"I already know what happened on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side. I reminded Nick Fury in advance, so the casualties were not large, but the base was considered abolished. If there is no accident, Nick Fury will call the Avengers, That is, the captain, Natasha, Hulk and the others, and then they will find Loki, so you don't need to call back during this time." Su Yue said with a smile.

Maria Hill hummed. "what can I do?"

"Accompany me?" Su Yue said with a smile.

Maria Hill rolled her eyes at her: "Didn't Natasha just leave you not long ago? Stop joking, tell me what I should do in this matter."

Su Yue shrugged: "Actually, there is nothing to do. You are different from Natasha. Your talent mainly lies in the overall situation and command. This time, the SHIELD mainly relies on the Avengers, and Nick Fury does not. How much wiggle room. The Avengers are basically Nick Fury's people, so you don't have much room to intervene in command, if you don't want to be idle, then do something for me."

"what's up?"


"I want all the information about S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Chapter 0451 Avengers? Assemble?


Maria Hill was a little curious, the intelligence of S.H.I.E.L.D. should not be that important to Suyue or Dimension Street.

Su Yue said noncommittally: "Although most of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s information is worthless, it is better than nothing. If it is really necessary, it will save time and effort to find it. You now have enough authority to control all the information. Information, when SHIELD disbands, or when it turns from light to dark, this information is enough for you to pull up a S.H.I.E.L.D. team."

Although Maria Hill hasn't realized what impact these information may have in the future, since Su Yue said so, she is ready to do it.


"After the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D., you don't plan to let me come to Dimension Street?" Maria Hill asked inexplicably.

Originally, she thought that after S.H.I.E.L.D. disbanded, Su Yue would let herself come to Dimension Street.

Su Yue smiled and stroked Maria Hill's hair: "I didn't ask Natasha to stay, and of course I won't ask you to stay. In the first half of your life, you have been working, career, and even ideals. It's all closely related to S.H.I.E.L.D., it really makes you give up S.H.I.E.L.D. to work in Dimension Street, I believe you can play well and accept it as well, but you will definitely feel that something is wrong."

"You will be a good assistant no matter in S.H.I.E.L.D. or Dimension Street, but I don't think you should be satisfied with just being an assistant, right? You should also try to be on your own and try to be the number one."

"Anyway, whether you come to Dimension Street or not, you are mine."

"it is good!"

Maria Hill nodded heavily. She is a very capable and capable woman. It can be said that Nick Fury trained her as the next director, so Maria Hill really hopes You can have the opportunity to stand on your own.

It was late at night, and Su Yue and Maria Hill had an early rest.

But many people stayed up all night.

Nick Fury in S.H.I.E.L.D. has issued the highest-level orders. The behemoth of S.H.I.E.L.D. is running fast. Some people are ready to fight, and some people are quickly tapping on the keyboard with their fingers flying to find the whereabouts of Loki and others. There are also people who are ready to return after receiving the news.

For example, Natasha on a mission.

After leaving Dimension Street, Natasha went to perform a new mission. The mission was successful immediately, but because of the order of S.H.I.E.L.D., she had to speed up and returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

At the same time, Hulk or Bruce Banner was also recruited. After all, he is an expert in gamma rays. If he wants to find Loki and the universe, he must need the help of Bruce Banner.

Of course, there is also Captain Steve Rogers, who is highly expected by Nick Fury. Nick Fury handed the list and details of the 'Avengers' to the captain to let him have an understanding first, and then put the universe Rubik's cube , I also told him about Loki, I hope he can return to the arena.

The sun is shining and the wind is bright.

Steve Rogers, accompanied by his fanatic Phil Coulson, flew to an aircraft carrier in the ocean.

At this time, there was a busy scene on the aircraft carrier. Steve Rogers and Phil Coulson got off the plane and saw two people walking down from two nearby planes.

"Captain, this is Agent Natasha, and this is Dr. Bruce Banner." Phil Coulson introduced him to him.

