he used to work with Jane Fortes at the base of Dimension Street, New Mexico, to study the Rainbow Bridge, and was later dug by Nick Fury to study the Rubik's Cube.

After all, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. personally came forward, and the doctor had no room to refuse. Besides, the laboratory in New Mexico was after all what Jane Fortes said, and he also wanted to have better development. Besides, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was indeed worth studying.

"We have nothing against you." Nick Fury said.

"The ants and your shoes have nothing to do with each other." Loki replied.

"So you want to trample us to death?"

"I actually brought good news, a world without worries." Loki said triumphantly.

"What are you worried about?"


"Freedom is the biggest lie in life. If you accept this, your heart..." Loki suddenly turned around and put the scepter on the doctor. "There will be peace."

"Your so-called peace reminds me of its opposite."

"Boss, Nick Fury is stalling for time, this place is about to explode, and we will be buried under the rocks, a few hundred meters deep." Agent Patton suddenly walked up to Loki and reminded him.

"Like the Egyptian pyramids." Nick Fury said.

"OK, let's go." Loki looked at Agent Patton.


Agent Patton instantly drew his gun and shot Nick Fury without any hesitation.

Nick Fury fell to the ground, Loki and others passed by him, and Agent Patton coldly picked up the box containing the universe cube and followed Loki.

Of course, a cunning guy like Nick Fury would not hang up easily. He was wearing a body armor and immediately notified Maria Hill with a communicator after Loki and the others left his sight.

At this time, Agent Patton had just brought Loki and others to requisition a car from Maria Hill. Maria Hill, who knew the inside story, reacted when she saw Loki, and hurriedly shot at Agent Patton for a few times. Gun, unfortunately failed to keep Agent Patton and Loki.

They drove and drove away.

Maria Hill drove after him without saying a word, and at the same time, the entire base had already started to jump.

During the chase, Loki turned over a car that had also received a message to stop it. Although Maria Hill was chasing after him, she failed to catch up and was buried in a collapsed tunnel.

at the same time.

Nick Fury jumped onto the helicopter on the rooftop at the moment the building collapsed. The helicopter took off and the entire building fell into a sea of ​​explosions and collapsed fire.

This base is completely abandoned.

After the impact of the explosion was over, Maria Hill endured the discomfort of the impact and got out of the car that had completely retaliated.

Fortunately, this is their S.H.I.E.L.D. car, which is relatively sturdy, and it is also fortunate that the collapsed building did not hit the ground, otherwise it might not be as easy as it is now.

Maria Hill reported the situation to Nick Fury. Seeing the tunnel that was completely blocked, she couldn't help but have some headaches about how to get out.


Silent energy fluctuations suddenly occurred in Maria Hill. Before Maria Hill could react, she felt a sense of weightlessness. She knelt on the ground subconsciously and supported the ground with both hands to stabilize her body. , and then suddenly widened his eyes.

"This is... a carpet?"

Maria Hill was stunned and suddenly raised her head, what caught her eye was a gorgeous, clean and spacious living room, and Su Yue, who had not seen each other for a while.

"How do I..." Maria Hill first breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Su Yue, then got up and looked around suspiciously. "How did I get here all of a sudden? How did you do it?"

Obviously, Su Yue used some method to summon himself here from the base tunnel without warning.

Although the environment is a bit unfamiliar, it should be in Dimension Street, unsurprisingly...

"I know you're in trouble, so I'll send it over." Su Yue waved with a smile, and said to Daenerys who came over, "Take her to take a shower and change into her clothes."

"You go take a bath first to treat the wound, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"it is good."

Now that she's here in Suyue, Maria Hill has nothing to worry about. Anyway, Loki has already run away from the base, so it's not too short of time.

Maria Hill followed Daenerys to take a shower, changed into home clothes, and treated the wound on her face by the way.

Her injury was not serious, but there were a few scrapes on her face, and she simply put on a few Band-Aids and it was done.

When she returned to the living room, Su Yue smiled and asked her to sit beside him, motioning her to drink coffee and take a while.

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