Steve Rogers nodded and greeted the two of them. He had already read all the information about them.

Agent Natasha is good at spying and intelligence, and has a special relationship with Su Yue, the dimensional lord of Dimension Street.

Bruce Banner is a very powerful doctor of science. At the same time, he can transform into a monster with super destructive power.

In addition, Bruce Banner also has a certain relationship with Su Yue.

Steve Rogers turned his head and said, "Is there anyone else? Is Sol here? After all, this incident has something to do with their Asgard."

"Sol and the three warriors of Asgard have arrived, and Ms. Sif is rushing over from Dimension Street." Phil Coulson said.

Steve Rogers nodded, he suddenly realized that everyone seemed to have something to do with Su Yue. "By the way, Thor's hammer..."

Phil Coulson shook his head.

Well, it seems that Thor hasn't recovered his divine power yet. I'm afraid he won't be able to participate in the battle this time. To be honest, Steve Rogers actually wanted to know Thor's strength, so that through Thor, he could roughly know Loki's strength.

The rumbling sound of the whirling sounded, and Steve Rogers was surprised to find that the aircraft carrier in the sea was taking off so quickly, which surprised him, an old antique.

A group of people entered the interior, and the aircraft carrier being operated by countless operators took off and entered stealth mode. After that, Nick Fury formally introduced each other to everyone.

In addition to Steve Rogers, Natasha, Bruce Banner, and Thor, Asgard, Sif, and Iron Man Tony Stark.

"Where's Director Maria Hill?" Steve Rogers looked around and asked Nick Fury curiously.

Nick Fury said: "She is not involved in this mission."


"Uh... She's on Dimension Street." Phil Coulson, who was beside him, answered.

Steve Rogers suddenly realized that he suddenly regretted asking this question, and even said that he suddenly regretted being awakened from the freeze.

Because he suddenly found that S.H.I.E.L.D. was ready to deal with Loki, but all the people who could be called were related to Su Yue.

And Suyue, the strongest on earth, and Dimension Street, the strongest force, did nothing after providing the news, which made Steve Rogers feel absurd and a little dissatisfied.

How should I say it, it is the responsibility of everyone to protect the earth.

You all know what is going to happen, and you have the ability to solve it, why should you stand by?

Of course, Steve Rogers is the Virgin, but he's not the Virgin.

What is the Virgin?

When you see someone in need, he immediately steps up to help.

What is a virgin whore?

When you see someone in need, ask others to help immediately.

Others can be ignored, but Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are really powerful. It didn't take long for Bruce Banner to think of an algorithm to find Loki, and Tony Stark also provided help, and by the way also invaded aircraft carrier system.

Chapter 0452 Battle of New York and Rescue Phil Coulson

The battle of New York, that is, the plot of Avengers 1 is actually very simple. Loki came to the earth through the space gem, and took away the space gem, Hawkeye, Doctor and others. When the doctor was trying to open the portal, Loki appeared, pretending to be caught to attract attention, buying time for the doctor's research, and using the Hulk to fight the Avengers on the aircraft carrier.

Then, the Avengers rallied because of Phil Coulson's 'death', and in New York, that is, Stark Tower, had a decisive battle with Loki who had summoned the Chitauri army.

In the end, Iron Man rushed out of the portal and destroyed the command ship of the Chitauris, and everyone used the psychic scepter to close the teleportation array... The plot ended.

Although the plot is simple, the impact it can cause is not simple.

Not to mention that the people knew about the existence of aliens, nor how many casualties and damages were caused, Iron Man alone was greatly affected by this incident, he suffered from anxiety, and even more R&D Olympics. The idea of ​​​​creation, which then led to Avengers 2 Age of Ultron, and the birth of Vision.

The Scarlet Witch brothers and sisters also had superpowers because of this incident. One became the first superhero to die in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the other joined the Avengers and became one of the main forces of the Avengers.

In addition, the first villain of Spider-Man, Vulture, became the villain because of the research on the technology of the Chitauri.

There are many other influences, big and small.

So regardless of the simplicity of the event, the impact is indeed not small.

However, these have nothing to do with Su Yue for the time being. Although the first gathering of the Avengers is a historic scene, he is not interested in watching, let alone knowing what Loki is going to do on purpose and being tricked. He mainly pays attention to the news You can know how far the plot has developed. When Chitauri invades New York, it will be time for him and Dimension Street to appear.

Facts have proved that even if Su Yue has told Nick Fury what is going to happen, even if the current Avengers, or their combat power has changed, what should happen will still happen.

Loki appeared.

Scare a group of people to their knees with a god-like attitude, and then after a veteran stood up to resist, US captain Steve Rogers, wearing his uniform and holding his shield, appeared again after more than 60 years. .

It's a pity... Steve Rogers is a little weak, maybe he hasn't adapted to this new world yet, or maybe he hasn't regained the feeling of being a hero. Iron Man took it.

Of course, this is also what Loki took advantage of. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Iron Man to take him down. The God of Cunning did not say anything casually.

Because Thor hadn't raised Thor's Hammer yet, he didn't recover his divine power, so in the process of escorting Loki back to the aircraft carrier, there was naturally no famous scene where the Big Three fought for the first time, and he returned to the aircraft carrier without any danger.

Just like the plot in the movie, the black widow Natasha found out from Loki's mouth that he wanted to use Hulk's plan, and then was led by the Hawkeye controlled by Loki to attack the aircraft carrier, which not only caused the aircraft carrier to lose power and almost crash. , and turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk.

Without Thor, Hulk is almost unstoppable. Sif and the three warriors of Asgard can't replace Thor's role at all, at least not in dealing with Hulk.

In short, some twists and turns.

Loki ran away with the scepter, Hulk was led out of the aircraft carrier and didn't know where he fell, Phil Coulson was 'dead', Thor was the worst, he didn't even recover his power but ended up the same as in the movie. Ji tricked into the cell and fell directly from the air.

His luck was not bad, he didn't die, but his injuries were serious, especially the sense of frustration in his heart, which couldn't be added.

This result was actually unexpected by Su Yue.

First of all, Loki is full of cunning and cunning. It's really not something that these earth heroes who don't know much about him can handle. Secondly, these superheroes are all pretentious, Steve Rogers is the earliest hero, not to mention the character of Iron Man, although Sif and the three warriors of Asgard are because of the relationship between Thor and the relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. It's okay, but I haven't dealt with other heroes very much. I'm convinced, I believe in their strength, maybe it's possible, but I want to listen to the command? Then hehe...

Nick Fury, the convener, is not Su Yue, who has the ability to make such pretentious and extraordinary people obedient, so this result is not too surprising.

"Su Yue... Phil Coulson, he..." Maria Hill stepped in front of Su Yue with her long legs.

"He's dead." Su Yue said.

Maria Hill nodded and shook her head again: "He was stabbed by Loki, mortally wounded. If not rescued immediately, he may die. The Tahiti Project... Nick Fury wants me to arrange Phil Coulson goes there."

"The Tahiti Project..." Su Yue sighed with some nostalgia. "The Kree corpse that the Tahiti project is studying is still obtained from me. Nick Fury's meaning is to hide the news that Phil Coulson is still alive, hoping to use his death to inspire the Avengers."

"should be."

Su Yue got up and sensed for a moment, and waved directly to him Phil Coulson, who was receiving treatment in S.H.I.E.L.D. and was about to complete the Tahiti project.

Looking at Phil Coulson, whose face was pale and whose life was about to come to an end, Su Yue directly used the ability of the Regressive Fruit.

When the energy flame of the fruit melted into Phil Coulson's body, Phil Coulson's original fatal wound disappeared immediately, and the whole person became much younger, even the hairline that had moved back. All grow back a lot.


Phil Coulson coughed suddenly, opened his eyes and touched his wound subconsciously.

The wound is gone!

Phil Coulson was stunned, then saw Su Yue and Maria Hill, and immediately realized what happened.

Helping to get up, Phil Coulson smiled and joked to Su Yue, "Let's talk about it first, although I'm glad to know you, but I don't have any savings, so be gentle."

"You should keep that money to spend on your girlfriend. I have reversed your physical condition by 12 years. Not only is your injury gone, but you are also 12 years younger!" Su Yue said with a smile. "There is a drawback to this method. If I am knocked unconscious or take the initiative to withdraw, you will instantly return to the state of the previous injury, so you know what to do, right?"

Chapter 0453 Phil Coulson and Thor's Hammer flew away

Phil Coulson glanced at Maria Hill and asked Su Yue seriously: "What do you need me to do? Let's talk about it first, we have known each other for so many years, you should know what kind of person I am, There are some things I can do with my life, and there are things I can do with my life...I won't do it either."

Almost all S.H.I.E.L.D. employees know that the bureau is divided into two factions, one is naturally Nick Fury, and the other is Deputy Director Maria Hill.

As for why Maria Hill, the deputy trained by Nick Fury, turned to Su Yue in Dimension Street and became the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., some people know the reason, some people don't know the reason, but Nick Fury and It's obvious that Maria Hill has fallen into different camps.

Phil Coulson is very grateful to Su Yue for saving him. Since 1995, he has known Su Yue, and he has always treated Su Yue as a friend. Although there are not many opportunities to meet in the future, and the relationship between Su Yue and S.H.I.E.L.D. has also progressed, it is undeniable that whether it is Maria Hill or Nick Fury, or even Phil Coulson himself I think that Su Yue's only friend in S.H.I.E.L.D. may be him.

Why do Phil Coulson and Su Yue meet less and less these years? On the one hand, it is because Phil Coulson is very busy with his tasks, and on the other hand, he is worried that it will be difficult for him to participate in Su Yue and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Helping Su Yue violated his responsibilities, and helping S.H.I.E.L.D. affected the friendship between the two, so Phil Coulson basically didn't get involved in matters related to Su Yue. Some of them didn't go to catch up with the old or build relationships. For example, he participated in the case of Sol, but he didn't show the attitude of an old friend when he got along with Su Yue.

This is very similar to Melinda May. Although Melinda May is still under the name of S.H.I.E.L.D., she has not been involved in the mission for a long time. She has a close relationship with Su Yue, so S.H.I.E.L.D. Gotta avoid suspicion.

In other words, Su Yue and S.H.I.E.L.D., Melinda May chose Su Yue, and he chose S.H.I.E.L.D.

Well, this is also normal.

After all, friendship and love are different.

Closer to home, after Phil Coulson expressed his attitude, Su Yue smiled unsurprisingly. His attitude does not mean that he is not grateful to himself, it can only mean that he can not care about life and death when it comes to issues of principle.

"Nick Fury wanted to send you to the Tahiti Project. You should have been in charge of this project before, but the relevant memory may have been cleared. Simply put, the Tahiti Project is to use the Kree corpses. A kind of potion that has been researched. Although it is indeed possible to bring people back to life, because of the Cree genes in the potion, the spirit of the resurrected person will be tortured, which is very terrifying torture. In addition, there is no So easy."

"Friends, I won't let you suffer this crime. But Nick Fury will hide your death, and your status is deceased in all official files. Your relevant status will be revoked, and you will be notified. Your girlfriend. The purpose of this is to motivate the Avengers to deal with Loki, and it is also habitual to keep a secret hand, after all, Nick Fury has so many things hidden."

"You ask me what I need you to do, it's very simple, I need you to disappear for a while, then join Maria Hill's camp after the disbandment of SHIELD and Nick Fury's 'death' to continue to do SHIELD in secret things to do."

"The director will die?" Phil Coulson was surprised.

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